

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, it's now 12:01am. I was about to go to bed when the phone rang. It was my step-grandson telling me that my son was in an ambulance on his way to the hospital. He had stopped breathing. Well, I raced up to the hospital while hubby raced up to the apartment to sit with the kids. I was at the hospital over an hour and nobody would tell me anything. Then I found out why.

    The future ex wife was in the ER with my son (they brought her down from her room upstairs) and she wouldn't let me in and wouldn't let them tell me anything. She is still legally his wife. What information I did get was from the step-grandson who was in communication with his mother. She told him that he was stable. I clearly was not going to get any more information, so I left and came to the apartment to sit with the kids so hubby can go home. He has class tomorrow. The kids are in bed, hopefully sleeping and I'm in the living room. Hubby said that Austin told him that they put a tube in his throat to help him breathe.

    It breaks my heart that his life or death decisions are being made by a vengeful alcoholic. After I take the kids to school tomorrow I'm going to find a lawyer.

    First, I have got to find a way to get some sleep. The only furniture in here is a recliner, so I'm going to try to take a nap.

    I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Stay tuned.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited April 2015
    "Lesley - are you training for a competition? It sounds like you are working on cutting? Very impressive!"
    I am doing Tom's 98 day challenge starting in May and want to cut this time round
    Sylvia, I hope you can get stuff sorted the the man's sake
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Sylvia, I am so so sorry. Maybe while he is in the hospital the social worker can arrange some help for him. That is my positive outlook. And you are so right on your future ex DIL. That is terrible that she won't allow them to give you any info on him. karma will kick her on the butt some day. His children are the ones who will suffer the most. Big hugs being sent your way. As far as your weight and it being classified one way or another, I think both you and I should just kick those type of scales to the curb. We know what our body looks and feels like when you get to the correct weight. I know originally I wanted to get down to around 130. WOW, at 185 I am wearing a size 12. What would I be wearing if I lost 55 more pounds???? I think we should just think that our wisdom weighs an awful lot.

    Cynthia, that's OK. I have picked up 15 pounds although this week I have lost .6 pounds now! We can do this. I just remember the way I did it before. I know where I have gone wrong. We can do this together.

    Heather, good for that Magistrate for not letting her have any custody. I am honored to say that I know a published author! Your book looks wonderful and the windows on the front intrigue me now. Maybe it will be such a huge success that you will be scheduled on a US multi city book tour.

    Allison What does the bulleye for possible Lymes disease mean???? Hope he finds out soon and if not negative hopefully they have caught it early enough for really good results of treatment.

    Katla, have heard some really bad things about Craigs list. But some of the other have already mentioned them. I have also heard some good things about them. My daughter has ordered things off of them before.

    Pip, I can just see you going into a bike store and asking for a special fitting for your lady bitts.

    Gilly, I bought my daughter a Spiralizer but haven't asked her how she likes it. They have just moved into a new house so she may not have had a chance to use it yet. I will send her a message to her tonight and let you know. I know as far as how the actual product looked, it looked kind of cheap. I had a coupon from Bed Bath and Beyond and used it since the 'As seen on TV' products never go on sale.

    Have had a very interesting day. Since my brother is coming some day this week with this chin cabinet, we had to empty ours out so we could have room for the new one. Where in the world did I get all the stuff that was in it. WE wouldn't be able to eat at the kitchen table even if we wanted to. The whole table is covered with item from the cabinet. And the table is a 8 person table. I know I don't want to keep all the stuff but I don't have enough things for a yard sale and I think I want more money that I would get from a yard sale. I am going to have to ask my sister if some of these old dishes were my Grandma's. If so they do have sentimental value. But I am still wondering if that should mean anything. Like this one dish is one that sits in another dish that would have hot water in it. I have my good china, Mom's good china, same with our silver sets that both come in big decorative wooden boxes. And a nice steak knife set in a good case. And I don't know how many glasses. A long time ago my SIL bought me some stem ware for cocktails and wine, etc. I don't drink or serve those. But have kept them anyway.

    This evening we went grocery shopping and bought the big huge thing of laundry detergent. We didn't need it yet but we were in the laundry aisle so Charlie picked it up. I was washing the blanket and quilt off of Christina's bed so that it would all be clean for my brother. I guess the blanket was all wadded up in the dryer which caused it to be imbalanced and vibrate. It vibrated that brand new bottle of detergent right off onto the floor breaking the lid. When I went in to get it out of the dryer, all I saw was liquid on the floor and my first thought was water. After all our problems this winter and all the money we shelled out I would have lost whatever brown hair I have on my head. But I water would have been easier to clean up. We can't sop it up with towels and wash them. They would have this huge amount of detergent in the towels. Crazy thing is that some of it went into the sump pump in the laundry room now it has all this sudsy water in it. I hope it's safe for that to go out to the yard. But on the good side, our lower level sure smells good now!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    Sylvia - there aren't any words for what you are going through. Our support and love is comiing through the ether. :love:


    Heather UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Oh, Sylvia, there are just no words. I am so sorry for all that you are going through. My family drama to which I alluded last week is also due to,an in-law with addition issues. She would be doing the same thing if the situations were similar. I just want to fix it, and there is no fixing it.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh, Sylvia, that is beyond cruel! I am so sorry. I think a mediator is quickly needed; can't imagine the pain you are experiencing. Hateful woman!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh, Sylvia, that is beyond cruel! I am so sorry. I think a mediator is quickly needed; can't imagine the pain you are experiencing. Hateful woman!
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Sylvia, sending hugs and prayers. We are here for you.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: so, so sorry. I hope the situation will improve soon, with or without a lawyer. But do get one if necessary!!

    Meggie! So glad to see you.

    Thanks for the sweet support, everyone. I really need it!

    Hope we all have a good day. :flowerforyou:
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    Hello. Newbie to MFP- but an old hand at weight loss/gain/loss, since being on steroids for asthma. Just turned 50 a month ago. Need to lose 50+ pounds and I'm surrounded by perfectly fit people who just don't get it.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,835 Member
    morning all.
    Sylvia ~ I hope Karma bites your future ex DIL in the butt hard, she is only hurting her children....
    Heather~ so exciting about your book.. so very proud of you!!!!
    My DB still not feeling well. bullseye is usually clear sign of lyme disease.. the Dr put him on antibiotics.. but he is still not feeling well at all.. breaks my heart.. wish there was more I can do....
    slept ok .. had some thunderstorms that woke me up during the night then the dog was barking running around the house early morning when Tom woke up...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sometime after midnight hubby went to the hospital and managed to talk to the DIL and convince her that she needed to play nice. I just got an email from her saying that he is still sedated and on a ventilator but if his lab work comes back ok they will try to get him off that today sometime. She promised to let me know, and she also gave me the "password" to get info on him from the nurses. Fingers crossed.

    Thanks for all your good wishes. I feel like I have an army holding me up!

    I'm so tired, though. No sleep yet. Every time I close my eyes my mind races with horrible scenarios of what could happen. Plus it's not easy to sleep in a recliner.

    I may have mentioned before, but my hubby is a saint!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Sylvia :) I just cannot imagine what you're going through :'( wish I was closer to be there for you in person, but just know I'm sending you a big hug!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,103 Member
    edited April 2015
    Sylvia prayers!

    Michele when I brought in my frame they had the technology to show me what the completed picture would look like. When we were trying to decide on the color of our roof the had a similar program so we could get an idea what it would look like before we committed to a color. I know it makes a difference because I would drive around and look at roofs during this process. Ones where the color was not chosen with care stood out in the wrong way. Maybe there is a way to do that with your turtle.

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    (((Sylvia))) How heart wrenching! Glad your DH was able to talk some sense into the ex DIL. I think you still need to pursue a lawyer's help in mediating. Those children's best interests needs to be considered.

    Jan, you mentioned the wisteria blooming. We moved into my DH's parents home after they passed. My MIL had planted one wisteria vine. It took over the entire back yard. Killed trees. Now, we have finally got it just over the back fence and will be putting brush killer on it soon. It is pretty when it blooms but is almost like the kudzoo that was brought into GA many years ago.

    We do have a Confederate Jasmine that has the most pleasant smell. With the last two winter cold snaps, it tends to die back. Hope it bloom this year. Have another creeping shrub that has spread all along the back of the house and makes delicious smell but can't think of the name.

    My Pom's dermatitis is so bad. We have used antibiotics, sprays, creams, special baths, etc and it seems to be spreading. May end up having to take him to a vet who specializes in allergies.

    Carol in GA

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    The other sweet smelling shrub is a creeping gardenia. Funny how my mind finally remembers!
  • Prose60
    Prose60 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I started a new life 2 years ago in NC at 160/165 lbs. In the 2 years I gained 40 lb hitting 204 lbs not doing anything different then when I was in NJ maintaining my weight.
    The past 6 month I have tried all kinds of different diets (Arbonne, fast metabolism diet and the prescription diet) All I lost was a lot of money from all the different kinds of food I had to buy.
    I Check out the diet plan that the Hospitals wellness center offers and another gym and they were over $600 and you get drinks and bars to eat.
    2 weeks ago I decided to go back to basics of counting calories with fitness pal. So far I have lost 8 lbs and eating 5 times a day and health foods.
    I go a couple of times a week doing water aerobics.
    It is hard to find people that are there to support and help. Looking forward meeting new friends.

    I am happy to meet everyone.
    Have a great day
    Patricia from Greenville NC.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Mary, that was a good one! “Bikers looking like plumbers.” Tee hee hee And I forgive you for using the “D” word. Just don’t do it again. LOL

    Jane, I know how moving can lay ya low. It is a huge job, no matter how you do it. Hope you feel better real soon. ((Hugs))

    Pip, I’m not sure which word hurt your brain? Was it sell? sofa, recliner, refrigerator on Craig's List? I’m sure you weren’t talking about Calculus. You are too funny. The word doesn’t hurt my head. I just don’t know what it means. :*

    Katie, that is so cool that the police department has a Craig’s List meet up spot. Sure would be nice if every town did that.

    Meg, you’d better keep yourself in here, and not as much to support us as to support YOU. You know you can do this. We all know it’s not always fun or easy. But you and I know it is way easier if we drop in here on a daily basis. I’m not having a fun or easy week either, but this thing works so let’s keep plugging away.

    NMMargaret, I’m just curious? (Yes, I’m nosey, I admit it) Why do you not log on some days? It is such a habit to me, that I just do it automatically. Sometimes I’ll admit it’s a pain trying to find the foods to log, but I just never consider not doing it. I know the log is for me, be it good or bad. Since I am home most of the time, it’s right there so wonder if it’s a time thing or what? I support you in doing what’s best for you.

    Yannie, over the years I’ve had a couple of occasions where I got an almost unbearable pain in my foot. Then poof it was gone. All I could think of was that a nerve got pinched, but really have no idea. I’m glad yours went poof. So cool that the charity ride was successful, and how nice that you get to participate at you do.

    Katie, ROFL, I love your response to Pip about your hurting end of your body. Too funny.

    Sylvia, a size 12?? Holy smoly, that is tiny! You go girl!! I’m sure you look way better than you are seeing in the picture. Isn’t it strange how we feel we look from one moment to the next? Sometimes I think I’m “ lookin’ good” and other times I feel like the same fat slob that I started with. Lol But in a size 12, you know you are doing a great job and I hope you give yourself credit. I sure give you credit!!! Did you buy the size 12? I’d have had to buy them just because I could get in them. What ashamed that Bruno wouldn’t spill the beans on your slippers. The mystery continues… Cute joke.

    Michele NC, you have an exercise machine that gives you cash???? “The plan for tomorrow is to do some stair stepping on the ATM machine.” Wow, maybe I need to join a gym!

    Sylvia, I can’t even begin to imagine the stress you are under. Praying for your son and all of you. I’d get a medical POA or a General Durable POA and anything else you need, ASAP. What is the status of their divorce? My thoughts are with you!! ((((Hugs)))) <3<3

    Joyce, I really like your statement, “we should just think that our wisdom weighs an awful lot.” That is a good one, and I agree that the scale is only one part of the decision in where we want to end up. Wow, congrats on that 6 pounds!!! You are definitely doing something right. What a bummer on the spilled laundry detergent. I’m sure that was a job trying to get it all up. At least it’s nice that it smells nice and clean.

    Jenni, welcome to this group of very supportive and smart women. If you have question on almost anything, someone here will have information for you. Come often and tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you.

    Carol GA, I am very familiar with Kudzu, and often heard that it was a Communist plot to take over America. When we lived in Atlanta, they used to joke about not leaving your windows open because it would come right in and engulf your house. I didn’t realize wisteria was as bad but when blooming, it is so pretty. Oh and the creeping gardenia must have the most lovely smell!

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Wishing you all a fantastic day with good decisions and fantastic results. <3

    Thought for the day.

    The Secret of Change is to Focus
    All of Your Energy, Not on Fighting
    The Old, but on Building the New.


    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • JupiterKL
    JupiterKL Posts: 4 Member
    Forgive me for not properly introducing myself. Karen from Alabama, 51 years old, step-mother of two and grandmother of two amazing grandkids:) I love the beach and all things water related. Most of my adult life I have been an active participant, teaching aerobics, walking, biking - I even completed a marathon in '09. But over the past few years life, stress and arthritis became my excuses for a very sedentary life style. That, (combined with my love of wine) have added 20 pounds over the last two years. I simply can't seem to motivate myself. I joined MFP a year or so ago but never really committed. This time I am hoping some online support will keep me focused and on track. My goal is to drop that 20 pounds and get back my energy and enthusiasm.

    Nice to meet you all.

    Patricia - 8 lbs in 2 weeks - way to go!
    Happy Tuesday - Karen
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Sylvia - When your son gets out of the hospital, a very first priority needs to be setting up POA for health and finances and setting in writing what will happen with the children in the event he is unable to care for them. That DDIL (and I don't mean dear) is a menace to everyone! I send you lots of hugs and prayers.

    Carol - There was an extraordinarily sweet smelling bush that bloomed behind my new place this spring. Unfortunately, all of the heavy rain and wind we've had destroyed the blossoms too quickly. I have no idea on earth what they are called, though. :confused:

    Meg - So glad to see you!

    I'm going to keep this short for now. Hopefully, I will make it back later. Wishes for good days for everyone!

    Carol in NC