Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,615 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    “Every choice you make has an end result.” ~Zig Ziglar

    Something I need to remember when I want to grab some ice cream or sweets! The short satisfaction I get is not worth the end result - craving more sugar, scale not moving, etc!

    This is something I TOTALLY need to remember, thanks for sharing!!!!

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    1.) Get up early to work out before starting day
    2.) enjoy chaperoning my son's confirmation field trip, we are going to Feed My Starving Children to pack meals. enjoy the laughter and goofiness with the kids. Embrace the moment and be thankful I have paid vacation time at work. <3
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,615 Member
    Just for today 4/21
    1. Stick to what I have logged for food :);)
    2. Protein drink :'(:'(
    3. NO NO late night snack :);)

    Just for today 4/22
    1. AGAIN no no late night snacking
    2. Buy HEALTHY snacks
    3. Try a NEW exercise!
    4. Don't let the scale influence your mood!

    @Rudy enjoy the field trip, :)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    Just for today ( Monday April 20)
    1. Walk in morning :smile: :smiley:
    2. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:
    3. Do housework and laundry :smile:

    Just for today ( Tuesday April 21)
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    2. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:
    3. Walk after work at least 1.25 hours
    Only did 1 hour. It was just too darn cold to stay outside another minute.

    Just for today ( Wednesday)
    1. Work on moving my art studio
    2. Be careful at lunch out with daughter
    3. Work out at gym and go swimming 2 hours
    4. Stick to 1200 calories

  • GoingBrowntown
    GoingBrowntown Posts: 23 Member
    Just for today I will

    1) Study for 6 hours
    2) Gym for 1.5 hours
    3) Stick to my calorie goal
  • mchshar
    mchshar Posts: 2 Member
    Need to get things back under control.

    JFT I will log everything I eat.
  • Good morning JFT friends...
    I took a few days off from my normal healthy eating, and logging , ( Yuck !! ). Time to get back on track again, so.....Just For Today, I will;

    1. Measure, count, and write down everything I eat.
    2. Write out some fresh goals.
    3. Do some weight training.
    4. Remember that my food scale, measuring cups / spoons are key weapons!!!!
    5. Spread positive thoughts and joy to my workout partners.
    6. I will not fail!!!!
  • mchshar wrote: »
    Need to get things back under control.

    JFT I will log everything I eat.
    You can do it !!!

  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    JFT Wednesday: 1. cook chicken for salads 2. do dishes 3. pay bills.
    1 & 2 will definitely be after work, but should be a challenge as I may not get home until late.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Just for Today I will walk my 10,000 steps and finish out a full max30 dvd.
  • MissusSpags
    MissusSpags Posts: 109 Member
    Just for today...

    I will log every bite...every morsel..every crumb.
    I will walk after work for at least a 1/2 hour.
    I will savor the day and know that I'm doing this for myself.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    1. Stick to calorie goals-- :o Not quite. I felt like a couple cookies and a latte. Other foods for day were really healthy, but I did go OVER.
    2. 3+ pints water/tea-- :)
    3. Exercise 30+ minutes-- :# Got in 20 min., but I may try to do a bit extra today.

    1. Stick to calorie goals
    2. 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Exercise 30+ minutes--extra if I can.
    4. Get some junk moved out of bedroom/rearranged so we can paint!!! :)

    Have a super wednesday, all! Good to see you back today, Bill--go get 'em!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Had some medical stuff going on with my hubby so have been off for a few weeks. Feels good to be back and read your JFT's!!!

    Just for Today:
    1. Log every single bite (good or bad)
    2. Drink my 8 glasses of water
    3. Increase my steps on the FitBit from yesterday's count
    4. Work on accepting myself for who I am, not who I used to be.
    5. Be grateful for the gift of another beautiful brand new day!

    Have a fantastic Wednesday!!! <3
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 10,000 steps :)
    2. Gardening project: nibbling bed :neutral: had to cancel that plan due to heavy rain...maybe Thursday
    3. Stay under 100 G carbs :smiley:

    Wooooooooooooooooo-hooooooooooooooooo! Skipped over the 90-pound mark and saw 91-pounds loss on the scale this morning. Started at 300 pounds, weighed 209.0 today. Very close to being back at my lowest weight of 208.

    19 pounds away from my goal!

    Just for WEDNESDAY:
    1. 10,000 steps
    2. swim
    3. Stay under 100G carbs
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Late again getting on here .. Did SO much better yesterday. :)
    So just for today,
    tues, 4/14
    1. walk tonite.
    2. drink lots of water to flush sugar out of my system
    3. log my food. I have been so bad with doing this. So busy, and just not taking the time. But I know it is so important --- so back to logging everybite I eat!

    It's so nice to hear this!

    Do you pre-log Joan? That can really help with staying on track and it is good when you have time constraints.
  • Alphreia
    Alphreia Posts: 85 Member
    JFT I will...
    1- Walk 10k steps.
    2- Not worry about the cake-baking evening tonight. I already logged the recipe and decided of the piece I'm going to eat, and though I have no idea what's for dinner, the dessert has been planned for two weeks.
    3- Log said unknown dinner.
    4- Drink 4L of water/tea.
  • wendy_54
    wendy_54 Posts: 2 Member
    JFT 1. Walk 10,000 on this beautiful day
    2.smile and appreciate my life
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Yesterday did not go as planned at all! But that is how life goes isn't it? Today I will stay within calorie limits, log everything, drink more water, and enjoy the concert I will be going to tonite!
  • lalangela
    lalangela Posts: 23 Member
    Just for today:
    1. Log all food
    2. Go to the gym
    3. Find a good evening snack!
  • shroodle88
    shroodle88 Posts: 123 Member
    Hey, this thread is a real inspiration! Good people all fighting the same things. So, just for today no post work stress relief bingeing! Been doing my exercise this week, but fell prey to the wine & cheese monster a few times and undid all my hard work. So frustrating. So for today - just today - no late night snacking! :smile: