Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

    Happy Birthday, Elli, I hope you had a fabulous celebration :bigsmile:
  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Elli: Happy Birthday :drinker: Hope you had a day filled with love :love: & laughter :laugh:

    Judy: Thanks for the banana tips...I will definately try to eat them more often!!!

    Maddie: Glad you got things worked out & are back to your usual self!!!

    Marie: Interested to see how your new diet goes!!!

    Barbie & Phoebe: Glad dh tests went well!!!!

    Buzz: Glad the blood tests weren't anything too worrying!!!

    And everyone else: Just too exhausted to post individual are all doing great!!!

    I have spent two days cleaning out the garage which is my exercise/craft room...well it used to be before it got run over by Anyway, got some shelving units from Costco and cleaned it all up so now I can actually exercise in it. Put all my exercise videos in the cabinet, moved (dh helped) & wiped down the ellipitical and the weight machine so starting tomorrow, It's I really want to increase my workouts and get stronger & healthier!!!

    Thanks everyone for all your encouragement & advice during my plateau...I seem to have passed it and am back on track :drinker:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member


    Maddie :heart:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Barbie, do they think puddles will be a hindrance to a dog? or a determined woman?? lol, thats you btw. I can see the parking lot, if its deeper than a couple of inches, don't want to be liable for floods, etc. I imagine that area of Washington as the rain forest anyway.. I thought everyone did everything in the rain there!
    Donna, glad you scooted passed the plateau, no wonder, with all the cleaning out and up you are doing! I tried the elliptical this week for the first time. I like the way it feels, but I will postpone it until my muscles get a little conditioning, coz it actually quickly started to hurt both knees. I have discovered over the last two trips to the gym that the bicycle makes me ache, back, etc.. while the treadmill does not. Funny though, if I don't hold onto the rails on the treadmill, I will get dizzy, nearly fell off yesterday.
    Hi Maddie, that was a funny birthday wish.. you find good stuff. How are you today?
    I talked to the insurance co adjuster about the accident I had last month, or was it March.. anyway, I wanted to find out when they would finish the investigation, so I could expect payment for my repairs. They say they are waiting for photos of the scene.. so I volunteered to take the photos.. dh is going with me. we will take a couple of measurements too. It's really all just stall tatics. I had a good article in my Shopsmart mag. this month about lawyers/do it yourself, etc. they gave the name of a good website where you can research issues and print/purchase documents, etc.
    DH got almost all of the parts for his pickup truck at a salvage place. it is an old vehicle, so he is going to fix it himself. It is about due to be repainted anyway, so this is the most economical choice. that way, we can spend the money on the paint job.
    Sandy will be home today! Welcome home traveler!
    Marie, I was up by 7:30 this morning, that's eastern time zone.. Budda woke me wanting breakfast.. he is persistent.. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I'm still awake for now LOL Anyway, hope you are getting your new plan together.
    have a good day
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Sneakers:

    Raining here in Ontario again, I feel like a brokeN record. Temps are cold too.
    It was 46 degrees yesterday and on the weekend it is supposed to be in the
    70's we can only hope. :noway:
    Victoria Day weekend, Canadian holiday this weekend and hoping to plant my
    flowers. My oldest daughter will be coming to visit from Toronto for the weekend
    and she wants to go clothes shopping on Saturday across the border to Buffalo.

    Sunday I hope to get to our old/new boat (pictures on my profile) which still has a
    lot of work to be done. We still have to clean the inside, DB steamed cleaned all
    the cushions and scrubbed the cockpit cushions. I still have to get all my utensils,
    dishes etc from our other boat (which is still forsale) and into the new one.
    Hopefully the weather will cooperate this weekend.:noway:

    Marilyn: I hope your back gets better, I have chronic low back pain and ****s bulging,
    etc. so I feel your pain. Constantly using back rub. I also use an inversion
    Marie: Great job on your diet food or should I say lifestyle food. I try to eat the same
    way as much as possible. All good stuff!! Its gets easy to stay away from the
    bread, crackers etc. Just takes time.
    Judy: Thanks for all the info on the banana. I eat one everyday in my smoothie, but
    do freeze it to make it cold. Since I have high blood pressure I must eat them
    for the potassium. They taste great too!
    Elli: My girlfriend has the same name and spells it that way too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :drinker:

    Have a great day and good luck on all your goals !!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    Sandy ~ so pleased to hear you had a wonderful time and I just love the new photo. You look stunning!!

    Marilyn ~ Your loss of drive is completely understandable. Please don't push yourself because you don't have to. Your diet sounds ideal and we all know loss of inches are just as important. Get yourself straight and then think about doing more.

    Marie ~ The food for your diet looks delicious but I do worry that those prawns are still wiggling!!:laugh: As they say over here and possibly over there too ~ whatever floats your boat!! The important thing is to find something that suits you.

    Judy ~ The information about bananas is fascinating and I understand that's why tennis players munch on one as they go into a third set! Most mornings that I swim I go without breakfast because it tends to repeat on me as go up and down the pool and just have a banana. I'm sure that's what gives me the energy.

    Maddie ~ Sorted!! Good girl for making that call because you know your priority is to enjoy Nate. Proud of you:flowerforyou:

    Deb ~ That stroll along the Thames at Richmond sounds an absolute treat. A good bit of exercise too, if you cared!! As for my bees, there seem to be a few left because I've spotted them carrying pollen into the hive. A swarm tends to be half the colony but I won't know until I inspect them and that gets complicated because if I follow the book I should leave them alone for about 10 days in case the old queen flew away leaving a virgin queen and she needs peace and quiet to settle in.:huh: :huh: I was going to sneak a look this afternoon because I want to remove some honey but a fine drizzly mist has drifted in so that's out since they don't like rain!!! The allotment is great for me as it gives me lots of reasons to exercise. I share it with my neighbours but think they weren't stupid when they asked me to join them as they both work and I'm retired which means I get to go more often but actually really do enjoy my time there listening to the birds and chatting to a local cat that is always wandering around the plots. I took over the job of secretary of the allotment association last month so that's another job for me to do but it gives my brain something else to concentrate on and that can't be a bad thing!!

    Buzz ~ I think your nurse is a closet vampire. Five vials!!!:noway: If you don't have a wheat bag that you heat in the microwave I'd recommend it as a great investment. Just 2 minutes in the mic and then wrap it around the aching area. Mine is a long narrow one so I can lay it across my shoulders after a busy day digging and it takes all the tension away.

    Gigi ~ Gosh, that's impressive, you work so hard at the gym. I find swimming energy zapping so think that time in the gym would have me snoring for the rest of the day!! Good for you!

    Phoebe ~ When you mentioned the coolest May at 40 degrees I thought at first you meant celsius but you mean fahrenheit don't you. I'm easily confused!!:laugh: Cats and their internal clocks!! When I used to be up and 5.45am to get ready for work mine were always sitting by the bed waiting patiently. Now I generally don't have to get up until 8am but they jump on me 2 minutes before just to let me know my lie in is over!! This is Jasper in his favourite position!!:laugh:


    Barbie ~ That is such good news for Jake, I'm so pleased for you both. Also loved the idea of you dancing in the waiting room. Good for you! I'm afraid my bees won't return now they've decided to fly off. They probably hope they'll find a new home but there aren't enough of them to set up a colony, raise babies and feed themselves so have little or no chance of survival. The bees that remain stand a better chance because they have stores of honey to eat and some eggs about to hatch out so this colony should increase in size quite rapidly, fingers crossed!!

    Donna ~ I've been delighted to see your commitment in clearing out the garage to make room for your exercise area. I'd say you are well and truly on the right journey and I wish you well with it.:heart:

    Still drizzling outside so I'd say it's time to put the kettle on for a cuppa.

    Hugs for everyone I missed:heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!:bigsmile: I am back and glad to be home.!! Both graduations were wonderful and I am proud of both girls.

    I tried posting pictures but something is messed up will try later, MFP is moving like a turtle.

    I am still trying to catch up at home before my grandson and his mom and dad arrive Thursday. They are leaving Friday for their cruise and Zack will be with us for almost three weeks. :tongue: He is a little or maybe a lot hyper active so I hope my husband doesn't kill him before his parents return. :laugh: I will try to keep him busy and out of the house but we will be fine. :bigsmile:

    Shirley, out weather isn't much better than yours, I still am not planting flowers until the weekend of the 31st.

    Phoebe, love your profile picture, you are so darn cute.

    Maddie, glad you got things worked out with your DIL, I had problems with my own daughter years ago about babysitting and wasn't sure I would ever get over it. I did but it still burns if I think about it.

    Donna, I think you got a lot of exercise today moving all that stuff around. Sounds like a great plan.

    Barbie, you are like the mailman who doesn't let anything get in the way of delivering mail including the weather.


    Marie, good for you for your new lifestyle of eating. I was good on both trips and didn't eat any sweets, it is just natural to me now.

    Buzz, glad your blood work is looking good, I hope it all comes back perfect.

    Deb, my hubby did great with his daughter, she is a quiet person and they got some one on one time together.

    Gigi, you are as busy as I am with your family and traveling. Have a great time and try and enjoy the wedding.

    Judy, thanks for info on bananas, I eat a banana a day for the potassium.

    Dee, don't get too busy that you don't do something for yourself today,

    Marilyn, don't apologize for not posting everyday, sometimes our lives get busy. As long as you are trying to take care of yourself that is all that matters.

    I am happy to be home but I better get moving and get things done. Have a great day everyone!!
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Tuesday,

    Has been so cold all day, when I played golfing today, my jacket wasn't warm enough:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: everyone was complaining, no one is planting flowers yet.:noway: :noway:
    Got a few things done today, went to the bank a told them we're going to be traveling to Europe so we can use the ATM machine, also called the Credit Card Company and told them our schedule, by the way they wanted to know how much money I was planning to spend:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: just a few more things to get ready.

    Sandy - So glad you had a great time at the graduation, can't wait to see the pictures.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Phoebe - You're correct about some lawyers, they love to delay things, good luck, hope everything works for you.

    Jackie - I'm so sorry about your Bee's hope they find a home or come back to you, is that possible?

    Elli - Sounds like you had a great birthday, so happy for you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Maddie - Is great having you back, also so nice to have the dancing doll back,looks like things are going well with DIL:heart::heart:so happy for everyone.

    Barbie - Did you get a new bike? Dancing at the Dr's office that is so awesome:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Judy - Great information about the bananas, I eat one everyday if I can:love::love: :love:

    Barb - How are you, we miss you:cry::cry: :cry: :cry:

    Buzz - So happy your test are perfect, just like you, thanks for the info on the Florida weather, my brother is planning on Friday
    morning a ride on a Yate, for a few hours with our families and the wedding party, will be fun, the time is going to go so quickly,
    my Mom will be attending the wedding, the rest she will stay home, too much for her since she isn't feeling that great.:brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    Donna - I'm so proud of you, you're doing so fantastic.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Marie - That is so awesome having results so quickly, hope this diet is what you needed:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well hope everyone has a great evening,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Haven't had time to read all the posts, but JACKIE, yes, I've been using heat (sandbag/microwave) And today the scapula feels improved! And SANDY, I was relieved that Doc seemed not worried! Should be interesting to find out if it's just an auto-immune thing or what!

    I'm confessing to a sinful breakfast today. GIGI may have heard of Johnny G's restaurant in Manalapan near Palm Beach, and they are famous for the best French Toast in America! MAde with cinnamon and slivered almonds, and a real dieter's no-no! So friends insisted we go, since they are moving from overlooking the water to a shopping place! And did I gorge! And I have to say I enjoyed every second of it! Tonight I will try to eat light, but the damage is done, woe is me!

    Gotta run, back tomorrow!

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello everyone, just a quickie to say hello. It's late here and so I am off to bed in a minute as I have work tomorrow

    Its good to see you back Sandy. Love the photo. You must be very proud:bigsmile:

    Buzz: Glad to hear that your tests went well. I understand about the french toast now. When I saw your diary I thought Whoa lots of sodium, but did'nt realise you went to a restaurant. Sounds lovely. Sometimes it's good to have a treat. You know what you are doing and you did well with the rest of your day.:bigsmile:

    Judy: My daughter had a mock exam today, I made her eat a banana beforehand:laugh: Lets hope it works lol.

    Gigi: Please let me in on your secret, where do you get all this energy from? I want some :laugh:

    Phoebe: Glad that your dh tests were good.:drinker:

    Barbie: Dancing in front of the tv sounds good fun.:bigsmile:

    Jackie: Love that birthday photo. Will keep my fingers crossed for your remaining bees.:flowerforyou:

    Donna: You put me to shame. My garage is such a mess!:frown: It will be a great help on your weight loss journey:flowerforyou:

    Marilyn: Wishing you better:flowerforyou:

    The council decided, that because the damage to our garage roof was'nt as bad as first thought, they have got it repaired today, woohoo. Could'nt believe it. I thought we were going to have a long battle ahead, so I am over the moon. :bigs
    Goodnight everyone, or good morning. Speak tomorrowzzzzzzzzzzz
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Changing my photo again. Feeling a little better. Me thinks that Buzz didn't read my last post about the "weed".....:laugh:

    dancingbaby.gif the baby!!!!:love:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    KellyandGrandma.jpg This is Kelly!! University of Minnesota.
    028-1.jpg This is Katie!! American University in Washington DC.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The rain is gone, the sun is here, and the dog park is open again. It was so warm that I had to take off my coat and tie it around my waist. The water went down but you can see where chips and debris floated into the park from around the edges so I guess they had a good reason to close the park for a day. The rain wasn’t the problem as much as the standing and moving water.

    :noway: :flowerforyou: I need to re-evaluate the calories I burn when I walk at the dog park and walk the dogs on leashes because I am more tired after that than I am after a two hour line dance class.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, glad your husband’s test went well:bigsmile: …all this medical testing is so miraculous and so scary. Good luck on the insurance investigation and the repair of DH’s truck… looks like you two are very busy.

    :flowerforyou: Donna, your cleaned up exercise and craft room sounds great. Do you have TV or video or music or something to keep you company while you exercise or craft?

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, your move from old boat to new boat sounds like our moves from old RV to new RV----not quite the chore of moving from one house to another but close.

    :flowerforyou: Judy, Jake and I split a banana to put in our Isagenix shakes for breakfast. We have always liked bananas in our shakes but now that we know all their fabulous qualities, it seemed to taste better.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, Bernie, the cat likes to get up about 15 minutes before sunrise. That’s not a problem most of the year but now that sunrise is at 5:30, it gets me moving pretty early. After he wakes me up, he wakes up the dogs who would have otherwise been willing to sleep for another few hours. Once the dogs are awake, they want me to get up and walk them. So I get up early all spring and summer. :bigsmile: OMG that is a darling picture of Jasper. I’m sorry about your bees that left and I hope the ones who stayed will be able to get their colony going so they’ll survive and you’ll have plenty of bees to keep you company.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, welcome home. Your new picture is beautiful. I knew you would be able to eat smart while you were gone. You have made it a comfortable life-style. You deserve a medal for agreeing to keep your grandson for three weeks. I wouldn’t be able to do that. Your granddaughters are beautiful, but I like the pictures of you best.

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, trips are so much fun but there is so much to be done to get ready for them especially when you are going somewhere far away. By the time you get there, you will be certain that you have earned the treat.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, one bad meal is one bad meal……bask in the delight of it and go right back to your usual good habits.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, congrats on getting your garage roof fixed

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    More about “The Thin Commandments Diet”
    There’s a section about how many people continue to act like children about food----wanting what they want without any concern about the consequences. People who are adult in their thinking about the consequences of poor choices in spending, sex, alcohol, drugs, and other reckless behavior continue to want their way about eating blocking out the negative consequences of their behavior. Food is immediate but the cost is often paid on the “layaway plan”

    “Everything you value in your life ----your relationships, your children, your career---has taken work, focus, and endurance. Why should it be any different when it comes to managing your weight?”

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: It is drizzling but the sun looks like it wants to come out and say hello. :flowerforyou:

    I think I am caught up except for running to the store (again) for my daughter's arrival. She and her husband will only be here overnight and then I will drive them to the airport on Friday. I think I will be active enough with my grandson here so I am not worried to much about exercising. :tongue: My knees feel better but my sciatica is still bothering me a little, so I have not been doing any machines as far as exercise. Running up and down the stairs doing laundry and goforing for my hubby burns lots of calrories I am sure. :tongue:

    Barbie, I agree that this new life style is just automatic now, while others were eating cake and other sweets I passed on all of them. I did have one cookie at Katie's party in Washington, but it was so low in sugar and looked so good I had to try one. :glasses: As far as Zack my grandson, I think I will also need a medal, but as long as the two brothers are not together I am hoping for better behavior. :tongue:

    Maddie, love your dancing baby, I used to love that show, Ally Mc Beal.

    Deb, glad they repaired your roof with no problems, that is why we should never anticipate what might happen. :blushing:

    Buzz, one sinful breakfast won't hurt you too bad as long as you get back on track. You have been doing so good, a little cheat is in order once in a while. :bigsmile:

    Gigi, I agree you are one active lady. You remind me so much of my sister in law who has over 20 some grandkids and golfs and keeps busy daily. :yawn: makes me tired.

    Have some mending to do, some more shopping to do and hopefully getting some rest before the grandson comes. :laugh:

    Have a good day!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, hope grandson doesn't pitch a fit when his parents leave. well, you know what to do with him.. lol, when I stayed with my cousin(at age 8) I had to get tough at the beginning, let her have a tantrum, which I ignored, and then we got along well for the rest of my visit..3 weeks.
    got lots to do today, laundry, meds, etc. so I am going to check back with you this evening.
    Love you all
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    I have lots to tell. It is still absolutely nuts here. Samantha just got a job teaching! Amanda's wedding is 3 weeks away in Savannah, GA., I just got a new job!

    I did a biathlon in Anderson, Indiana about 3 weeks ago. First race since knee surgery. I won my age group and came in 12th overall. I have a triathlon a week from Sunday. It will really be a test for the knee. I am training well and hard. I am still doing the P90X and I am doing a program called Insanity for the 2nd time. It is intense cardio. I am swimming about 3 to 4 miles a week and biking about 30 miles. I am running about only about 15 per week per surgeons orders. I feel good and I am ready to race again this year. Dayanne has been running with me and she is doing very well. I am so proud of her. My training time now is about 3 hours per day, so that and my gardening is about all I am getting done along with work.

    I am slowly catching up on all the post. I really enjoy the pictures.

    Day and I are planning another cruise this fall. Not sure where to but cruising none the less!

    Take care and smile more than required!

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Wednesday!!

    Just a short note, very busy getting ready for the trip.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Jeffrey - So good to hear all the wonderful news, Samantha's new job and in a short time Amanda's wedding and winning the Biathlon Congratulations to your whole family, that is so awesome.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - loved the pictures, both of your granddaughter's are beautiful:heart::heart: :heart:

    Well yersterday was my 45 days login, well that won't be for long:sad: :sad: :sad: with all the trips login is not in the future, that will be impossible.

    Have a great evening everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So happy to hear from you Jeffrey
    , sounds like all going well there. Glad to hear you are srill doing all of your training i never dream you would ever go this far in it. A great job you have done. I will always wish you and your family the best. Joe too.
    Love Marie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Gigi, have a wonderful trip and a great time at the wedding. You have been so good and so faithful, I wouldn't worry about logging in, sometimes it is just impossible.

    Jeffrey, hi big guy!! Your life is as full as ever, but it sounds like happy news this time with Samantha getting a new teaching job and Amanda's wedding getting so close. Whoa!! A new job for you that is wonderful!!!! How are the mom's?
    Congratulations on the biathion, you should be so proud of yourself. Could you imagine a few years ago winning or even thinking of racing before losing that extra person you were carrying around?? I know we are all proud of you!! Keep in touch and post some pictures of the happy events, we love photos!! My daughter and her husband are celebrating their 25th by going on a Mediterranean cruise including Italy. Thus the reason I am watching their son.

    Phoebe, Zack is more than excited to be staying with me, he will care less if his parents leave. He is 12 years old but a little hyper, nothing I can't handle though, at least I hope so. He knows that I will do things with him like movies and stuff and also is excited because he will have a TV in the room he is staying. I also have cable which his parents do not, so there is a lot to be excited for him.

    Errands are done, calls have been made, still have to hem hubby's sweat pants so he doesn't trip, but eventually I will be able to sit down and relax.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    just got the call to go back to work, we leave in the morning. So still have laundry to finish, and quick trip to grocery. talk to you from the road!!

    yay Jeffrey, glad you are doing so well. along with your family, a great bunch of people!
    Gigi, yes, you did good 45 days of logging in. but you'll be fine on your trip, you and Sandy have so much Control!!
    Sandy, I see, 12 years old, you should have a good time, somebody for you and Daisy to play with! Is he already out of school?