The joys of office broscience - misguided food/nutrition advice



  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    I tend to zone out on them once they start doing that. Then they tell me this loooong old story before they realise I'm staring into blank space...and then they ask: "Are you listening?!" And I'm like: "Huh? Oh yeah sure..I have to uhm...go water my cat now...see ya." **runs away**
  • SallyinIL
    SallyinIL Posts: 85 Member
    Can someone explain to me the weird "don't eat past 9pm" thing? I've heard that a few times and I'm feeling search engine lazy right now.

    Sure, I can. It's because I've used up my daily allotment of calories by 8:00 p.m.
  • chamblisk
    chamblisk Posts: 296 Member
    I have stayed on this thread way too is hilarious! Belly laughs are good for the soul!
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    chamblisk wrote: »
    I have stayed on this thread way too is hilarious! Belly laughs are good for the soul!

    Helps you get a 6 pack...

    Okay no not really. Hahaha
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    This is one of my favorite threads ever.
  • serasmommy
    serasmommy Posts: 61 Member
    Actual nutrition knowledge isn't common though, and I'm only really learning things in my thirties now because it wasn't part of knowledge in my family and I didn't care enough to research.
  • carolynmo1969
    carolynmo1969 Posts: 120 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I object to the character assassination of Adipose.

    I have one on fb who sells one of those herbalife type things. She's courteous enough that she keeps 99% of her sales pitches to a business page, but once a month she'll post before and after pics of her clients to her personal page. I can never tell which is the before and which is the after.

    Hint: the "after" pic is the one where they're in the coffin. lol
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    Here, I made an astrology dietary restrictions for y'all:

    Aries: Can only eat food they've won in a street fight.
    Taurus: Can only eat animal proteins from animals that do not exceed 35mph at full speed.
    Gemini: Can only eat food scavenged from self-help group craft tables.
    Cancer: Can only eat food from neglected cans and boxes in the back of the very top shelf in the kitchen.
    Leo: Can only eat foods that can be arranged into a self-portrait.
    Virgo: Can only eat foods that can slide easily through the chute under the door.
    Libra: Can only eat foods that compliment their accessories.
    Scorpio: Can only eat foods that can hold their own in a staring match.
    Sagittarius: Can only eat foods from countries they cannot pronounce.
    Capricorn: Can only eat foods that their employer agrees to write off as a tax deduction.
    Aquarius: Can only eat foods that make it through their teleportation device without fusing to a nasty housefly.
    Pisces: Can only eat foods that remind them of that time their mother forgot to pick them up from soccer practice.

    Do you know how hard it will be to feed two Tauruses, a Gemini, and a Cancer? The Gemini and Cancer being picky little children.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh gosh the before/after pics drive me insane! Hello Photoshop (I have a 'friend' who sells anti-aging stuff and I always laugh out loud at the obviously Photoshopped pictures too).

    Oh and the Beachbody coaches that claim that their clients lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks with the 21 day fix or other 'cleanse', 'while eating healthy and without starving themselves'. Right.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh the before/after pics drive me insane! Hello Photoshop (I have a 'friend' who sells anti-aging stuff and I always laugh out loud at the obviously Photoshopped pictures too).

    Oh and the Beachbody coaches that claim that their clients lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks with the 21 day fix or other 'cleanse', 'while eating healthy and without starving themselves'. Right.

    The 'before/after' gimmick strikes again. Just saw my It Works! fb 'friend' post one on how their amazing, awesome, miraculous lotion cures eczema. She used it on a spot of it on her daughter's arm (pediatrician-approved of course) and posted the requisite before/after pics. However, her daughter had 2 little bruises on her arm and it was quite obvious that the 'after' photo was of a section of skin next to the 'before' photo, based on the location of the bruises in each pic. I mean really, could we at least put a little effort into the fakery? Maybe some photoshop? lol
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I heard mango's burn belly fat.. I just laughed and got a disgusting look from someone who eats a large bag of Chips everyday and cookies
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh the before/after pics drive me insane! Hello Photoshop (I have a 'friend' who sells anti-aging stuff and I always laugh out loud at the obviously Photoshopped pictures too).

    Oh and the Beachbody coaches that claim that their clients lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks with the 21 day fix or other 'cleanse', 'while eating healthy and without starving themselves'. Right.

    The 'before/after' gimmick strikes again. Just saw my It Works! fb 'friend' post one on how their amazing, awesome, miraculous lotion cures eczema. She used it on a spot of it on her daughter's arm (pediatrician-approved of course) and posted the requisite before/after pics. However, her daughter had 2 little bruises on her arm and it was quite obvious that the 'after' photo was of a section of skin next to the 'before' photo, based on the location of the bruises in each pic. I mean really, could we at least put a little effort into the fakery? Maybe some photoshop? lol

    Gee, I never thought to try that. I make my own lotions, partially to avoid the common preservatives in commercial products that I am allergic to, and my friend insists my lotion is the best healer for her hands. I should get her to send me photos and I could sell it (after I photoshop of course).

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh the before/after pics drive me insane! Hello Photoshop (I have a 'friend' who sells anti-aging stuff and I always laugh out loud at the obviously Photoshopped pictures too).

    Oh and the Beachbody coaches that claim that their clients lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks with the 21 day fix or other 'cleanse', 'while eating healthy and without starving themselves'. Right.

    The 'before/after' gimmick strikes again. Just saw my It Works! fb 'friend' post one on how their amazing, awesome, miraculous lotion cures eczema. She used it on a spot of it on her daughter's arm (pediatrician-approved of course) and posted the requisite before/after pics. However, her daughter had 2 little bruises on her arm and it was quite obvious that the 'after' photo was of a section of skin next to the 'before' photo, based on the location of the bruises in each pic. I mean really, could we at least put a little effort into the fakery? Maybe some photoshop? lol

    Gee, I never thought to try that. I make my own lotions, partially to avoid the common preservatives in commercial products that I am allergic to, and my friend insists my lotion is the best healer for her hands. I should get her to send me photos and I could sell it (after I photoshop of course).

    You're welcome. I expect a 20% cut of all proceeds.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh the before/after pics drive me insane! Hello Photoshop (I have a 'friend' who sells anti-aging stuff and I always laugh out loud at the obviously Photoshopped pictures too).

    Oh and the Beachbody coaches that claim that their clients lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks with the 21 day fix or other 'cleanse', 'while eating healthy and without starving themselves'. Right.

    The 'before/after' gimmick strikes again. Just saw my It Works! fb 'friend' post one on how their amazing, awesome, miraculous lotion cures eczema. She used it on a spot of it on her daughter's arm (pediatrician-approved of course) and posted the requisite before/after pics. However, her daughter had 2 little bruises on her arm and it was quite obvious that the 'after' photo was of a section of skin next to the 'before' photo, based on the location of the bruises in each pic. I mean really, could we at least put a little effort into the fakery? Maybe some photoshop? lol

    Gee, I never thought to try that. I make my own lotions, partially to avoid the common preservatives in commercial products that I am allergic to, and my friend insists my lotion is the best healer for her hands. I should get her to send me photos and I could sell it (after I photoshop of course).

    You're welcome. I expect a 20% cut of all proceeds.


    Sorry, 17% or no deal. >:)

  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I just did a little sloothing to see if I could find the "blood type diet" how it would relate to me. Type A's they say to become vegetarian. Seriously. No. Other than making me miserable, what on earth would that solve?
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    Woman from the break room, cutting her apple: "I want to lose 10 lbs, so I am only eating apples"

    uhhhh. I think I just blinked at her & walked out.
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    HA, I just looked up the military diet & I am confused as to how hot dogs and saltines are supposed to help you get healthier. I mean, I have had MREs that have been more nutritionally balanced. Not to mention, I gained like 20 lbs the first year I was in the military because of my love for the chow hall and daily grilled ham and cheese sandwiches.
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 138 Member
    Zodiac Diet -

    Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)- Only eat Taco Bell Fire sauce. As many packets as you like!
    Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - Water, water and more water! Ice is acceptable too.
    Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)- Yep-Dirt. No cheating and sneaking in worms or other invertebrate proteins
    Air Signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)- Ah, oh...sorry for your luck.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Fruit juice is fattening
  • milligan013
    milligan013 Posts: 27 Member
    We currently have a doctor in our area charging $1500 for his services to lose 20-45 lbs guaranteed in 60 days. or something like that. Then the ad goes on to say you can lose where you want to lose. "targeted weight loss" sounds ridiculous.
    I hate to see people get fooled by this! Although some people do lose weight, If they restricted calories on their own, they could save $1500.