Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Phoebe: Where have you got to go? Is it a long trip? I sometimes watch that programme Ice Truckers and I think of you:happy:

    Sandy: You have two beautiful grandaughters. Who is the other lady in the photo with you? You will have a great time with your grandson. It's lovely to spend some one to one time with them. I think you are very wise though. You will get enough exercise without getting on the machines lol. How is Babes foot now? He still has a few left of rest, does'nt he?
    I loved Alli Mcbeal too. I have the boxed dvd set, but never sem to get time to sit and watch them. Mind you, there are so many. I think it will take some time. I would love to learn that dance they did to Barry White!:laugh:

    Maddie: Love those dancing logo's, keep em coming, they do make me smile. You sound a lot better. Are you up offa that thing yet?:drinker:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good evening.

    Deb: I was out and about today....breathing is a little tight, humidity, I think.

    I loved Ally McBeal, too. I thought that Robert Downey Jr was perfect as her boyfriend and when he messed up again and had to go to, was it jail? It ruined the show. I was sooooo peed off.:angry:

    barry white dance ally mcbeal I just went to YouTube to watch the Barry White dance. Made me smile :wink:

    Sandy: One more do you keep getting younger and younger....what's that secret?????? :happy:

    Barbie: Did you post the commandment? What are the other ones????:flowerforyou:

    Phoebe: Love your pic. You look like someone I would love to live next to!!:drinker:

    I know there's more but I forget....dammit! :grumble:

    Maddie :heart: I was just remembering that when Mom was sick in the hospital, everytime they had to do something that was a little revealing for her, they would apologize. I would tell them not to worry because a lot of people saw her naked when she used to be an exotic dancer. She didn't say anything and they would get such a look on their faces!!:laugh:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Phoebe, my grandson is home schooled and I will be doing his math with him. His brother was also home schooled but now goes to mainstream school for high school which he says he prefers.

    Deb, the other lady is Katie's other grandmother (we are the same age) she has had some health issues including two knees and a hip. I also think my granddaughters are beautiful but of course I am partial.

    Maddie, it is called good genes, my mother looked younger than her age her whole life, we are just lucky.

    Time for American Idol.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Thursday!

    Just a very quick note, finishing last minutes things, hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Phoebe - Have a good trip and save one.

    I'll try to be good during this few days but Cuban Food is very hard to resist, but isn't that bad either.

    I'll miss you all:cry::cry: :cry:

    Hope to log in if I get a minute.

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi all,
    I will read through the post later... I am just letting you know I am going to be officially retired from the United States Air Force 1 August 2011.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :bigsmile: I got up early this morning and went to my 5 year old granddaughter's kindergarten graduation. It was very cute and her mom was crying, imagine how she will be with high school.

    My daughter, her husband and Zack are on the road, they should arrive later this afternoon. It is a beautiful day here and I really would like to start planting flowers but maybe I will wait until either of my sons can help me, unless I get Zack to help.

    Beth, it didn't sound like you wanted this retirement on Face Book was there a problem?

    I hope everyone has a good day!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Ladies:

    Hope all is well with everyone. Happy Thursday.

    Sandy: Love your pictutes of graduations, you have been busy. That's what keeps
    us young. :wink:

    On my 165th day of logging in today and still going strong. Finally broke through a
    plateau and hope to keep going. I have to keep buying pants every time I reach a
    new level. My next goal is 2.4 lbs. away. I am doing this for health reasons but
    if I look svelte more power to me!!:bigsmile:

    Welcome back Jeffrey and good luck on your continued running.

    I will leave you with this: If you Obey all the rules,
    you Miss all the fun.>>>>>Katherine Hepburn
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Shirley, love you new profile picture you look more than svelte, you look beautiful.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    :flowerforyou:- Beth

    Sandy, have a blast with Zack, I like math. ;)
    shirley, sandy is right, you look great!
    Maddie, the house next door is for sale....:smile:
    so many people Not here, too many to mention.
    Buzz, do you eat Cuban food? Except for black beans, I dont know what else there is.
    Gigi- good luck on making good food choices at the wedding events, since the food is all planned, maybe you can enjoy it! I love wedding cake!
    got to finish mmy nap
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I just woke up. reading my new Paleo diet book made me sleepy. Oh so sleepy

    its good hearing from everyone. today. I am glad Maddie is getting back to her old self. And Sandy.
    is staying home for while.

    Beth Whats going on? I thougt you would be in the Air Force for a long time. But certainly glad you want have to go overseas again.
    So you want to see some ranglers in Tenn. come back to Texas.We have the best buns around here. They are available all but Jerry He is mine. You take care.

    For lunch i had a Salmon patti with bacon wrap around and some stir fried squash. Bowl of fresh strawberries Lots of tea.

    phoebe what are you up to? I am so glad you have that smart phone so you can keep in touch. Did you get that joke I sent you that Judy sent me.Wow!!

    By the way how is Judy doing today.Its in the neighberhood of 10 Am so she should be up and about. Yes that is all I have to do is check and see what time it is in Nz. she tells me it is winter there now. She will have her spring right after. and we will be in the hot summer time.

    I got my garden all planted and growing. I am a containeer gardener for we dont have have room for a ground one. I planted some Japenee eggplants. Hope they do good. Got lots of little tomatoes. It takes forever for them to grow. and a icebox size watermelon. Kathy brought me a big bag of squash by yesterday. So I will be eating squash all week again. But I love them

    have a good day Sneakers.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Maddie: It's good to hear that you are getting out. Aslong as you take it easy to start and don't go too far. You'll soon be a skipping down the street! I think I'll have a go at the ally mcbeal dance :laugh:

    Phoebe: Are you on the road now? I love wedding cake too, well any cake actually:laugh: I think if you and Maddie lived next door to each other, it would be a laugh a minute:bigsmile:

    Gigi: Have a wonderful time at the wedding. :drinker: What is Cuban food like?

    Donna: Well done on your terrific weight loss. You have worked so hard and been so consistent. Congratulations:drinker:
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Sorry pressed reply when I did'nt mean to.:blushing:

    Shirley: Well done for a great log in. 165 days is amazing!

    Sandy: I am useless at maths. It always scared me. I think it was my teacher, he used to make me stand on a chair whenever I got an answer wrong!:sad: What made your daughter decide to homeschool? It is very rare here.

    Marie: Hows the new diet book reading going? How did Jerry get on at the hospital?

    Jeffrey: I am fairly new here, so' Hello'. Sounds like you have done amazingly well, and have lots to look forward to:happy:

    Well ladies, what do you all think of 'our' Cheryl Cole, the new face for american X Factor? There has been so much hype in the press about it. Can you understand her? She has a very strong geordie accent (from newcastle), but she is taking elocution lessons apparently! They love her here.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, just back from work #3. Orientation is done and we are ready to spread our new wings, a total of three of us in this job, newly posted. We have a few more training shifts then we are on our own.It will be a challenge for a while.

    My little world is doing okay and I am doing okay with my foods, should be a good summer if I keep this up.

    Take care all, catch you in a bit.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Deb jerry just went to the doctor. He said it was looking good. ut they will have to do a scan to be sure. ad they have not shedule that yet. Giving him time to heal more.

    Marilyn you are going to work your self to death..........Deb have not seen her or the show. yet
    i am please with American idol final 2.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Maddie, you asked about “The Thin Commandments”
    The first commandment is “Strategy is stronger than willpower”
    The interesting strategy I just read about is this:
    Use a different kind of scale to measure your progress----judge yourself by the answers to questions like these (and ask them about once a week)
    *am I going more than 3-4 hours without a healthy snack or meal?
    *am I failing to plan?
    *am I avoiding foods that I have a long history of abusing?
    *am I keeping my moods out of my foods?
    *am I keeping problem foods out of the house or out of sight?
    *am I avoiding high risk situations (like reading the dessert menu or eating at buffet restaurants)?
    *am I maintaining finger control and avoiding mindless nibbling?
    *am I watching for the hidden calories that stop weight loss (salad dressing, sauces, butter, oil)
    *am I failing to ask questions in restaurants (how is it prepared? what does it come with?)
    *am I reminding myself that this is not about deprivation but doing what works for a happier healthier life?

    Somebody on another thread recommended the book to me and I found it on Paperback Swap. I just got it a few days ago and am reading it a little bit at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, it is so good to hear from you and hear all your family’s good news and the good news that you are still in great racing form.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I hope you’ll tell us more about your retirement and what plans you have for the future.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I’ve known lots of people who home school their children. The family we got our poodles from who are now among our best friends have home schooled all three of their daughters with remarkable success. It has brought the family closer together and provided some amazing experiences for the girls.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Yesterday was my big exercise day. Besides my line dance class, I have a friend who comes over from Seattle every Wednesday and we walk four and a half miles on the Olympic Discovery Trail that goes along the water and through the woods (also along the highway) and because the weather is so great and the sun comes up early, I walked the dogs for 45 minutes in the morning, took them to the dog park in the late afternoon and then Jake and I went for a walk after dinner. My pedometer said over 33,000 steps at the end of the day.:bigsmile:

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: My exercise bike is still in limbo and may be a lost cause.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    OMG Where in the world are the Sneakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look like we post on the home page and I am guilty and forget about this thread.T
    All is well here in Texas. Jerry doing fine and i am still on my paleo diet. Couldn't be better.
    Love Marie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    I am off to a family wedding tomorrow, and not back until Sunday. I hope to be able to log in quickly, so as not to break my logging days. I won't worry about my diary though. I will try to be careful. Two of my in laws are MFP ers , including the father of the bride, so I know there will be some understanding.

    Marie: So glad that the news is for Jerry. Hows the paleo diet going?

    Sandy: You will buen some good cals in the next 3 weeks. lol

    Barbie: I enjoyed your ten commandments. I must try to remember them when out and about.

    Wishing you all a very happy weekend. Will catch up soon. xxxx:heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings everyone!:happy: It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this thread! Love all the new pictures!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I’ve been very busy working all kinds of hours during tax season and now all kinds of other events seem to be consuming me!!:noway:
    I have a church dinner tonight, a wedding tomorrow and a birthday party on Sunday! Yikes! See what I mean!!:noway:

    Congratulations to the Grad Sandy:flowerforyou: . Beautiful people and beautiful pictures!:happy: You really DO seem to get younger!!!:bigsmile:

    Jeffrey, so glad to hear that things are working out for you and your family! :flowerforyou: Your motivation is inspiring after all you’ve been through! My goodness I can’t imagine anyone doing the workouts you do WITHOUT any problems! Congrats on the job, too! Good for you!:flowerforyou:

    Marie, Barbie, Barbara, Gigi, Phoebe, Beth, Marilyn, Dee, Elli, Irene and everyone else…sending hugs and wishes for a great weekend!!!:love:

    I DO hope to pop in now and then and get to know the rest of you when I can.:wink: I missed you guys and can see that the family has grown!:laugh:

    God Bless!!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all. Marie, it is the summer run. Everyone takes off in different directions, with so many outdoor activities to do now.
    we are having problems with our truck. More later. Be safe