

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have a dear friend who had gastric bypass almost 2 years ago. She didn't tell anyone except for close family members until a month before the surgery even though she had been going to physical and mental preparation for about a year. Unfortunately she had terrible complications and was very ill for almost a year. She did lose the weight but at a very high cost. Now almost 2 years later she has gained a significant amount of weight back. I don't know what to do for her. I invite her to walk with me and do non food related things but she rarely takes me up on them. Any insights would be helpful.

    Chris in MA: My only insight would be something we called "buyer's remorse." It hits everyone at the beginning, about three to four weeks out--you can't eat more than a tablespoon, so you've lost the only major coping tool you've used for years for stress, eating it down with food. And of course you're under enormous stress because you've just rearranged your body surgically. Your head pretty much explodes, and you can't believe what you've just done to yourself. You go into mourning over the things you'll never eat again. Those who start losing weight and are able to start moving and getting healthy start getting over it pretty quickly. But if you end up with massive complications in that mix, and then regain the weight on top of it? The surgery failed her, but she may well feel instead that she failed. I would guess (and I'm not a therapist) that she is struggling with depression at a minimum.

    If that is the case, the advice given on sites that discuss such things is to do exactly what you're doing, and not give up: "Encourage activity. Invite your friend to join you in uplifting activities, like going to a funny movie. Exercise is especially helpful, so try to get your depressed friend moving. Going on walks together is one of the easiest options. Be gently and lovingly persistent—don’t get discouraged or stop asking."

    I wish I had more insight to give than what you already instinctively are doing.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Linda - glad you're here, glad you quit smoking! My husband and I are sitting here arguing over whether it's been three years or four for us in July. I'm a Chantix quitter - they were a miracle for me, took three tries, but the third was a charm. Freaky dreams, but so worth not feeling like my skin was on inside out. Nor did I actually pull anyone's head off and use it for a bowling ball. My husband quit cold turkey. And I just got here to this group a few days ago... it's been a warm and welcoming place.

    Selena - in case no one else saw it, NSV is a "non-scale victory." Remember that one from another life, another forum.

    Speaking of which... dropped a size in jeans (18 to 16) , two sizes in shirts (from XXL to L) and saw my NP today and she's very happy with my weight loss. Love her. She said she does not want me to drop to 136, which would be "normal" BMI. Wants me between 140 and 145, so I have some reserves.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Pip, I sure don’t have it in my budget to fly to Vegas and pay for a room this year. I hope most are happy planning something for next year? That gives us time to save up for it. I doubt you and Kirby would want 10 or 12 of us to invade your cabana. Lol

    Lisa, Daisy looks like a sweetheart. Love those eyes.

    Barbie, My DH stopped and started smoking after his first stent, but was easy for him to give it up after a quadruple bypass. All his attention at that time was on getting better.

    Heather, thanks for the lesson on curry. I hear of people using curry powder and thought it was a specific seasoning.

    , welcome. This is a great place for support and lots of information. Yes, for most of us, weight gain is a part of life. Unfortunately lots of us let it go on far too long, but the good news is, MFP works. Finally learning that diets don’t work and a life change does is what led me here. Best of luck with your journey.

    Jane, so glad your Mom is doing good. I know that makes you feel better too.

    Toni, great NSV. Woo hoo. So glad they noticed and to look younger too. Way to go.

    Sylvia, I’m so glad there Is nothing seriously wrong with your eyes. I always have to stop and think how many years we’ve been married, too. But I do know what year we got married. For us it’s going to be 47 years in August. I finally told him a few years back that he’s a keeper. Great NSV.

    Bk, congrats on getting “un-obese”. That is fantastic!!! I’m looking forward to that day!! Keep up the good work.

    Chris, thanks for the info on the app. Congrats on your trip to Cancun and glad it paid off. And a big congrats on your loss. You must be doing something right, so keep it up.

    Pip, congrats! It sounds like you are going to be running another marathon. :o

    Vicki, sounds like you just have it all together. I love to hear that people are lovin’ life.!! Good for you and keep it up.

    Terri, again you will be as warm in Milwaukee as we are in Myrtle Beach. It will still be raining and about 70 tomorrow.

    Cindy, I don’t travel any more but I can tell you how to stay in calories and what to do about those desserts. “Just say no”. :'( That is actually easier than trying to work them into your daily calories most of the time.

    Carol, prayers for your daughter. Sorry none of the clothes are working for you.

    Heather, I’m glad you went, too. It sounds like a delightful trip, binge and all. Safe travels.

    Linda, welcome. This is a great place for support and lots of information. Most of us gave up on diets and have adopted a new lifestyle of eating healthy and exercise. It works. We hope you come often and chat any time. I have recently given up nicotine and still really want one after I eat. Good luck on your journey.

    Pip, I hope to hell you don’t get hit by a car. You really are a pip!

    Michele, I didn’t know you were a cat bridge. LOL That’s all I’d need to crush my plank. Hey, now, don’t start getting picky with my typing. You’re lucky you can read it at all. And what’s wrong with a 10 foot laptop? I told you it’s light weight. LOL

    Meg, I know what you mean about the HOA. I have served before and have to say I’m not looking forward to it, because no one wants to do anything. But since I care about the neighborhood I’ll do it, cause someone needs to.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I made a pot of soup today. I normally reserve that for winter, but it’s been a bit cooler the past two days so I felt like soup. Well, also because I had this ham bone I didn’t want to go to the dogs(yet). I heard about a line dancing class that a friend and I were going to try, but may just wait until after the cruise because I’d miss the next 3 weeks. I’m just excited to know about it because I’ve searched and nothing comes up. I'm off to visit the sand man. Good night all.
    I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Selena - NSV = Non Scale Victory
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Lisa Welcome Your Daisy-girl looks beautiful.

    Speedy Welcome

    Carol Changes in college plans are not easy, however it does seem as though your DS is using good sense. Loans have caused friend's children to have very difficult times especially with wages being so stagnate. I know many families do not expect children to pay into the household, however that was the expectation of my family of origin. We all contributed both financially and with household responsibilities, we were a 3generation household. I began working at 16yrs. I am sure you and he will figure out what will be best for you both.

    Sylvia Glad your eyes are basically healthy.


    Chris Congrats re: the weight loss. Sorry you did not get the job. However something better will come.

    PipI have friends who have run in the Boston Marathon. They wanted to do it once but it seems that they are hooked. As for me I'll cheer you on if you decided to run.

    Vickil57 Sounds like you are enjoying yourself and the good weather. I have been thinking of reseeding my lawn using colonial bent grass. It is drought resistant and does not need to be watered. It also grown sideways so doesn't need to mowed more than once a month. Got to plant it in the fall though.

    Reading about the trips to Las Vegas reminds me of good memories. I went there almost 20 years ago. I was alone and everything was made for a couple. I got 2 free dinners, 2 free show tickets, and 2 free gym passes. I spent next to no money! I rented a car visited friends in Arizona, and then drove to the Grand Canyon and looked at Native American ruins then drove across the desert to California and visited cousins near LA. Las Vegas had lot of people which was great! Original historical homestead of a small Mormon settlement, Hoover Dam ... :)

    My back is a bit sore however I am glad to have the cyst removed. No risk of cancer so it's all good. I get to work from home tomorrow - thought I would have 200 mile road day instead and I am glad to have a bit of a rest until the soreness in my back subsides. I am very happy that I remained under my calorie count even with the procedure and the pain. I was told no elliptical until the stitches are out in 3 weeks. Walking ok but no lifting or stretching.

    Naiomi2015 on a 47F clear night in Massachusetts

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Poutine - french fries with cheese curds smothered in the best tasting gravy ever! The description does not do it justice. Originated in Quebec.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Jane – sending good thoughts

    Heather – Nottingham will be fun, and the fact that DS is texting is great… push that worry behind you! Thanks for the info on curry – I find myself overwhelmed by the food of india… some restaurants I like some are erratic and some so yucky and all seem to be Americanized… grrr. So glad you had a good visit with your son!!!

    Free range vs helicopter parenting…. I only parent fur babies but I have to tell you about my first day in College, I was so excited as it was the first day I had EVER picked out what to wear, (august of 1976) and I went to the store and bought my first pair of jeans!

    Carey – do you have a trader joe’s in your area? Are you in Canada??? My old brain can not remember --- but if you do they have a jar of curry sauce that is a great starting place, it is not hot but full of flavor, a bit $$$ but good.

    Lhannon – we each take different paths to get where we are; but the one thing that seems to be the same, is we have to own where we are and accept responsibility to get where we want to go, me; I’m taking the slow scenic path, but this group seems to be able to accept us where we are and cheer us on to find the path that works for us.

    Sylvia – Brooks shoes are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great NSV on saving on deodorant and the Doc noticing the weight loss….

    Carol – sending good thoughts! I wanted to be a librarian once, my mom convinced me that I didn’t really want to do that as Librarians never got married… guess what it didn’t matter if I was a librarian or not, still never did get married….

    Margaret – that is so neat that you have the story to go with the painting, genealogy comes alive if you have some of the stories too.

    Linda and other newbies – welcome

    Michele – I think “mom” jeans are the ones with elastic waist – not just the elastic on the sides but elastic all the way around. Use the silken tofu, it will puree up smooth

    I have to tell you I live on a pretty tight budget and have only 2 pieces of furniture that I picked out and bought, my bed, and my sofa which is a futon, and for years was my bed. All my other furniture is hand me downs or hand me overs or found on the side of the road…. (truly I found my fire pit and a rocker on the side of the road), so last week I got a hand me over of two funky book cases, one is Perfect in my guest room and the other… I just could not figure out what to do with it. Last night it dawned on me it could go in my room I have a nightstand on one side of my bed and a pile of 3 plastic crates on the other to make a second night stand… Well I rearranged and it fit! The crates are going in the garage! But to make it fit and still have a light I had to put the nightstand on the opposite side of the bed, so Levi (my dog) and I are switching sides of the bed starting tonight. I have slept on the same side for 22 years…this will be weird.

    April goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – went to Hakone gardens it is a beautiful Japanese garden established in 1917 and just amazing.
    Week 2 – easter (?)
    Week 3 - leaving in a minute to go to a gardening party hosted by Monrovia Growers that a gal in Garden Club invited and bought me a ticket to go to - a new friend!
    Week 4 – back at my hiking club nice to see everyone again and to do the walk without any ankle pain.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Muflana, you lost 190 pounds in the past??? Girl, you cn do this again. You have the tools, just get them out of your tool box and use them!!!! Welcome and good luck.

    Lisa, I understand how you feel about being self centered when you want to start whole heartedly. When I first started on my diet and saw that it was working, my daughters almost had to have an intervention with me about it. They said that even though I was very focused about it, it didn't mean I had to talk about it all the time. I think they both felt guilty that weren't on a diet with me. Can you tell me the difference between a gastric bypass and a gastric sleeve? Also is there a bariatric surgery where they put some sort of ring or clip on the end of the stomach. My daughter has a friend that had the sleeve done, my sister in law had the one that I think had some sort of clip or ring. But she went to the extreme, lost too much weight and didn't eat properly and was in critical condition and they had to remove the clip/ring, whatever it was.

    Speedy, I don't know how many hundreds of dollars I have spent buying new clothes because of my diet. I know there are thrift stores and consignment shops but I like the mall and Kohl's to much. But when you loose 6 sizes, you have to buy more clothes. Welcome!!!!

    Carol, love has a way of working things out. I think he is proud that he has done so well and is doing well on his own and wants to try making a new decision.

    Sylvia, one time i had my eyes dilated late in the afternoon, early evening. When I got out of his office, car lights were one. It was like I was having a bad reaction to LSD or something. And no, I have not had LSD but I can only imagine what it is like. Anyway, all the headlights, street lights and lights on buildings were these huge orbs, different colors, then when we would drive, they were coming towards me. I will never get an appointment during that time!!!.

    TNToni, There are a lot of other things to do for fun there. Once you go, you are hooked. The water roller coaster is really neat. They have a ride on the water park that is commonly known as the toilet bowl because you start out at the top and then it's like you are being flushed down the commode. Do not like that one. Plus you have to climb many flights of stairs to get to the top.

    Bkrinpet, Yeah, that was one of my goals. Not to be obese. So I was so happy when I finally got to that weight. Then I found out that I had shrink almost 2 inches and didn't know it. So back to being obese. Sadness. But congrats on finally being just overweight!!!

    Chris, WOW, 5 pounds. How wonderful. Congrats

    Katla, our Y has a huge bowl of apples to eat after you work out. I think they sell them for a quarter. I don't know how fast the apple is in metabolizing for an insulin reaction. He needs some of those sugar pills.

    Linda, welcome. I am a nurse also. There are several of us here!!

    Michele, my daughter who loves to be my styling agent says Mom jeans are the ones that come all the way up to your waist and a little baggy. Also any jean that is elastic waist band.

    GodMomKim, I don't think dogs like changing sides of the bed. They are very opinionated in that way. Good luck.

    It's not just teenage boys who can fart on command and have games with it. My girls who are both in their 30's can do this and burping contests still. As long as they love each other like they do, I just pick my battles and stay out of it. I am really missing riding my bike and walking. But it hurts me a lot jsut to brush my teeth or fix my hair. I guess tomorrow I will call Doctor for some Flexeril. My brother called and will be here with all his furniture he is giving my sister and I. But he has sprained his wrist, my husband has his heart disease and Parkinson's and the there is me with my MS and now a bad back. So I called Michelle and she will come over before she goes to work and help. She works like an ox. See you tomorrow, well I guess that is already today!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Good morning my friends! :flowerforyou:

    Bit of a restless night (alcohol related) , but feeling fine this morning. :) Had a shower and washed my hair, so I'm feeling good to go. Had a high protein breakfast of scrambled eggs, lean bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes. No breads or juices to save a few calories.
    My friends are coming over at 10.30 to pick me up and I should think we'll go somewhere pleasant for a stroll. I'm aiming for an earlyish lunch so I won't get home too late. I will hit the rush hour in London, which is a pain, but I will survive. I lived there for 40 years so it won't be a shock! I've told DH not to make food for me so I will either eat at the station (sushi again! ! ! ) or I will buy something lovely to eat on the train. Don't want to gross the commuters out with my garlic prawns though! :laugh:
    Seeing DS#1yesterday was really good. I so wish he lived nearer. :ohwell: He has got very obese with this depression, which doesn't help his self esteem. He used to be a triathlete and a coach and won county awards for his coaching. He says he is feeling a bit better and his meds suit him better. His work is paying for some more therapy. I fought depression all my life and this is the longest I've been without it. It's a long haul.

    Love to you all. Heather in Nottingham in the middle of England.UK

  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Toni – Well done on keeping up with everyone (but) how do you manage it? I keep trying but by the time I have read everything I am too tired and have to give in and go to bed! And Happy Anniversay! You nearly made me dribble with the Poutine description. Never had but IF I ever get to Quebec it will be top of my list of things to try!!!

    Heather – Glad you had a good time with your son, as I have said before my poor son has to look after me, so I spend a lot of time with him but we usually enjoy our time together. I have finished your book, couple of things that surprised me but I kept thinking back 30 years as you advised us to do and remember being a different sort of person then, although still did not get into quite the same amount of trouble. Maybe having 3 children helped . Carol – fingers crossed for your daughter to get the job. It sounds perfect for both of you.
    Hi Linda – swimming is my exercise of choice. Started by doing few lengths, then half a mile and now try to do a mile when I can. Mini holidays keep stopping me from doing as much as I would like but once home next week will try to get back into it again. I have a long way to go to lose the weight but have given myself 2 years to do it.
    DrKatieBug – I know what you mean about being too tired to contribute . Hopefully you will be better at the weekend.
    Jane – how wonderful that your mum is back home and getting better. Long may it continue.
    Janet – After thinking we had got Spring here in East Anglia we have now slipped back into Winter, so soup is nice for me at the moment. I was looking forward to having more salads and things but never mind there is always next week! Sending hugs for the non-smoking. I was lucky in I never started doing that – chocolate was always more of a hook for me!
    Pip – I watched highlights of the London Marathon on TV but nothing would persuade me to actually run it!

    Niaomi – hope your back is better soon and you can get back to doing all the things you want to. Well done on keeping under calories 
    Well I am really in holiday mode today (despite being at work until 5pm tonight) as I then go and get my hair cut and coloured ready for my mini break. I start my train journeys tomorrow so hope they are a little bit easier than Heathers. I go to Birmingham, then Sunday Lincoln via Sheffield for two days, home Tuesday after 4 trains, 3 buses and a taxi!!! Will have to try to be good but with my partner with me it should not be too difficult. I am sure he will keep an eye on what I am eating!

    Good luck to all and hope your journeys are safe and healthy.
    Gilly, Suffolk UK

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited April 2015
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Can you tell me the difference between a gastric bypass and a gastric sleeve? Also is there a bariatric surgery where they put some sort of ring or clip on the end of the stomach. My daughter has a friend that had the sleeve done, my sister in law had the one that I think had some sort of clip or ring. But she went to the extreme, lost too much weight and didn't eat properly and was in critical condition and they had to remove the clip/ring, whatever it was.

    Joyce in Indiana: The short version is that in the gastric bypass, they take the top of your stomach and create a pouch out of it, and the rest of your stomach and varying amounts of your intestine are reconnected lower down in the system so your stomach acids can still enter the system and help with digestion, just at a later point. Amount you can eat begins at about a tablespoon, eventually increases to a maximum of approximately one cup of solid food. (Compared to a stomach that can stretch to approximately the size of a football in a normal adult human). Fat absorption is initially lessened, but malnutrition can be a real problem, as the part of the stomach that absorbs vitamins and iron is also bypassed. 60 to 75% of excess weight lost. Highest cost, about $24,000 US (self pay).

    In the gastric sleeve, the largest part of the stomach is simply removed, and what is created kind of looks like a banana. Biggest difference is that the part of the stomach that absorbs iron and other vitamins is kept in the sleeve procedure, but is routed out of the process in the bypass. Supposedly, malnutrition isn't as much as a problem, but the amount of food that can be eaten at one time is restricted, much like the bypass. The stats on weight loss seem to be similar, cost about $19,000 US.

    I think the other procedure you're talking about is the Lap Band procedure where a band is placed around the stomach, creating a kind of pouch again at the top, so that food goes into the small area and slowly goes into the rest of the stomach to be digested, creating the same effect of restriction without major surgery. The band starts out fairly loosely restricted, and then you go back into the doctor's office to have "fills," where the doctor adds saline to the band to tighten the restriction. No malnutrition factors, completely reversible. Weight loss is hugely variable, from 25% to 80% of excess weight, but it's the lowest cost, at about $15,000 US.

    I've done so much research on all of this - if it gets boring, please hold up a hand and say "Stop!" and I'll take it offline, or start a blog on MFP or something.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thanks all for the kind notes and welcomes... it's been an interesting week...

    Was up this morning at 3:30 a.m.--but I was sort of laid off yesterday, so I woke up thinking about what's next.

    No sympathy needed--it wasn't a surprise at all, because I work for a small company, and they're struggling. I'm really lucky because I work because I want to, not 'cause I have to, and I love the guys I work for. Wish I could have helped them get a little further than they did. I say "sort of" because I'm on "leave of absence" for 90 days, while they do their best to sell the company.

    However, I've trying to get two books up in print this summer. I have one murder mystery e-book up online already, and I'm proofing the print version of that, as well as the print version of my newspaper column collection. And, I'm also contemplating another on the trip from gastric bypass to the spot I'm in now. The GBS piece of it is already written, just need to write the "now."

    So, at 3:30 on the dot, I woke up with the title in my head, and couldn't go back to sleep: "From Fat to Thin and Back Again." Well, there's one book with that title up on Amazon, but it's three years old, and it's by some guy. If you didn't already know, you actually can't copyright a title, but I hate that it's already out there.

    My original title for the gastric bypass book was "Finally, the Weight is Over." Which is NOT out there. But, it's also not true, darn the luck...

    Any suggestions? There's a signed print copy in it for you if I use your suggestion! If, of course, I actually write the danged thing. :p

    Goal for today: As soon as it gets light, go running with Daisy-doggie <3 up the hill to the big house (I run like a herd of turtles running through peanut butter... and you have to take a bead on me to make sure I'm moving, but in my head, I'm running!).

    Running song selection for today B) : Fight Song by Rachel Platten This is my fight song/ Take back my life song/ Prove I'm alright song/ My power's turned on / Starting right now I'll be strong/ I'll play my fight song/ And I don't really care if nobody else believes/ Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me.
    Lisa in sunny West Texas
    OK, it's still dark right now at 5:30 a.m., but it's supposed to be sunny later
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 396 Member
    Carol in NC -- good luck about the librarian job! Librarianship is a really hard field to break into due to lots of competition and not many retiring yet and also due to the fact that everybody loves librarians until they have to budget for them. It has been ever so. But I see more job listings lately than I did a couple of years ago...
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Wow! I try to keep up but was 3 pages behind.

    Joyce ~ it must feel depressing when you have something that needs to be done (the furniture move) and you're all feeling physically unable to get it done. I'm glad your daughter will help. Been in that same boat.

    Carol in NC ~ good thoughts for your daughter getting the job that will be a good fit. Also, it seems like your son is showing maturity in realizing that a community college will be less of a financial burden. 4 out of the 5 kids in my family went to college and all 4 of us quit at some point and then went back. I think it's a lot to do with life and needs at the time as well as maturity. As for you and DD checking to see if the stores are carding, for some reason it sounds a bit scary to me.

    Lisa ~ thanks for all the information you have given about your bypass surgery. I worked with a teacher who had it and she did extremely well. As for your job layoff, keep in mind that maybe a new door will open for you as a result. It seems we have quite a few authors in this group. An extended family member of mine just got her PHD in something related to poetry and has written many published poems. At this point, she needs a paying job but I don't think there are too many in her field.

    Heather ~ sounds like you are having a lovely outing. Glad you are enjoying. This little country girl would never have the courage to take a train, stay in a hotel by herself, etc.

    Everyone have a great day!

    Carol ~ GA
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited April 2015
    Call me crazy but I love seeing other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning, My friends.

    I'm on DH's puter for a bit so going to respond to a couple of you for now.

    Kim, do I understand correctly that you never picked out what to wear, all the way through high school? I thought it was bad that my Mom helped my Dad decide what to wear every day. But it was more of him pretending to be helpless and not her controlling. I'll bet you were excited to get to collage. My DD called a pair of Mom Jeans when I bought some that came up to my waist. The young'uns were still wearing closer to the hip at that time. I'm talking at least 20 years ago. Don't really know the definition now? Congrats on the new bedroom arrangement. sometimes a change is nice just to make us feel refreshed. It will probably be good to sleep on the other side of the bed unless you flip your mattress more often than I do.

    Naiomi, glad you get to stay home today with that back issue. I hope it heals quickly. DH had one removed years ago when we were in the process of moving to Charlotte. (I was still in Atlanta) They didn't do stiches but left this huge hole that had to be packed and dressed every day. Well it was almost in the middle of his back and I couldn't help since he was there along; and this wonderful nurse volunteered to do it if he came by the office each morning. I will never forget her kindness.
    SSC1958 wrote: »
    Poutine - french fries with cheese curds smothered in the best tasting gravy ever! The description does not do it justice. Originated in Quebec.
    Now, that sounds like a low calorie delight. (but yummy)

    Heather, so glad you are having such a wonderful time. And if you want garlic prawns on the train, I say go for it.

    your information wasn't boring at all. One nice thing here is that people have the option to read or skip any post. Wow, we have so many authors here. I like your title, but you could just leave off the word "from" and call it "Fat to Thin and Back Again". At least that would be a touch different and still has the same message. I think that will be one of interest to lots of people. I've never considered the surgery but would still be interested to know the mental challenges and struggles that you go through. I hope you do finish it. :)

    I'll be back later to try to catch up. So far today, no rain. DH has gone to have a new battery installed in my car. It's been getting a little week and I don't want to head off to Charleston with a week battery. I lost another 1/2 pound. I'm getting so close to 50 pounds lost, that I'm getting excited. Then maybe only 35 more, but who knows now that I know I am 3" shorter than I thought. lol

    I Love all you wonderful ladies and wish you the best day possible. <3

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Got a virtual meeting this am. Finished breakfast & fed the cats. Back is sore but I'm doing ok. Easy day today since my evening meeting was canceled.

    Just checking in.

    Naiomi2015 in 52F and brightening Massachusetts
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Just checking in...

    Congratulations Chris on the 5 lb weight loss! I hope I can follow your lead and do the same for May.

    And Maryanne - I love Classical Stretch... been doing it for a year now and it has changed my shape, and made me so much stronger and more flexible. I don't plan on ever quitting.

    The boy has play rehearsal and then I teach archery after (he's in one of the classes, so that is convenient) and later my DH and I will lead our last Addiction Recovery Meeting (been doing it for 3 years) and that makes me sad. I have loved my people and the experiences there, but change is necessary. Won't be home until probably 9:30 tonight. Have a great day!

    Selena (from Alberta)
    Utah (lives in)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: You seem to have found the right career path for you. Our neighbor’s daughter is an unmarried librarian, but I wondered about statistics. Turns out that your mom was not entirely correct about librarian marriage statistics.
    "In 1880, one in three librarians were married. The wedding bell rate declined to less than one in ten in 1920 before turning around and rising for the next several decades. Today, the marriage rate among librarians is the highest it has ever been with 62 percent of librarians married in 2009."
    - See more at: http://blog.oup.com/2011/06/librarian-census/#sthash.6z02lcJs.dpuf

    Joyce: DH has sugar tabs, but yesterday neither of us could get the tab out of its tube. It seemed to have swollen or something. He doesn’t pay as good attention to fueling exercise as he should. If you’re diabetic and burning more than the usual amount of calories, you need to eat more. He’s something of a knucklehead in that department.

    Heather: I am stunned that you can buy sushi at the train station. That is an enormous example of cultural differences. Our train stations have vending machines where you can buy candy. Grand Central Station in NYC is another situation all together and so is the train station in Washington DC.

    Gilly, Suffolk UK: I will never run a marathon, either. Long walks and bike rides are both better choices for me.

    Lisa: I love the information you’re giving us about gastric bypass. I’ve only known one person who had surgery for weight loss, and she did very well for a while before old habits got the better of her. I think she was an emotional eater, plus she came from a whole obese family. I haven’t seen her in many years because we live about 140 miles apart and are no longer members of the same sailing club. The only book title I’ve come up with is a take-off on an old Elvis song, “Caught in a trap, the fat’s come back...”

    I’ll be back later in the day with a review on how I did with my April goals. I want to remind the Newbies that we’ll have a new page starting tomorrow. Barbie will create a link at the bottom of this page.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Since I read some of the thread during a long wakeful spell last night, I don't remember a lot of who said what, but I'll try to respond generically.

    I also attended a community college for two years and then transferred to a four-year school to finish, so I don't have a problem with community college per se. I worry that he won't get enough financial aid to make it work since the cost is so much lower. But, on the other hand, I raised him to be independent so it is truly his decision. This first year of college for him is the first time I have questioned whether or not I should have held him out a year before kindergarten. I still think I made the right choice then, but it's hard not to doubt myself.

    Thanks for all of the good wishes for my daughter! She not only needs the income, but she desperately needs the boost to her self esteem.

    Kim - Did your mom also subscribe to the "boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses" point of view? I know she made you miserable and I'm proud of you for developing any kind of relationship with her.

    Carol - The alcohol thing could be dangerous in some areas of the county. That is one reason I go with her and the reason I refused to even stop at one of the last ones. She was told that if she felt uncomfortable in any place to use her judgement.

    I had a bit of a funny happen last night. I went for my walk in the park since the rain never materialized. I had forgotten that the choir from my church was having a picnic there last night until I saw familiar cars. A fair number of the people in choir were at the gathering last Saturday night and so I got lots of greetings as I walked up. (Imagine that! People seemed happy to see me. It was weird. :astonished: ) I stopped, spoke to a number of people and then headed back out. Well, since I was by myself, I was walking at MY normal pace instead of my daughter's strolling speed. I got a call this morning from someone to express, essentially, how astonished they were at my walking pace. That was gratifying, to say the least!

    Heather - I'm glad you had a good trip. Depression, and the resulting medications, are horrible for weight gain.

    Lisa - What if you changed the title to "From Fat to Thin BUT Back Again?"

    I didn't get my cooking done last night. I was not hungry when I got in after my walk and I just didn't feel up to starting everything up at 8:30 p.m. I'll try again today. If not, the chicken will be extra marinated by tomorrow and I'll get the boy child to grill everything for me!

    I suppose I should get some more work done. :cry: I'm ready to go home already!

    Carol in cloudy NC