bye bye sugar and flour



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited May 2015
    boopsiegrl wrote: »
    I have decided to give up flour and sugar foods I know that also will mean I am giving up processed food since it will be one of the culprits...Anyone out there done this and what has your weight loss success been?

    I imagine others have pointed this out, but loads of processed foods don't have sugar or flour, so why would it mean you've given them up. (The misuse of "processed" in these discussions drives me crazy.)

    Also, I'm assuming you mean added sugar; perhaps not.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Assuming you mean added sugar, I did that for a while (grains and added sugar) since I did a paleo-ish diet. I didn't think it was that difficult, although I didn't have a medical reason for doing it (and don't have self-control issues with grains at all and only with some sweets in certain contexts). Because I had no reason for doing it I stopped, but I would have found it doable if I'd needed to--celiacs, for example, cut out wheat. Like someone else said check out the low carb group.

    I'm a little confused about the reason for focusing on sugar and flour and not other carbs that often spike insulin, though. If you have specific reactions to these that's a good reason, but I hope you are working with a registered dietician and if not I'd suggest you ask for a referral from your doctor. Lots of the diabetics here don't cut stuff out completely and learn to eat in a way that works with their needs, so you'd want help managing your condition and not just to decide on your own that you can't not over consume things unless you cut them out.
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    edited May 2015
    boopsiegrl wrote: »
    I have decided to give up flour and sugar foods I know that also will mean I am giving up processed food since it will be one of the culprits...Anyone out there done this and what has your weight loss success been?

    This is the original post, I was also thinking you were just trying to go flour and sugar free for weight loss not health reasons.

    Best of luck, Hopefully this will decrease the amount of unsulin you use.

  • Caletara
    Caletara Posts: 27 Member
    Wow, this thread got nasty real fast. Way to be supportive guys. I've given up flour for health reasons as well. Sugar is a little harder, but I'm working on it. It can be done. When I first gave up gluten i did notice a weight loss--which was something I had tried and struggled with previously. I also noticed that gluten does provoke an exaggerated blood sugar response in me, as well as making it very hard for me to stop eating. I get full a lot easier now.

    Give it a shot. It might help, it might not. The bottom line is you need to do what works for you.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited May 2015
    How the fark are we s'posed to make Brownies without Sugar and without Flour?

    That just doesn't work, now does it?
  • PudgyToPrincess
    PudgyToPrincess Posts: 24 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've lost 40 pounds staying away from flour and sugar. I followed the low carb, high fat diet and it was wonderful. Never hungry and sometimes even had to force myself to eat a little more during the day to hit 1,000 calories (it's not like that for everyone though, this was just what happened to me). Lots of energy, better overall mood, better focus during school. Ignore the people who question you, they have low will power if they can't NOT eat those things!

    OP, you do you. If you want to do that kind of diet, you go ahead and do it regardless of what anyone thinks. I and many other people had a lot of success with it. If it works for you, wonderful! If it doesn't, oh well. Make sure to read up on it and you make an educated decision for yourself. You'll always find people who don't agree with your choices.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    psych101 wrote: »
    Al that deprivation of what you want does, is make you want these things even more

    No. I stopped eating all that stuff and have stopped having binge episodes. 60lbs down in 4 months.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    How the fark are we s'posed to make Brownies without Sugar and without Flour?

    That just doesn't work, now does it?

    This is just one of several that I found by doing a search for "sugar free flourless brownies".

  • boopsiegrl
    boopsiegrl Posts: 105 Member
    Again thanks for all the support and for all those that didn't ok ! I didn't give all my medical history because I didn't know I would have all the attackers needing to know this. Just wanted to get feed back from those that did go with this eating plan. I have a diabetic specialist and dietician. So they seem to feel this will be a big start on a big win in my health. I hope we all have big success in this horrible battle we fight
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    How the fark are we s'posed to make Brownies without Sugar and without Flour?

    That just doesn't work, now does it?

    This is just one of several that I found by doing a search for "sugar free flourless brownies".

    Yer bonkers if you call that a "brownie".

    It's *something* ... but it ain't a brownie.

  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    In her second post she said she has medical problems. MFP members have a MASSIVE problem with quick snappy snarky responses.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Ameengyrl wrote: »
    In her second post she said she has medical problems. MFP members have a MASSIVE problem with quick snappy snarky responses.

    In most cases the response that she got was not appropriate for the question that she asked.

    She wanted to know how others had been successful at cutting sugar and flour...not opinions on whether she should or not.

  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    Only reason I've cut down on sugar is because of having fatty liver disease but for weight loss having sugar really doesn't matter....

    What really matters for weight loss is CICO
  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    Ah your diabetic

    Sorry you have a medical condition too

    Good luck
  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    You're making a great decision for your health :) I try to do the same thing. It is a lifestyle.

    No, I don't have a medical condition... but I don't want one either! There's a reason diabetes is endemic--the standard American diet!

    Since you said you take massive insulin, I assume you already count your carbs to match your mealtime insulin. I would count them, for sure, and keep them low. Maybe you could consider nutritional ketosis and regular exercise to fight the insulin resistance?
  • Gianfranco_R
    Gianfranco_R Posts: 1,297 Member
    boopsiegrl wrote: »
    I have decided to give up flour and sugar foods I know that also will mean I am giving up processed food since it will be one of the culprits...Anyone out there done this and what has your weight loss success been?

    here is a recent study about the effect of a paleo diet for diabetes T2:

    Anyway, since you have a medical condition, you should work with a practitioner (doctor and/or dietitian)
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    boopsiegrl wrote: »
    I have decided to give up flour and sugar foods I know that also will mean I am giving up processed food since it will be one of the culprits...Anyone out there done this and what has your weight loss success been?

    here is a recent study about the effect of a paleo diet for diabetes T2:

    Anyway, since you have a medical condition, you should work with a practitioner (doctor and/or dietitian)

    This. The posters on this board with diabetes mention having had diabetic training.

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Ameengyrl wrote: »
    In her second post she said she has medical problems.

    Mmm....yes and no:
    boopsiegrl wrote: »
    I would like to this be a forever change I think it would be better for me with health issues and my inability to stop once I eat them.

    Health issues can be anything from a medical condition to "I just want to get healthy".

    Don't you think this thread would've gone differently if she had said in her first post, "I am an insulin-dependent diabetic. I want to give up sugar and flour completely"?

    But I guess it's wrong to want accurate information in order to give accurate advice.

  • boopsiegrl
    boopsiegrl Posts: 105 Member
    if I had stated my medical condition why would you feel different...if you think something is stupied, impractical or unnecessary why would being diabetic change that wouldn't your thoughts still be the same. I mean is red not still red to a blind person?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    No reason to do this unless you have a medical condition that requires you to do so. If you enjoy flour and sugar, why not just incorporate them into your diet in moderation, while watching your macros and eating at a caloric deficit? Cutting out stuff that you enjoy may lead to binging later on.

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