Do you jog? Run? Why?



  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I run .... because I love it. I'm 5'5" and 130 lbs but I started running when I was 183 lbs.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    When the day comes and we all have to run away from the zombies, you will understand why I run.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I walk and run. I enjoy the activity itself and it is an easy one to fit in since I can just put on my shoes an go whenever it fits in my schedule.

    Running doesn't kill gains.

    Unless you don't have enough gains.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I should add though...I am a slow runner. So you all have plenty of time to train to outrun me.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Run. 3 - 4 times a week; various miles. Because I actually love it after I get past the first couple of warm up miles. Because I can burn way more calories running than walking over the same period of time. Because my 85 lb. German Shepherd running companion loves it. I have done C25K several times. Based on your post you are way more than ready for this. Once off the treadmill (which I do use, particularily in the winter) I beleive you will find running outside (although a bit more difficult moving through time and space) to be an outstanding experience! Run strong!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I run because it helps me to avoid incapacitating work colleagues :)

    I run because I enjoy getting out on the trail, I run because it helps me address stress, manage my weight and reduce my blood pressure.

    I run because it's something that I can see improvements in, it sets me new challenges and new goals.

    And I race because I get shiny medals :)

    I never run on a dreadmill as that would increase the risk of me incapacitating people, given that it's horribly boring and demotivating.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I run occasionally, on the seafront. I like to challenge myself, and running has always been something I thought I was no good at. My friend signed me up to do a 5k colour run last year (when I was 4 months post partum) and I realised it wasn't so bad, so we sometimes do a 5k to practise. I'm doing a 5k race on May 27th, and another colour run on Aug 9th.
  • jorge_007
    jorge_007 Posts: 70 Member
    I run everyday about 3.40 miles at the mountains. My neighborhood is on a base of a mountain, so there's plenty trails. I've been running since 2010, so running is very easy for me. I find it relaxing. I'm an early bird, so I go running first thing after waking up at 6 am. One thing that I learned about my body is that I recover faster when I run fasted.... If I run in a fed state I feel tired after a few days and need to take a day off. I plan on doing this until I can no longer run due to age. Oh yeah, I like to eat so being able to eat 3500-3800 calories a day is a nice plus. I think it's due to my height of 6'4, but anything helps right? Hoping to run a lifetime distance of 24,901 miles; circumference of the earth :smile: Any tips? Well make sure you do strength training to keep your muscles strong and prevent injuries.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    i jog because the high after I'm done is amazing.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I run because a) it's a fun and convenient way to exercise, b) it's the only exercise I keep coming back to, c) it boosts my confidence and reduces stress.
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    I run because I like the hills and trails and I love to run. Also I have a labrador that loves to run and if she didn't run with me I have a feeling life would be hell ;). I don't and have never run on a treadmill and I must admit if that was the only option I would find something else to do because to me the purpose of running is traveling somewhere under your own power

    I also run so I can eat cake :D
  • TraceyLynn089
    TraceyLynn089 Posts: 11 Member
    Just let me start by saying that I never ever would have imagined that I would become a runner. If you had told me a few years ago that I would run a half marathon, I would laughed in your face. But when I plateaued on my weight loss journey, I decided to train for a 5K as a way to get the weight coming off again and now....I just completed my second half marathon this past weekend and am signed up for my first full marathon this fall! I run for several reasons:

    1. It is therapy for me. I usually run alone with my music but sometimes I will go without music and just relish in the outdoors and take in my surroundings. It is very relaxing to me. I don't run fast. I just go at a nice steady pace and it is time for myself which leads me to reason 2
    2. There is something empowering about it...especially when working on speed work or even just finishing a long run. Even though sometimes I struggle or my body is exhausted, I cant help but think sometimes how amazing the body is to have just transported me 13 or however many miles. I did that. I trained my body to do that. It sounds strange but I don't have any other way to explain the feeling. When I finished my first half marathon, I felt more accomplished then than I did when I graduated college or even when I bought my house.
    3. To eat. I am a sweets and peanut butter lover and I would be a liar if I tried denying that I run to be able to eat more scoops of peanut butter without packing all the weight back on.

    It took me some time to start to really enjoy running. I really disliked it in the beginning...I hated it!! It wasn't until after I completed my first 5k that I had gotten past the phase of getting used to what I was doing. To getting my breathing under control and becoming more comfortable in general. If you're going to give it a shot, give it some time!
  • erinm5
    erinm5 Posts: 55 Member
    I started running because I always had told myself that I hated it and would never 'be a runner' and somewhere between finishing C25K and running my first 5Km race I have fallen in love with it. There is something exciting about conquering your fears and learning to love something that once scared you.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    I never jog. There is only run.

  • erinm5
    erinm5 Posts: 55 Member
    Just let me start by saying that I never ever would have imagined that I would become a runner. If you had told me a few years ago that I would run a half marathon, I would laughed in your face. But when I plateaued on my weight loss journey, I decided to train for a 5K as a way to get the weight coming off again and now....I just completed my second half marathon this past weekend and am signed up for my first full marathon this fall! I run for several reasons:

    1. It is therapy for me. I usually run alone with my music but sometimes I will go without music and just relish in the outdoors and take in my surroundings. It is very relaxing to me. I don't run fast. I just go at a nice steady pace and it is time for myself which leads me to reason 2
    2. There is something empowering about it...especially when working on speed work or even just finishing a long run. Even though sometimes I struggle or my body is exhausted, I cant help but think sometimes how amazing the body is to have just transported me 13 or however many miles. I did that. I trained my body to do that. It sounds strange but I don't have any other way to explain the feeling. When I finished my first half marathon, I felt more accomplished then than I did when I graduated college or even when I bought my house.
    3. To eat. I am a sweets and peanut butter lover and I would be a liar if I tried denying that I run to be able to eat more scoops of peanut butter without packing all the weight back on.

    It took me some time to start to really enjoy running. I really disliked it in the beginning...I hated it!! It wasn't until after I completed my first 5k that I had gotten past the phase of getting used to what I was doing. To getting my breathing under control and becoming more comfortable in general. If you're going to give it a shot, give it some time!

    Agree with all of this! Well done TraceyLynn!!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I run because it's nice to have a boatload of calories to eat, but still be able to lose weight.

    That, and I would like my body to be able to be functional. Once my shoulder heals from injury, I will incorporate strength training back into my workouts along with running. By my 35th birthday (2.5 years from now), I want to be lean, strong, and have a good amount of endurance. Aesthetics are barely even quaternary.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    I never jog. There is only run.

  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    Just let me start by saying that I never ever would have imagined that I would become a runner. If you had told me a few years ago that I would run a half marathon, I would laughed in your face. But when I plateaued on my weight loss journey, I decided to train for a 5K as a way to get the weight coming off again and now....I just completed my second half marathon this past weekend and am signed up for my first full marathon this fall! I run for several reasons:

    1. It is therapy for me. I usually run alone with my music but sometimes I will go without music and just relish in the outdoors and take in my surroundings. It is very relaxing to me. I don't run fast. I just go at a nice steady pace and it is time for myself which leads me to reason 2
    2. There is something empowering about it...especially when working on speed work or even just finishing a long run. Even though sometimes I struggle or my body is exhausted, I cant help but think sometimes how amazing the body is to have just transported me 13 or however many miles. I did that. I trained my body to do that. It sounds strange but I don't have any other way to explain the feeling. When I finished my first half marathon, I felt more accomplished then than I did when I graduated college or even when I bought my house.
    3. To eat. I am a sweets and peanut butter lover and I would be a liar if I tried denying that I run to be able to eat more scoops of peanut butter without packing all the weight back on.

    It took me some time to start to really enjoy running. I really disliked it in the beginning...I hated it!! It wasn't until after I completed my first 5k that I had gotten past the phase of getting used to what I was doing. To getting my breathing under control and becoming more comfortable in general. If you're going to give it a shot, give it some time!

    Yup. All this.

    I never thought I would run, or be able to run....until I actually did it, and stuck with it, and now it's just beautiful.

    My goal was getting to a point where I could just run. And not stop. And now here I am. :)
  • Emmatyan
    Emmatyan Posts: 87 Member
    I never jog or run. It loads your joints a lot and if you have the slightest problem with knees or hips, it's going to get worse, like in my case. But I skip rope:)