May 2015 Bike Bicycle Cycling Challenge



  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Ok - now that I'm done with the marathon (Sunday), I'm back on the bike.

    Just commuting to/from Pirate games for the next few days before taking on a longer ride this weekend as my legs gradually recover. Felt like superman when doing the final 400 foot vertical climb in my last mile coming home from the game following 2 days of post-marathon rest.

    5/6 - 16 miles (12 slow miles to/from baseball, 4.5 mile test on an expresso at my gym to see if my legs worked)

    Goal: 500 miles
    Total: 16 miles
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member
    I'm still fairly new to cycling so going to go for 100km in May. Would love to start cycling to work over the summer but at the moment it is a bit far with all my other exercise commitments.

    5/1 - 5.96 km (21:31 mins)
    5/2 - 7.42 km (30:17 mins)
    5/3 - 0 km
    5/4 - 5.24 km (20:59 mins)
    5/5 - 0 km

    Current Total: 18.62 km / 100 km
  • corindeathawk
    corindeathawk Posts: 254 Member
    May 01 - 16.0 Miles @ 15.9mph - Cloudy but nice out, a little wind.
    May 02 - 33.6 Miles @ 15.8mph - Great day, was averaging above 16 until the crash, had to cut things short
    May 03 - 41.6 Miles @ 15.7mph - Nice day again with a bit more wind. And Cars. Lots of cars.
    May 04 - 16.0 Miles @ 16.1mph - Wind and Cars. And next two days rain probably.
    May 05 - 23.8 Miles @ 16.0mph - Forecast was wrong time wise. Nice ride.
    May 06 - 16.0 Miles @ 16.2mph - Switched to AM ride due to rain forecast, may do this more as the summer heat arrives

    May Total 147.0 Miles
    May Goal 500.0 Miles
  • corindeathawk
    corindeathawk Posts: 254 Member
    I'm a casual type of bike rider, the most I've done is 10 miles. I would like to up my game this year though. Any recommendations for a good bike for a short gal, 5'2"? I think the hybrids look appealing but I don't know anyone who has one. I'd like to be able to do a 50 mile ride this summer.

    My Brother has a Specialized and likes it a lot. I believe it is slower on the road than a pure road bike, but a smoother ride. I have a Trek CrossRip Comp, which is not a hybrid but which can deal with the occasional off pavement ride.

    I'd recommend checking in with your local bikeshop & explain what you are after. Look for a store that deals with Trek, Specialized, Giant, Cannondale and the like.
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    I'm a casual type of bike rider, the most I've done is 10 miles. I would like to up my game this year though. Any recommendations for a good bike for a short gal, 5'2"? I think the hybrids look appealing but I don't know anyone who has one. I'd like to be able to do a 50 mile ride this summer.

    30+ miler (90 minutes or more) is the range where it will start getting uncomfortable on a hybrid. Main differences between a road and hybrid is the frame geometry and handle bar. The traditional handle bars on road bike offers greater flexibility as well as improvement in aerodynamics (reduce drag as it is squared of speed traveled and the greatest resistance to overcome unless you are climbing). Next is the distribution of your weight on the bike; actually the biggest factor on comfort. There are only three points of contact-foot, butt, and hand. On long rides, it's beneficial to shift more of the support of your weight to the handle bar. Hybrids also tend to have longer wheelbase to improve stability at the expense of maneuverability (imagine a sports car vs a truck). It's not a big deal on short and moderately paced rides. Descends are also no fun on a hybrid.

    Visit as many local bike stores as you can to find if they have anything in your size and test ride them. Unfortunately, you may find that most manufactures will not have anything that small and you may need to get a women specific (generally with lower end components with a higher price tag) or a kid's bike. DO NOT settle on a bike that is too big (and you are stretched out on it). Pay attention to the top tube (or effective top tube) length. This length is the only thing that matters in sizing the bike (frame). There is nothing you can do on a bike that is too big to make it fit. You have more options on a bike slightly smaller (and most avid riders tend to go with the smaller sizing of their fit range).

    The manufacturers distinguish themselves by slight difference in the frame geometry, component selection, and look. The bikes are mostly the same within comparable price ranges and the only different you are paying is the brand and looks. Warranty is not that big on my must have; they are akin to the added on consumer electronic insurance which is a waste of money.

    Good luck.
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    edited May 2015
    My goal is 300 miles

    May 03- 25.75 miles @ 2:04
    May 04- 17.3 miles @ 1:30
    need a break from biking my tush hurts bad. LOL

    May total so far. 43.05 miles
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I'm a casual type of bike rider, the most I've done is 10 miles. I would like to up my game this year though. Any recommendations for a good bike for a short gal, 5'2"? I think the hybrids look appealing but I don't know anyone who has one. I'd like to be able to do a 50 mile ride this summer.

    I have a Hybrid, I bike in very hilly terrain and lots of uneven pavement (pot holes and no shoulder to the road)
    My boyfriend are planning a 60 miles ride the weekend of the 16th. I am working towards doing that!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm going to be out of town for two weeks. What is the best idea for leaving my bike: deflate the tires, leave them be?
  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    I'm going to be out of town for two weeks. What is the best idea for leaving my bike: deflate the tires, leave them be?

    I would just leave them be. Tires actually self deflate a little bit anyway (I pump up my tires every day before I go for a bike ride). The only time I ever deflate my bike tires is for winter storage.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    5/1 - 0.7 miles.
    5/2 - 1.2 miles.
    5/3 - 1.8 miles.
    5/4 - 1.8 miles.
    5/6 - 1.9 miles.

    MTD = 7.4 miles.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    edited May 2015
    May 3 - rode 18 Miles for a duration of 1:57:44 (warm up and 1st MTN Bike Race of 2015)
    May 5 - rode 25.6 Miles for a duration of 1:34:49 (3 x 12 Zone 4 Intervals)
    May 6 - rode 11.3 Miles for a duration of 1:00:00

    May Totals: 54.9 Miles - 4:32:33 Hours
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    5/1 - 15.4 miles
    5/2 - 23.3
    5/3 - 44.3
    5/4 - 10
    5/5 - 2
    5/6 - 7.2

    Total - 99.2
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    edited May 2015
    5/1 - 25.02 miles
    5/3 - 15.87 miles
    5/6 - 32.3 miles - Pain is riding home into a 15mph headwind. Happy to keep my pace above 15mph.


  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    12 more miles to/from tonight's ballgame. Felt pretty good on the bike, but my team's lack of offensive production hasn't been as fun. Hamstrings are almost back to 100%, and planning to get in a longer ride this weekend.

    5/6 - 16 miles
    5/7 - 12 miles

    Goal: 500 miles
    Total: 28 miles
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    I'm a casual type of bike rider, the most I've done is 10 miles. I would like to up my game this year though. Any recommendations for a good bike for a short gal, 5'2"? I think the hybrids look appealing but I don't know anyone who has one. I'd like to be able to do a 50 mile ride this summer.

    The bigger consideration for hybrid vs. road is terrain. If you like doing wooded trails, parks, converted rail trails, etc.. although you can get wider wheels for road bikes (as I have 32mm wide tires on my commuter road bike vs. the usual 25/23mm tires - which I did the 330 mile great allegheny passage/C&O canal rails to trails ride on), you'll be better off on a hyrbid or mountain.

    If all of your riding is road/paved trails, and longer distances are in your future, stick with road models as you'll lose a bit of energy getting from point A to B on hybrids and for the reasons mentioned by kc. Still, if comfort is a concern, there is a comfort class of road bike (described with terms like "all day comfort", "relaxed geometry", "sportive", "endurance") that has some good models to consider. Still, try out a few, figure out what is comfortable, figure out your budget, find a good local bike shop that will talk to you, give them your thoughts, and have them let you test ride 3-5 different models to figure out your best bet.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I'm a casual type of bike rider, the most I've done is 10 miles. I would like to up my game this year though. Any recommendations for a good bike for a short gal, 5'2"? I think the hybrids look appealing but I don't know anyone who has one. I'd like to be able to do a 50 mile ride this summer.

    I'll just add my own comments to what has already been said. I guess the first question is why a hybrid? I assume your interested in a hybrid because your thinking about wanting to ride a mix of street and off road (gravel/dirt) trails. Any bike that tries to do both things is always going to be a compromise but that doesn't mean you can't find something you will love and enjoy. Ultimately the type of riding you want to do, the terrain you live and will ride in and your budget will tell you what the best bike is. The bike will take you as far as you want to go with it. Before I bought my first new bike i was doing 60-70 mile rides on a mountain bike (on road) and I was enjoying myself. I might have always been at the back of the pack but that was fine by me. So finding one that addresses your needs and fits properly is most important. You should be able to look online and see the range of sizes that each manufacture offers for the model your interested in. I'm 5'9" but my height isn't in my legs so sizing for me was difficult but a good bike shop should be able to help.

    I would also like to suggest if the hybrid route is what interests you then you might also consider a cyclocross bike. You can think of it as the original hybrid. It will have more of a classic road bike geometry (usually with drop handlebars) but the tire clearance (and potentially gearing) for tires that can handle off road. You can put on skinny road tires or larger knobby tires . It might give you a better experience then a middle of the road hybrid bike.

    Thats the style of bike I bought because most of my riding was 60% road 40% trail. I can do nice and fast on the road and have no issues taking on dirt. I personally love my Surly Cross Check, 54cm steal frame (heaver then aluminum but a much more comfortable ride) with all the attachment points I need. It's quick and responsive and sucks up the bumps of a rough road. Lots of manufacturers make cyclocross bikes so plenty to choose from.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    edited May 2015
    I guess I should jump in with my goals for the month.

    I think for May my goal will be 350 miles or more. Here is my Strava profile:

    5/1/15 - 3.68mi @ 13.73mph | 16:04 | 35ft ascent | First ride on my new bike, couldn't wait so i strapped on my lights and took it for a spin.
    5/2/15 - 3.51mi @ 15.86mph | 13:16 | 38ft ascent | Bike ride to the farmers market for breakfast and to take advantage of the free bike parking for the may bike month celebration.
    5/2/15 - 13.38mi @ 15.37mph | 52:15 | 149ft ascent | First real ride on my new surly
    5/3/15 - 30.9mi @ 15.0mph | 2:03:35 | 665ft ascent | Riding a new rout
    5/4/15 - 11.05mi @ 15.99mph | 41:29 | 67ft ascent
    5/5/15 - Working
    5/6/15 - 12.32mi @ 15.94mph | 46:21 | 181ft ascent | Riding to work today
    5/6/15 - 12.51mi @ 16.30mph | 46:03 | 108ft ascent | Riding home from work

    Total: 86.35 miles
  • DesertGunR
    DesertGunR Posts: 187 Member
    My May goal or any month for that matter is just to ride as a form of physical rehabilitation. Distance and speed are not a factor. Three years ago I hurt my back and am seriously disabled (to much to go into). Since traditional physical therapy really wasn't working for me. I've chosen my own path to recovery. Prior to the injury I could ride casually every day of the week and do a century or more at the drop of a hat on any given day. Now, I can barely walk a 100 yards and sitting on a traditional bike is now impossible. So my road, mountain and hybrid bikes were sold so I could buy a full suspension recumbent trike.

    @Searedtuner as for a ride to think about choosing is a recumbent bike. They come in two wheel and three wheeled versions and are at least a dozen different manufactures to research. They are a tad more expensive than standard diamond frame bikes. However, they will fit a wider range of rider sizes than traditional bikes. They don't climb as fast as a traditional bike, which is really the only trade off. Tire sizes vary in size and width so you should be able to find one that suits your desired needs. I can attest that they are far more comfortable to ride. Though after a little over 2 months, I can barely ride much over 8 miles in a day. Without the laid back position I could not even do that. The seat is not as cushy as a recliner, though the position is very similar. So no stress on the butt, shoulders or hands. If your goal is to ride on roads of any type and rails to trails surfaces for commuting or eventually doing centuries a recumbent is an excellent choice.

    To the rest of you, good luck attaining your goals this and every month. Be safe out there and keep the ride fun even if its for fitness. Otherwise what's the point in the first place.
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member
    5/1 - 5.96 km (21:31 mins)
    5/2 - 7.42 km (30:17 mins)
    5/3 - 0 km
    5/4 - 5.24 km (20:59 mins)
    5/5 - 0 km
    5/6 - 10.21 km (40:03 mins)

    Current Total: 28.83 km / 100 km
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member

    May 01-17.93 miles @ 15.51avg.
    May 02-19.73 miles @ 16.01avg.
    May 03-21.14 miles @ 16.03 avg.
    May 04-19.84 miles @ 15.39 avg.
    May 05-21.14 miles @ 15.84 avg.
    May 07-21.14 miles @ 16.01 avg.

    May Total 120.92 Miles
    May Goal 500 Miles

    80 degrees/Calm winds..Time to cut the grass :)