May 2015 Multisport Challenge



  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    edited May 2015
    ..dbl post
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    5/4 - Lofty Ladies ride - 16.73 miles in 1:09:38 (included stops for the group to regather). actual moving time was 1:04:11

    We did these rides every Monday last summer, and they REALLY made me a much better cyclist (and I made SO many great new friends!!). I am SO happy that the new season has started - we had 41 ladies show up last night!! :smiley:
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    May 2015 Goals:

    Swim - 0/10km
    Cycle - 13.13/100km
    Run - 0/90km
    Walk - 0/36 km
  • ironmankat
    ironmankat Posts: 24 Member
    Happy CdeMayo!

    5/4: 75 minute trainer ride, strength & PT exercises
    5/5: 7.5 mile run neg split easy/tempo
  • ReynaDay01
    ReynaDay01 Posts: 57 Member
    I'll join!

    I can't swim yet as none of the pools are open here, but I do the other stuff.

    Cycling Goal: 40 Miles
    Walking Goal:30 Miles
    Running Goal: 25 Miles

    So far this month I have 3/30 walking miles and 1/25 running miles.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,527 Member
    It's late autumn here ... pitch black and chilly in the evenings now. So getting outside in the evenings is more of a challenge nevertheless, I'll see what I can do. :) My husband is working on setting up a gym inside, so that will help ... and there are always weekends.

    Walking: 60 km
    Cycling: 300 km
    And if I can get in some canoeing and weightlifting that would be a plus. :)

    So, to start ...

    May ...

    01 Fri -- 3.2 km walking (35 min)
    02 Sat -- 37.43 km cycling (120 min)
    03 Sun -- 31.04 km cycling (100 min)
    04 Mon - 4 km walking (50 min)

    Plus I did a 35 min stair climbing workout in the evening. My yard is full of little sets of stairs. The longest one is 7 steps so I mainly focused on that one, up and down, up and down, but I also jogged between the others and did them too for some variety. In total, just over 1000 stairs climbed.
    Plus 10 min upper body weights workout.

    05 Tues - 4.8 km walking (60 min)

    Walking: 12 km (7.4 miles)
    Cycling: 68.47 km (42.5 miles)
    Time: 365 min (6 h 5 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited May 2015
    Feeling much less sore today as time in the pool (pull buoy drills only) & easy fast cadence spinning on my commutes helped my legs. Did some upper body lifting as well. Hamstrings are the only remaining sore muscles in my legs at the moment, but will try a short easy run tomorrow to test out my legs. Hoping to get in a long bike ride and mid-distance run this weekend.

    Next triathlon is in August (olympic - Pittsburgh), and half-marathon is in November, so debating if I should try a summer HIM (Syracuse 70.3 - June 21, or Eagleman - Maryland - June 14), or half marathon (Chicago R&R?) while my fitness is solid.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile marathon (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)
    5/4 - 0.85 mile easy swim
    5/5 - 0.75 mile easy swim, 30 min weights, 16 mile bike

    Goal: 9 weight sessions, 100 miles running, 500 miles biking, 5 miles swimming
    Remaining: 7 weight sessions, 72 mile running, 484 mile biking, 3.4 miles swimming
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    May 5:

    Cycle - 35.56 / 100 miles
    Run/Walk - 4.2 / 50 miles
    Zumba class - 0 / 5 times
    Kettlebell Swings - 250 / 5,000 swings

    Rest day yesterday
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    so far:

    Cycling - 1/10 hours (11 miles)
    Walking (I have a friend who needs regular motivating with walks) - 10/50 miles
    Swim - 0/100 laps
    Dance class - 0/4 times

    I threw in a weight lifting session last night (trying to get back on StrongLifts) and have a dance class tonight.

    rest day tomorrow!!! (or might make it back to the gym for more weights depending on how my legs feel after dancing).
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    Ohhim wrote: »
    Next triathlon is in August (olympic - Pittsburgh), and half-marathon is in November, so debating if I should try a summer HIM (Syracuse 70.3 - June 21, or Eagleman - Maryland - June 14), or half marathon (Chicago R&R?) while my fitness is solid.

    @Ohhim - I *totally* think you should do Syracuse :wink: Just make sure you practice HILLS - bike and run! :tongue: The bike is just under 2500ft of elevation gain, including "prison hill", nearly 7 miles on sweet road, and "the wall". And the run course is nearly 900ft of elevation gain, including the palladino road and ransom road hills - twice!! :tongue:

    5/5 - super easy 2800y swim in 59:33

    Totals through 5/5:
    Swim: 1.59 miles in .99 hours (1 swim)
    Bike: 23.53 miles in 1.57 hours (2 rides)
    Run: 11.28 miles in 1.94 hours (2 runs)
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    prelogging for today:

    4/5 - Cycling, 15.5km.
    5/5 - Swimming, 0.42km.
    6/5 - Swimming, 45 minute lesson.



  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    gobonas99 wrote: »

    5/5 - super easy 2800y swim in 59:33
    @gobonas99 OMG!!! That is like about 4x my speed in the water! I hope one day to be able to say you are only 2x my speed!

  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    edited May 2015
    @gobonas99 "prison hill" and "the wall"? Golly gee, you make Syracuse sound super fun!
    That being said, I have the Mohican Endurance Festival in Ohio in June and their half course features 3600 ft of climbing on the bike. @ohhim it's not too far from your neck of the woods, just saying...

    I, uh, ahem, dropped my chain and crashed in the rain on their sprint course last year (sigh, I know... Rookie mistake) so I'm going back for vengeance.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    csman49 wrote: »
    gobonas99 wrote: »

    5/5 - super easy 2800y swim in 59:33
    @gobonas99 OMG!!! That is like about 4x my speed in the water! I hope one day to be able to say you are only 2x my speed!

    @csman49 - practice, practice, practice :) not long ago, my "easy effort" swims were averaging 2:30+ per 100Y...just by getting in the water consistently over the past 6 months, I was able to drop that down to 2:15-2:20 per 100Y. Then I had a swim expert friend take a look at my form a couple of weeks ago (as I haven't had swim lessons since I was like 6). She corrected a couple of things, and now my easy effort swims are consistently sub-2:10 per 100Y (last night was 2:08/100Y), and I'm approaching the 2 minute mark for short sets (my last 4x500Y I averaged 2:02 on my first set, and 2:04 over all 4 sets). Plus I do open turns instead of flip turns, so I know I'm losing 2-3 seconds at each end of the pool. I can't wait til OWS season starts, and I can see where I'm REALLY at. :)
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    @gobonas99 "prison hill" and "the wall"? Golly gee, you make Syracuse sound super fun!

    @SBRRepeat - LOL! Actually...despite the names, those hills are steep, but short (and "prison hill" is so named because there is actually a penitentiary that you pass as you go up that hill) you get up, get over them, and you're done with them. It is the 7 miles of continuous, nonstop, no rest climbing on Sweet Road that does you in. :wink: :tongue: crest a "hill" and think you get a little downhill, but nope! You get a couple hundred yards of flat, at best, before you get to climb some more. LOL! :smiley:
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    gobonas99 wrote: »
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    @gobonas99 "prison hill" and "the wall"? Golly gee, you make Syracuse sound super fun!

    @SBRRepeat - LOL! Actually...despite the names, those hills are steep, but short (and "prison hill" is so named because there is actually a penitentiary that you pass as you go up that hill) you get up, get over them, and you're done with them. It is the 7 miles of continuous, nonstop, no rest climbing on Sweet Road that does you in. :wink: :tongue: crest a "hill" and think you get a little downhill, but nope! You get a couple hundred yards of flat, at best, before you get to climb some more. LOL! :smiley:

    LOL, I am familiar with those kinds of climbs. I did Mt. Lemmon in AZ last month (well, okay, I did some of Mt. Lemmon) and it's just a continuous uphill for 15 miles, to the point that anything less than 5% grade looks flat. You don't realize just how steep it is until you're coasting back down the "flat" parts at 45 mph... Good times were had by all.
  • Jrodasff
    Jrodasff Posts: 334 Member
    Hey everyone! So excited to find this group of motivated fitness freaks. I am signed up for my first IM70.3 in Nevada in October. I've never done a race of any kind before so I'm taking a big challenge by the horns. I'm 30 this year and I told myself I would be in the best shape of my life when I'm 30. I'm also registered for a 7 mile run here locally called Mount Baldy run to the top in September. I have no training coach or guide, just going off of goals to be at that I've set for myself.
    Here's where I'm at so far for the month of May.
    5/1- 21.4m bike, 1:45:09, 3,588ft elev gain
    5/3- 21.4m bike, 1:38:00, 3,537ft gain
    5/4- 26.4m bike, 1:22:05, 19.6mph avg
    5/4- 4m run, 32:03, 7:53avg mi
    5/5- 26.2m bike, 1:41:05, 1,686 e gain.
    Today rest.
  • ironmankat
    ironmankat Posts: 24 Member
    @gobonas99 I am also a really slow swimmer so you just gave me some extra motivation to finally get down to the masters club! I have done all I can do on my own.
  • ironmankat
    ironmankat Posts: 24 Member
    @ffjrodas It wasn't my first race, but my first triathlon was a HIM. It's doable!
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Today I was feeling okay-ish, so I made plans to ride with my dad, who is never really up for more than 15-20 miles at an easy pace. Figured I could test the waters, see how I'm feeling.

    And I got a flat tire 2.5 miles in.
    So I changed it.
    And my spare exploded along the seam while inflating.
    A passing cyclist loaned me his mini pump (since I used my last CO2 cartridge) so I could patch and reinflate the original tube. But, it wasn't holding air very well, so we turned tail and headed home.

    And my dad dropped me on the way back.

    I was putting in a solid 21 mph, and he was staying well ahead of me on his fitness bike. I've never seen that man move that fast under his own power in my life...

    Oy vey.

    Bike: 25/300 miles
    Run: 0/75 miles
    Swim: 500/12,000 meters
    X-train: not a bit.
  • ReynaDay01
    ReynaDay01 Posts: 57 Member
    Now I have:
    4/30 Walking Miles
    3/40 Cycling Miles
    1/25 Running/Jogging Miles

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Just 12 more miles today on the bike, but holding off on running until tomorrow as my hamstrings aren't back to 100% from the marathon.

    I'll dig more into the Syracuse HIM, but may just play it by ear based on weather as things can get hot in June, and I'll be a 5 hour car ride away. Doing lots of climbing here in Pittsburgh (including a daily 500ft 1.5 mile climb on the way back from baseball games), and my regular runs here are pretty hilly as well. Suspect that coming off my marathon, with current base cycling mileage, a HIM is more than doable in a month and a half.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile marathon (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)
    5/4 - 0.85 mile easy swim
    5/5 - 0.75 mile easy swim, 30 min weights, 16 mile bike
    5/6 - 12 mile bike

    Goal: 9 weight sessions, 100 miles running, 500 miles biking, 5 miles swimming
    Remaining: 7 weight sessions, 72 miles running, 472 miles biking, 3.4 miles swimming
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    So my first swimming lesson... Well, i had lessons when i was a child, anyway, i digress. I wasn't sure what to expect, so i'd booked into 'Adult Intermediates'. Whilst i can actually swim, it is a bad impression and i prefer to think of it as delayed drowning. Doggy Paddle breastroke.
    I wasn't sure if Adult Intermediates might be beyond my ability, or below it.

    But i got lucky! I was the ONLY person booked in (its an open class), and the instructor was a stand-in, so we went completely off curriculum and she asked me what i could do and what i wanted to do.

    1-1 for 45 minutes.

    Girl got me actually propelling myself forward in a free-style stroke by the end of it. (we started literally from the beginning, with a float and working on kick). Still tonnes of work to do, but i was REALLY happy with the progress! I hope i have her again next week so we can continue where we left off. In the meantime, i have gained knowledge of what drills i can do to help improve.

    (previous attempts of freestyle have been windmilling arms).

    Adding 400m to my swimming total, although it was probably 800m, i was float assisted one way or another.
  • ironmankat
    ironmankat Posts: 24 Member
    Been slacking a bit. I did my strength training and PT exercises yesterday but skipped my trainer ride. If I'm feeling ambitious I may do it tonight and turn my 5 mile run into a brick.

  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    edited May 2015
    @ironmankat - a masters swim class will definitely help!

    @csman49 - great job! glad to hear the swim lesson went well :)

    5/6 - 60 min run - goal to maintain 9:45-10:00 min/mi pace. Did 6.25 miles in 1:01:17 (avg pace 9:48 min/mi)

    Totals through 5/6:
    Swim: 1.59 miles in .99 hours (1 swim)
    Bike: 23.53 miles in 1.57 hours (2 rides)
    Run: 17.53 miles in 2.96 hours (3 runs)
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    Swim - 0/10km
    Cycle - 13.13/100km
    Run - 8k/90km
    Walk - 0/36 km
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Finally got my first run of the month in!
    5.1 miles on a mix of local MTB trails and pavement. Did last half mile at my 5k pace just to see how I felt. It was great :smiley::smiley:

    Lifting session and bike on deck for tomorrow.

    Bike: 25/300 miles
    Run: 5.1/75 miles
    Swim: 500/12,000 meters
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited May 2015
    Got in my first post-marathon run today (after 3 days of non-running), and kept things short and slow to avoid doing too much damage. Also got in an hour of bike commuting. Tomorrow should involve another hour of biking, and some swimming & lifting for good measure.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile marathon (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)
    5/4 - 0.85 mile easy swim
    5/5 - 0.75 mile easy swim, 30 min weights, 16 mile bike
    5/6 - 12 mile bike
    5/7 - 6 mile run, 12 mile bike

    Goal: 9 weight sessions, 100 miles running, 500 miles biking, 5 miles swimming
    Remaining: 7 weight sessions, 66 miles running, 460 miles biking, 3.4 miles swimming
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    Through May 7:

    Cycle - 35.56 / 100 miles
    Run/Walk - 4.2 / 50 miles
    Zumba class - 0 / 5 times
    Kettlebell Swings - 265 / 5,000 swings

    I've been super busy getting together a birthday party and getting the home ready for sale. I'm getting a good workout by cleaning out the garage and taking at least 1/2 out of every room. So, for the next week, I am working; but, may not get the chance to do my top three exercises. That said, I will definitely take breaks to do my kettlebell swings.

    Keep pushing through the weekend! Make your workouts count and continue to eat healthy!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    5/7 - 4x800Y steady swim with 2 min rest btw sets in 1:13:53 - set 1: 2:03/100y, set 2: 2:04/100y, set 3: 2:08/100y, set 4: 2:13/100y (had a massive toe cramp through this entire set, hence the miserable pace) - overall pace 2:07/100y
    5/8 - easy spin - 8.74 miles in 31:17. will do some core and stretching after work

    Totals through 5/8:
    Swim: 3.41 miles in 2.22 hours (2 swims)
    Bike: 37.27 miles in 2.1 hours (3 rides)
    Run: 17.53 miles in 2.96 hours (3 runs)