May 2015 Bike Bicycle Cycling Challenge



  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited May 2015
    Another sweaty ride to/from the ballpark tonight. Team lost, and it was 90 degrees for my ride to the park today (in Pittsburgh in May? seriously?) so I'll hold off on wearing a player jersey as a 2nd layer for tomorrow's ride.

    5/5 - 16 miles
    5/6 - 12 miles
    5/7 - 12 miles
    5/8 - 12 miles

    Goal: 500 miles
    Total: 52 miles
    Remaining: 448 miles
  • chaos2k
    chaos2k Posts: 33 Member
    May 8th - 7.00 km @ 19.8kmh 23mins = 4.34 miles
    May 9th - 7.57 km @ 18.5kmh 25mins = 4.70 miles
  • TortoiseandtheHair
    TortoiseandtheHair Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a little late to the group. I just got a Peloton indoor cycling bike and would love to join this thread to keep me on top of my goals. I also love road cycling as well I ride a 2010 cannondale synapse.

    May Goals:
    Goal: 300 miles (100 per week remaining)

    Also would love some more cycling friends, feel free to add me!
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I'm new, but would love to join! I commute to work and do long rides some weekends. I've never had a monthly goal but I'm going to go with 300 miles!

    May 3rd - 16.9 miles
    May 5th - 9.6 miles
    May 6th - 9.7 miles
    May 8th - 14.8 miles

    Total - 51 miles
  • tdatsenko
    tdatsenko Posts: 155 Member
    My goal is just to go a little farther each ride.
  • corindeathawk
    corindeathawk Posts: 254 Member
    May 01 - 16.0 Miles @ 15.9mph - Cloudy but nice out, a little wind.
    May 02 - 33.6 Miles @ 15.8mph - Great day, was averaging above 16 until the crash, had to cut things short
    May 03 - 41.6 Miles @ 15.7mph - Nice day again with a bit more wind. And Cars. Lots of cars.
    May 04 - 16.0 Miles @ 16.1mph - Wind and Cars. And next two days rain probably.
    May 05 - 23.8 Miles @ 16.0mph - Forecast was wrong time wise. Nice ride.
    May 06 - 16.0 Miles @ 16.2mph - Switched to AM ride due to rain forecast
    May 07 - 23.8 Miles @ 16.3mph - Lovely Spring Day
    May 08 - 16.0 Miles @ 16.2mph - Another lovely day. Hoping the weekend stays the same.
    May 09 - 43.8 Miles @ 15.3mph - My legs gave out around mile 38. And the Deathawk rule of wind then kicked in.

    May Total 230.6 Miles
    May Goal 500.0 Miles
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    5/1 - 15.4 miles
    5/2 - 23.3
    5/3 - 44.3
    5/4 - 10
    5/5 - 2
    5/6 - 7.2
    5/7 - 50.5
    5/8 - 20.3
    5/9 - 11.1

    Total - 184
  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    5/1 - 1/4hr spin - 4 miles
    5/2 - 100.5miles @17mph with 4,600' climbing. First century of the season!!! I rode it solo in 5hr 56min moving and 6hr 34min total time. It was my fastest century ever by more then 1mph avg ! (It helped it was also my flattest century ever).
    5/3 - 1/4hr spin - 4 miles.
    5/4 - 31 miles @17mph w/ 1,450' climbing
    5/5 - 24.5 miles @16.1mph w/1,300' climbing
    5/6 - 1/4hr spin - 4 miles
    5/7 - 28miles @15.5mph with 2,200' climbing. Went looking for some hills!
    5/8 - 1/4hr spin - 4 miles
    5/9 - 63miles @17.4mph with 2,800' climbing. Pace ride.

    May biking miles: 247
    May goal: 600 miles

    May climbing: 12,350'
    May spinning miles:14
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I think for May my goal will be 350 miles or more. Here is my Strava profile:

    5/1/15 - 3.68mi @ 13.73mph | 16:04 | 35ft ascent | First ride on my new bike, couldn't wait so i strapped on my lights and took it for a spin.
    5/2/15 - 3.51mi @ 15.86mph | 13:16 | 38ft ascent | Bike ride to the farmers market for breakfast and to take advantage of the free bike parking for the may bike month celebration.
    5/2/15 - 13.38mi @ 15.37mph | 52:15 | 149ft ascent | First real ride on my new surly
    5/3/15 - 30.9mi @ 15.0mph | 2:03:35 | 665ft ascent | Riding a new rout
    5/4/15 - 11.05mi @ 15.99mph | 41:29 | 67ft ascent
    5/5/15 - Working
    5/6/15 - 12.32mi @ 15.94mph | 46:21 | 181ft ascent | Riding to work today
    5/6/15 - 12.51mi @ 16.30mph | 46:03 | 108ft ascent | Riding home from work
    5/8/15 - 7.95mi @ 16.81mph | 28:23 | 71ft ascent | Reaching my 2000th mile of the year
    5/9/15 - 3.95mi @ 15.29mph | 15:31 | 0ft | Down the to farmers market to buy mothers day flowers.
    5/9/15 - 16.78mi @ 16.16mph | 1:02:18 | 345ft ascent | Taking the cross check off road.

    Total: 115.03 miles
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    5/1 - 0.7 miles.
    5/2 - 1.2 miles.
    5/3 - 1.8 miles.
    5/4 - 1.8 miles.
    5/6 - 1.9 miles.
    5/7 - 1.7 miles.
    5/8 - 2.4 miles.
    5/9 - 3.7 miles.

    MTD = 15.2 miles.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member

    May 01-17.93 miles @ 15.51avg.
    May 02-19.73 miles @ 16.01avg.
    May 03-21.14 miles @ 16.03 avg.
    May 04-19.84 miles @ 15.39 avg.
    May 05-21.14 miles @ 15.84 avg.
    May 07-21.14 miles @ 16.01 avg.
    May 08-22.28 miles @ 16.00 avg.
    May 09-21.61 miles @ 16.15 avg.

    May Total 164.81 Miles
    May Goal 500 Miles

    Early morning ride/Humid Mid 70's

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Just did 20 today, as I ended up hiking in the AM, and running the afternoon. I'll do a longer ride once I get back to the south and my lighter road bike on Monday, as my city commuter here up north is in need of some serious truing and a tuneup.

    5/5 - 16 miles
    5/6 - 12 miles
    5/7 - 12 miles
    5/8 - 12 miles
    5/9 - 20 miles

    Goal: 500 miles
    Total: 72 miles
    Remaining: 428 miles
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    edited May 2015
    Machka9 wrote: »
    March Cycling: 409.33 km (254.34 miles) = 21 hours 55 min
    April Cycling: 384.15 km (238.7 miles) = 20 hours 35 min

    Darkness is falling by about 5:30 pm now and the days are becoming chilly. Yep ... winter is setting in.

    Nevertheless, I have already blown past my km total for May last year! :smiley: So here's hoping for decent weekends this month so that I can keep it up.

    My goal this month isn't distance ... although that's always part of it ... instead my goal is to get out there at least once each weekend (except the last weekend of May) and do a climbing ride. I live in a very hilly area right now which presents me with a huge challenge because I am a flatlander. I'm not a mountain goat like the rest of the people around here. So now that I'm getting lighter, this month, my plan is to work on climbing.

    Let's get started ...

    May ...

    02 Sat - 37.43 km with 612 metres of climbing
    03 Sun - 30.04 km with ... next to 0 metres of climbing (relatively flat recovery ride)

    09 Sat - 27.5 km ... with next to 0 metres of climbing
    10 Sun - 41.03 km ... with 764 metres of climbing

    Sub-total: 137 km

    Getting chilly down here ... we've had a blast of winter this past week, and today's ride was quite frosty at times.

  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    May 3 - rode 18 Miles for a duration of 1:57:44 (warm up and 1st MTN Bike Race of 2015)
    May 5 - rode 25.6 Miles for a duration of 1:34:49 (3 x 12 Zone 4 Intervals)
    May 6 - rode 11.3 Miles for a duration of 1:00:00
    May 7 - rode 17.3 Miles for a duration of 1:08:37 (4 x 4 Zone 5 Intervals)
    May 9 - rode 9.66 miles for a duration of 1:12:58 (2nd MTB Race of 2015)

    May Totals: 81.86 Miles - 6:54:08 Hours
  • corindeathawk
    corindeathawk Posts: 254 Member
    May 01 - 16.0 Miles @ 15.9mph - Cloudy but nice out, a little wind.
    May 02 - 33.6 Miles @ 15.8mph - Great day, was averaging above 16 until the crash, had to cut things short
    May 03 - 41.6 Miles @ 15.7mph - Nice day again with a bit more wind. And Cars. Lots of cars.
    May 04 - 16.0 Miles @ 16.1mph - Wind and Cars. And next two days rain probably.
    May 05 - 23.8 Miles @ 16.0mph - Forecast was wrong time wise. Nice ride.
    May 06 - 16.0 Miles @ 16.2mph - Switched to AM ride due to rain forecast
    May 07 - 23.8 Miles @ 16.3mph - Lovely Spring Day
    May 08 - 16.0 Miles @ 16.2mph - Another lovely day. Hoping the weekend stays the same.
    May 09 - 43.8 Miles @ 15.3mph - My legs gave out around mile 38. And the Deathawk rule of wind then kicked in.
    May 10 - 45.1 Miles @ 15.3mph - Nice day, some tuning problems from last shop visit will need to be resolved this afternoon.

    May Total 275.7 Miles
    May Goal 500.0 Miles
  • chaos2k
    chaos2k Posts: 33 Member
    May 8th - 7.00 km @ 19.8kmh 23mins = 4.34 miles
    May 9th - 7.57 km @ 18.5kmh 25mins = 4.70 miles
    May 10th- 7.88 km @ 20kmh 25mins = 4.89 miles

    Total 13.93 Miles
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    5/1 - 15.4 miles
    5/2 - 23.3
    5/3 - 44.3
    5/4 - 10
    5/5 - 2
    5/6 - 7.2
    5/7 - 50.5
    5/8 - 20.3
    5/9 - 11.1
    5/10 - 21.3

    Total - 205.3
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    May 1st 14.92 HR127 50 min
    May 2nd15.81 HR128 and second ride 16.52 HR115 100 min
    May 3rd 10.12 HR141 30 min
    May 4th 17.06 HR 131 50 min
    May 5th 16.26 HR133 50 min
    May 6th 18.60 HR139 50 min My best ride to date!!
    May 7th Took day off from everything
    May 8th 16.47 HR 132
    May 9th 14.04 HR 132
    May 10th 15.91 HR127 evening ride 30 min 10.10 HR ?
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    5/1 - 0.7 miles.
    5/2 - 1.2 miles.
    5/3 - 1.8 miles.
    5/4 - 1.8 miles.
    5/6 - 1.9 miles.
    5/7 - 1.7 miles.
    5/8 - 2.4 miles.
    5/9 - 3.7 miles.
    5/10 - 3.8 miles.

    MTD = 19.0 miles.
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    5/1 - 25.02 miles
    5/3 - 15.87 miles
    5/6 - 32.3 miles
    5/10 - 29.1 miles
