
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Janet - enjoy your cruise and you will be in my prayers till you are safely back home. It is so lovely when you have friends like that.
    Meg - Happy belated Birthday.
    Barbie - sounds as if holiday is lots of fun and I am sure your babies are missing you too!
    Patceoh - I have printed off the Subject to Read and will try to look at it every day.
    Michele from NC - so glad you did not lose your pocketbook, it is so much hassle trying to replace everything. Vince sounds wonderful.
    DrKatieBug - I keep doing the same thing on ipad and despite trying to keep my fingers out of the way It still keeps happening and annoys me every time!
    TNToni - what a man you have!
    Lisa H - have got the book was n Kindle, now just got to find time to read it! I am in Ipswich (luckily I was at work yesterday when it was the football play off between Ipswich and Norwich which ended in a 1 all draw). I am going to try the scrambled eggs tomorrow and I am intrigued by it. As my partner is in Birmingham he loves coming to visit and we make sure we go to the seaside, two weeks time it will be Walton-on-the -Naze and then Felixstowe, which we both love visiting.

    I have been swimming for first time in 10 days and cannot believe how much of a struggle it was. Must try to keep it up. Happy Mother's Day to all in U.S.

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!

    Sylvia, hope you have a wonderful time on your trip.

    Meg, belated Happy Birthday.

    Pip, Happy Birthday to you. Looked up Red Robin and it looks like they have some wonderful burgers.

    Heather, you are in a lovely place. Have fun.

    The glass in my glasses cracked yesterday and the nose piece came off. I went to Walmart and they put a new nose piece on. Decided to go ahead and get my eyes checked and bought new glasses which will be here in about a week. Dr. said I would probably have to have cataract surgery in a yr or so. My mom had that many years ago and she can see perfectly without glasses at age 89. They put in new lenses for close up and far. I am getting progressives with transition built in. Hope I will see better.


  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Another thing I did on Saturday that was fun was going to lunch in downtown Atlanta at Merry Mac's Tea Room with 5 friends from college (45 yrs ago). This place was like a madhouse because a lot of people were celebrating graduations. The food was very Southern and very good.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    thanks but my bday is 5-25-1959. you get free a free mean on th monnth of your bday
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    morning peepheads. happy muthers day to all you muthers out there !!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Thank you so much for the information on bursa! I have hope for additional improvement. Losing the excess weight has certainly helped, and I think that my efforts at making the muscles and ligaments surrounding the joint stronger are also helping. As kids, we heal swiftly. Now it takes much longer.

    Sylvia: Enjoy your trip to Spain.

    Michele: I’m thinking about your food dilemma at the party. I hope you come up with a plan that works for you. Can you take an emergency sandwich in a cooler in your car? That way you can see what they have and slip outside to get your sandwich if needed.

    Lisa from Vancouver: You’ll find a blank star at the top of our page. If you click on it , it will turn yellow. Then when you want to find us again, you can click on the gray star on the community page and it will take you to this thread at the place you left off. I see that Carey gave you a nice picture. I’ll need to learn to do that one of thee days.

    Heather: A picture speaks a lot more than a thousand words. The view of the Welsh coastline you shared is fabulous. Thanks for taking us all there.

    Janet: Enjoy your cruise with you dear friend.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all! We have reservations for breakfast at a nice local restaurant, and then will take flowers to my mom’s grave in my hometown. We usually visit the cemetery on Memorial Day, but decided to give Mom a special visit of her own this year. I have some lovely Rhododendron blossoms to take her.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Carey Thanks for your encouragement. Took your advise and spoke w/ DH and said that even though I was not a mother I would like to do something special & fun today. after giving it some thought he suggested we go for a ride to Cape Cod and visit a flee market that was advertised. He's getting ready and I'm just wanting to make a quick post expressing my gratitude. 1) for this community 2) Carey's good advise 3) for my DH.

    A Happy Beautiful Ladies Day it is. :smile:

    Naiomi2015 from 77F and sunny Massachusetts
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    afternoon Ladies~
    as suspected had a huge blow up in the car at Walmart, not speaking to him right now...I can't take the stress, I understand he isnt feeling good, but all he does is scream and yell, and I dont deserve that. I really needed to go to 2 stores and when he found that out he flipped out, so ended up doing a half crack job at Walmart,it was packed and I dont do well under pressure, I was there an hour and he kept texting me to see when I was coming..
    had a pork loin in the crockpot so that will be his dinner, my DS wished me and all the other mother's Happy Mother's day on Facebook, got a text fom the daughter that she and Tal were late for church but they would call later..
    beautiful weather out, should have taken a ride to the shore, but with old grumpy head I am trying to stay clear...
    Naomi~ going to the Wellfleet Flea Market? I love that we always have a good time...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sylvia – I always get horribly cranky pre-travel as well. My husband, bless him, simply disappears.

    Heather/UK – Rhossli Beach looks totally gorgeous…

    Naiomi in Mass – I scarred a Walmart greeter forever who handed me a flower on Mother’s Day once and wished me a Happy Mother’s Day. I’d been told I was infertile a few short months prior. I’ll draw a gentle curtain over my remarks, most of which were regrettable in retrospect. I understand the feelings of invisibility—and lived there too for a lot of years. I’m SO glad your DH is taking you out for Beautiful Ladies Day, and it is very well-deserved.

    – Enjoy the cruise!

    – Hope the cataract surgery does as well for you as for your mom – I’m up to 3.0 magnification in readers/cheaters, whatever you want to call them, but glasses are seriously just a pain. Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to deal with them at all?

    Katla – I miss the rhododendrons in Oregon – that amazing burst of color, especially when the cities plant them in the medians. Of course in Oregon, unlike here, you could plant a stick, and it would burst into bloom of some kind. The wildflowers were just amazing, as well as the cultivated plants.


    Quiet day at the ranch--finished my article for the week and sent it off this morning.

    Celebrated Mother's Day by making my Mama's bread recipe for my husband. He's patiently waited for almost two and a half months while my life settled down to the point where I could get around to making bread again. I started making it for him when we first got here because it was so much easier to make it myself than to drive 45 minutes to town when I forgot it!

    At any rate... Mama's been gone 16 years, but she lives on for me in things like this. She left flour off the list of ingredients, probably because she figured if you didn't know that breadmaking took flour, you had no business making bread anyway. I miss her.

    Hope those of you do celebrate Mom's Day did, and the rest have had a lovely Beautiful Ladies Day. :wink:

    I've got This Little Pig's final print proof in my hands (happy dance, it's real!). Thank you very much to those of you who picked up the Kindle version. Hopefully the print version will be available soon for anyone else who's interested.

    Lisa H in West Texas
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member

    Happy Mother's Day :flowerforyou:
    This picture was from a wonderful day at Shaw's garden with my mom. One of my MFP friend suggested posting a favorite picture with mom.2mmoy7t57io6.jpg
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    lovely pic MnMargaret~ well we went out for another ride to another Lowes, we have all the cabinet hardware for the cabinets.
    Tom working on Tile for the bathroom laying it out and getting it ready to install.. not today..
    humid and hot here today finally turned on the air..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Ok is it me?
    I sorta feel left out.... all my facebook family and are spending time with there family, and God Bless my brother and sister in law or I wouldnt have even gotten a hidee ho..
    Tried calling my daughter early and she was running late for church with Taliah, and my son just wished me a Happy Mother's Day on facebook and that was it..
    now I know it is a trumped up Holiday... but even one card would have been nice, not that expensive...
    Honest,I thought I was a good mother.. tried to do alot with them when they were younger, was at all there school functions, made cupcakes for there classroom birthdays...
    yes I divorced there father, and Tracy's boyfriend is controlling to a point, but gee...
    sort of feel depressed.. Oh well I will put on my big girl panties and deal as I usually do..
    Hope everyone had a lovely day.. enjoyed your family and hopefully they spoiled you rotten.... <3
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Today I am glad to be the mom of 3 sons. The eldest talked on the phone with us last night, but never mentioned Mothers Day, but I am ok with that. He is 25...in the Navy, so he has alot to think about besides me. I am proud of him regardless :-) The last time I saw him was in January.
    My middle son 20, is going to skype with us at 5pm with his new wife. They are both in the Navy, so just seeing them will be awesome. I saw them both at their wedding in Sept.
    My 16 yr old at home here, gave me a tall-lanky kid- hug and I am happy with that. He also made a pot of coffee.
    Being a mom of Navy sons can be a tough thing. The fact that I raised them until they were 17 yrs old but then the Navy gets them for 20 yrs seems harsh at times. Scheduling a visit is near impossible, and holidays are whenever you wish them to happen. So you see them when you see them. No expectations, no demands, they are serving a higher calling. So I just try not to cry too much when I do see them, and realize that the ache in my heart is similar to the ache I felt when my husband went out to sea. I feel honored to have it.
    :-) Hugs to all of you.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    happy Mother's day to all my wonderful friends here on mfp! I hope you were deservedly spoiled today!

    Sylvia: why is the trip depressing you? Have you considered a house sitter instead of kenneling the babies? We always use a house sitter.

    Margaret: beautiful picture! So sweet!

    OK this was fast and sweet...I hope! More visiting happening, so must run! Love to all, Meg in soggy Omaha
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    Ok is it me?
    I sorta feel left out.... all my facebook family and are spending time with there family, and God Bless my brother and sister in law or I wouldnt have even gotten a hidee ho..
    Tried calling my daughter early and she was running late for church with Taliah, and my son just wished me a Happy Mother's Day on facebook and that was it..
    now I know it is a trumped up Holiday... but even one card would have been nice, not that expensive...
    Honest,I thought I was a good mother.. tried to do alot with them when they were younger, was at all there school functions, made cupcakes for there classroom birthdays...
    yes I divorced there father, and Tracy's boyfriend is controlling to a point, but gee...
    sort of feel depressed.. Oh well I will put on my big girl panties and deal as I usually do..
    Hope everyone had a lovely day.. enjoyed your family and hopefully they spoiled you rotten.... <3

    i'm sorry girlfriend... i don't have any family around me (just husband) we are in washington and everyone is in california. i don't have any kids, other than our 3 dogs, so moms day is kinda another day. i however do make the calls to the few moms that i know. now that my mom and i have a relationship again, i do call her. my mom didn't do any of the poop you did for your kids, if i had that kind of a mother, i would be all over her! people sometimes just don't appreciate what they have.. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU!!!! <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member

    Here's the ol lady, the remaining sister on the left janie and the youngest of 3 boys, joey (1yr older than me) the ONLY selfie mom has ever done, she doesn't even know what that is AND the RARE pic of her smiling.
  • Bobbie63
    Bobbie63 Posts: 55 Member
    Since I am an on again off again getting fatter by the moment dieter....My goal is to 1. Stay off refined sugar for 1 month. 2. Exercise every day to some degree, show up darn it Bobbie, show up., 3. To diet for 30 whole days, and to keep track of it here. Not looking for perfection (still finishing that home made banana bread), but I am looking for participation out of myself. I will be forgiving but also demanding.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    my motto @Bobbie63 is: There is perfection in imperfection. :-)
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday morning and rained all night and still raining. No training as we need to but dog food, he hates the stuff Mildred loved, so shopping we must go. He had bacon for breakfast and wolfed the lot. Food = 1430 cals.
    Rained all day yesterday and even the dog ran out and back in. Stan bathed him in the bath, he smells nice again now, lol.
    We have NO family in Tasmania, Hoped daughter would ring but NO. I think they went to her husband's parents.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    When my mother was alive there was nothing I did for her on Mothers Day that met her expectations.

    Today my awesome husband did exactly the right things---no card, no gift, no restaurant meal. He knows that thriftiness in money and calories is what I wanted. He made sure I had plenty of time at the hotel fitness center and said many sweet things. <3<3

    :) Barbie from beautiful NW Washington and today in beautiful NW California