Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • modacielo73
    modacielo73 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks guys
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    My goal for the week... drink a hot lemon water each morning. For some great reasons why this is a good thing, check out what Shape magazine has to say about it. shape.com/healthy-eating/diet-tips/4-reasons-drink-hot-lemon-water-every-morning?utm_source=fitsugar.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=pubexchange_module
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Reached another goal of 30 lbs lost, so I decided to celebrate and get my hair done. Thanks to a wonderful friend who helped me be bold, I went from blonde to RED! To help remind me of my progress every time I look in the mirror.

    @shirayne @MischelM Those are fabulous ideas to realize how much I've lost. I'm gonna try that

  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    ptkat28 wrote: »
    Y'all crack me up and make my day!! I just got back from skating!!! Woo Hoo! Burned over 600 calories for 1 hour! I am dying now tho! My feet! My feet! LOL Not too bad for a 45 y/o :wink:

    Not bad at any age. I can't even imagine skating! God love ya, girl! LOL
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all my MFP friends on here! After an hour of skating last night, played Just Dance with my daughters for 3 hours last night! Much more fun than walking on the treadmill!! lol
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I started this back in January on day 125 today ( I weigh in on a Tuesday )
    I have over 100 pounds too loss
    As I am in the UK we use lbs and stones ( 14lb to a stone ) I do it 1/2 stone at a time (7lbs)
    Small goals don't take so long to get to so less likely to give up
    I have lost 49 lbs so far or 31/2 stone
    I find a small treat/sweet thing at night works well for me having something to look forward to
    If any one wants to add me do so
  • heathrlynn50
    heathrlynn50 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm struggling to stay motivated lately. It's only been 55 days, I was so gung ho when I found MFP. How does everyone stay motivated when you have these days??
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm struggling to stay motivated lately. It's only been 55 days, I was so gung ho when I found MFP. How does everyone stay motivated when you have these days??

    @heathrlynn50 , since I have at least 85 lbs to go, that is what is keeping me motivated! And knowing that I have tons of clothes that I can wear when I get there to that size makes me really happy! But I agree, it is hard sometimes!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    I'm struggling to stay motivated lately. It's only been 55 days, I was so gung ho when I found MFP. How does everyone stay motivated when you have these days??

    For me, focusing on the small changes that I know I can sustain is what's kept me going. I'm always fiddling with some recipe, tweaking some process, and just thinking, "If everyday were like today, which I can live with, I will be 100 lbs lighter by my birthday (May 2016)!" I had to approach this whole process as changing the way I live, little by little. If I even THINK the word diet I immediately crave Reese's, and Pizza, and milkshakes, and.... well you get the point. If you're losing motivation, start looking at what is drawing you away or what is not satisfying about this process and try to tweak it.
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    I just wanted to add that sometimes you have to look at other people's journeys to understand that we all travel to goal in our own way. I found one member here who has lost a stunning amount of weight(318 lbs!) without ANY exercise! Check him out at myfitnesspal.com/profile/stogie40

    We all have to make this journey work for our own individual needs. I don't eat on plan during the weekends, but I TRY to stay within 500 calories of my weekly limits. It works for me, but my eating issues are different than say someone who binges. "Cheating" or "free days/meals" trigger them and ruin their process. Take some time to figure out what works for you, even if that means making 4 or 5 plans and trying each one on for size for a few weeks. Success is not measured in how many pounds you lose, it's measured by your ability and willingness to continue on. Remember, the time will pass anyways...
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    @MischelM - awesome weight loss & great advice, love it! This time is very different for me too.
    @melkithall - yay for the 10%
    @Hippychick5983 - Happy late birthday
    @modacielo73 - 5lbs in 3 days? great job!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies.

    I've haven't been walking for a few days and man am I missing it. I forgot socks today and don't think that my feet can handle walking in my dress sandals. Hopefully tonight I can do double my normal. My scale was not nice this morning but it never really is around this time of the month. I am going to stay off of it until next week (that's saying something because I weigh every morning) because I don't want to depress myself knowing it's just water.
  • modacielo73
    modacielo73 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm struggling to stay motivated lately. It's only been 55 days, I was so gung ho when I found MFP. How does everyone stay motivated when you have these days??
    @MischelM - awesome weight loss & great advice, love it! This time is very different for me too.
    @melkithall - yay for the 10%
    @Hippychick5983 - Happy late birthday
    @modacielo73 - 5lbs in 3 days? great job!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies.

    I've haven't been walking for a few days and man am I missing it. I forgot socks today and don't think that my feet can handle walking in my dress sandals. Hopefully tonight I can do double my normal. My scale was not nice this morning but it never really is around this time of the month. I am going to stay off of it until next week (that's saying something because I weigh every morning) because I don't want to depress myself knowing it's just water.

    @want2behappy31: i just started back and im sure the weight loss was mostly from water retention...but nevertheless it's still 5lbs! :smile: ..friendly suggestion. ..as tempting as it is to jump in that scale each morning you're probably better off stepping on it less often. ..who wants to be disappointed? Try every 3 days or once a week. ...everyone's weight fluctuates daily and it can really start playing mind games with you. ..especially around that time of month :wink: i think you're making a smart move by taking some time off from the scale thIs week...I'm sure next week will be a great week for you! :smile:

    Feel free to add me if you'd like :smile:
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Back after the birthday weekend. Thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes. It was a good weekend. I over did it a bit with the wine......was pretty good with the food though! Now to get back at it.

    I too will not be checking the scale this week since that time is supposed to start soon......but I know if I log as best I can and keep moving it will be ok.

    Congrats to all the wonderful victories that happened! You are all amazing!
  • modacielo73
    modacielo73 Posts: 48 Member
    Happy Belated birthday Hippychick!! :smile: By the sounds of it, it seems like you had a great day....glad to hear :blush:
  • modacielo73
    modacielo73 Posts: 48 Member
    To all of you, I hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day weekend.

    Yesterday I did what I thought was going to be the end of a great week...Seeing that yesterday was mothers day, my husband and my two little ones took me out to an All-You-Can-Eat buffet...In the past, I have never been able to practice any self control at these types of establishments...How can anyone possibly????? Well, I have to say that I did what I thought was impossible (for me)....I stayed on track!....I conquered my fear of over indulging and made it my main priority to focus and choose between right and wrong...I didn't want to be derailed by my one night out. It took me a short time to gain all this weight and I know its going to take me a heck of a long time to get it off so I took charge and i'm soooooo glad I did. I decided to pre-plan my meal prior to going to the restaurant and selected specific items off of their 100+ item menu and stuck to it!

    Happy to say, I did it! Not only did I do it...I did GREAT! (at least I think so...lol) For the first time in a very LONG time, I was able to finally leave an All-You-Can-Eat buffet without feeling guilty or ashamed...I felt more then satisfied and had a fabulous time and a fabulous (healthy) dinner. I stayed within in my caloric goal and didn't feel deprived in any way....Finally! and to think that all it took was a little self-discipline. Today I'm on top of the world and feeling great! :blush:
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    So happy and proud of you @modacielo73 ! You got this!!
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    Today I'm on top of the world and feeling great! :blush:
    What an inspiration! Remember that feeling and carry it with you. You should be proud

  • modacielo73
    modacielo73 Posts: 48 Member
    ptkat28 wrote: »
    So happy and proud of you @modacielo73 ! You got this!!

    @ptkat28 @prof_newme Thanks guys!!...I know its not the biggest accomplish and might not mean much to some but it sure means the world to me :blush:
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    ptkat28 wrote: »
    So happy and proud of you @modacielo73 ! You got this!!

    @ptkat28 @prof_newme Thanks guys!!...I know its not the biggest accomplish and might not mean much to some but it sure means the world to me :blush:

    @modacielo73 , it does not have to mean ANYTHING to ANYONE but YOU! You are doing this for yourself! Just like I am doing mine for MYSELF! I know it helps with me playing with my girls, and gives me more stamina with others, like walking and skating, etc... but the bottom line is that YOU are the important one! :wink:
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member

    Happy to say, I did it! Not only did I do it...I did GREAT! (at least I think so...lol) For the first time in a very LONG time, I was able to finally leave an All-You-Can-Eat buffet without feeling guilty or ashamed...I felt more then satisfied and had a fabulous time and a fabulous (healthy) dinner. I stayed within in my caloric goal and didn't feel deprived in any way....Finally! and to think that all it took was a little self-discipline. Today I'm on top of the world and feeling great! :blush:

    WOO HOO!!! That's amazing! You're my official hero of the week! I was super proud I didn't order at Carl's Jr. the other day, but an all-you-can-eat buffet?! That's my personal house of horrors! LOL Good job!!