May 2015 Running Challenge



  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    05/01: 3.75mi, Easy PM Run
    05/01: 3.23mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/02: 1.65mi, Race warmup
    05/02: 4.30mi, 7km Road/Path Hybrid Race; OA: 12/106, AG: 4/8. Cobblestones claimed my ankle about 1.5mi in.
    05/02: Frustrated and did not record cool down, so fuhgettaboutit..
    05/02: 13.98mi, ** Cycling
    05/03: 4.62mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/03: 3.76mi, Slight progression to test ankle
    05/03: 1.20mi, Cool down
    ==> Total weekly miles: 50.3*
    05/04: 5.25mi, Easy lunch run
    05/04: 4.19mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/05: 5.00mi, 5k tune up, 800m x 400m progression repeats + easy
    05/05: 4.53mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/06: 4.00mi, Lunch run helping a coworker dial in pace for his first race, tempo intervals for me
    05/06: 21.71 mi, ** Cycling
    05/07: 4.00mi, Easy lunch run and pacing two coworkers
    05/07: 14.30mi, ** Cycling
    05/07: 05.80mi, ** Cycling
    05/07: 3.32mi, Training the wife.. She ran her first continuous mile! 13'01"/mi
    05/08: 4.00mi, Recovery run
    05/09: 1.00mi, Race warm up
    05/09: 3.15mi, 5k race: 13th OA, 1st AG, 12th Gender
    05/09: 1.00mi, Race cool down
    05/09: 3.00mi, Barefoot recovery run
    05/10: 25.4mi, ** Cycling
    05/10: 7.00mi, 1mi warmup + 3mi steady state + 3mi easy
    ==> Total weekly miles: 52.43

    Current total...74.94
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    edited May 2015
    1 - 6.2mi, trail
    2 - 8.4mi, 5k, kids run, treadmill challenge
    3 - 13.1mi, Pittsburgh half marathon
    4 - 7mi, easy
    5 - 5.5mi, 5k race
    6 - Rest
    7 - 8mi, easy w/strides
    8 - 6mi, easy
    9 - 6mi, trail
    10 - 10mi, first 7 easy trail w/last 3 miles 6:52, 6:48, 6:48
    11- Rest

    And yes, I go through the water rather than hopping stones :)


    Total: 69.9mi

    May goal: 120 (through 17th)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for May
    5/1 REST DAY - 0
    5/2 16 miles - 16.0 <<< Madkin and Weeden Mountains on RSA (1,208ft elevation gain)
    5/3 REST DAY - Went hiking ~4 miles with the wife at Monte Sano instead
    5/4 10.35 miles - 26.35 << slow recovery miles. Still feel sore from weekend
    5/5 10 miles 36.35
    5/6 8 miles - 44.35 << easy paced
    5/7 5.25 miles - 49.6 << fast paced
    5/8 15 miles - 64.6 << Friday night long run
    5/9 REST DAY <<< Georgia Aquarium
    5/10 REST DAY
    5/11 10.5 miles - 75.1


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited May 2015

    I was "Running With The Cows" this morning. Set a new HM PR 2:37:20.4. I was gunning for 2:35 but felt some tenderness in my achilles the last mile and a half so I dialed it down. I think it's OK but I think I will take it easy and do just recovery pace all week and maybe even next weekends HM to be safe.

    @WhatMeRunning Congrats on your PR! Way to go! 2 minutes faster than my HM PR.

    @Wendy1Fl Sorry about Forest Gump! :-(

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ Those are hilarious! So unique!

    I was "Running With The Cows" this morning. Set a new HM PR 2:37:20.4. I was gunning for 2:35 but felt some tenderness in my achilles the last mile and a half so I dialed it down. I think it's OK but I think I will take it easy and do just recovery pace all week and maybe even next weekends HM to be safe.

    5/2 - 6.07 miles
    5/4 - 3 miles
    5/5 - 3.01 miles
    5/6 - 3.02 miles
    5/9 - 13.1 miles 2:37:20.4 new PR


    The possible seconds you could PR by at HM #2 (you're still recovering by then, even if you feel good) are not going to be worth the setback from an overused Achilles. Go easy and celebrate the big accomplishment you have :)
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    5/4...................Weight training
    5/8...................Weight training
    5/9..................19.00..............53.75 (30k trail race)
    5/11.................Weight training

  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    A couple of pics from Saturday's race...

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    A couple of pics from Saturday's race...

    I'd hit that
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    It's pretty close to you...
  • 31flavors
    31flavors Posts: 154 Member

    Had a little set back with some back pain, but now I'm back

  • cathyjones08
    cathyjones08 Posts: 26 Member
    So running my 2nd 5K this coming Saturday.

    Tips on how to stay cool???????

    Tips on what to eat night before and morning of????????
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited May 2015
    So running my 2nd 5K this coming Saturday.

    Tips on how to stay cool???????

    Tips on what to eat night before and morning of????????
    There are lots of better, smarter runners on here than me, but I always take the approach of not over-thinking it. I will eat a normal meal with more carbs the night before, small carb breakfast the day of (usually just an english muffin with peanut butter and honey) and about 8 ounces of water. For a 5k seems to me you don't want a whole lot in you (hopefully someone else will chime in since my last 5k was about three years ago)... and the only thing I know to do about the heat is to beotch about it and drink tons of water. Last Saturday's race was in 88 degree heat and I went through about 170 ounces of water...

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    edited May 2015
    So running my 2nd 5K this coming Saturday.

    Tips on how to stay cool???????

    Tips on what to eat night before and morning of????????

    For 5K I like a completely empty stomach. Racing at 5K effort is very hard on your GI system, and I tend to throw anything up afterwards that might be sloshing around. No real tips on staying cool except dress for the weather and choose races that are in your preferred time of day. No time for any BS on the course, except maybe a splash of water to the face.

    *ETA - regarding your pace, absolutely must respect the heat. Add about 3-5sec min/mi per 5 degrees above 60. And don't start out too fast. Once your heartrate is pegged, it ain't coming back down and you'll be shuffling the last mile.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    May - goal 72
    May 1- strength training
    May 2- cycling - 34 miles
    May 3 - rest day/walked 4 miles
    May 4 - 4.1 miles + Strength training
    May 5- 5.2 miles
    May 6 - rest
    May 7 - 5.1 miles
    May 8 - Strength training
    May 9 - 39 miles biking
    May 10 - 5K and 36 miles biking
    May 11 - Strength training


    I've got to figure out how to deal with the heat with running too. I started running in July last year, but I was visiting Monterey for a month so the temps were perfect. Then when I got back to Florida I had to start all over -- because it was SO hot. Couldn't even go 5 minutes! I'm finding the heat is really slowing me down. I poured water on my head during the 5k on Saturday, that helped. :smile:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited May 2015
    @codemonkey78 how was running barefoot with your busted toe?
    @elise4270 wow on the water under the bridge, that's crazy, stay safe and dry
    @wendy1fl sorry about Forrest. My daughter runs through every sprinkler she sees if we are running. She goes right up on their lawns LOL
    @_nikkiwolf_ super job on the steps, reminded me of Rocky
    @ddmom0811 sounds like a great cause the pet rescue 5K
    @whatmerunning my daughter was in a boot for 8 weeks and took another 4 weeks to rehab back to running after an achilles injury, so from that experience I'd say don't push it. An achilles tear could end your running career.
    @Lonewolfrunner - beautiful pictures
    @sonicdeathmonkey80 I was wondering if you hopped the stones or just ran in the water. Your comment about "hitting" Lonewolf's running spot made me spit water out on my screen.
    @cathyjones08 I'm like Sonic I don't really eat before a 5K, I run fasted in the morning so it doesn't bother me to run fasted for a 5K. If the race starts like 9:00 I might have a bagel when I get up or a piece of toast. For heat I would wear looser fitting clothing. I always run in capris no matter what the temp. I finally found some running shorts I like and tested them out yesterday. When it's hot I wear a bigger tank because I hate anything clingy to me while I'm running. Of course no cotton. At the aid station I would probably put some water on my head or down the front of me to cool off. I ran a 5K in Texas when it was 102F out and one stop had little sponges in ice water. Best aid station EVER!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    May - goal 72
    May 1- strength training
    May 2- cycling - 34 miles
    May 3 - rest day/walked 4 miles
    May 4 - 4.1 miles + Strength training
    May 5- 5.2 miles
    May 6 - rest
    May 7 - 5.1 miles
    May 8 - Strength training
    May 9 - 39 miles biking
    May 10 - 5K and 36 miles biking
    May 11 - Strength training


    I've got to figure out how to deal with the heat with running too. I started running in July last year, but I was visiting Monterey for a month so the temps were perfect. Then when I got back to Florida I had to start all over -- because it was SO hot. Couldn't even go 5 minutes! I'm finding the heat is really slowing me down. I poured water on my head during the 5k on Saturday, that helped. :smile:

    Yep. Takes 2-3 weeks to get acclimated. When it cools down, you'll be wondering where all the speed came from :)
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Three mile recovery run this morning to test out how my achilles felt. I felt no problems with it until about 2.5 miles, and even then it was not uncomfortable but I could feel it was not 100% down there.

    So a couple questions for the experienced runners (I've seen some advice offered already). I have an HM scheduled this weekend that I really wanted to finish (finish time I do not care about).
    Should I run this HM Saturday at a recovery pace or scrap it?
    If I run it, should I just completely rest it this week or continue with planned recovery runs this week?

    5/2 - 6.07 miles
    5/4 - 3 miles
    5/5 - 3.01 miles
    5/6 - 3.02 miles
    5/9 - 13.1 miles 2:37:20.4 new PR
    5/11 - 3.04 miles


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Three mile recovery run this morning to test out how my achilles felt. I felt no problems with it until about 2.5 miles, and even then it was not uncomfortable but I could feel it was not 100% down there.

    So a couple questions for the experienced runners (I've seen some advice offered already). I have an HM scheduled this weekend that I really wanted to finish (finish time I do not care about).
    Should I run this HM Saturday at a recovery pace or scrap it?
    If I run it, should I just completely rest it this week or continue with planned recovery runs this week?

    5/2 - 6.07 miles
    5/4 - 3 miles
    5/5 - 3.01 miles
    5/6 - 3.02 miles
    5/9 - 13.1 miles 2:37:20.4 new PR
    5/11 - 3.04 miles


    If you're asking, I think you know the answer. Recovery runs are to increase bloodflow to your muscles to promote healing the damaged areas, but your problem sounds more acute, and it's one that's solved by more resting and less running.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    This weekend, my Girls on the Run team did their for 5k- they all did SO well, I'm really proud of them. I was a running buddy to Jasmine, who is easily the most competitive kid I know, but we just went out and had fun, even took a detour through the fountains because it was SO hot. She finished in about 38 minutes- no chip timing- and was so proud of herself. Asked me to keep coming to her school so we could run together for fun :smile:

    Spent the rest of the weekend back packing in Red River Gorge. Here's the view from my hammock Sunday morning (tents are for wimps):

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    This weekend, my Girls on the Run team did their for 5k- they all did SO well, I'm really proud of them. I was a running buddy to Jasmine, who is easily the most competitive kid I know, but we just went out and had fun, even took a detour through the fountains because it was SO hot. She finished in about 38 minutes- no chip timing- and was so proud of herself. Asked me to keep coming to her school so we could run together for fun :smile:

    Spent the rest of the weekend back packing in Red River Gorge. Here's the view from my hammock Sunday morning (tents are for wimps):


    Home of the Rugged Red in September! You doing it?