Intermittent fasting



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Exercise more. Everyone poo-poos exercise here, but it is calories in AND OUT. Walk. Ride a bike. Dance in front of the television. Do jumping jacks. Play ball with your kids or your neighbors' kids. Play golf. Go swimming. Run and run and run some more. Go hiking up a mountain. Take your kids to a playground and actually play with them. But most of all, stop eating too much!

    If OP is not logging accurately more exercise is not going to matter. You can't out train a bad diet.

    who is "poo-pooing" exercise...????
  • zeinmr
    zeinmr Posts: 79 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Well we I am not searching any challenge here. my thread was about intermittent fasting and somme feed back. To answer the questions:
    1- I dont use a scale to measure my food but I eating exactly the same for the last 18 month and I have a good ideas about the calories I am intaking.

    Please lets s return to the main subject. Intermittent fasting

    OK then, my feedback on IF - I did (and still do) a different version of IF (5:2) and found it a great way to achieve adherence to my calorie goal.

    That's probably not helping is it? :smile:

    Thank you sijomial
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    edited May 2015
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Well we I am not searching any challenge here. my thread was about intermittent fasting and somme feed back. To answer the questions:
    1- I dont use a scale to measure my food but I eating exactly the same for the last 18 month and I have a good ideas about the calories I am intaking.

    Please lets s return to the main subject. Intermittent fasting

    OK, no, IF is not going to help you. It is simply a schedule of eating. If you continue to eat the amount you're eating now on a weekly basis, you will continue to not lose weight.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Exercise more. Everyone poo-poos exercise here, but it is calories in AND OUT. Walk. Ride a bike. Dance in front of the television. Do jumping jacks. Play ball with your kids or your neighbors' kids. Play golf. Go swimming. Run and run and run some more. Go hiking up a mountain. Take your kids to a playground and actually play with them. But most of all, stop eating too much!

    If OP is not logging accurately more exercise is not going to matter. You can't out train a bad diet.

    who is "poo-pooing" exercise...????

    That was a while ago, when a lot of people were saying that exercise didn't count, but calories did.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Exercise more. Everyone poo-poos exercise here, but it is calories in AND OUT. Walk. Ride a bike. Dance in front of the television. Do jumping jacks. Play ball with your kids or your neighbors' kids. Play golf. Go swimming. Run and run and run some more. Go hiking up a mountain. Take your kids to a playground and actually play with them. But most of all, stop eating too much!

    If OP is not logging accurately more exercise is not going to matter. You can't out train a bad diet.

    who is "poo-pooing" exercise...????

    That was a while ago, when a lot of people were saying that exercise didn't count, but calories did.

    I believe what everyone is saying, or was saying, is that exercise is not necessary for weight loss. You can create ad deficit without exercise, and lose weight.

    However, for general health reasons everyone should do some of form of exercise that they enjoy.
  • zeinmr
    zeinmr Posts: 79 Member
    Scaling food is not an option for me I dont think our ancestors were measuring their food. We have to eat right and when we eat right we will be always in a balanace CICO.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Exercise more. Everyone poo-poos exercise here, but it is calories in AND OUT. Walk. Ride a bike. Dance in front of the television. Do jumping jacks. Play ball with your kids or your neighbors' kids. Play golf. Go swimming. Run and run and run some more. Go hiking up a mountain. Take your kids to a playground and actually play with them. But most of all, stop eating too much!

    If OP is not logging accurately more exercise is not going to matter. You can't out train a bad diet.

    who is "poo-pooing" exercise...????

    That was a while ago, when a lot of people were saying that exercise didn't count, but calories did.

    I have never seen anyone say that ever. Except for the guy who tells me my walking doesn't count but other than him and that specific exercise, nope, never seen it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Scaling food is not an option for me I dont think our ancestors were measuring their food. We have to eat right and when we eat right we will be always in a balanace CICO.

    LOL wut??????

    Why are you using a computer to track your calories then? I am pretty sure that they didn't do that either..

    Ok, I am calling troll.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Scaling food is not an option for me I dont think our ancestors were measuring their food. We have to eat right and when we eat right we will be always in a balanace CICO.

    LOL that is a joke right? We also don't hunt for our foods like our ancestors. We don't walk to everything we do.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Scaling food is not an option for me I dont think our ancestors were measuring their food. We have to eat right and when we eat right we will be always in a balanace CICO.

  • zeinmr
    zeinmr Posts: 79 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Scaling food is not an option for me I dont think our ancestors were measuring their food. We have to eat right and when we eat right we will be always in a balanace CICO.


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Well we I am not searching any challenge here. my thread was about intermittent fasting and somme feed back. To answer the questions:
    1- I dont use a scale to measure my food but I eating exactly the same for the last 18 month and I have a good ideas about the calories I am intaking.

    Please lets s return to the main subject. Intermittent fasting

    OK, no, IF is not going to help you. It is simply a schedule of eating. If you continue to eat the amount you're eating now on a weekly basis, you will continue to not lose weight.

    That' what I said earlier...

    What is the debate about now because the OP has been told yes IF works if in a deficit. Is the OP trying to debate for the sake of debating because there is nothing else left to do in the day?
  • ShareenaFulton
    ShareenaFulton Posts: 27 Member
    I do intermittent fasting, mainly because I find it fits more with my normal lifestyle and eating habits. I've never done well on a constant, low calorie diet as usually I'll blow it completely one day and then feel awful and it all spirals from there. Instead, I fast on alternate days, eating 500 calories every other day and then eating as usual the following day. I'm not a breakfast sort of person, so I'll use my 500 calories on my dinner and that keeps me happy. If I crave a bar of chocolate or some crisps, it's not really a stretch to put them off till the following day. Usually by then the craving has gone anyway.

    I've lost about...8 pounds or so since I started. I've had a good number of nights out with friends to the cinema or restaurants without any guilt at getting a tub of sweet popcorn or eating huge amounts of crispy duck pancakes.

    I guess you just have to pick what's right for you. This works well for me. I lost some 2 stone using it before and maintained everything really well, until I hit a personal low point due to job loss and illness. I'm still not quite strong enough for a regular exercise routine as before, but this has helped me shed some pounds while I get back on my feet.

    If you want to know any particular details about my own experience with this way of eating, just ask, I'm happy to answer. Of course, what works for me probably won't work for many and may not give the same results so, like everything on here, it's just a personal opinion and not a recommendation.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    Eudoxy wrote: »
    zeinmr wrote: »
    I am sorry but I dont believe in calori deficit pe se. Our body always adapt to new conditions and tends to increase or decrese its basal metabolism accordingly. One year ago I can create a caloric deficit by consuming 2500 cal. For the last 4 month I have to go less than 1400- 1500cal which is so hard to maintain.

    Going to take a wild guess that you're not running your numbers right-either you've figured out your calorie goals wrong, or you're not accurately measuring/recording your food.

    As for IF-yes, I did alternate day IF for my weight loss phase, used 5:2IF as the transition into maintenance, and have been using 16:8IF for the past two years, as part of my maintenance plan. The first two methods have a calorie deficit built into them, but 16:8IF does not, and you still need to run your numbers (correctly) and plug them into your eating window. All's 16:8IF does is designate a certain time to eat, but you could still eat over on calories in your eating window and gain weight if you're not being intentional about eating at a deficit.

    How do you do 2 very low calorie days per week without burning too much muscle? If you can only burn so much body fat per day?

    Alternate day IF and 5:2IF are just fancy ways of CICO-in a week's time you're still only eating at a deficit to lose about a pound a week. The advantage of this way of counting calories for me though, was that I only felt like I was 'dieting' a few times a week, versus every single day. On my non-low calorie days I ate at around maintenance levels for calories. This worked really well with my schedule, especially for the weekends. For me it's not a big deal to eat less calories on a Thursday, when I can eat more calories on a Saturday etc.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Well we I am not searching any challenge here. my thread was about intermittent fasting and somme feed back. To answer the questions:
    1- I dont use a scale to measure my food but I eating exactly the same for the last 18 month and I have a good ideas about the calories I am intaking.

    Please lets s return to the main subject. Intermittent fasting

    OK, no, IF is not going to help you. It is simply a schedule of eating. If you continue to eat the amount you're eating now on a weekly basis, you will continue to not lose weight.

    That' what I said earlier...

    What is the debate about now because the OP has been told yes IF works if in a deficit. Is the OP trying to debate for the sake of debating because there is nothing else left to do in the day?

    apparently, OP does not do anything that our ancestors would not do, but he somehow manages to use a computer and a calorie counting site.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    You've had the same intake for 18 months? How much weight have you lost?

    As your weight decreases, you need to adjust your intake to account for your lighter body's lower TDEE.

    If you have been eating the same amount of calories you ate when you were heavier, you're likely eating at maintenance.

    You're not weighing your food, okay, whatever, looks like you won't budge on that... what metric to you use to gauge your calorie intake?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member

    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gia07 wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Well we I am not searching any challenge here. my thread was about intermittent fasting and somme feed back. To answer the questions:
    1- I dont use a scale to measure my food but I eating exactly the same for the last 18 month and I have a good ideas about the calories I am intaking.

    Please lets s return to the main subject. Intermittent fasting

    OK, no, IF is not going to help you. It is simply a schedule of eating. If you continue to eat the amount you're eating now on a weekly basis, you will continue to not lose weight.

    That' what I said earlier...

    What is the debate about now because the OP has been told yes IF works if in a deficit. Is the OP trying to debate for the sake of debating because there is nothing else left to do in the day?

    apparently, OP does not do anything that our ancestors would not do, but he somehow manages to use a computer and a calorie counting site.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You've had the same intake for 18 months? How much weight have you lost?

    As your weight decreases, you need to adjust your intake to account for your lighter body's lower TDEE.

    If you have been eating the same amount of calories you ate when you were heavier, you're likely eating at maintenance.

    You're not weighing your food, okay, whatever, looks like you won't budge on that... what metric to you use to gauge your calorie intake?

    "dem feelz"
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    This made my head hurt. I'm glad all I have to do to lose weight is eat less than I used to.