May 2015 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @wendy1fl I could just kiss that little nose, what a sweetie! Congrats on the new addition to the family.
    @sonicdeathmonkey80 1,000 miles just too awesome - I can just see you in the MC Marathon snapping and posting. LOL
    @honunui I just love seeing the pictures you post, what beautiful fish
    @stoshew71 I was just thinking how you do 10 mile runs all the time now and once upon a time that was your long run - how awesome. How was the CR route this morning? I'm so not trained for the hill.
    @mwyvr I didn't before but I starting to enjoy running with Skip
    @briebee7 I agree I deserve a gift.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes for her. She's excited to be turning 15 and is studying hard for her driving test next Friday. I can't believe she's 15.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Also, broke 1,000 miles for the year today :D
    That's some serious running, bud... I just cleared 600 yesterday and that feels like chump-change

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited May 2015
    Dogs! Can't resist posting a photo of my running buddy, Kady. She's almost always with me. Yesterday she powered through 14km no problem at all as it was a nice cool day. In the heat I don't like to take her out for much more than 5 - 7km. I don't think I could run in a fur coat myself. :smile:

    Let's go for a run?

  • myfitnessloselbs
    myfitnessloselbs Posts: 22 Member
    5/13 - 5 miles,
    5/14 - 6 miles
    total - 79/150 (changed goal from 200 to 150)
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    @Wendy1Fl Yea! Shes beautiful!

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @Wendy1Fl & @mwyvr: Your dogs are so cute! I am having some serious dog envy right now! One day I'll have a 4-legged running buddy... one day!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2015
    Also, broke 1,000 miles for the year today :D
    That's some serious running, bud... I just cleared 600 yesterday and that feels like chump-change

    Uh, I have way less than 200 for the year so far.. 600 is serious running... I mean, I'm serious, but I'm s l o w. Envy both of you! One day I'll get there...

    @skippygirlsmom love the Garmin. My youngest kids (twins) just turned 20. I found it to be so much more about me than them. I'm not sure if maybe I just realized the significance of birthday celebrations or what. But I really wanted to cherish them on that day, show them how much their lives have changed mine. Something for both you and your daughter seems perfectly fitting.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @Wendy1Fl & @mwyvr: Your dogs are so cute! I am having some serious dog envy right now! One day I'll have a 4-legged running buddy... one day!

    I like to think our dog is partly responsible for saving my life. I wasn't quite in danger... but sure was headed that way. Thank you Kady!

    When my former running buddy Max, an even larger dog, a German Shepard, passed, for no-good reasons we delayed getting another. We totally regret that delay and can't imagine not having a dog in our family.

    I kid you not but I've only just realized that those years also coincide with my weight gain period. I can't blame Max for that, and there were other factors, but it does seem that our dogs have been a part of my get out and do it motivation all along. Huh. This place makes me think. Who knew?!

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Also, broke 1,000 miles for the year today :D
    That's some serious running, bud... I just cleared 600 yesterday and that feels like chump-change

    Not at all. Hell, 2013 was 1,010 miles. Miles are miles :)
  • Wendy1Fl
    Wendy1Fl Posts: 102 Member
    @mwyvr your pup is so stinkin' adorable! I love all the hope & desire in those big brown eyes. How could couch time ever win over that?!?
    Come on, @shanaber, & @skippygirlsmom, I think we're calling an impromptu show off your 4 legged running partner day! We need some of your doggie cuteness posted, too!!

    @davetheperson You are killing your monthly goal! Way to go! How long have you been running?
    @ddmom0811 I am an entirely different creature running in the heat. Whenever I start to get a big head about how far I've come, I just need a hot run to knock my ego down a few notches, LOL.
    @jennontheroad I know things are hard right now, but if you just persevere, and allow yourself the lower mile runs and/or the slower runs, you will get past the hardest part of being a runner - the first few months. Then it becomes great! You get through the rough road of starting, then one day you'll realize you can't wait until your next run because it makes you feel so good. Just dig in for a bit, you'll get there!
    @SBRRepeat Red River Gorge is gorgeous!
    @JimCrackinDandy you'd be amazed how much fun those trail runs are. They're my favorite! I kinda let my inner jungle animal take over & it's a game of bob & weave, hop & leap, shuffle, twist, hop & go...It's a total adreniline rush, you should give it a whack sometime. You just can't expect the same pace as a road run, but you're developing muscles from so many different angles on trail runs. It makes you stronger on pavement.
    @Pandora_and_her_box I'm the same way if I try to run less than well hydrated. I don't have any super powers at all if I'm short on my fluid intake that day. Keeping your thoughts positive is the best way to reach your goals & become an amazing runner, so way to go on the mind control!
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @JimCrackinDandy I'm in total agreement with @Wendy1Fl ... trail running is a blast. I love running twisty windy trippy mountain trails the best... if only I didn't have to drive 30 minutes to get to one I'd be on it every day.

    And @jennontheroad you may find that trail running (a nice soft park trail, not too many trippy things sticking up) makes it easier in the early going *and* more fun / shady / cooler / etc.
  • Wendytrelease
    Wendytrelease Posts: 1 Member
    I'm back running again after a two year break. So have set myself a comfortable first target this month. I'm also new to the group do looking forward to reading everyone's posts :smile:

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    5/1: 5.2 miles
    5/2: REST
    5/3: 12 miles (scheduled: 20; left calf was not having it today)
    5/4: REST
    5/5: 1 mile (meant to bike to rest my calf, but the bike room was closed for asbestos removal :()
    5/6: 5 miles
    5/7: 6.1 miles
    5/8: REST
    5/9: REST
    5/10: 15 miles
    5/11: REST
    5/12: 4 miles
    5/13: REST (aka: I accidentally took a 2.5 hour nap instead of running...)
    5/14: 6.7 miles

    Excellent group run tonight! 8:30 pace for just over 6.5 miles, perfect temps (mid-to-upper 60s) and only ate 2 gnats!

    Total: 55 of 155

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited May 2015
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Same here! Up for 70!

    May 2nd - 6.8 miles
    May 5th - 3.2 miles
    May 7th - 3.3 miles
    May 10th - 6.2 miles
    May 12th - 3.7 miles
    May 12th - 4 miles

    Total: 27.2 miles


    I had one of these really bad runs tonight when legs are heavy and the whole body feels so tired... I went very slow and could not wait till this was over... :( I did finish, but I hate such days....
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    Finally back from So. Carolina and got a nice run in outside before it started pouring! Yes, we finally got a good rain. Certainly not enough to stave off the drought but every little bit helps!

    I am not completely caught up on everything and everyone but have to say I loved the bug ingestion comments. I have always just assumed they were a tiny bit more protein and I can always use a bit more protein in my diet! I chew gum when I run and hate it though when the get stuck in it - then I have to spit it out because it is disgusting!

    05/02.....0.00.......9.20 - Rest
    05/04.....6.42.....19.95 - Running with a friend
    05/05.....0.00.....19.95 - Strength Training
    05/07.....0.00.....25.08 - Travel day (flight cancellations, etc...)
    05/08.....0.00.....25.08 - Extended travel day
    05/09.....4.13.....29.21 - Treadmill
    05/11.....5.25.....34.46 - Treadmill
    05/12.....3.76.....38.22 - Treadmill
    05/14.....7.51.....45.73 - +Strength Training


    Had a great run outside but went a bit fast trying to keep up with a friend the last 2 miles. Strained my upper hamstring/lower glute so doing some runners yoga and foam rolling to hopefully work it out!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited May 2015
    @elise4270 It was a long road to becoming Skip's mom so I cherish all the time I spend with her. I can't believe you are old enough to have 20 year twins :o
    @ddmom0811 I forgot to say earlier, yes mine has a HRM her's does not

    Here's my 4 legged baby. :smile: I was outside today putting salt in the pool and she was going crazy, she loves to swim and will jump in if you so much as act like you are going in.


    My favorite picture, she's about 4 months here.


  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member

    Here's my 4 legged baby. :smile:

    So cute! :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Wendy1Fl wrote: »
    Look at this adorable bobble-head I adopted last night! She came from a search & rescue family...

    Such a nose! :) Adorable!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2015
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    4.5 today. My garmin says my recovery time is 59 hours. I might want to think about that...


    An "easy" 4.62. Gawd awful humid. Walked much of it. Broke a sweat just getting out of the car.


    I honestly never thought I'd make the 75.. But, I sure enjoy pushing a little harder. I ran hard downhill (easy on the piriformis) and was elated to see my pace at 7.35. Walked up hill, kills the angry butt muscle.