When did you get rid of the "fat" clothes?



  • wils5150
    wils5150 Posts: 149 Member
    i get rid of mine as they become to big. I have 2 big bags ready for big brother to come get. I just get the bare minimum of new stuff until I reach my goal
  • west2east
    west2east Posts: 1 Member
    I lost a heap of weight and then fell pregnant. After my pregnancy my big clothes were still massive and falling off me so at that point I knew it was time to donate my fat clothes. Haven't looked back.
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 501 Member
    Given my past history I was cautious about getting rid of my fat clothes, and I was losing weight for about 2 years...reached my initial goal after 1 1/2 years and kept losing. When I hit that first milestone I gave away a lot of the fat clothes, but kept the size 14's. Next spring I got rid of the 14's and most of the 12's - did keep a few of those. About time to get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit. I've been at or under my goal now for over 2 years so feeling more confident about keeping the weight off.
  • andidavis69
    andidavis69 Posts: 2 Member
    I packed all my XL clothes last night and going to give them to my dad ! Who will be a very trendy one ! I've lost 2 stone started 22 feb 2015 today is 15th may 2015 . Get rid straight away and treat yourself to new clothes
  • reluctantpioneer
    reluctantpioneer Posts: 128 Member
    I sold my bigger clothes and bought new ones. I haves a denim obsession on love pricy jeans. So now with big gone and small in I will not go back!! Been maintaining for about three months and as I exercise I still go down in size but not weight. Get rid of the big and weigh everyday to keep on track!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited May 2015
    My skirts and pants went as soon as they could no longer be altered with belts or waistband alterations. Dresses and tops went as soon as they no longer looked good. I still have my largest t-shirts and sweaters and I doubt that I will ever get rid of them because they don't look bad (and are really comfy) when oversized.

    I give my clothes to a local charity that provides a soup kitchen and clothing to the homeless in my town. They also work with a woman's shelter nearby providing clothing to the women and children who come there with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They are thrilled to get the larger sizes because they don't get enough for their needs. In addition, they operate a service where people can borrow nicer clothing for things like job interviews, then keep a small selection when they get a job.

    I still have plenty of things in my closet that are too small for me so I just buy the basics as I move downward. For me these are jeans, black dress pants, underthings (especially bras), and swimsuits. Occasionally I will treat myself to a dressy blouse but I can wait before I completely upgrade my wardrobe.
  • try4better128
    try4better128 Posts: 61 Member
    edited May 2015
    According to my mom, never. Because just when you do, you'll find out you're pregnant and want them back so that you don't have to spend a small fortune on maternity clothes.

  • SonofNorthernDarkness
    SonofNorthernDarkness Posts: 64 Member
    never got rid of them, still wearing them
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I've been thinking about this too, even though I've only lost 10 lbs so far after losing 40 a few years ago. I'm one of those people that keeps things "just in case", but as I was packing up winter clothes this year I put *most* in big plastic bags marked for goodwill and intend to get rid of them in the fall when they are officially too big. I don't know what it is this time... I just have a clear sense of permanence this time (I'm eating really well and don't think I'd change my habits right now if I could) and also feel like I've reached the point where I genuinely can't afford to put the weight back on. I can no longer eat some of the things that got me here, so I guess I feel safe. Ironically, I am a bit wistful about a couple of pairs of pants I am close to being out of- they were some of the best fitting pants I've ever had at any size! Maybe I will keep those, just because (memories of the great fit?) But as some have mentioned, I really have no space, so I plan to pare down a lot, even including the smaller sizes I still have around. BTW, I do most of my shopping at goodwill (which isn't to say I don't have a nice wardrobe, because I do) so cost is less of an issue.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    It took a couple of years to get rid of all the basic stuff. I miss my wardrobe. I worked Lane Bryant for almost a decade so I had really nice plus size clothes. I still have a few sentimental pieces like the shirt I was wearing the day I met my husband, the jacket I wore the day he proposed, the tank I wore when I went into labor with our now 6yr old, that sort of thing.
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    I've been slowly tossing them or sending them to Goodwill..

    I fear that putting them in boxes gives me a possible return to my bad level of fitness, so I'm burning the bridges.
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    I started getting rid of mine about 1½ years ago. Went from barely fitting into an XL to now medium (and sometimes small depending on the brand). Dropped a few pants sizes as well.
  • pwh300
    pwh300 Posts: 99 Member
    Got rid of 14's I was pushing to 16 and decided at 5'3'' I better do something fast.. I will keep my 12's.
    I donate to the Viet Nam Vets
    Like Cathunterfit said...No fat cloths have nothing to fall back on. Also no elastic...To easy not to notice the weight coming back
  • Terrush2004
    Terrush2004 Posts: 10 Member
    I recently got rid of some sweaters I bought last year when I re-entered the workforce. They were looking really frumpy on me. I bought everything on clearance off season so I guess I really got my use out of them. I was kinda sad last week, I have lost about 20 pounds since March 2015 and my favorite go to dress pants are too big for me now. They used to hug my curves just right...now they sag. I will probably put them in a tote for that famous (JUST IN CASE) weight gain. Seriously, I really need to do a major purge in my closet.
  • ophiure
    ophiure Posts: 18 Member
    Never. I'm lucky enough that my "fat clothes" are only one or two sizes bigger. (I was skinny fat, i.e., couldn't walk upstairs without getting breathless, but looked "normal".)

    I keep them for two reasons: 1) they're good for wearing when you are doing something messy and don't want to worry about ruining your clothing, 2) they're really good for layering in the winter when it's so cold that I'm wearing four different sweaters and three pairs of pants.

    Now, if I had lost a dramatic amount of weight that rendered them "unwearable", sure, I'd get rid of them. But currently I only own four pairs of shorts, and two of them are my old size. I kind of need to hold onto them until I buy more clothes, lol.

    I tend to keep clothes until they literally wear out and are full of holes.
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    Going in with the mindset that you may fail is toxic in my opinion. I made a permanent changes with my eating habits and fitness goals. I don't plan on abanoning them; they are my new lifestyle and have been for approaching a year. So, I won't need fat clothes because I won't gain back 20 or 30 pounds. It's not like the weight will come back while I'm not looking. It's not something that will just kind of happen and I would be helpless to prevent. I believe that I am accountable for all my actions/decisions. I can fail or succeed and failure is not an option. Fat clothes were donated to mission/shelter as soon as I was able to buy clothes that fit me at new size.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    As soon as an article of clothing does not fit, out it goes!! However, I donate everything but I'm thinking that since I have so much of it and I do need some new things that I'm going to sell them now instead. My thought is that if it's small it's motivating but if it's big, it's too easy to say well, if I gain a few pounds I still have some things and then it's too easy (for me anyway) to then get lazy and let myself gain here and there and then, 50 pounds later I'm back to square one.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    I have been getting rid of mine as soon as they don't fit anymore. I figure having to buy new clothes if I gain weight will be a wake up call enough to make me get back on track. I'll probably lose one more size before hitting my goal, though, so I will probably keep the smaller of my current size jeans, at least, as they are the ones I have owned the longest, i.e. my probable average weight.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    I rarely wear slacks. That solves all sorts of problems since skirts and dresses are more forgiving and less expensive.
  • kmsoucy457
    kmsoucy457 Posts: 237 Member
    edited May 2015
    I am 2.5lbs away from my goal, down 55lbs, and I won't get rid of my fat clothes anytime soon. I'm young still and I want to have children one day so I plan on using my big clothes as maternity clothes. Obviously I'll probably buy some nice clothing designed for maternity but for lounging around my home or visiting family why not. :)

    I'm surprised it took this many comments before someone said it! This is why I kept the favorite articles of my too-big clothing: a few work slacks and blouses, and a pair of jeans each from my largest size in college (12) down. I'm certain they will serve me well one day... until then they are out of sight and out of mind in attic storage.

    Also, as someone else noted, I really kicked myself for throwing out my high school wardrobe after losing weight gained from college and a back injury. There is still that one pair of jeans I wistfully think of from time to time.