New Couch to 5K (C25k) - Challenge Starting May 2



  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    I did W3D1 yesterday! I was quite nervous, wasn't sure I could run for 3 mins....but I did it! It seemed to go a lot faster for me than the previous weeks, too.

    I'm nervous about W3! I do D1 tomorrow! EEK!

    You can do it!!! Do you listen to a podcast or music? That really helped me. I just zoned out, listened to the music, and RAN!
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    I did W4D1 today and I made it even though my legs are killing me (thanks to Jillian Michaels NMTZ.) And my pregnant friend always runs faster than me. Music is definitely the key for me.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    W3D1 finished today. Made it through, found the first 3 minutes worse than the second one actually. And I did 3.2km in half an hour, so I can kind of see now how you can do 5km in that time. Never gonna be able to run it though!!
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    W3D2 done this morning!
  • iowagirl09
    iowagirl09 Posts: 23
    Finished W3 this morning. Each day I was able to increase the incline and the speed so I'm happy with how this week went. It felt really good and I was able to focus on my breathing so no side stitches this week that! Woohoo!!!! W4 scares me to be honest, but I'm ready to kick it's butt too. I really am too stubborn for my own good.

    Keep up the good work ladies and gentlemen!
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    W3D2 completed!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    W3D2 complete. Felt good! However, getting a bit cocky so sneaked a look at week 4---- Are they having a laugh??!! Run for FIVE minutes??? I might die!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I haven't done anything this week. I feel so bad but my allergies are just killing me. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see if I can get different meds. Hopefully I'll be back up next week
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    W3D3 finished this morning! Bring it Week 4!
  • iowagirl09
    iowagirl09 Posts: 23
    So I usually only post after I've completed a week, but my goodness... W4D1... Let me just say I had no motivation to go today, I felt like crap, really hadn't eaten too much or drank a whole lot of water all day, so I was pretty sure it was going to be a total fail.
    I managed to complete it. I had to slow the last run segment down below what I would have liked but I'm glad I did. I felt decent afterwords so I'm slightly excited to improve on Saturdays jog. Yes jog. I'm not really running at this point. But I'm okay with that. Because I keep repeating my favorite quote to myself, "It doesn't matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch."

    What's my point to this post, you ask? I would like to thank everyone who has done this C25K before and has given advice to slow it down if you need to. I greatly appreciate it. Cause if I hadn't I would have tried to keep it faster and would have failed. Epically.

    Oh side note, I've developed these semi blood blister like things on the tip of my second toes. But they aren't bubbled up like blisters, they are flat. wth are these? And how do I get rid of them? They don't hurt, they are just ugly.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Just completed W3D1. I have to admit I fell off a little bit this week. "Things" kept interfering and I kept pushing today's run back. I think I'm going to make up for it by running consecutive days, even though you aren't "supposed" to. I had a two day break from any exercise, so I'm feeling pretty well rested. We'll see what happens. Can't wait until I can begin clearing a little more distance within these runs. I don't know if I'm really improving or not. Haha.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    W3D1 seemed to FLY by. I went about the same distance as I always do, so I'm happy with that. I tried to push myself a little more. It's hard to gauge it b/c I'm running on the street and can't really control my speed. I'm just glad I was able to go 3 mins w/o dying. Hahaha!
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    I started w4d3 today. It was my best workout so far. I felt strong and had a great soundtrack. Nineteen minutes in my daycare called to tell me my son had a rock stuck in his ear. I'm still at the ER. I hope the second try goes better.
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    Week 3 Day 3 DONE. Great job everyone! Have an awesome weekend and see you all next week!
  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100
    I did mY first 5k today. I ran/walked (mostly walked). I did manage to runn the first 5 minutes, a few intervals in the middle (sprints to the mile markers), and run the last half mile with a sprint the last 1/8 mile or so. HRM time was 45:54, on a very hilly course. I didn't think it was bad for someone who just started running 3 weeks ago (and who had a raging hangover during the race). Next one I amm currently signed up for is July 2nd, but I may have to find another to do between now and then.

    Average HR: 146
    Max HR: 195
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    Finished wk 4 day 3 today. VERY nervous about week 5.
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    Week 4 Day 1 done! I was quite nervous about that 5 min run, but I rocked it! I had such an endorphin high afterwards. I can't believe I'm enjoying running! LOL
  • iowagirl09
    iowagirl09 Posts: 23
    W4 is in the books. And can I just say that D3, for lack of a better word, sucked. Legs were heavy, feet didn't want to move, it was just bad. But I finished it. D2 was fabulous so I'm not going to dwell on one bad day. However cause it was so bad I did a half hour on the elliptical afterwords and even that was a chore. Just not my day I guess.

    W5, you scare me, A LOT, but I will face you head on starting Wednesday.
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    Week 4 Day 1 is DONE. Holy crap did that suck so freaking much. The jump from week 3 to week 4 is huge! I'm scared of week 5+ too! Sometimes I wonder if there'll ever be a time when I'll actually enjoy running. Days like today make me feel like that will never happen.
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    Wk 5 day 1 finished! It was exhilarating! I felt like I could go longer after the workout was done. For me, a rocking playlist definitely helps. Today's soundtrack: Godsmack. Bring on the rest of the week!