OHP in squat rack?



  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I'm about to go do squats on a Smith machine...come at me, bro.

  • midnightisolde
    midnightisolde Posts: 60 Member
    My gym only has one power rack and no squat racks, barbell bench press or overhead press stations. There is a smith but I find that quite horrible for squats. o that leaves the one power rack to do squats, bench press and overhead press. There is another bar for Deadlifts and rows. Not ideal. I hate it sometimes as I want to do all of the above movements so it's very annoying when someone is there. Although in fairness, most who use it also want to do compound lifts as well, so it's the gyms problem really. Most of the time it's ok. When I see the rack free I practically run to it lol. I someone is there, it's fine to just ask them how long.
    But there are some who just take too long - chatting or on their phone. Even taking the bar from the rack to do deadlifts even though there is another bar free and for that purpose.
    It's cheap though, only £11.99 per month (about $18 I think).
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I saw some pure genius at the gym this weekend. OHP with a Smith Machine. But, WAIT! It isn't as bad as you might think.


    It was one of these ^^^. See where the plates are stored on the back side? A woman took off the stored plates at around shoulder height. She set her barbell there, for loading and between sets. Awesome. Add this to the list of things a Smith Machine is good for.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I see nothing wrong with OHP in the squat rack and if anyone just walks up to give you attitude about it they have other problems.

    I had a guy that huffed, puffed, moaned and groaned standing next to me while waiting for me to finish using the squat rack (and I was actually squatting). Normally I let folks work in but I did not speed up my workout in the slightest with how rude this dude was being. Worst part, there are a total of 3 squat racks at my gym and I was on mine the least about of time and he other bothered me, not the other two dudes. He didn't want to wait at all. I think some people come into the gym looking for problems or trying to start one.

    Be courteous and treat others how you want to be treated, but don't let *kitten* hats walk on you.