Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm in! I just finished week 1 of Burn and I love it.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I've just completed my 1st week of Burn Circuit.....

    Wow.....!!!! I can just about walk up the stairs.... Glutes are burning....!

    I'm actually following a CLX / Turbo Jam hybrid schedule that I created myself.... because I didn't want to give up Turbo Jam (I love it too much....!)

    So far... I'm liking the program.... I pretty much liked it from the 1st day & already bought some adjustable heavy weights 2 x 20Kg (44 lbs)...

    Not that I can lift anything heavier that 5 kg (11 lbs) at the moment, but I think I can go 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs) on the lower body exercises in Burn Circuit 3

    And today, I found some weight lifting gloves because those weights will surely give me callouses.

    So I'm ready.....:bigsmile:

    My Hybrid Schedule:

    *** BURN CIRCUIT ***
    MONDAY - Fat Blaster & Burn Circuit 1
    TUESDAY - Cardio Party 1
    THURSDAY - Cardio Party Remix & Burn Circuit 2
    FRIDAY - Burn Intervals & Abs Burner
    SATURDAY - Kick, Punch & Jam & Burn Circuit 3
    SUNDAY - Burn It Off & Recharge
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I wanted to get a bit more organized to start things off, but it's just not going to happen, so this is what I was thinking:

    While many/most of us are starting tomorrow, there are a nice mix of members who are at various points along the series so for this week, why don't we do this:

    Tell us what part you are up to:
    Your reason for doing CHX:
    One thing you'd like to see happen by the time you're done with the 90 days:
    Suggestions for mini-challenges you'd like to do along the way:
    Take photos! You don't have to post them, just keep them for comparison. This will be the hardest thing for me to do!! But I'm going to do it.

    For me, it will look like this:

    Monday 5/22 Starting Burn 1/ Day 1
    I'm trying to lose weight, firm up, feel strong
    I'd like the flab under my arms to not swing and to lose my bra fat
    Mini-challenges--extra cardio for the week/ try 1 new healthy food or recipie

    Then, I'll compile the above and keep track of it. In the meanwhile, I'll pull some more things together and get some sort of group list going....oh, I just wish there was more time!!!

    See you all in the morning!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Starting Burn Week 2 today - will do Burn Circuit 1 plus Turbo Jam Fat Blaster

    My reason for doing CLX is to do some form of exercise for toning. I was doing Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones, but got bored of it...

    One thing you'd like to see happen by the time you're done with the 90 days: I just want to get toned - I know I'm going to lose some inches (doesn't matter how many), as I've already lost over 30 inches since I started my weight loss journey

    I've taken measurements instead of photos - easier that way...
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    OK--I did Day 1 this morning--it is REALLY different than anything I've done for a long time! I found myself moving MUCH too quickly and it's going to be a challenge just to slow down and concentrate on the movement. My brain is going to be working as hard as my biceps. It's a totally different mindset from Jillian's Ripped or Shred and it feels like I'm not getting as much out of CHX--which just means I'm not doing it right.

    For one thing, my weights were much too light--the book says rest day tomorrow, but I think I'm going to do Day 1 over again, but do it at the correct pace and with appropriate weights.

    I chickened out on asking my hubby to take photos--I've spent so much time making sure he never got a really good look at me that it's difficult to put myself out like that...I will ask him though--it will be good for me. I will take my measurements--that I can do by myself.

    I'm REALLY going to try to create some sort of "master list" where we can easily check in and track our if I could only manage to add a couple of extra hours into my day, it would just be perfect!

    Good luck to everyone as they go through their Monday! Thanks for joining in--we'll keep each other strong and motivated.
  • timeformajorchange
    Morning group!!

    Great job Catniss on your workout today!! Taking pics is VERY difficult to do (even if we COULD do them ourselves, just seeing the reality of what my body looks like is majorly depressing!!) but as you said, it's important and I bet we'll be glad we have that "before" picture to compare our "after" pic too!! I will be doing pics as well.... a "starting", "30 days", "60 days", and the "90 Day" picture. I'm know the "before" picture will be the only hard one because the others will all be improved!!!

    I started my first workout yesterday, but like you I used weights that were too light. I am stronger than I thought! The movements themselves actually felt great doing them super slowly! I think I may redo the BC1 as well today, with heavier weights. I also found out I may have to go buy a heavier pair, as currently the heaviest I have is only 12.5 and I could have gone a bit higher (like maybe around 15?). But we'll see what I feel like doing later. I may just do a cardio day today too.

    All in all, I was VERY impressed with the first workout, and I can't wait to get thru the first 30days!!! 29 to go!!! WHOO HOO!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    Tell us what part you are up to: Starting week 2 of Burn Phase
    Your reason for doing CHX: To hopefully boost my metabolism and tighten up my entire body
    One thing you'd like to see happen by the time you're done with the 90 days: Lower my body fat to 27% or less (31.5% right now)
    Mini-challenge for the week: Just to get through 4 out of 5 of the workouts and eat as well as possible, despite visiting family most of the week

    This week is going to be frustrating, because I'm going to be out of town Thursday through Sunday, and I won't be able to any CLX workouts during that time--I don't think it would be polite to ask my in-laws to move their only DVD player & then take over their small living room! However, I do plan to do Burn Circuit 1 tonight, Burn Intervals & Ab Burner Tues., Burn Circuit 2 on Wed. & then do Burn Circuit 3 when I return late Sunday. That way, I'm only missing out on the Burn It Off & Recharge workout this week. I will also try to get in some other form of exercise while I'm away, even if it is only a few brisk walks. Food will be another challenge, as I refuse to insult my in-laws whom I dearly love...I will just make the best choices among whatever they prepare & keep my portions small.

    Catniss-I think you will be pleasantly surprised once you up the weights. I was doing 30DS before I started CLX, and I have definitely felt like I've exerted myself more, sweated more, and registered a bigger burn on my HRM with CLX. I never felt sore after the first day of doing 30DS, and I am sore in a new place every day with CLX! Oh, and the cardio on Burn Intervals gets my heart rate up to 189!

    Good luck to all CLXers this week! I will take "before" photos and measurements tonight so I can provide an update (at least of my measurements) after I complete every phase!
  • MissFitBiz
    MissFitBiz Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm starting the Push Phase tomorrow. I love it! I actually look forward to my AM workouts and love Chalene's positive attitude. I've also tried some Turbo Fire and usually do that on the rest days in the ChaLean Extreme program. I feel so much better and I'm glad there's a support group for new and existing ChaLean Extreme participants.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I'm in, if you'll allow one more? My daughter and I are starting another round of CLX today. I have done several rounds and love, love, love this program!! My daughter, who is 15, has done it with me twice before and this will be my fifth time through.

    My goals for this round are to increase my arm strength - I usually lift 17.5 lbs on bicep curls but I haven't been able to be consistent with my workouts since the new year so I have lost some strength an dropped back a few lbs. on the weights : ( I also want to drop by bodyfat percent closer to 20%. Eating since the new year hasn't been as clean as I prefer, so right now I'm at 25% which is too high for me.

    To the folks who feel they lifted "too light", I would suggest you merely make a note in your guidebook or tracking sheets that you need to go heavier next time rather than repeating the workout the next day with heavier weights. The reason is because your mucsles need a full day of recovery in between weight lifting workouts, so if you repeat the workout with heavier weights the following day, then go on the next day to lift again to stay on schedule, you'll have lifted three days in a row without giving your muscles a chance to recover - and very likely, you won't lift as well on that third day as you would have with the recovery day in between. The first week of each phase can be sort of 'discovery' to figure out what your weights are going to be for the workouts for the remainder of the phase. As you continue the program, you'll get a better feel for your capabilities and can better guage what weights you can use. Also, when you start a particular exercise, if you immediately feel the weight is too light, back up the DVD, pick up a heavier weight and re-start the exercise right then and there. Conversely, if the weight is too heavy, switch down to a lighter weight and keep going - just make sure to mark the changes in your guide book or tracking sheet for next time.

    I also heard some chatter about loss on the scale. With this program, you'd be wise to ditch the scale. Remember that you are building muscle, which is denser than fat and so by volume weighs more. As you add muscle, your weight will absolutely fluctuate because the muscle by volume weighs more and because your muscles will retain water from time to time as they are repairing between lifting workouts which will also make your weight go up and down. The scale is not your friend. Stick to the tape measure and your mirror - they never lie to you. Go by how your clothes are fitting and how you are feeling!

    Hope these tidbits are helpful! Good to see so many doing the program!!
  • youngtweezy
    youngtweezy Posts: 183
    Tell us what part you are up to: Just starting today!
    Your reason for doing CHX: I want to tone up, I'm not too worried about the scale. I'm at a healthy weight, I would just like to be in shape.
    One thing you'd like to see happen by the time you're done with the 90 days: I want a toned & strong body!
    Suggestions for mini-challenges you'd like to do along the way: I have no idea, really. Maybe a calorie burn, cardio challenge or a challenge to see who lifts the heaviest?
    I didn't take pictures, but I have pictures of me very recently, so I just measured & weighed in.
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    I'm on Burn Circuit 2 of my second week of the Burn Phase (I start each week on a Saturday).
    I'm doing Chalean Extreme because I've already done 3 months of Turbo Jam with AWESOME results (lost 22 lbs in 3 months!!!), but I want to tone my body as well.
    When I complete my first 90 days of Chalean Extreme, I want to have a better relationship with food (I'm doing the diet portion, as well & have been rockin out with it), I want to have dropped a few sizes & I want to build upper body strength. So far on my weight loss journey, I've lost 77 lbs (from 264 lbs - 187 lbs) on my own with diet & exercise! My legs are rediculously sculpted, but my arms still have A LOT of fat hiding the muscle I have on them. I would like to burn through it to actually show muscle. I also want my midsection toned. And last, but not least, I want to feel like I can continue for 30 MORE days to complete the Lean For Life Phase! I'll be ordering Turbo Fire as a prize for myself when I complete the first 90 days of the program & when I finish up with the month of Lean For Life, I want to do a CLX/Turbo Fire Hybrid! Right now I'm doing a CLX/ Turbo JAM hybrid that I absolutely LOVE!!!

    It looks like:

    Saturday: Burn1, TJ Fat Blaster, TJ Ab Jam
    Sunday: TJ Punch, Kick & Jam, TJ Ab Jam
    Monday: Burn2, TJ 20 Minute Workout, TJ Ab Jam
    Tuesday: Burn Intervals, Extreme Abs
    Wednesday: Burn3, TJ Fat Blaster, TJ Ab Jam
    Thursday: Burn It Off!, Recharge
    Friday: Either Rest Day or TJ Cardio Party (depends how I'm feeling. Last week, I felt too lazy having a rest day, so I worked out.)

    I have a suggestion for the group. We should either do measurements every week or at least every month.
    After just my first week of CLX, I lost 5 inches off my entire body!

    Chest: - .5
    Upper Arms: same
    Waist: -1.7!!!
    Hips: -2!!!
    Abductors: same
    Thighs: - .8

    My scale has NOT BUDGED & says I'm still at 187 lbs. I'm glad someone on here said to ditch the scale, because it is true!

    Let's keep it going! :) Keep pushing play!!!
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    I am on week 2 of the push phase and I love this phase!! However, I am starving all the time!!

    My goals are to lose 5lbs (I am 5'2" and 130 right now) I wanted to lose 10 when I started this but I have changed my goal to 5 since I have yet to lose a pound but am losing inches. I took my before pictures when I started but have not taken any more pictures yet.

    I am excited to see that some of you are doing Turbo Jam too! I just purchased it and it arrived today, I did learn and burn tonight rather than burn intervals. I Love it!! I am hoping that adding more cardio will help me lose a few pounds.

    Good luck everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I just started the push phase this week, Tomorrow will actually be day 1 of push. I am doing this to feel stronger and better about myself as well as mix up my workout to break through those plateaus. I am hoping to lose my finally 15 pounds and shrink those inches. As well as ChaLean I mix it up with Zumba, running, Pilates, Bootcamp and more. I did TJ a long time ago and am loving this program. I want to do a hybrid of turbo fire/ChaLean when I am done.

    I took pictures when I first started and need to take another one tomorrow before starting Push. I also need to take updated measurements so I know how I am doing overall.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    -LaCubana9--you are really going to fire up this group!! I can totally see turning to you for inspiration--thanks so much. You have accomplished so much--I hope you are proud of yourself. I like the idea of doing the measurements. Marianne also uses measurements.

    -ChirishGirl—thanks for the encouragement—it is easier to think about having to do just one exercise at a time.

    -Andi_1977—I’m glad you’re here! Unfortunately, I wouldn’t know what to advise about the nutritional question—I wouldn’t want to just guess and not be right—did you try posting it as a new thread? Good luck with your weekend—it sounds like you have a good plan in place; one that you will be able to stick to. I will give CLX a fair shot—I guess I’m just so used to mixing it all up at an insane speed and really feeling it in my whole body—but it’s good for me to push my comfort boundaries.

    -marianne_s—your schedule sounds awesome—right up there with LaCubana’s! The weight lifting gloves are a fantastic idea.

    -mmtiernan—you are most very welcome to join!!! Your sound advice about giving myself the rest day will be followed!! It’s also an incredibly wise (and deceptively simple) suggestion about rewinding the DVD if I need to change the weights (and pausing while I note what I’m using). Thanks for those. Oh, and about changing my expectations for the scale will definitely come in handy (and save me from discouragement). I’ll probably check in on the scale from time to time, but I won’t let it dictate my success.

    So, I need to put a bit more thought into my schedule—I tend to overdo things. It’s evident that I need to allow myself some time for learning the routine without feeling like I didn’t accomplish anything. I’ll add in some cardio on those days. I will give myself rest days from the weights (like tomorrow), so I’ll do the cardio and the abs tomorrow. Still have some stuff to figure out, but I'll get there!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I'm on week 3 of Push Phase. Can I join in?

    La Cubana--Thanks for the TJ/CLX Hybrid. I've been wondering if there was one. I know there is a CLX/TF hybrid, but I don't have Turbo Fire.

    JMF--same for me. I'm 5'0" and hoped to lose about 10 pounds. I've been losing inches, but not pounds (which is a good thing, I know). So now, I've abandoned a weight loss goal and am just looking to get toned.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone....!

    Yesterday was the beginning of my 2nd week, and I did Fat Blaster & Burn Circuit 1..... I found Burn Circuit 1 to be fairy easy....

    But I have to say lifting heavy weights gives your body a different burn than from cardio exercise or working out with lighter weights. Because about an hour afterwards I felt so tired.... my legs and arms felt so heavy.....!

    I can see why a rest day between circuits is definitely needed....!

    After looking at LaCubana's schedule, I can see that I don't have enough Ab exercises in mine.... need to add it in to the schedule, but can't see where.....

    *** BURN CIRCUIT ***
    MONDAY - Fat Blaster & Burn Circuit 1
    TUESDAY - Cardio Party 1
    THURSDAY - Cardio Party Remix & Burn Circuit 2
    FRIDAY - Burn Intervals & Abs Burner
    SATURDAY - Kick, Punch & Jam & Burn Circuit 3
    SUNDAY - Burn It Off & Recharge
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member

    After looking at LaCubana's schedule, I can see that I don't have enough Ab exercises in mine.... need to add it in to the schedule, but can't see where.....

    *** BURN CIRCUIT ***
    MONDAY - Fat Blaster & Burn Circuit 1
    TUESDAY - Cardio Party 1
    THURSDAY - Cardio Party Remix & Burn Circuit 2
    FRIDAY - Burn Intervals & Abs Burner
    SATURDAY - Kick, Punch & Jam & Burn Circuit 3
    SUNDAY - Burn It Off & Recharge

    Your abs are like any other muscle group - they need time to recover. You only need to work your abs three times per week at most. They are one of the easiest muscle groups to build, but one of the hardest to see, unfortunately! That is because your stomach is usually the last place from which you lose fat. The best way to see your abs is a clean diet.

    Also, you don't have to do cardio on lifting days. I know that a lot of people do it because they see on their HRM that they didnt burn that many calories during their weight lifting routine so they think they need to throw in some extra cardio to make up for it. That's really not true because with weight lifting, your body is actually still burning calories at an accelerated rate for hours after your workout, whereas with cardio you only burn extra calories while you are working out. If you feel the need to do cardio on a weight lifting day, you should do it after weights. If you do the cardio first, then you are trying to lift weights using muscles that you've already fatigued during cardio and your lifting won't be nearly as effective as it would have been had you lifted first.

    My workout week goes something like this:

    Day 1 - abs, weights (I always to abs first so I do a good job and am not tempted to slack off!)
    Day 2 - cardio
    Day 3 - abs, weights
    Day 4 - cardio
    Day 5 ab, weights
    Day 6 - cardio
    Day - 7 rest or stretching/yoga
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Forgot to add in my workout from yesterday: Burn Circuit 1 with my daughter! I so love it when she works out with me and the girl is getting very strong!! I use 30 lb. weights in each hand for squats and she was holding 20s!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I hope you guys don't mind if I post in here, as I'm currently doing the CLX/TF hybrid. I finished Insanity last week Sunday and started the hybrid on Friday (to have Sunday as my rest day). Because I had just completed Insanity, I started on the hypertrophy phase (week 5), which is the Push phase. Today I did Burn Intervals and Ab Burner. I hear a lot of people complain about the cardio in CLX but, man, I think her cardio is great! And this is someone who completed basically the pinnacle of cardio. :laugh:

    Basically, my goal throughout the program is to get lean and develop some GUNS. :laugh: My arms flap when I hold them out to the side. I don't want that anymore! Also, my midsection is bad. My poor body seems to not want to let go off the flab I have in that area right now. I admit I don't eat too clean, though I do try. I cook dinner and breakfast (and eat leftover dinner for lunch), but there are times (like this weekend) when I just want a taste of something unhealthy. This past weekend was tons of wine. Mmm!

    Anywho, I'm not sure what else you wanted to know but I have been known to run my mouth. Hope you guys don't mind another one joining in! I'll be around too - I stuck around for 63 days while I did Insanity and I don't plan on stopping now. :bigsmile: