May 2015 Multisport Challenge



  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Just some running and biking today along with some time on the elliptical machine (not tracking here). Only planning to do a bit of swimming, lifting, and biking tomorrow as I haven't had a non-running day in almost a week.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile marathon (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)
    5/4 - 0.85 mile easy swim
    5/5 - 0.75 mile easy swim, 30 min weights, 16 mile bike
    5/6 - 12 mile bike
    5/7 - 6 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/8 - 30 min weights, 0.5 mile swim, 12 mile bike
    5/9 - 4 mile run, 20 mile bike
    5/10 - 12 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/11 - 10 mile bike, 30 min weights, 0.6 mile swim
    5/12 - 4 mile run
    5/13 - 5 mile run, 0.5 mile swim, 17 mile bike
    5/14 - 4 mile run, 30 min weights
    5/15 - 42 mile bike, 0.5 mile swim, 3 mile run
    5/16 - 0.3 mile swim, 14 mile bike, 5 mile run
    5/17 - 30 min weights, 30 mile bike
    5/18 - 3 mile bike, 12 mile run
    5/19 - 7.3 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/20 - 25 min weights, 1 mile swim, 3.5 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/21 - 8 mile run, 0.7 mile swim
    5/22 - 6 mile run, 25 mile bike

    Complete: 7 weight sessions, 108 miles running, 249 miles biking, 5.7 miles swimming
    Goal: 9 weight sessions, 100 miles running, 500 miles biking, 5 miles swimming
    Remaining: 2 weight sessions, 0 miles running, 251 miles biking, 0 miles swimming
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    My first triathlon (400/18.5M/5K) is a week from tomorrow. I am very nervous about the swim. I have been in the pool every other day for the last month. Today may have been my worst swim in weeks. I did the laps but it was not pretty in any way.
    Biking is going very well and my splits are improving almost .5mph every week.
    Running is still very slow but I can put in the distances necessary without stopping to walk.
    Thanks for listening.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Just finished my first Tri of the season, pretty happy with how it went, except for a few mistakes here and there. Won my age group and finished 9th overall female of 59 in the sprint!

    As per usual, my run was my biggest limiter, but I was putting up mile splits about 1-2 minutes faster than all of last year's races, so, progress!
    My bike split was awesome, felt really strong- 23rd overall of the full field of 140ish people.
    Swim was painful. I panicked when I hit the water, no idea why, and it took a couple hundred yards to get my breathing under control. Still finished in the top half of the field, but I was a full 2 minutes slower than where I self-seeded (sorry to anyone who got stuck behind me!).
    Most importantly, I felt awesome after the race, so it's good to know I could have pushed myself even harder.
    Overall, good start to the real race season :smiley::smiley:

    At the finish line with my dad:
  • Seigla
    Seigla Posts: 172 Member
    @gobonas99 - very cool that you are going to do an Ironman 70.3! Is this your first? Have you trained long for it?

    @Ohhim - wow you do a lot of exercise. Do you use a schedule?
    btw I'm also going to start weight lifting next week, so then we do the same 4 activities ;)

    @cblue315 - cool that you'll do a tri! sounds like you trained a lot! I think you'll be fine! :) I was nervous for my first tri as well - which was an Olympic Distance (1500m/40k/10k), but it turned out that I really enjoyed it - not just when it was done, but while I was swimming/running/cycling I felt good, it was a lot of fun! I felt a bit overwhelmed before I went, but once I had started swimming I just got a huge adrenaline rush and it felt like the rest of the group was pulling me; I didn't know anyone, but I felt part of the group. Hard to describe it well, but that experience got me hooked to this awesome sport! ;)

    @SBRRepeat - Awesome! Sounds promising for the rest of the season :)

    Had my first swim in the Rhine. Water was cold but after a while I got used to it. I did swim with a wetsuit - for the first time; I've got a super cheap one, it's not very good but it does the job.

    17/5 - 15 km walk
    18/5 - 1 km swim
    19/5 - 6 km run
    20/5 - 8 km walk, 5.5 km run
    21/5 - 1.5 km run
    23/5 - 10 km run, 6 km walk, 1 km swim
  • ironmankat
    ironmankat Posts: 24 Member
    edited May 2015
    @SBRRepeat Congratulations!!! That's so awesome!!!

    So today was not my day. On paper my workout was on point, 12 mile easy run. But I forgot my gel, wound up scarfing someone's extra Gatorade for calories, and pretty much bonked at 11.5. Now my legs are dead. But again at least on paper it looks like a nice 12 mile easy run. Muncie 70.3 in 7 weeks; dead legs from easy running unacceptable!!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    @cblue315 - you'll be fine! :)

    @SBRRepeat - congratulations! :smiley:

    @SirJaseph - yes...this is my first 70.3. I've been actively training for it since September.

    5/22 - rest day (I did do about 20 minutes of core/stretching, tho)
    5/23 - Kettle Lakes 15K - the course is a smidge short at 9.2 miles, but my official time was 1:29:30, which is about a 9 minute PR on 15K (I'd have done another .1 in about a minute, and my prior training 15k best was 1:39:47), and exactly 35 minutes faster than what I did this race in last year. Also had my 2nd best estimated 5k time of 28:35, and my best estimated 10K time of 59:00. :smiley::smiley::smiley:

    Totals through 5/23:
    Swim: 5.50 miles in 3.70 hours (4 swims)
    Bike: 191.92 miles in 12.90 hours (10 rides)
    Run: 38.42 miles in 7.95 hours (10 runs)
    Yoga: 2 classes
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited May 2015
    @SBRRepeat - Big congrads for winning your age group and for the big improvement on your running times. Hope the extra miles have been paying off.

    @SirJaseph - I've always used plans when training for marathons/triathlons, and I just started following the Garmin Olympic II plan for figuring out my swim workouts, but I've been kinda lost the past few weeks after my last marathon. The only method to my madness has been a 12 mile ride to/from baseball games whenever my team plays at home, a friend who runs 3-6 miles Monday-Friday & 12 miles on Sunday, the Garmin plan for my swimming schedule, and a lifting schedule that has me rest 2 days between sessions. Once I commit to a HIM/IM, I'll shift over to one of those plans. From what I can tell, my actual mileage is on par with most mid level HIM plans, and a bit short for a full ironman.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile marathon (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)
    5/4 - 0.85 mile easy swim
    5/5 - 0.75 mile easy swim, 30 min weights, 16 mile bike
    5/6 - 12 mile bike
    5/7 - 6 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/8 - 30 min weights, 0.5 mile swim, 12 mile bike
    5/9 - 4 mile run, 20 mile bike
    5/10 - 12 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/11 - 10 mile bike, 30 min weights, 0.6 mile swim
    5/12 - 4 mile run
    5/13 - 5 mile run, 0.5 mile swim, 17 mile bike
    5/14 - 4 mile run, 30 min weights
    5/15 - 42 mile bike, 0.5 mile swim, 3 mile run
    5/16 - 0.3 mile swim, 14 mile bike, 5 mile run
    5/17 - 30 min weights, 30 mile bike
    5/18 - 3 mile bike, 12 mile run
    5/19 - 7.3 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/20 - 25 min weights, 1 mile swim, 3.5 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/21 - 8 mile run, 0.7 mile swim
    5/22 - 6 mile run, 25 mile bike
    5/23 - 30 min weights, 0.5 mile swim, 17 mile bike

    Complete: 8 weight sessions, 108 miles running, 266 miles biking, 6.2 miles swimming
    Goal: 9 weight sessions, 100 miles running, 500 miles biking, 5 miles swimming
    Remaining: 1 weight sessions, 234 miles biking
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    @SirJaseph, @Ohhim and @ironmankat - thanks!
    Kat, I'll probably be volunteering at IM Muncie, I'll keep my eyes peeled for you
    @gobonas99 congrats right back at you! :smiley:
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    @SBRRepeat Awesome! Well done!!

    Been a lazy week for me this week. I was working 8:30am through to 2am on wednesday, which involved a lot of heavy lifting and moving, and back in the office before 10am on thursday, which left me frazzled.

    Going to take the boy child to the park tomorrow so he can practice his 1km. I've entered him for his first junior race at end of June, he'll have turned 6 by then :smile:
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Pool was completely deserted today (first time ever!), so I got in a solid swim station. Also adding my mileage from yesterday's race.
    Hoping to do a century ride with my kid brother tomorrow.

    Bike:134 mi
    Run: 38.1 mi
    Swim: 8200 m.
    Strength: 3 sessions
    X-training: 7 hrs backpacking
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Did my second 5K today and knocked 5 mins off my time from last week. My swim was good. I feel better about the race next weekend.
    You are all so inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing.
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    edited May 2015
    @gobonas99 great new PB on 15km and 10km! Well done! Looks like you maintained a good solid pace there and stuck with it.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Ended up feeling pretty good today, so did my usual Sunday long run this AM with the guys, and a bunch of biking with a friend including extended rides to/from today's ballgame. I'm happy to be finally making a bit of a dent on the biking total goal but still have a fair bit of riding left to do this week. Also, I decided to go for 150 miles of running for the month, so I'm adjusting that goal back up.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile marathon (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)
    5/4 - 0.85 mile easy swim
    5/5 - 0.75 mile easy swim, 30 min weights, 16 mile bike
    5/6 - 12 mile bike
    5/7 - 6 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/8 - 30 min weights, 0.5 mile swim, 12 mile bike
    5/9 - 4 mile run, 20 mile bike
    5/10 - 12 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/11 - 10 mile bike, 30 min weights, 0.6 mile swim
    5/12 - 4 mile run
    5/13 - 5 mile run, 0.5 mile swim, 17 mile bike
    5/14 - 4 mile run, 30 min weights
    5/15 - 42 mile bike, 0.5 mile swim, 3 mile run
    5/16 - 0.3 mile swim, 14 mile bike, 5 mile run
    5/17 - 30 min weights, 30 mile bike
    5/18 - 3 mile bike, 12 mile run
    5/19 - 7.3 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/20 - 25 min weights, 1 mile swim, 3.5 mile run, 12 mile bike
    5/21 - 8 mile run, 0.7 mile swim
    5/22 - 6 mile run, 25 mile bike
    5/23 - 30 min weights, 0.5 mile swim, 17 mile bike
    5/24 - 13.1 mile run, 62 mile bike

    Complete: 8 weight sessions, 121 miles running, 328 miles biking, 6.2 miles swimming
    Goal: 9 weight sessions, 150 miles running, 500 miles biking, 5 miles swimming
    Remaining: 1 weight session, 29 miles running, 172 miles biking
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    edited May 2015
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    It's late autumn here ... pitch black and chilly in the evenings now. So getting outside in the evenings is more of a challenge nevertheless, I'll see what I can do. :) My husband is working on setting up a gym inside, so that will help ... and there are always weekends.

    Walking: 60 km
    Cycling: 300 km
    And if I can get in some canoeing and weightlifting that would be a plus. :)

    So, to start ...

    May ...

    01 Fri -- 3.2 km walking (35 min)
    02 Sat -- 37.43 km cycling (120 min)
    03 Sun -- 31.04 km cycling (100 min)
    04 Mon - 4 km walking (50 min)

    Plus I did a 35 min stair climbing workout in the evening. My yard is full of little sets of stairs. The longest one is 7 steps so I mainly focused on that one, up and down, up and down, but I also jogged between the others and did them too for some variety. In total, just over 1000 stairs climbed.
    Plus 10 min upper body weights workout.

    05 Tues - 4.8 km walking (60 min)

    Walking: 12 km (7.4 miles)
    Cycling: 68.47 km (42.5 miles)
    Time: 365 min (6 h 5 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    Hmmm ... I haven't logged in here in a little while ...

    06 Wed - 2.8 km walking (35 min)
    07 Thurs - 5.3 km walking (65 min)
    08 Fri - 3.8 km walking (45 min)

    09 Sat - 27.5 km cycling (85 min) ... relatively flat ride on the Cycleway
    10 Sun - 41.03 km cycling (120 min) ... hilly ride up behind our place 764 metres of climbing.

    Walking: 23.9 km (14.8 miles)
    Cycling: 137 km (85.1 miles)
    Time: 715 min (11 h 55 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    11 Mon - 5.7 km walking (70 min)
    12 Tues - 4.6 km walking (55 min)

    Walking: 34.2 km (21.25 miles)
    Cycling: 137 km (85.1 miles)
    Time: 840 min (14 hours) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    13 Wed - 6.6 km walking (75 min)
    14 Thurs - 4.7 km walking (55 min)
    15 Fri - 3.5 km walking (40 min)

    16 Sat - 22.3 km ride with 557 metres of climbing (70 min)
    17 Sat - 26 km flatter ride along the foreshore (80 min)

    Walking: 49 km (30.4 miles)
    Cycling: 185.3 km (115 miles)
    Time: 1160 min (19 hours 20 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    18 Mon - 4 km walking (50 min)
    19 Tues - 6.15 km walking (75 min)
    20 Wed - 4 km walking (50 min)

    Walking: 63.15 km (39.2 miles)
    Cycling: 185.3 km (115 miles)
    Time: 1335 min (22 hours 15 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    21 Thurs - 2.7 km (30 min)
    22 Fri - 2.7 km (30 min)
    23 Sat - 31.66 km ... relatively flat (95 min)
    24 Sun - 25.5 km with 400 metres of climbing .... hilly and chilly (75 min)

    Walking: 68.55 km (42.6 miles)
    Cycling: 242.46 km (150.6 miles)
    Time: 1565 min (26 hours 5 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

  • Seigla
    Seigla Posts: 172 Member
    17/5 - 15 km walk
    18/5 - 1 km swim
    19/5 - 6 km run
    20/5 - 8 km walk, 5.5 km run
    21/5 - 1.5 km run
    23/5 - 10 km run, 6 km walk, 1 km swim
    24/5 - 10 km walk
    25/5 - 10 km run, 1 km swim
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Put in 10mins on the turbo last night to see how my knee and ankle were doing. Did a 1km training run with the child, then he grabbed his bike and came with me for mine. I aborted at 2.5km as the knee wasn't up to it.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Got to the pool this morning, was hoping for a long ride today, but weather is atrocious so I'll have to dial back my expectations a bit.
    Swim total: 10,050 m.
    I'll update my bike mileage later.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    @csman49 - thanks! I was pretty impressed with myself for maintaining a 9:44 avg pace for the whole thing. I had the assistance of the first mile and a half being completely downhill, so I had an 8:33 and 9:20 pace for the first two miles....but I only barely missed sub-10 minute miles on 3 miles - 5 (10:02), 8 (10:05) and 9 (10:01)'s that last .2 miles straight back up the mountain to the finish line/ski lodge - took me 2:30 at an avg pace of 12:46! :o

    5/24 - easy spin - 17.72 miles in 1:05:09 (ended at a friend's house for a BBQ), then rode 5.71 miles home after dinner in 20:20 - total 1:25:29
    5/25 - Memorial Day Brick. Rode the IM70.3 bike course - 55.5 miles in 3:42:38 (no stops!), then ran 1.01 miles in 9:11 - total 3:51:49

    Totals through 5/25:
    Swim: 5.50 miles in 3.70 hours (4 swims)
    Bike: 170.85 miles in 18.03 hours (13 rides)
    Run: 49.43 miles in 8.11 hours (11 runs)
    Yoga: 2 classes
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Fell a bit short of my plan to ride a (metric) century today, but I did get out and do 52.2 miles. I took it slow, since I have hill repeats on deck tomorrow, and mostly focused on my fueling strategy. Didn't get in as many calories as I wanted but I tolerated everything well, so I'm on the right track at least. I tend to not drink enough, so that's my primary focus now.

    Bike: 186.2 mi
    Run: 38.1 mi
    Swim: 10,050 m.
    Strength: 3 sessions
    X-train: 7 hrs backpacking
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    It's late autumn here ... pitch black and chilly in the evenings now. So getting outside in the evenings is more of a challenge nevertheless, I'll see what I can do. :) My husband is working on setting up a gym inside, so that will help ... and there are always weekends.

    Walking: 60 km
    Cycling: 300 km
    And if I can get in some canoeing and weightlifting that would be a plus. :)

    So, to start ...

    May ...

    01 Fri -- 3.2 km walking (35 min)
    02 Sat -- 37.43 km cycling (120 min)
    03 Sun -- 31.04 km cycling (100 min)
    04 Mon - 4 km walking (50 min)

    Plus I did a 35 min stair climbing workout in the evening. My yard is full of little sets of stairs. The longest one is 7 steps so I mainly focused on that one, up and down, up and down, but I also jogged between the others and did them too for some variety. In total, just over 1000 stairs climbed.
    Plus 10 min upper body weights workout.

    05 Tues - 4.8 km walking (60 min)

    Walking: 12 km (7.4 miles)
    Cycling: 68.47 km (42.5 miles)
    Time: 365 min (6 h 5 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    Hmmm ... I haven't logged in here in a little while ...

    06 Wed - 2.8 km walking (35 min)
    07 Thurs - 5.3 km walking (65 min)
    08 Fri - 3.8 km walking (45 min)

    09 Sat - 27.5 km cycling (85 min) ... relatively flat ride on the Cycleway
    10 Sun - 41.03 km cycling (120 min) ... hilly ride up behind our place 764 metres of climbing.

    Walking: 23.9 km (14.8 miles)
    Cycling: 137 km (85.1 miles)
    Time: 715 min (11 h 55 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    11 Mon - 5.7 km walking (70 min)
    12 Tues - 4.6 km walking (55 min)

    Walking: 34.2 km (21.25 miles)
    Cycling: 137 km (85.1 miles)
    Time: 840 min (14 hours) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    13 Wed - 6.6 km walking (75 min)
    14 Thurs - 4.7 km walking (55 min)
    15 Fri - 3.5 km walking (40 min)

    16 Sat - 22.3 km ride with 557 metres of climbing (70 min)
    17 Sat - 26 km flatter ride along the foreshore (80 min)

    Walking: 49 km (30.4 miles)
    Cycling: 185.3 km (115 miles)
    Time: 1160 min (19 hours 20 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    18 Mon - 4 km walking (50 min)
    19 Tues - 6.15 km walking (75 min)
    20 Wed - 4 km walking (50 min)

    Walking: 63.15 km (39.2 miles)
    Cycling: 185.3 km (115 miles)
    Time: 1335 min (22 hours 15 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    21 Thurs - 2.7 km (30 min)
    22 Fri - 2.7 km (30 min)
    23 Sat - 31.66 km ... relatively flat (95 min)
    24 Sun - 25.5 km with 400 metres of climbing .... hilly and chilly (75 min)

    Walking: 68.55 km (42.6 miles)
    Cycling: 242.46 km (150.6 miles)
    Time: 1565 min (26 hours 5 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    25 Mon - 7.2 km walking (90 min)

    Walking: 75.75 km (47.1 miles)
    Cycling: 242.46 km (150.6 miles)
    Time: 1655 min (27 hours 35 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights