Name something you loathe that most others love?



  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    MOST Adam Sandler movies. My husband loves them all (even Little Nicky, which was so awful it was painful to watch). He rocked on SNL (loved almost all his skits)... I just hate his flippin' movies!!

    I agree! My husband & I both can't stand his movies. But I do love him on Saturday Night Live (SNL).
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    That gooey liquid cheese they put on nachos. Most people love it and it makes my skin crawl.

    But I have problems with all fake cheese things, Cheetos, Cheese nips, etc. Yuck!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    MOST Adam Sandler movies. My husband loves them all (even Little Nicky, which was so awful it was painful to watch). He rocked on SNL (loved almost all his skits)... I just hate his flippin' movies!!

    I agree! My husband & I both can't stand his movies. But I do love him on Saturday Night Live (SNL).

    I can't stand his comedies, but I've liked him in the few dramatic roles I've seen him in. I can't remember the name of the movie but his wife and kids died and he's extremely grief stricken and drives around on a Segway.
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    Blue jeans with lycra in them.

    I've been on a three-month-long quest to find 100% cotton jeans, and they seem not to exist in this universe any longer. :(

    Hey believe it or not you can get 100% cotton jeans at Kmart ! Only place that I have found them.Just wanted to give you a heads up on that.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Skiiing! I'm all for adventure but being hurled down a mountain with almost no control is NOT my idea of fun. That's right, I have a skydiving picture, but there was a dude on my back. Something happened, I can blame him.

    I LOATHE country music.... please don't take offense but my old bumper sticker read "Prevent inbreeding - ban country music"

    I can't believe I didn't mention this before - but I have an all-consuming hate, this hate is so bad it makes me want to shake a baby or torture a chipmunk - I absolutely HATE Nickleback..

    Last year my friend offered me a free ticket to see them... we are no longer friends... I was completely insulted.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member

  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    Sea food. Any and all kinds. Yes, salmon, shrimp, shell fish, sushi... Just the smell of it makes me gag.
  • Jbauer41
    Jbauer41 Posts: 55


    That's why it should be called "NAPCAR" my husband usually starts his nap around lap 3.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Jennifer (pathetic) Aniston oh and Glee!!!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Lady GAGA ..... poker face ....makes me wanna poke her face with a knife a couple of times

  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    Christmas - the ugliest of all holidays
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Popcorn. The smell makes my nose hairs curl.
  • Josephine237
    Josephine237 Posts: 72 Member
    Barney ( PurpleChildrens character)--Find this character annoying
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    ~I HATE all reality tv!! Seriously don't we watch tv to get away from reality? Just saying!!
    ~Red sauce aka marinara, spaghetti or any other kind of red sauce. I will eat white sauce on my pasta, but nothing red (but I love tomatoes...explain that one lol)
    ~Justin Beiber! Most of my wait staff are highschoolers and love him!! GRRRRR
    ~Seafood, but that's because I almost died 3 times after ingesting it (very allergic) now the smell makes me sick and yes I have to cook it everyday at my restaurant
    ~Mushrooms.....bad experience, like the flavor can't eat the mushroom
    ~Pickles...The only thing pickled I will eat is peppers, such as pepperoncini or jalapeno anything else is horrible and I have tried them all
    ~Chocolate mints!! I like minty things and some chocolate, but not together...
    ~PB & chocolate! Again I like them separate but put them together and it is NASTY!!!
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    In no particular order:

    Lady Gaga
    Overdone twinkle lights and other decorating malfunctions as Christmas
    Breakfast meats--bacon, sausage, ham. Ever hear of scrapple? You'd never eat it--tastes like dirty sweaty socks.
    The movie Casablanca
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    Christmas - the ugliest of all holidays

    I completely agree!!! Everyone thinks it is so great!! I completely loathe that time of year!!
  • bjpace
    bjpace Posts: 1
    American Idol. After ten years? I'm over it.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Dr. Pepper
    Shrimp, (Lobster, Shellfish, etc.)
    Nicki Minaj (HATE!!!)
    Lady Gaga
    Jersey Shore
    Skinny jeans on men-Seriously? No one wants to see your junk.
    Dogs....yeah you heard me right. I. Hate. Dogs.
    Studying at Starbucks. It's just so cliché.
    Will Ferrell
  • People who belch and fart all the time and they think it's funny
    Reality TV
    The smell of meat cooking, makes me sick
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