Men, what should a woman eat(or not) on the first date?



  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I'm going on my first date with a new guy and I don't know what to order. I don't know exactly where we are going, but I'm asking not necessarily in regards to calories but more in regards to what I "should eat." Like what looks better- a salad or a burger?


    You're over thinking this. Natural for a first date I guess.

    What really matters is having fun, being relaxed, being open to conversation and so on not what you are eating. I do find copious amounts of Prosecco does help in this regard however...
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I have a few PERSONAL guidelines:

    1. Don't eat anything stinky- personally I can't stand fish/ seafood or to be around anyone eating fish, baked beans, scramled eggs or blue cheese. Bleugh, but I would mention it beforehand.
    2. Good table manners are a must. Must use a knife and fork properly and not talk with mouth full. No elbows on the table etc.
    3. Have some knowledge and appreciation of wine. It's a turn off for me when a man doesn't know anything about wine. No sweet wine - unless with desert.
    4. Don't pig out. Guys who stuff themselves on a date are a turn off for me- especially if they are so full afterwards that they get gas and can't move etc. Personally I like to eat light on a date so I'm not too full for 'afterwards'.
    5. Don't 'feed' me. This grosses me out. Plus, taking food off my plate to try it- huge turn off.
    6. Don't get drunk and sloppy.
    7. Lastly- I'm being picky but I don't like it when a guy orders 'dainty' and 'sterotypically feminine' things- yes, it's just my perception. For example- ordering half a pint of larger or a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows etc. It's just my taste but I like a 'real ale and bloody steak' kind of guy.

    Oh, and I'm okay with splitting the cheque. You might think some of these things are common sense (table-manners etc.) but I've encountered them on dates in the past. I'm sure loads of people on here have some good horror stories- I'd love to hear them!

    Of course, once I'm in a relationship (I'm married)- most of those 'guidelines' go out of the window.

    do you announce these rules prior to the date?? or is just on a hand out?

    LOL. I'd definitely want that handout in advance so I could cancel the date, then take myself out for smoked salmon and scrambled eggs.

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I have a few PERSONAL guidelines:

    1. Don't eat anything stinky- personally I can't stand fish/ seafood or to be around anyone eating fish, baked beans, scramled eggs or blue cheese. Bleugh, but I would mention it beforehand.
    2. Good table manners are a must. Must use a knife and fork properly and not talk with mouth full. No elbows on the table etc.
    3. Have some knowledge and appreciation of wine. It's a turn off for me when a man doesn't know anything about wine. No sweet wine - unless with desert.
    4. Don't pig out. Guys who stuff themselves on a date are a turn off for me- especially if they are so full afterwards that they get gas and can't move etc. Personally I like to eat light on a date so I'm not too full for 'afterwards'.
    5. Don't 'feed' me. This grosses me out. Plus, taking food off my plate to try it- huge turn off.
    6. Don't get drunk and sloppy.
    7. Lastly- I'm being picky but I don't like it when a guy orders 'dainty' and 'sterotypically feminine' things- yes, it's just my perception. For example- ordering half a pint of larger or a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows etc. It's just my taste but I like a 'real ale and bloody steak' kind of guy.

    Oh, and I'm okay with splitting the cheque. You might think some of these things are common sense (table-manners etc.) but I've encountered them on dates in the past. I'm sure loads of people on here have some good horror stories- I'd love to hear them!

    Of course, once I'm in a relationship (I'm married)- most of those 'guidelines' go out of the window.

    lol plz go
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    OP is not a woman I want to date. Ever.

    Why on earth should this be important?

    I am sure you date women who are insecure in other areas.

    Obviously I could find myself dating someone like the OP. A woman wouldn't be open about that to a man on or before the first date. That goes both ways as well.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    you're planning on eating on a first date?? don't you want him to like you??


    He's joking.

    AM I??? AM I???

    **plot twist... i am.**
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    mojohowitz wrote: »

  • wwstewart
    wwstewart Posts: 135 Member
    Here's the answer to your question:

    Anything you want.

    If he has a problem with that, then he's a douche canoe and you shouldn't be worried about date #2 because you're better off without crap like that dragging you down.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    "Dating is just acting like you're somebody you're not until the person likes you enough so you can show 'em who you really are." Zach Braff
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    OP is not a woman I want to date. Ever.

    Why on earth should this be important?

    I am sure you date women who are insecure in other areas.

    Obviously I could find myself dating someone like the OP. A woman wouldn't be open about that to a man on or before the first date. That goes both ways as well.

    It takes a special person to admit something like that for someone they are going on a date with.

    I guess I will see if I can pick up on that for my date.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    I'm going on my first date with a new guy and I don't know what to order. I don't know exactly where we are going, but I'm asking not necessarily in regards to calories but more in regards to what I "should eat." Like what looks better- a salad or a burger?


    You're over thinking this. Natural for a first date I guess.

    What really matters is having fun, being relaxed, being open to conversation and so on not what you are eating. I do find copious amounts of Prosecco does help in this regard however...
    Definitely this ^^. Lol
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    See, I might get the salad vs. the burger because I like to cut restaurant burgers in half, taking one part for leftovers. On a date, depending on what we were doing after, I might not like to have the takeout box to worry about... But I wouldn't be bothered to take leftover salad with me... I'd just eat the best bits and move on.

    Regardless, I'd make sure I ordered something I really liked, because I don't eat out very often, so I'd want to thoroughly enjoy the experience. And I'd keep it at the midrange pricepoint or lower... because I'm thrifty.

    Do be sure to stop in the ladies room after you eat to wash your paws and check your teeth before continuing on for the evening, though. ( :
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,981 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I have a few PERSONAL guidelines:

    1. Don't eat anything stinky- personally I can't stand fish/ seafood or to be around anyone eating fish, baked beans, scramled eggs or blue cheese. Bleugh, but I would mention it beforehand.
    2. Good table manners are a must. Must use a knife and fork properly and not talk with mouth full. No elbows on the table etc.
    3. Have some knowledge and appreciation of wine. It's a turn off for me when a man doesn't know anything about wine. No sweet wine - unless with desert.
    4. Don't pig out. Guys who stuff themselves on a date are a turn off for me- especially if they are so full afterwards that they get gas and can't move etc. Personally I like to eat light on a date so I'm not too full for 'afterwards'.
    5. Don't 'feed' me. This grosses me out. Plus, taking food off my plate to try it- huge turn off.
    6. Don't get drunk and sloppy.
    7. Lastly- I'm being picky but I don't like it when a guy orders 'dainty' and 'sterotypically feminine' things- yes, it's just my perception. For example- ordering half a pint of larger or a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows etc. It's just my taste but I like a 'real ale and bloody steak' kind of guy.

    Oh, and I'm okay with splitting the cheque. You might think some of these things are common sense (table-manners etc.) but I've encountered them on dates in the past. I'm sure loads of people on here have some good horror stories- I'd love to hear them!

    Of course, once I'm in a relationship (I'm married)- most of those 'guidelines' go out of the window.
    So on the first date the person needs to pretend to be something he's not but afterwards he can just be himself? Cool

    I assumed this is part of her screening criteria - if she goes on a first date with someone with no table manners, she may not want to have a second date. Ditto if someone gets drunk and sloppy on the first date.

    When I was dating, I looked at how men treated the wait staff. I didn't have a second date with someone who, while a gentleman with me, was a dick to the staff.

    Men obviously evaluate women on dates as well, hence the OP's wondering about whether her choice of food is important.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,981 Member
    To eat on a date: Food
    To not eat on a date: Stuff that isn't food. Stuff that is food but that you feel self-conscious eating, for whatever reason.

    Oh, and if someone had a bunch of rules for what I could eat (like telling me not to order fish because THEY didn't like it?) no second date. Because, seriously. No way.

    Sure, this is a screen for control freaks.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I have a few PERSONAL guidelines:

    1. Don't eat anything stinky- personally I can't stand fish/ seafood or to be around anyone eating fish, baked beans, scramled eggs or blue cheese. Bleugh, but I would mention it beforehand.
    2. Good table manners are a must. Must use a knife and fork properly and not talk with mouth full. No elbows on the table etc.
    3. Have some knowledge and appreciation of wine. It's a turn off for me when a man doesn't know anything about wine. No sweet wine - unless with desert.
    4. Don't pig out. Guys who stuff themselves on a date are a turn off for me- especially if they are so full afterwards that they get gas and can't move etc. Personally I like to eat light on a date so I'm not too full for 'afterwards'.
    5. Don't 'feed' me. This grosses me out. Plus, taking food off my plate to try it- huge turn off.
    6. Don't get drunk and sloppy.
    7. Lastly- I'm being picky but I don't like it when a guy orders 'dainty' and 'sterotypically feminine' things- yes, it's just my perception. For example- ordering half a pint of larger or a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows etc. It's just my taste but I like a 'real ale and bloody steak' kind of guy.

    Oh, and I'm okay with splitting the cheque. You might think some of these things are common sense (table-manners etc.) but I've encountered them on dates in the past. I'm sure loads of people on here have some good horror stories- I'd love to hear them!

    Of course, once I'm in a relationship (I'm married)- most of those 'guidelines' go out of the window.

    This being MFP, you're going to catch hell for that list :smiley: but really, most of it is fine. The wine is a bit of a whatever - I'll take a proper Old Fashioned or Manhattan over a glass of wine, every time - but that's a just a personal preference thing.

  • cathiggs
    cathiggs Posts: 21 Member
    I agree with everyone else you should eat what u want now what u think he wants if u know u are going to a nice place then spend a few days before hand being really strict and then eat what u want on the night!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Only the approved dating food. Lettuce and water.

    I thought it was the most expensive thing on the menu.
  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    Chicken enchiladas washed down with a few lime margaritas. No shame. We're still together almost 2 years later.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I don't ever remember putting this much thought into dating. Except for what to wear. Maybe.