

  • lsquare123
    lsquare123 Posts: 3 Member
    I guess I should have stated that I am doing the 5/2 diet. I love this app.
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Good morning!!! It's nice to see so many new ladies joining our little hen party! Stick with us and don't give up. We are doing this together! And we all seem to love the doggies, so if you have some, tell us about them too. And grandchildren. I should have said those first, but you can tell where my priorities are.

    Penny, what can you do up there at the north pole? What is daily life like there? Are you in Canada or Alaska?Do you have a YMCA, or a gym to join? I picture you running in circles around your igloo wearing a big furry parka, but of course now with global warming you may be fairly tropical! Do you live in a town? I'm just dying to know all about it. And we love pictures too.

    And Steph from Greece. My advice would be to move away from there as soon as possible. I lived in Greece for a couple of years and the food was so wonderful, it would be really hard to avoid. I've never been a drinker, but I've heard the wine there is outstanding too. (I did go to a wine festival once with frends, and it was really hard to explain- without speaking Greek - that I don't drink. I was the designated driver befor ethere was such a thing.) Good luck to you. Keep us posted on how it's going. Do you live in Athens? I was stationed at the air force base there back in 1978-1980 and lived in Ano Glyphada (sp?). The fresh fruits and vegetables at the street markets were amazing. I remember peaches bigger than softballs and really sweet melons. And the bread!!!!! Always with real butter, too. There was a bakery right on our street.

    Grits! What a great acronym! 7 pounds in 2 weeks is awesome! I never lost it that fast. At the moment I'm on a big, wide plateau, and hope to jump off of it soon. But 960 calories seems awfully low. I never tried to go below 1200, although sometimes I didn't quite make that many. Lately I've been "cheating" more, which helps explain my plateau. Good luck to you, and keep us posted!

    Genevie8, welcome! I'm a walker too. Do you have a fitbit or something like that. It helps keep me motivated. There are some step challenges on MFP that you might join, too. Where are you from? Tell us more about yourself! We are really very nosy. Well, some of us are. B)

    Marianne, Welcome! Two weddings in one year! Can you wear the same dress to both? I'd have a stroke trying to shop for TWO dresses. 20 pounds by October seems do-able. Tell us more!

    Well, I took the two girls to girl scout camp this morning and dropped them off. First we stopped at Walmart to get sunglasses. The sun is shining for the first time in weeks! I nearly asphixiated myself spraying them with bug spray and sunscreen. It's a miracle they could breathe at all. Tomorrow I'll try to do better. I pick them up at 3:30. then take the little guy to t-ball at 5:30. Hubby may have to get his own dinner out of the crock pot tonight.

    Well, I hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

    Here are my goals for June:
    1. Lose 4 pounds. And not the same 4 over and over either. I want to be consistantly at 165 by the end of June.
    2. Stop all the cheating. I have had more salt in the last month than I have had in the last two years. No more.
    3. Increase stept to 12,000 by the end of the month. I've been slacking on my walking, except when I was in Spain.
    4. Increase weights by 10 pounds on each machine.
    5. Try the C25K program.

    In southeast Kansas, where the sun is shining at last!


    I am so happy to hear that the sun is shining in Kansas! What a big state. I drove across it 4 yrs ago and I thought it would never end. Have you lived there all your life?

    South Fork, PA
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Barbie – thanks for getting us off on June! You take good care of us.

    Alison – glad it was your DFIL that is a bit better… a mushy wall!??? Not good at all!
    Carol – hook up with DeeDee and smack him!!! What a turd.
    Steph – welcome Greece! How fun, hang out here awhile and you might get a few new visitors that want to eat healthy!
    Penny – welcome, 800 miles from Santa Claus! In Norway! Wow, my dad’s closest friend lives (d) in Norway, Dad loved it there – I never made it, and Dad passed years ago now.

    Lenora, Marianne, Dani, LuanaBean, sherry – welcome and just chat with us!

    Sondre – a chocolate dipper?! Omg that could be dangerous

    DeeDee – congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy retirement… and I am single too… Pip’s BIL might be worth “fighting” over LOL

    So am looking forward to my vacation and think I will find a book on cd for the drive home, library next week to see what I might like. Did 3 hours of gardening today in a clients yard – not a “regular” client just a one time thing.

    I am going out for a burger tomorrow – I have been craving one for weeks… and a friend and I are going to Outback…it will be crazy high in calories, but am planning extra exercise (tomorrow is my hiking day) and lighter dinner. I will get online and see what choices I can make to lower the calories with “better” choices, like no sauce..no fries….. But it will still be crazy… Interested to see if after I do it I think it is worth it, as right now I think it will be. Another learning experience on this journey.

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week

    Kim from N. California
    Oh Kim,

    How right you are!! Gained 5 lbs my first month there. Just hit my sixth year, and the darn stuff tastes as good as it did on day one
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    evening ladies~
    well its leaking more now. not a pipe, there is a valley between 2 roof's and it is coming in dripping away.. we shall see once the rain stops whats going on..
    welcome welcome to all the new ladies, you will make life long friends here. that is for certain.. we are all on the same road..
    well today. I put the ct5k on my phone here is hoping it gives me some motivation

    Thanks for the welcome! What a nice group of ladies
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    smiley-happy110.gif Welcome Lenora, Stephanie, Genevie, Penny, Steph, Dani, Cheri, LuanaBean, Sherry, and anyone I might have missed. This is a great community. I look forward to getting to know each of you. Just jump into the conversation

    469367makfzcur9b.gif Lisa, thank you for explaining all the tricks about cute smilies and how to get around on this thread.

    smiley-cool05.gif DeeDee, congrats on your retirement. I've been retired for over ten years and am grateful every day for it. I get up earlier now than when I was working and love the opportunity for an afternoon nap from time to time

    smiley-laughing001.gifKatla, I know what you mean about the "No Hat".....I am wearing mine for the same reason you are.....we had three very expensive RVs and sold the last one in 2009 for reasons that we both agreed on, and yet, on the way home from California a few weeks ago, Jake started talking about buying a smaller trailer that we could pull behind our truck---at the same time, all I could think of was that I wanted to go home and never go anywhere ever again....so I am the broken record saying "No".

    smiley-bounce013.gif I am enjoying the current audio book from the library---" Year of No Sugar"....fun to listen to and extremely thought provoking....especially since we have recently started an eating plan that is not only low calorie, but also meat-free and low sodium.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    Thanks for the warm welcome Barbie! How did you arrive at your current eating plan?

    South Fork,PA
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Happy June everyone,

    Just got back from a weekend out of town. Boy are there ever a lot of posts and a lot of newbies! Welcome All.

    May Goals:

    1. Do menu planning and cooking for May. others-076.GIF

    2. Eat 3 meals a day others-076.GIF

    3. Log all meals others-076.GIF

    4. Plan and Do one fun thing each week others-076.GIF

    June Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for June

    2. Eat 3 meals a day

    3. Log all meals

    4. Plan and Do one fun thing each week

    5. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

    Thought for the day: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~ Robert Collier

    Have a good evening ladies!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,621 Member
    stats for the day:
    kinda easy, didn't ride all the way to work or all the way home...
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.33min, 16.7amph, 2.9mi = 96c
    spin- 42min, 77ar, 103aw, 10-17g, 11.6mi = 295c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.57min, 12.2amph, w/20# bag, windy!, 1.4mi = 46c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.14min, 9.4amph 2.6mi = 151c
    total cal 588
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    May goals ... As stated last night ... a colossal failure! :'(
    -- gym twice a week - Not even close
    -- log every bite and swallow - Nope
    -- drink 8 glasses water - Better
    -- breathe - Most days ... but not all
    -- release (forever) at least one pound - Wah! Gained 4 pounds!
    -- finish recipe organization - Almost there!
    -- organize laundry so DS#2 can start doing his own ... he's 17! - Believe it or not, husband nixed this one!
    -- have fun every day - Sadly, no ...

    Barbie said something here recently about keeping your goals where you can see them. I had to look for May's goals, so obviously they're not front and center. Going to change that. My June goals will be printed and posted where I can see them daily!

    June goals: Going to go back to just the basics!
    -- Intentional exercise 10 minutes every day
    -- Log every bite and swallow. I'm going to close my diary for the time being. For some reason I do better when it's just me looking at my mistakes ... ??
    -- Drink 8 glasses of water
    -- Release (forever) one pound
    -- Stay within calorie goals
    -- And breathe ... rough days are ahead ...

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    YannieJannie ... the grape vines will survive ... but there will be no fruit this year. :'(

    Beth in Western New York (WNY)
  • MaryStevens341
    MaryStevens341 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone. I am new to mfp and the group.
    My name is Mary and I am from Port St Lucie, FL
    I am 52 - a wife, mother to 5 and grandmother to 7.
    I have 100+ pounds to lose and am excited to be on this journey with such awesome support and encouragement from the mfp community.
    My goals for March:
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Goals for today have been met! Using my limited knowledge of Excel I was able to create this spreadsheet as a way of keeping track of my June goals. A little OCD but hey it works for me! Hopefully tomorrow being JUNE 2 the weather will be a little more seasonal...not the chilly if not cold temps we had today. :)
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Happy June, though it feels more like fall the past couple of days where I live. At least the vegetable plants should like some of this rain. I get to visit the doctor and have blood work done towards the end of June, and my mini goal is to lose 3 measly pounds by then. Do-able? My experiment is to see if losing a total of 12 pounds since last time will have any effect on my numbers. Have not lost anything lately but am holding steady. Good luck to all on the June goals!
    So let's see, this group really does have people almost from pole to pole now -- how cool is that (no pun intended)? Here is the beautiful place I went walking this weekend.6n1v5ih0dymf.jpg
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,621 Member
    Purdy pic
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    I am sabotaging myself. I am not staying within calorie allowance. So unmotivated.
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Good afternoon, Steph from Greece here. Newcomer to this site but eligible as 50+ and looking to tone up and shed some unwanted pounds. Because of where we live we have an almost constant stream of visitors. They inevitably want to eat out, drink alcohol and generally party (all of which I love to do with them!) so it can be challenging to stay on track with the diet. I thought perhaps by upping my exercise levels I could lose weight more easily so I started a "Couch to 5k" running programme a month or so ago but ran into trouble with knee injuries and had to stop. The physiotherapist has suggested cycling as a low impact workout so I have borrowed a bike and started a four week training programme on Saturday designed to build one's stamina to 90 minutes continuous cycling over 4 weeks.

    So, simply, my goal for June is

    1. Complete my Cycling Training Plan
    2. Lay off wine, juice and soft drinks at least 15 of the 30 days in the month
    3. Stick to my calories on MFP

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    lonemaple wrote: »

    Thanks for the warm welcome Barbie! How did you arrive at your current eating plan?

    South Fork,PA

    :) Sondre, my eating plan is the result of years of trial and error. In 2009, my chiropractor introduced me to the Isagenix cleansing and fat burning system and, even though skeptical, I tried it and followed it carefully and lost 70 pounds in about a year. I liked how it made me feel and how I was able to stay with the plan, that I've continued with it as my maintenance. I read everything I can find about healthy eating. I also gave up recreational eating so I'm not entertaining myself with food and food related events. I gained back 12 pounds after my medical doctor said that was underweight and needed to gain. I've maintained my current weight for the last year.

    :) For anyone who wants to use the "quote" function to respond to a particular post, you can delete any part of the quoted section and only show the section you are responding to.

    :) Lesley, congrats on your weight and body fat loss.....your goals for June are great and cover a lot of life, not just weight loss.

    469367makfzcur9b.gif I, too, love that we are now a group that goes from Pole to Pole--almost (Norway to Tasmania)

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    20,000 steps
    more than three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    a lot of walking in stores getting all the shopping done
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Well got up early this morning, 8 AM, so I could actually make it to Sunday School and have to get up early tomorrow morning to get that boob squeeze you all insisted I have ;) So I'm not posting much tonight. I wasn't going to post anything but I saw a couple of things I knew I had to respond to.

    Cynthia, headstones being put in the dump. What are they thinking???? I hope they make no money on thier wonderful real estate deal.

    I think it was Katla that was talking about alcohol ' Eliminate alcohol. I had an alchoholic beverage and noticed immediately how much it impacted me'. To a nurse this means alcohol gives you an impaction!!! Are you constipated my dear.

    and then Meg said something about they went to church and husband took a nap! I guess being tired makes me a little slap happy.

    Was in the choir this morning and we were to sing this song I had never heard of. I can usually wing it and I read music well enough that by the 2nd verse I can get it. But today was unusual. I stand up with my hymnal and I can't hardly see. Plus something didn't seem right about my glasses. So as I am sitting down after the song and taking my reading glasses off, my finger is able to go through the area I would normally have a lens! I bent down and saw the lens, tried to pup it back in but the frame was broke. The lady sitting beside me could hardly hold back her laughter up there in the choir. So went to Walmart and got another pair for about $6. l was lucky in that I also keep a pair in my purse which was right beside me.

    See you all in June. If my goal this month was to gain weight, I was successful.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Hi Joyce,

    Love the choir story. Glad you could replace your glasses for only $6
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did one segment of the Tummy Toner DVD that I have, held my plank for 2 min 45 seconds (with help from one our cats, I might add), then took the extremepump class. Tomorrow's plan is to do a 20-40-60 second speed interval on the treadmill.

    Becca - what wonderful plans you have for the future!

    pip - you sure are going to be busy this month! I guess I'd say that I'm goal-less, too. Works for me

    - a few years ago I found this "wine jelly" at the farmers market so I bought one for each of the kids. Thought it was something a little bit different

    Just got back from senior bowling. Well...I had fun and I certainly worked on my handicap. Then I went to CVS. Now usually I don't buy milk there, it's so expensive -- $3.49. However....I had a $3 coupon and when I got there I realized it was Pet brand milk so I went out to the car to get my 55 cent coupon. Then I got a tube of toothpaste (which I'll donate to the food pantry), on sale from $3.99 to $3, then the CVS coupon for another $2 off, my manufacturer coupon for 50 cents off. In the end I paid less than a dollar for both items. I'm planning to go to the deep water class so I'll probably stop at the CVS on the way home. I'll get another tube of sunscreen. Admitted, it's not a great price. But I will get another $3 coupon and I'll use my $1 coupon, plus I'll get another tube of toothpaste but this time I'll probably wind up spending 50 cents. But that's still in my range of how much I'll pay for something and then donate it.

    LuanaBean - welcome! Interesting name, what's the story behind it?

    Joyce - good thing WalMart had frames to fit your lenses. when I need new frames, usually they've changed styles and there's nothing that will fit the lenses that I have. Good for you keeping an extra pair! I always keep my old glasses "just in case"

    DeeDee and Carol - count me in on the drive to GA!

    Steph - welcome. I think Greece is fascinating. Can't wait for you to tell us about it

    Penny - welcome! Is christmas a big holiday up there? Check us out as much as you'd like, you'll find us a great group. But comment soon. Start small, maybe one. And before you know it, it'll be three and then four and then a whole page!

    Genevie - welcome!

    Lenora - welcome! Great weight loss! That's a low number of calories, was it recommended by a doctor?

    marianne - you added yourself by posting! Great incentive to lose the weight

    - happy anniversary! Bummer about the water. We had water come into our condo from the condo above us, so I can imagine the horror. It's no fun at all. Yea that you'll get your legacy

    Sondre - you won't believe how many times I posted trying to get a picture posted, I always, always messed up. Then I got it figured out. So don't worry one tiny bit. We've all BTDT. Where is South Fork? We lived in PA for many years, and I don't remember that city. What is it near?

    Dani - we'd love to have ya! What a weight loss!

    - I honestly just didn't bother to log yesterday. Not so much because I was over, just because I didn't bother. There are days when I am over when I do log, it helps to keep me accountable. I was just lazy yesterday, that's all.

    - now that you're retired, you have all this time to come down here. We can go swimming (I have LOTS of bottles of sunscreen). Enjoy life. I like to get up early, too, and get my exercise in. Then I have the rest of the day for whatever it is I decide to do

    Vince and I went to ceramics tonight and I finished my snail. Now I pray that it doesn't come out streaky when it's fired. I took a pic of it finished, but it really doesn't do it justice since one part of the shell is a paint that is yellow with orange specks. The specks burst when it is fired so you really can't see the color of paint right now. Then went to mahjongg. It's one gals birthday Wednesday so I took her a strawberry shortcake cake. As it turns out, she came as I was leaving so I didn't have to have any. In one sense I would have liked to have seen how it came out since I totally forgot to put the icing in the middle, but on the other hand, it certainly saved me lots of calories.

    - sounds like heaven where you are. Good luck at your half marathon

    - I usually do my HIIT on the elliptical. Where (on what piece of equipment) do you do yours? So glad to have you with us

    lsquare - what is the 5/2 diet?

    Mary - welcome! I have a good friend who owns a home in PSL and go to see her every year when I'm in FL

    bkrimpet - so serene

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Beth – my diary has always been closed, and I feel like I can be over without embarrassment that way… silly hun, but I don’t lie when it is closed, the embarrassment means I forget something to keep the numbers right….

    So I have a question, I have a horrid time getting the protein up, rarely am I at 50% of what is recommended… I feel fine, am a 50% or so vegetarian have everything else pretty much in line, should I be concerned? Not really interested in going to a supplement….

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week

    Kim from N. California
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Kim, I am usually under on protein and over on carbs, myself. I am trying to up mine by adding beans, which add fiber as well as protein and seem to keep me from getting as hungry. If you feel fine and are losing weight, then I wouldn't worry. I tend to go over on calories when my protein is low, so I'm working on mine.

    My paycheck from the calculus gig came in today and was almost twice what I was expecting. I've been wanting a really good blender/food processor, so I took myself and my 20% off coupon to BB&B and got myself a ninja. I unpacked it tonight and think I may not be smart enough to use the thing. It is intimidating!

    Dee Dee, congrats on retirement. I love it.

    Lisa, I'm enjoying the book immensely. I'm about 25% in.
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    edited June 2015
    G'mallie - oh, no! So sorry to hear about the leak & wall. Have you been able to assess the leak yet?

    Steph, Penny, Genevie, Lenore, marianne, Dani, Luana, Sherry, lsquare123, Mary, - Good to meet other newcomers. :)

    Steph - Sorry to hear about the knee; good luck with the cycling. I need to get back on my bike - but first I need to fix the brake. Where did you find the training plan?

    Penny - I admire runners. I get winded and sweaty just walking fast.
    Remind us again Sunday about the marathon, and we'll have a chorus of "P!-E!-N-N-Y! Penny! Penny! YAAAAAAY!" and one of "Penny! Penny! She's just grand! If she can't do it, nobody can!" You'll have to imagine the pompons - I was in band, so I never had any. :)
    And you'd probably at least smile at New Orleans in winter - when the temps get into the 40s, people break out their down jackets.

    Genevie - I'm better at starting than continuing. Maybe I can help you start and you can help me keep going. :)

    Lenora - I think meeting a 1-week total is fine. And I'm impressed that you stayed within 6720 for the week. How much are you aiming to lose a week? I looked at 950 cals to lose 1.5 a week, and decided that would just be brutal. And I'm seriously thinking of dropping my goal from 1 to 1/2lb a week, just for another 250 calories. :-\ (I'm 63, desk job, 6-5 - though I just noticed that my dr's records show me at 6-6. And that's where I was measured.)
    I have a bare-bones pedometer that my company's wellness program provided. I also discovered that my work iPhone comes with one. The two were within 50 steps of each other yesterday,- out of 8,000 or so. I haven't been wildly impressed with either free pedometer app I've tried for my personal phone, an Android. Pacer was a battery vampire, and noom walk was more than a thousand steps below iPhone and belt pedometer today.

    marianne - best of luck!

    Katla - Sounds like you have good reason to wear that No hat.

    Heather - sorry about the rental. :-( And your ex's med problems.

    Cheri - way to go!

    Jane - you had the whole family down AND managed to lose! Impressive!

    Sondre - re calculating minutes walking, my wristwatch has a "chrono" function that keeps track of laps. So I set it going when I hit the sidewalk, hit it after 5 minutes for my switch from slow to fast, again when I wipe out and have to go back to slow ... I don't know how many laps it can handle, but I haven't hit its limit yet. :) At the end of the walk, I can add up the minutes at my two speeds.
    Oh, and the next time I write an article about the price of sugar, can I call you for a comment? Or would your boss be interested in talking to a reporter?
    You've done a grand job cutting out chocolate under your work circumstances! (I used to put away the occasional box of chocs at a time ...)

    pipcd - your cat will travel in a pouch? Cool! How'd you make it happen?

    Happy retirement, DeeDee!

    Terri - I do the same as you, just with a Notepad file. It's never (knock wood) crashed on me, unless the whole computer went down.
    Boy, you've got a busy kid! He sounds like a winner in loads of ways.

    Sherry, what a busy and beautiful month!

    Kim - sounds like good planning for your splurge. Would it be as fun if the two of you split the burger? Or what about cutting it longitudinally and having half on half of the bun for lunch tomorrow and the other half the next day? (Trying to think of things to do with half a burger. Crumble, mix with sauteed onions and green pepper, and fill a soft taco or two?)

    Lesley, wow on the loss. Not to mention that you're aiming at 10k steps a day plus everything else - Walking's my only exercise, and I've yet to make 10,000.
    I need to keep up with laundry, too. Not to mention dishes. <sigh>

    csofied - cool spreadsheet.

    bkrimpet, gorgeous pic! Good luck on the doc stats.

    cranor - <sending waves of sympathy> sorry to hear it's going hard with you. I've been there.

    No dogs, kids or grandkids here. We do have 3 cats - "we" being the man in my life, his handicapped 57-year-old brother and me.

    JanetM (New Orleans)