Lost 135lbs with diet and exercise! PICS! If I can do this, YOU CAN do this!!! Thanks myfitnesspal!



  • Lohany
    Lohany Posts: 3 Member
  • k4tie82
    k4tie82 Posts: 315 Member
    @ladykate26 Wow. Those are GREAT questions. I think that hardest part was figuring out how to let go of my old life, and going through that painful process. I had to change so many things. Personal relationships, my daily habits, my food, how I coped with life... pretty much everything. It was harder than it sounds. The BEST part of being where I am at today is my mental outlook on life! Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I have lost 137 lbs now, but that's nothing compared to the big smile and happy soul I have these days. I am proud of myself, my husband has a wife he is proud of, and my kids are loving having a mom that can keep up with them!
  • K4tie82! You look amazing!! You ate my inspiration! Wow! Thank you so much for posting your journey, advice, and tips. Your post just made it very real for me. Thanks for your honesty! So how did you hold on for 4 years? What did you do when you wanted to give up?
  • simon2202
    simon2202 Posts: 17 Member
    Great story, thank you for sharing I hope one day I can post a topic like this!!!!!!
  • lindaschultz45
    lindaschultz45 Posts: 60 Member
    Awesome job!!
  • tomnev1
    tomnev1 Posts: 184 Member
    Us non-Americans think Americans use the word "awecome" too much, out of context and generally as a mild compliment which doesn't merit its use.

    But your weight loss and lifestyle change are AWESOME and I really mean that in every sense.
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I needed this inspiration today! Thanks! You look GREAT!!!
  • k4tie82
    k4tie82 Posts: 315 Member
    @infobeauty4yourashes Hi! Thank you for the sincere comment! I held on by my fingernails some days.... it's not easy! I kept my mind focused and surrounded myself with positive, supportive, and motivating people. That helped so much!! I also eliminated toxic relationships from my life that dragged me down :)
  • clcclc2005
    clcclc2005 Posts: 3 Member
    great job!
  • k4tie82
    k4tie82 Posts: 315 Member
    Thank you!
  • SassyGirl226
    SassyGirl226 Posts: 26 Member
    Great story! I love that you did it on your own with no program or surgery! I'm one that has started and given up MANY times! Now I'm on another attempt, but I'm feeling more positive this time around! Your tips are great. I need to work on the water ..... water water water! And more fruits and veggies! But I've been staying within my calories, just need different choices to use them and last me longer. Thanks for your story! :smile:
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing your amazing success! You look absolutely amazing and you can just see your happiness shining through. :)

    I'm about half way to what I think my goal weight will be, but sometimes I feel myself getting complacent because I'm feeling so much better than I did 24 pounds ago. I just added strength training so my focus has been less on losing lately and this causes me to worry that I'll lose some steam in losing weight and just end up spinning my wheels at a much high weight than I want.

    So, my question is how did you get yourself to go from pretty good to great?!! Clearly, you did not stop at pretty good!
  • k4tie82
    k4tie82 Posts: 315 Member
    @ncfitbit Hi! Wow! Thank you for the awesome message! Don't worry about the scale! This last month I only lost 2 pounds, but I lost 3% body fat by combining strength training and cardio! I'm smaller, just the same weight! That scale can really mess with your head. I think the key for me was surrounding myself with people who motivate and inspire me... and not allowing myself to give up. I train in groups with some pretty amazing women and I am blessed with an AMAZING trainer who has helped keep me on track as well!
  • saylorkw
    saylorkw Posts: 69 Member
    jorinya wrote: »

    Amazing success!! Well done!

    ^^ what she said!
  • oldfashchic
    oldfashchic Posts: 34 Member
    You are awesome!!!! Thanks for sharing :)
  • Darton2010
    Darton2010 Posts: 137 Member
    That's fantastic! I see more and more of these, seems a lot of people I know has made the change to loose weight and get healthy, I started my journey just over a year ago, broke the triple digit weight loss but last few months fell off the wagon and lost it, I will be back in triple digits soon enough. Lol great job! It's not easy doing it without surgery or diet pills.
  • cdb604
    cdb604 Posts: 81 Member
    You look amazing you are an ispiration to us all
  • k4tie82
    k4tie82 Posts: 315 Member
    Nope... It's a TON of work but so worth every minute!!
  • esu2309
    esu2309 Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments, you are such an inspiration. I am extremely overweight and just started a very substantial weight loss journey about a month ago. I am just wondering how you worked up to running? I have been walking but I'm not sure how to even approach running at this point, but it is something I definitely want to do. Do you have any advice? I've thought about using the C25k app but I'm worried it might be too intense for me right now and I don't want to set myself up for failure. Also I have tried to work that app in the past and haven't been able to sync it up with my pandora and music is a must for me when I'm working out. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
  • k4tie82
    k4tie82 Posts: 315 Member
    @essschupp Hi! I started with walking. Make sure you have good shoes... I thought I did. I spent a ton of money on a pair and didn't realize they were the wrong fit and my feet and shins hurt. I would recommend going to a running store where they can fit you for running shoes. I did a lot of walk jogging in the beginning. It took me about 6 months of that before I could run longer distances! It was a slow process for me. I had to learn to love running... I was always the kid who was "sick" when it was run the mile day at school. Once you are comfortable waking start jogging for 30 seconds and then go back to walking... if you start to hurt slow down or stop and go back to walking. Pay attention to your body, it will tell you how far you can push it. :)
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