Scary Gym Moments!



  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Once, I saw a woman fall on a treadmill and hit the wall behind it. It was probably scarier for her than me though.

    Another time, there was a guy screaming and pacing outside of the gym. The gym staff had to call the police to remove him.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I don't have an issue with mutual eyeballing, or eyeballing people in general. If you want to eye-*kitten* your gym buddy, then be my guest. If you want to admire someone's form/progress/butt, I don't care (try not to get caught! Ha ha). You want to judge someone for dressing in skimpy clothes/like a slob/whatever... Not my business. My only complaint was the phrase and idea that "a woman wears XYZ, and is thus distracting me from what I am doing". No, you should be in control of your own thoughts/emotions/actions. If you are distracted, that is your issue, and you should work on your concentration and determination. (Please note: I am using a general you, not pointed at any poster in particular)

    I also take issue with the blanket "she's wearing XYZ to get attention". This might be true, and if you know it is so by her verbal admission, then yay. Otherwise, it's misogynistic to imply that a woman is doing something only for the attention of a man when you don't know what her intentions were.

    As for the actual thread topic: I work out in my terrible work office gym. It's terrible. The universal weight machine rarely works right, and half of the treadmills are broken. Thank goodness I've never seen anyone hurt themselves outright, but it's a sketchy place to be, for sure.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,407 Member
    edited June 2015
    jlahorn wrote: »
    JONZ64 wrote: »
    ... luckily there were some Yoga pants to focus on, Whew!

    Item #4 on the list of reasons many women are too afraid/intimidated to go to the gym...

    Yeeeeah, gonna be honest here, for me that's practically #1. I don't care if you're stuck without headphones, I don't wear what I wear to the gym so that you can distract yourself by staring at me like I'm decoration. It makes me feel immensely self concious (at best) and it is not remotely nice. And no I do not care if you know women who're totally fine with it because the women you know don't speak for all women.

    Guys, please keep your eyes to yourself when you're at the gym.

    My contribution to the topic probably isn't as lighthearted as some other contributions on here (and related to what I just said there ^) but since we're using the word "scary", this was scary. My gym is a 24 hour gym and I live a 5 minute walk away so sometimes I end up in there at silly times of night because I prefer going when it's quiet. Most people keep to themselves late at night and that suits me fine. This particular night, there was a couple of guys in the weights area working out and when I went in, they decided to start making comments about me, staring at me, etc. Then when I tried to leave after completing my routine, they decided to stop me and wouldn't let me leave. Took me 10 minutes to get out of there and I ended up sitting in the changing rooms for a solid half an hour before I actually plucked up the courage to leave the gym entirely.

    So yeah, that is why guys staring at me in the gym makes me (and other women) nervous. :)

    That's definitely kind of scary. I'm glad you ended up being safe and nothing happening though. I try to be conscious of other people's work outs. I'm already self conscious about how I look and all in the gym, so I try not to watch other people. It is slightly distracting, however, when I'm on the treadmill or elliptical machine and some girl in those itty bitty tight volleyball-like workout shorts that's showing underbutt stops in front of my machine to chat with her friend. While I'm sure this isn't the case with you, sometimes you can tell when people are wearing something and acting a certain way just to get attention.

    Are you a fully grown adult human? If so, you have the willpower required to look, acknowledge that somebody looks good, then turn your attention immediately to whatever you're meant to be paying attention to at that moment in time. Regardless of what someone is wearing, you shouldn't be leering at them like a creep.

    Everybody notices when somebody looks good, I am not by any means saying I don't see guys in the gym and think "he looks great", but the difference between acknowledging (in your head, of course) that someone looks good and being a creep is how long you spend acknowledging it.

    Also, people would (and do) argue that anything worn to the gym by a woman that isn't a potato sack and baggy trousers has the potential to be distracting. I wear running tights to the gym because they're most comfortable for me and those have been called "distracting" plenty of times (ie in the OP's post where he said about yoga pants - my running tights don't fit any differently than yoga pants). As have my fitted tshirts, which are fitted because, again, that is the most comfortable for me. That's why I don't care for people who go "BUT SHE WAS WEARING THIS PARTICULAR TYPE OF CLOTHING!!!!".

    Raises hand.

    I agree with what you said about appreciating beauty then averting your eyes. There are certain types of men I can't even look in their direction, too hot :smile:

    About the clothes:

    I once had a conniption over a gym teacher telling me I couldn't wear a two piece bathing suit to class. I pointed out how my bathing suit had a full athletic bra-type top and full bottom, yet another girl was allowed to wear a string bikini. He mentioned that she was flat, but I had a lot going on, and he didn't want the boys distracted by me in a bikini. I was livid.


    Years later, I saw Jessica Alba in a bathing suit with a full top and a full bottom. I was like whoa, she is smokin' hot. I see little skinny models in tiny bikinis, I'm like, oh, that's a cute bathing suit. See the difference?

    Then I was like, ohhhh, that's what he meant.
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member

    Raises hand.

    I agree with what you said about appreciating beauty then averting your eyes. There are certain types of men I can't even look in their direction, too hot :smile:

    About the clothes:

    I once had a conniption over a gym teacher telling me I couldn't wear a two piece bathing suit to class. I pointed out how my bathing suit had a full athletic bra-type top and full bottom, yet another girl was allowed to wear a string bikini. He mentioned that she was flat, but I had a lot going on, and he didn't want the boys distracted by me in a bikini. I was livid.


    Years later, I saw Jessica Alba in a bathing suit with a full top and a full bottom. I was like whoa, she is smokin' hot. I see little skinny models in tiny bikinis, I'm like, oh, that's a cute bathing suit. See the difference?

    Then I was like, ohhhh, that's what he meant.

    When I was back in high school, we had to take swim class in 10th grade. Obviously we guys had on swim trunks. All the girls came out in one-pieces, except for ONE girl. She actually had on a little white bikini. The teacher told her she couldn't wear it, but the girl kind of threw a tantrum and was allowed to wear it for the class that day. The girl changed her mind after she got out of the pool and her cute little white bikini was completely see-through. Needless to say she didn't wear it again after that. That was just her making a mistake.

    I keep hearing people saying they fell off the treadmill. That has always been a fear of mine. Hopefully it wont happen because of the girl in front of me bending over in her booty shorts!! (it's a joke people, geez...lighten up!!)
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member

    I keep hearing people saying they fell off the treadmill. That has always been a fear of mine. Hopefully it wont happen because of the girl in front of me bending over in her booty shorts!! (it's a joke people, geez...lighten up!!)

    I was probably wearing booty shorts when I fell. I was mid 20s…pre children. I stepped on the belt not realizing the previous user had left it running. After the initial sting I probably did laugh since it kind of is funny
  • vadersaysno
    vadersaysno Posts: 1,965 Member

    I keep hearing people saying they fell off the treadmill. That has always been a fear of mine. Hopefully it wont happen because of the girl in front of me bending over in her booty shorts!! (it's a joke people, geez...lighten up!!)

    I was probably wearing booty shorts when I fell. I was mid 20s…pre children. I stepped on the belt not realizing the previous user had left it running. After the initial sting I probably did laugh since it kind of is funny

    OMFG!! Someone left it running!?! That's just really jacked up and inconsiderate. What does kill me is the people that are talking on the phone and being loud when they're on the treadmill. I usually have my headphones up, minding my own business, yet I can still hear their entire conversation- both ends thanks to their speaker phone.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,407 Member
    edited June 2015
    Scenario: Man invites you to his house,


    then gets highly offended you are staring at his money.

    Scenario 2 woman sets MFP profile pic wearing something like this:


    And half the men are thinking 8/10, bang.

    And that's why women are ticked off.

    Scenario 3: Woman wears pants that lets everyone know how much of her body fat is located in her camel toe.

    Woman is offended you are staring at her particulars.

    And that is why men are mad.

    But we know all this already, so....?

  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I used to workout on my lunch break and shower quickly before going back to the office. I forgot a towel and had to use paper towels to dry off...absolutely miserable....

  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,407 Member
    Scenario: Man invites you to his house,


    then gets highly offended you are staring at his money.

    Scenario 2 woman sets MFP profile pic wearing something like this:


    And half the men are thinking 8/10, bang.

    And that's why women are ticked off.

    Scenario 3: Woman wears pants that lets everyone know how much of her body fat is located in her camel toe.

    Woman is offended you are staring at her particulars.

    And that is why men are mad.

    But we know all this already, so....?

    You saucy girl you! You changed the picture of the woman. Now it's just 7/10 that I would bang.

    Cheeky fellow.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,407 Member