I can't do it :(

Monna2 Posts: 100 Member
I have been trying for over 15 years, and I just can't do it.
It only gets worse and worse. My body doesn't let go of the fat. I can't deal with the cravings of the monthly time. I am 130 pounds overweight and my family are driving me towards depression because of their comments about me eating too many carbs.
There's no magic I know.
But I have so much frustration inside me.


  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    You CAN do it.

    It's hard. It's work. It's a pain in the freaking butt until you get into a rhythm.

    Cravings will happen. You'll have bad days. But you can absolutely do this.

    Start small. Log all your food, even if it goes over your limit. Start walking a little more each day if you can. Make mini goals (5lbs...10lbs...15) instead of thinking of the 130 as a whole lot to go at once.
  • MikeLeTwigg
    MikeLeTwigg Posts: 162 Member
    You can do it! I've been over weight and climbing for 20 years. Set your self small achievable goals and have fun with all the great folk on MFP who have always got your back
  • theserpentsmiles
    theserpentsmiles Posts: 2 Member
    Step 1 is truly wanting it.

    Step 2 is educating yourself.

    Add me as a friend and I will be glad to give you some wonderful tips.
    I've been a fat guy since I was about 20, and at 31 I am now down 50+ Lbs in 6 Months.

    Fitness and emotional health go hand in hand.
  • kalbo798
    kalbo798 Posts: 58 Member
    14 months ago I was 180 lbs overweight. Today I'm 78 lbs overweight. It's possible, difficult, but possible.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    You can do this!! I eat carbs every day just bout all day and I'm losing weight.I run 4 days a week. My family and friends all give me crap. I ate a bag of chips yesterday and a coworker asked if it was on my "diet" my answer was sure is.. I eat pretty good but I was something bad sometimes. You have to do this for you and nobody else. Don't let them get into your head.
  • kraft_kris
    kraft_kris Posts: 157 Member
    I know how you are feeling. There are days I feel like that too! Like the previous posters have said - Just take it one thing at a time, one day at a time!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Monna2 wrote: »
    I have been trying for over 15 years, and I just can't do it. Yes you can! Be your own coach. If someone said these exact things to you, what would YOU tell them?
    It only gets worse and worse. My body doesn't let go of the fat. It absolutely can. It wants to. Just start eating less of what you are eating now. No strict or specific diet needed.
    I can't deal with the cravings of the monthly time. Cravings will pass. Just because you feel like eating something does not mean you need to. YOU have power over those fleeting wants.
    I am 130 pounds overweight and my family are driving me towards depression because of their comments about me eating too many carbs.Some people do better eating fewer carbs, some don't. Do your own research and make your own decisions. It is a lot of trial and error at first.
    There's no magic I know.
    But I have so much frustration inside me.

    Don't over think it! All you need to do right now is eat less of what you are currently eating, log it here, and learn from your logs. Utilize the note section as well. Keep track of your moods, why you ate, what you were feeling, etc.
  • TriciaCh
    TriciaCh Posts: 15 Member
    You CAN do it... a doctor told me to set goals that were 10% of my body weight... my first goal was 23 lbs... you could also do it by what you want to lose... I had a total of 115 lbs.. so that would be 11 1/2 lbs. I started out by just walking my 15 minute breaks at work. At first I was very slow but as I got used to it I got faster. Then I stated walking around my small town on the weekends. The biggest hurdle was deciding I COULD do it.. and that I WOULD do it. I started by just making small changes in the size of my portions... instead of 2 of something I'd do 1 1/2... gradually getting my portion sizes (for the most part, but not always) where they should be. Then I started making better choices of what to eat... more veggies... etc. I'm at 33 lbs down now... and I've stalled a bit... BUT, I am not gaining! For me that is a major victory. I'm even going to a gym now... nothing I thought I would EVER do. Take baby steps .. don't expect giant steps all at once. See your doctor to make sure that there aren't any health issues involved.
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    Although I had less to lose I started to feel that way as I got closer to my 40s, I thought I could not lose weight any longer because I wasn't young anymore!
    But MFP turned that around.

    I agree w/ starting small.
    My first goal weight was only 6lbs loss.
    When I reached that I set another goal weight: 5lbs loss and I am currently 1/2 a pound away from that.
    Once I reach it I will set my final goal weight which is to lose another 5lbs.
    In the end I will have lost 16lbs but if I had told myself I had to lose 16lbs at the beginning I would have felt like it was undoable. 6-5lbs at a time is an easier goal and in the end it all adds up!
    So start w/ a small goal, even if it's not necessarily losing pounds, and once you reach that goal, set another and another, and another!
    Baby steps!
    And there is nothing wrong w/ carbs! I have lost 10.5lbs since the end of April and most of my calories everyday come from carbs! I just make sure I stay w/in my calorie goals for the day!
  • sk1nnyf0rm3
    sk1nnyf0rm3 Posts: 110 Member
    edited June 2015
    I, like you, have an addiction to carbs. I'm lucky in the fact of I'm young, and still have a metabolism that can keep up with living mainly on carbs. I'm trying to be healthier and part of this is cutting down on carbs...VERY DIFFICULT. I can relate 100% to that. My family makes comments too about my carb intake, especially since my mom is diabetic. Feel free to add me and we can try to support each other if you'd like

    Edit: I forgot to add that you can do it. There's a reason you posted this. You might not be able to do it by yourself, but you posted this because you want it somewhere inside and you just need help to achieve it.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You can do it if you want to do it badly enough. it wont take 15 years, it just requires you to adopt a pattern of behaviour so you can lose steadily over about 2 years.

    Take a breath and relax, you are making it into such an impossible target that you are talking yourself into not being able, when ofc you like everyone else is capable of losing weight. the only reason you arent losing is because you are still eating more than or what your body needs on a daily basis, instead of less.

    These forums are full of people who have learned how to lose weight and done it their way. As said above start off with understanding why you wnat to lose weight, then break it down into small steps that you cna take and put in a plan, so you know you are doing the right things, then when ready follow the plan and focus just on each day.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    Duplicated post
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    The more you convince yourself you can't, the truer it becomes.
  • theredhead77
    theredhead77 Posts: 35 Member
    You CAN do it. Your family sounds like a bunch of jerks.

    First thing first though - see a doctor, get a baseline of blood work, eliminate/treat/learn to manage any underlying issues you may have. Seek out a doctor to help with your depression. There is no shame in getting help to get healthy.

    Start small - instead of a soda drink flavored carbonated water. Or flavored water. I love Hint water. It's not cheap though so it's a treat. It's super easy to infuse water without buying a fancy infuser pitcher. Take some fruit and put it in a pitcher of water. Put pitcher in fridge, let chill for a few hours and enjoy. When I cut out diet soda and only diet soda I lost 10lbs real quick. YMWV but it's a very small change.

    You CAN do this but you need to take care of the whole you.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right.
  • summergrl2487
    summergrl2487 Posts: 7 Member
    Monna - I feel you! Sometimes it just seems too hard. I'm stuck in a rut but am working on getting back on the bandwagon.

    One thing that I find can help is to celebrate small successes. I have positive sayings posted all over my house - on the fridge, in the pantry, etc. These remind me why I am doing what I am doing. Sometimes I'll go to grab a snack and see my affirmation and it helps me admit that I'm just giving in to a craving and don't actually need that snack. Maybe this might help?! Just a thought from someone who is also trying and sometimes falling short!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You CAN do it.

    ^Good place to start.

    Don't listen to what others have to say about your diet, because guess what, everyone has an opinion. You do you, let them do them.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    Yes you can!

    I second everyone on here and say start small. Add little things, like walking 30 min 3x a week, etc.

    Log everything - even if you go over, give yourself credit for logging everything and keep on going. Let go of the feeling bad about yourself for overeating one day. You are human and can't be perfect everyday. What's most important is getting in the habit of logging and slowly making better food choices. One day it will all come together and be easier.

    Don't listen to the carb thing, experiment with eating different ways and things until you find what works for you. You know you best.

    Do it for yourself - make the time for yourself, you are worth it!
  • kscarf1
    kscarf1 Posts: 33 Member
    You can do it! I have been trying to lose weight and keep it off since I was in elementary school. (I'm 43 now.) This time I've set 100 pounds as my initial goal, and I'm already down 17 pounds after just over a month using MFP. I was a carb fanatic and now I eat low carb (although not super-low-carb, that's not sustainable, at least for me). I just wish I would have done this years ago. I was always making excuses and saying I'd start a diet tomorrow. Well, it's not just a diet, it's a lifestyle change, and you have to commit yourself to it. I know it's hard--god, do I know it's hard--but if you are ready and willing to change, you can do it. Best of luck to you!
  • amy_j28
    amy_j28 Posts: 45 Member
    Monna2 wrote: »
    I have been trying for over 15 years, and I just can't do it.
    It only gets worse and worse. My body doesn't let go of the fat. I can't deal with the cravings of the monthly time. I am 130 pounds overweight and my family are driving me towards depression because of their comments about me eating too many carbs.
    There's no magic I know.
    But I have so much frustration inside me.

    You can! Pretty much like everyone else said- start small. When I joined MFP, my first and only goal was to track EVERY morsel or beverage that went into my mouth. I've been working on this since January, and to be honest, I still go over my daily, or heck, even weekly allowances quite often. BUT- learning to track and watching the trends in my eating has helped me learn a lot. I've lost 25 lbs since January.

    I think the biggest impact for me was finding fellow MFP'ers that were motivating and keep things fun so that I do come back to the site. I also made a friend in one of my zumba classes, so now we kind of have a buddy system to keep each other accountable. It's hard to go at it alone, but it can be done too!

    The mental battle is probably the biggest hurdle. When people ask if I'm on a diet, I say heck no! I'm participating in a lifestyle change and having fun while doing it! Feel free to friend me if you need some motivation :)