Online Dating



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Just went on a date with someone met online earlier this week. We went bowling and to TGIFridays. (I need to be better on my diet but there is something called living.)

    For this date it was a special one where she actually cancelled the first date last weekend. Which turn into a benefit where I would see a better movie that I would want to. The first date was done according to my plan which was bowling, dinner, then go back to her place to watch a movie. The date did not end I how I thought it would. There was some extra activity I didn't plan at all. :wink:

    Second date is tonight where it will be kind of the same plan. I am going to her place to watch insidious part two, go see part three after, then go back to her place. The extra activity is plan into this date. We are both well aware of this.
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have never been on an online date :) Reading a few of these posts, looks like there are a lot of liars and "con men" out there!! Even the "normal guys" you meet going about your daily business, share the same qualities, too many jerks out there? why?

    I thought online would be easier, because you iron out all the things you like & don't like? before you meet to check out if you would be able stand this person for the rest of your life, & check the chemistry.

    If people are really truthful, it can save a lot of time, in finding your true mate. or Might even meet people who would turn out to be just great buddies, to hang out with.

    What would be the top 4 qualities you would want in a mate/ date?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    111grace wrote: »
    I have never been on an online date :) Reading a few of these posts, looks like there are a lot of liars and "con men" out there!! Even the "normal guys" you meet going about your daily business, share the same qualities, too many jerks out there? why?

    I thought online would be easier, because you iron out all the things you like & don't like? before you meet to check out if you would be able stand this person for the rest of your life, & check the chemistry.

    If people are really truthful, it can save a lot of time, in finding your true mate. or Might even meet people who would turn out to be just great buddies, to hang out with.

    What would be the top 4 qualities you would want in a mate/ date?

    First I want to say that most people will not show there true self to someone new on first date.

    Also your questions will have four different answers because people have different character traits that matter more to them in a mate.
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    edited June 2015
    Ok, I must include my story of online dating, yes I was hot then, I was, I was 34 and I was recently divorced. Very recently after being married for 13 years and 3 kids later, so I was single and ready to mingle. The thing about my marriage was I was expected to have sex with my husband (obviously) but I didn't want to. So after being single it was nice to say who I wanted to have sex with, when I wanted to have sex with, and how I wanted to have it.. Long story short.. I decided to have my fun on the site and run through some guys for my own personal enjoyment. I didn't want relationships, I just wanted to have my fun.. I met creepers, I stayed away from them.. But I met a hot hot 6'7" basketball coach and let me tell you, best booty call of my life, I was on POF too.. and it wasn't so bad (if you knew what you was looking for), I was just out meeting for all the wrong reasons. Plus, I met my now husband on there. I had a wild two years and I am amazed that I didn't get murdered, but it was a fun ride while it lasted. Lol, I know I sound like a hooker, and that's ok, because I know how many it was, and I had a wild ride.
  • JustJewels18
    JustJewels18 Posts: 335 Member
    I used online dating after my divorce. It was great to meet people and get out of the house. But, I don't think it's the place to meet a 'forever' someone. Most were recently single and not ready to date seriously. My GF got me started and she had some really bad experiences! I was lucky I just have a some good friends now lol. Dating now a days is hard, cause it's easy to just move onto the next. I date the Gym now, were very happy :)
  • BigJon003
    BigJon003 Posts: 53 Member
    I would try anything once.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    most guys want me to stomp on their privates and spank them

    or one guy said he would pay me to *kitten* in his mouth

    thats how my online dating goes. im single forever
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    111grace wrote: »
    I have never been on an online date :) Reading a few of these posts, looks like there are a lot of liars and "con men" out there!! Even the "normal guys" you meet going about your daily business, share the same qualities, too many jerks out there? why?

    I thought online would be easier, because you iron out all the things you like & don't like? before you meet to check out if you would be able stand this person for the rest of your life, & check the chemistry.

    If people are really truthful, it can save a lot of time, in finding your true mate. or Might even meet people who would turn out to be just great buddies, to hang out with.

    What would be the top 4 qualities you would want in a mate/ date?

    Honestly, I would want someone who is stable, honest, funny and loving. I wasn't looking for that then, but when I met my now husband I decided it was time to settle down. Life has been good, online dating can be an adventure at times, of course, you get lied to and you do get those photo's that are 10 years old, but all in all, it was the only way to meet someone for someone like myself with 3 kids over the age of 10, was when they went with their dad, I went out. I never went out when they was home with me and no one ever came over. I don't regret my time on there because it's what led me to my husband and our son who is 4 now.
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I had a guy tell me he had a foot fetish from the jump and kept looking at my feet the entire time mind you his profile pic was of him 5 years ago pre weight gain so i was pretty much like... time to go luckily my friend was moving out that same day so yeah i told her to call me lol

  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    It's been a mixed bag for me. Couple of great dates that turned into relationships, plenty of weird dates, and a lot of times we just didn't "click"
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    I'm 62, been online dating for 9 months or so.
    About 3 months ago, I had a 34 year old man who lives 35 miles away contact me, wanting to take me to dinner.

    I asked him if he noticed my age. He said he prefers older women, I told him I prefer men closer to my age. He kept pressing me to let him take me out, I kept saying No.

    Then I got a message from him saying he was in my town, where should he pick me up for dinner?

    I said, "Wow, you're really persistant! OK, here's my address" and gave him the address for the Police Dept.

    About 15 minutes later he blocked me. lol
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    edited May 2020
    I have had a few bad ones. Years ago, I met a guy at a restaurant. Things seemed to be going well and there seemed to be a mutual attraction. Towards the end of the date, he kept making suggestions for the second date suggesting I come to his place, which I tried to gently curb and suggest going out somewhere again. He didn’t like that idea and when it became apparent that I wouldnt be sleeping with him soon he ended up leaving me there when I went to the bathroom.

    Another bad one was last year. The guy seemed nice and had mentioned how he considers himself a gentleman. We had solid plans and he didn’t show up on time. He lied to me about the traffic. I google gps the route and there was no traffic and he was only 10 minutes from the location. After waiting a bit, I left. He also lied about his appearance and sent pics from 10 years prior.

    Yeah, there are some real jerks out there. Some guys only want one thing and even when you make it clear to them that you want something real and substantial, they still try to push their agenda sometimes.