Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • openlynoted
    openlynoted Posts: 21 Member
    Got to 6K steps yesterday

    JFT- Get to 10K
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
    Yesterday, again....
    1. log all my food :/
    2. remember to concentrate on water :/
    3. watch sugar grams - went WAY over yesterday, so today I know I will be craving things. :/
    4. exercise :/

    Got tons of work done, but not so good on the eating/logging, etc.
    but, a new day today.

    Just for today, sunday
    1. log all food -- this includes the 2 ice cream bars I just ate :/
    2. Turn the day around. Off to a bad start with ice cream for breakfast - so don't turn this into an entire bad day.
    3. exercise
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    It has been a crazy busy weekend, which is good, because even though my eating tipped over a bit, I have been doing hours of things like scrubbing the siding on our house and hoeing/gardening/planting...So, I ought to see a pound off soon :-). The last two days have gone perfect on cals...until some after dinner emotional eating on both nites :/ --BLAH.

    JFT 7 June:
    1. Stay in cal. limit
    2. Drink 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Some sort of exercise--30 min.
    4. Try not to miss my 3 teens too much as they just left for a week's camp one hour ago (translated: Don't emotionally eat & Don't cry all day! It is also two of their bday's--today and Wed--and we'll not be able to celebrate until they get back!) It will be a different household dynamic all together, with my 5 youngers!!
    5. In order to do #4 well, spend some time in God's word & prayer, reflecting on His goodness in all He provides!! :):)

    Hope you all have a beautiful Sunday!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Yesterday, again....
    1. log all my food :/
    2. remember to concentrate on water :/
    3. watch sugar grams - went WAY over yesterday, so today I know I will be craving things. :/
    4. exercise :/

    Got tons of work done, but not so good on the eating/logging, etc.
    but, a new day today.

    Just for today, sunday
    1. log all food -- this includes the 2 ice cream bars I just ate :/
    2. Turn the day around. Off to a bad start with ice cream for breakfast - so don't turn this into an entire bad day.
    3. exercise

    Joan, Congratulations on getting a bunch of work done--doesn't that feel awesome???!!! God's grace to you today in turning the day around. That is a great goal and attitude for the rest of the day :) . And, who knows, maybe your body is craving fat--so make a point to enjoy some nuts or other healthy fats and it will probably cut your sugar craving way down!!! I'll look forward to hearing good news tomorrow! :)

  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    JFT - enjoy grandsons bd party with small piece of cake to fit within my calorie goal.

    It is stressful here. Son's wife left him for another man and their baby was only 1 at the time. (What was she thinking????).

    Anyway 4 year old and now 2 year old are having a hard time adjusting to all the shuffling back and forth. She said "they will be fine". Aargh!! Maybe for her but my son has no family here to help out. We are trying to come up (9 hr drive) as often as we can to give him some help when he has them.

    Sad situation!!

    Oh, Vicky, that just about rips my heart out!!! Will be praying for you, that you may minister grace and soothing into the lives of your grandchildren as you visit...God has placed you in their lives as a stable point--they will remember that in the midst of tumult! And just think of what you could do also even when you are away, to encourage them in letters which your son could read to them. They would have those words in their hearts to carry them through the years. Enjoy your time with your precious ones!

  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Great success on daily goals everyone.

    JFT - I will try to not overeat at the amusement park with my grandsons. Need to drink more water.

    I did well. Just a bite of funnel cake and cotton candy. Had a chicken philly sandwich but did not eat al of the bread. Lots of steps. Over 10,000. Stayed within my calories. Success.

    P.S., as pertains to MFP here, congrats on maintaining discipline in the midst of heartache!!! Go easy on yourself. :)

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    happy Sunday all.
    Just For Tonight,
    I will brush my teeth right after dinner, and chew mint gum if that's what it takes to not continue eating!
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Hi. I'm back after a nuts week and some totally out of control eating.
    And it stops here and I'm looking forward to getting back on track and attacking the remaining 14 lbs (or may be slightly more after last week - will see tomorrow).
    I want to hit my target by 6th August and this will take full commitment.

    Good news is I have a few weeks of low stress with plenty of spare time so can fit in loads of exercise and that tends to make me want to make good food choices.

    So I CAN do this!

    So Monday's goals:
    - Hit calorie target. Pure and simple.

    Wishing you all joy on at least some small way.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Hi. I'm back after a nuts week and some totally out of control eating.
    And it stops here and I'm looking forward to getting back on track and attacking the remaining 14 lbs (or may be slightly more after last week - will see tomorrow).
    I want to hit my target by 6th August and this will take full commitment.

    Good news is I have a few weeks of low stress with plenty of spare time so can fit in loads of exercise and that tends to make me want to make good food choices.

    So I CAN do this!

    So Monday's goals:
    - Hit calorie target. Pure and simple.

    Wishing you all joy on at least some small way.

    good for you, for looking FORWARD! we CAN do this!
    like you, I also tend to exercise into good eating :)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    J4T Sunday
    1. C25K - Had to modify my C25K due to taking a hike at 10000 feet above sea level. I just could not jog at that altitude. But I walked 2 hours instead so I still get a :smiley:
    2. 1200 -1500 calories :smile:
    3. Bible study :smile:

    J4T Monday
    1. Weights and core exercises at gym.
    2. C25K
    3. 1200- 1500 calories
    4. Bible study

  • SChitra
    SChitra Posts: 7 Member
    1. 1200 calories
    2. 8 glass of water min
    3. log everything
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    june 8,
    Just For Today:
    1. chiropractor
    2. bike ride
    3. embrace vegetables
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    JFT - stay within calorie limits, go to gym after work, aim for 10,000 steps! The Cookies are gone, I ate them all, so no more tempation there! Do not buy or bake sweets and keep in the house. If they are there I will eat them........
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    went to a crawfish boil last night and can feel all the salt today. so JFT, extra water and sweaty workout after work to flush this salt out of my system.
  • LMMarquis
    LMMarquis Posts: 3 Member
    I love this idea! I hope you don't mind if I join in. :)

    Yesterday: I drank enough water, but was under 900 calories as I have been the past six days. I don't know how to stop obsessing about food. I have always either obsessed about eating whatever I want or eating as little as possible.

    Today I will drink enough water, log all my calories in, and instead of obsessing about an extreme, I will make my goal to hit the 1200 calorie goal and view it as an accomplishment rather than something to feel guilty about.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    JFT 7 June:
    1. Stay in cal. limit-- :)
    2. Drink 3+ pints water/tea-- :o I think I got 1/2 of that
    3. Some sort of exercise--30 min.-- :) Gardening and a bit of sit-ups/push-ups
    4. Try not to miss my 3 teens too much as they just left for a week's camp one hour ago (translated: Don't emotionally eat & Don't cry all day! It is also two of their bday's--today and Wed--and we'll not be able to celebrate until they get back!) It will be a different household dynamic all together, with my 5 youngers!!-- :) They arrived safely, my hubby got back safely, and the rest of us had a nice day here!
    5. In order to do #4 well, spend some time in God's word & prayer, reflecting on His goodness in all He provides!! :):) -- :)

    JFT 8 June:
    1. Stay in cal. limit
    2. Drink 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Some sort of exercise--30 min.
    4. Work on rest of graduation party prep: i.e., clearing out garage for tables!!!
    5. Bible/prayer

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    I read through all the posts for the past two days & I wish I could take time to comment on many of them. My heart goes out to all who are struggling (eating, exercise & emotional) and I hope today will be so much better. There are some days that we just have to push through while other days we seem to sail through with the wind at our backs. Hope we're all sailing today!
    Plan the days ahead.
    "Am I in control of my day OR does my day control me?" (An old mantra that I need to dust off)
    Make healthy wholefood choices & log it!
    Fit in Pilates
    Take two truckloads of heavy yard waste to DPW (weight lifting).
    Do not eat for emotional reasons
    Early to bed 9-9:30

  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    Good morning, it has been a long, long, loooong while since I have checked in with this group. It has also been a long time since I have logged or paid any attention to my diet. I think I am ready to get back on track. I use the term "think" because I do not have the conviction that I have had in the past. Not really sure where my head is at on that level. Anyway, it's always good to start with baby steps:

    Just for Today June 8th:
    1. drink 8 glasses of water
    2. log all of my food

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
    I did much better yesterday, even though I started the day out with TWO ice cream snickers bars! But, managed to eat better the rest of the day, and I was busy working in the yard, etc. so that helped some.

    So Just for today
    1. Drink all my water
    2. LOG everything I eat!
    3. Exercise.

    Rae - welcome back. We missed you!

    I also am so busy this morning, and have not read all the posts. But so grateful for each of you who posts -- its keeps me going, one day at a time! I know I am not alone in the struggle to continue to eat healthy, etc.!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I've been on track for the last couple of days (14,000+ steps yesterday) but I keep forgetting to come here and set goals! So, just for today...

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. swimming and gardening
    3. stay under 100G carbs