

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @pofoster21 Congrats on the goal weight!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited June 2015
    @raelynnsmama52512 the Pacific lampreys in the river I swam in as a child always frightened me. Once or twice I felt a fish touch my leg while I was swimming. EEEEWWWW! Their mouth is just gross.

    Edit - congrats on the weight loss mentioned a few pages later (I'm so behind).
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @fr3smyl I hope you are feeling better by now.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @MoHousdon I'm enjoying reading about your swimsuit adventures. I'm amazed at your step daughter....(shaking head). I'm still far behind so maybe you've heard from her since June 5.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @peleroja you look lovely in your wedding photos!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    About the gifts....spending a lot of time and getting the right thing. I've managed to do both, get something terrific, perfect and also have completely missed. I *meant* well even with the gift that was so awful. It made sense to me at the time (a long time ago). With SO I match his level of giving and we have both been happy with the results. With my kids I get things (or trips) that I think will make them excited, happy, and surprised to get.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    edited June 2015
    Too many Susieq's on here!! But to our Susie - I was thinking whilst reading through the confession, maybe you could try the confession of many others and when you are likely to go over by a few log it the the next day to save throwing away all your hard work that day for the sake of 100 kcal.

    @orangesmartie I'm sorry you're feeling bad. As Laura said you're doing pretty awesome things with your nephew, I'm not surprised you're going through a tough time at the moment knowing your sister is pregnant again. I hope your gp can help.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited June 2015
    @Tubbs216 I bet your cake is going to be beautiful and I very much understand your resentment. "No" is a great word and concept! It can be said very nicely, "I am so flattered that you remember my cakes fondly, I wish I could help with your daughter's cake! I have the name of a person I can recommend as I don't have the time to give your daughter the cake she deserves and I can't do a half-baked job. You made my day by asking me. Here's so&so's number, tell her I told you to call." :wink:

    @ythannah - neat saying, I had not heard that before.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @levan11 hello
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @misskarne congrats on your weight loss!
  • bicokun
    bicokun Posts: 1 Member
    Okay, I often do extra cardio for the specific goal of eating junk later in the day. Like, I'll run for 3 hours if I feel like eating a whole pizza. I've still managed to lose 20lbs in 3 weeks, though, so I guess it's working out.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @pofoster21 - my last post before bed and I'm still many pages behind.

    There is no set number of chapters required. Ch 1, 2, and 8 (Intro, Experimental, Conclusions) are required but the chapters in the middle can vary greatly depending upon what a person is working on experimentally.


    1 Introduction - what the problem is, what the background is on the problem.
    2 Experimental - all the methodology, types of instruments, settings, computations, theory, background, how I set up the glassware for synthesis, etc.
    3 Synthesis and Characterization of compounds 1 - 5
    4 Isolation, nuclear magnetic resonance, and fluxuation of a compound and isomers - how I spent 9 months of my life getting 0.0025 grams of pure product to run a very cool experiment on.
    5 Electrochemistry
    6 Computational Chemistry and mechanisms of the catalytic cycle
    7 Another compound synthesis, characterization, computational chemistry and electrochemical (this was a simpler system to explain)
    8 Conclusions and future directions
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I really am having a bad few days. I got in the bath tonight and burst into tears. I don't normally cry, even when i should, so to just cry like that tells me things are very wrong. It seems to be an accumulation of things, not any one thing in particular, but i am feeling extremely low and a total failure at everything, including weight loss and exercise. I will be making an appointment with my GP in the morning, to discuss my medication dosages.

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling. My depression has recently taken a dive and become worse than it has been in years, so I know how bad you must be feeling. I'm struggling so hard against falling into the pit (so to speak), but I really don't know what to do. :( Your feelings describe mine as well, unfortunately--I've been feeling like a complete and utter waste of space lately who doesn't deserve to live. :-/ I hope you start feeling better soon!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Too many Susieq's on here!! But to our Susie - I was thinking whilst reading through the confession, maybe you could try the confession of many others and when you are likely to go over by a few log it the the next day to save throwing away all your hard work that day for the sake of 100 calories.

    Funny but true: I was one of the first to confess that I did that in this thread, waaaay back in the first 20 pages or so. I confessed to spreading out bad overages over an entire week, in fact. ;)

    But I do tend to have a bad all-or-nothing attitude, as I mentioned, so it's somehow like... I'm either under my goal or I blow it out of the water. Actually letting myself get to just 100kcal over usually means I've already hit the "nothing" stage and nothing can save me. :-/
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I have to do my weekly food shop today and although my other half is not a fan of cakes or biscuits, he is a total ice cream fiend so I pick him up some every week (he is not dieting with me). Every week I spend a good 5 minutes staring at the lollies and tubs I refuse to buy myself while feeling slightly envious of the way my OH can guilt-free devour his. Even more so since I spotted a new Daim bar chocolate tub.

    Is a lolly a popsicle or a lollipop? Also for those in England what do you guys refer to as a pot? Is it a pot of yogurt, oats, or porridge?
    They're all asleep! A lolly or an iced-lolly is a popsicle. Not sure about the pot question... Definitely yoghurt (English spelling!) is sold in 'pots'. Aren't they everywhere? The term 'porridge pot' is one I've only ever heard in the story about the magic one which kept on producing porridge! Might be an old term. Porridge is the same as oatmeal.

    Same container, but they're called cups, same with pudding and fruit.

    I'm working through this post since Friday so this is a bit behind but what exactly is 'pudding'? Because in England Pudding is the same a 'dessert' as in the last course of a three course meal. It always looks like a pot of custard in the films/movies.
  • XxStrengthInNumbersxX
    XxStrengthInNumbersxX Posts: 19 Member
    I know you're not meant to but... sometimes I weigh myself like 5 times a day.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I have to do my weekly food shop today and although my other half is not a fan of cakes or biscuits, he is a total ice cream fiend so I pick him up some every week (he is not dieting with me). Every week I spend a good 5 minutes staring at the lollies and tubs I refuse to buy myself while feeling slightly envious of the way my OH can guilt-free devour his. Even more so since I spotted a new Daim bar chocolate tub.

    Is a lolly a popsicle or a lollipop? Also for those in England what do you guys refer to as a pot? Is it a pot of yogurt, oats, or porridge?
    They're all asleep! A lolly or an iced-lolly is a popsicle. Not sure about the pot question... Definitely yoghurt (English spelling!) is sold in 'pots'. Aren't they everywhere? The term 'porridge pot' is one I've only ever heard in the story about the magic one which kept on producing porridge! Might be an old term. Porridge is the same as oatmeal.

    Same container, but they're called cups, same with pudding and fruit.

    I'm working through this post since Friday so this is a bit behind but what exactly is 'pudding'? Because in England Pudding is the same a 'dessert' as in the last course of a three course meal. It always looks like a pot of custard in the films/movies.

    Pudding = Custard in American speak. ;) It can refer to both the cooked version made with milk and starch, or it can refer to an instant version that's made with gelatin.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I confess that tonight I am irritated that my daughter's sister is coming here asking me for food (again), after spending all her (and her boyfriends) money on a dog they had for a week and had no business having at all.

    On top of that, she just found out she is pregnant, and nobody except her and the boyfriend are happy about it. My daughter and I are both mortified....

    She is 22, lives in a motel room, on assistance, and has a trustee to handle her money as she cannot even do that herself.....her boyfriend works full time at a fast food joint, and the second they get any money they are out blowing it. They do not have a pot to piss in, and now are gonna have a baby....

    She is mentally slow, her mentality is that of about a 13 year old.....God help that baby, and everyone else that is gonna be affected by it.....

    I'm really sorry you have to deal with this. It's almost exactly the same with my sister. I am dreading her new baby being born in October. I fully expect to be caring for it by Christmas

    Another? What made her think that was a good idea? I am slightly judging this because it's not fair on you or your parents! I know it should be a happy occasion, but I can see this being more stress on you and your family :disappointed: (hugs to you)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I'm sure you all remember me mentioning that my hubby ordered 3 more swimsuits because out of the other 4 he ordered, only 1 fit. Well, those three came in today. Two are identical bikinis only one is light blue and navy, and the other is coralish with gray. I tried them both on and surprisingly, I didn't feel like a flat chested sea cow. No offense to sea cows.

    I asked him which he liked better. He said both. I asked him again which one he thought I should keep. He said both because they both looked good. His exact words were something along the lines of you look hot in both and you should keep both.

    The third one didn't work because the top and bottoms didn't match (that's what happens when you buy from Amazon). The top was black and white with red trim, but the bottoms were pink with black and white trim. I was disappointed because I loved the bottoms. Oh well.

    I went from having zero swimsuits or covers, to having 2 bikinis, an adorable monokini, and 2 swimsuit covers. Pretty exciting. :)


    Lots of variety for your trip.

    It will be so nice. I don't think I've ever had multiple swimsuits before. I'm mildly excited about wearing them too. Not super excited about having to shave my bikini area however. :/

    That's why I only wear swimming suits with skirts, lol. I'm 37 and I've never even trimmed anything down there, because loose hair freaks me out and I don't want to have to clean up the mess (ok and I'd have no idea how to do it anyway). Forget shaving or waxing, I always get horrible ingrown hair and I'll be damned if I even try it down there.

    Speaking of swimsuits, I'm now very peeved because my period is a week late, which means I will probably get it right in the middle of our vacation next month. Our first real vacation in years... to the beach... and I don't do tampons.

    Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. It makes a hell of a difference. You can get razors with electric trimmers on the end, use those to trim, if you just want to tidy. If you want to shave, go with the grain of the hair. Always use sharp/new razors, never use a razor which you've used to shave your armpits/legs.

    My confession for today is that I am learning a lot on how to be a girl on this thread. I was a bit of a tomboy growing up and my mum was too busy to do the girly talks because as previously said, she is a director of a company so I was never taught how to be a girl. I generally wing everything. As a teenager I took every TOM as is came and didn't wear make-up until I was 17 because I didn't know how and didn't want to look orange. I still don't wear foundation or powders for this reason. Shaving is a mystery to me. I do my legs fine, but I get ingrowing hairs in my arm pits and bikini line all the time. I spend a lot of bathroom time picking them.
    I'm actually REALLY ashamed of this because my SO's sister is perfect. She styles her hair every day, immaculate nails and make-up, she self-tans and you can't tell and she can't wear anything and pull it off. She puts me to shame.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    I really am having a bad few days. I got in the bath tonight and burst into tears. I don't normally cry, even when i should, so to just cry like that tells me things are very wrong. It seems to be an accumulation of things, not any one thing in particular, but i am feeling extremely low and a total failure at everything, including weight loss and exercise. I will be making an appointment with my GP in the morning, to discuss my medication dosages.

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling. My depression has recently taken a dive and become worse than it has been in years, so I know how bad you must be feeling. I'm struggling so hard against falling into the pit (so to speak), but I really don't know what to do. :( Your feelings describe mine as well, unfortunately--I've been feeling like a complete and utter waste of space lately who doesn't deserve to live. :-/ I hope you start feeling better soon!

    Susie, first, let me apologize if you feel I am being overly personal and intrusive.

    Have you considered that Depo may be contributing to your depression? When I first took it, my doctor asked if I had a history of depression, I said no because I didn't have a history of depression. Two months later I was sitting in my car contemplating suicide. The only think that stopped me was, that as an over-thinker, I couldn't figure out why I felt like that. Nothing in my life had changed for the worse; my feeling weren't based on my reality. I was simply, suddenly, suicidal.

    It may also cause spammy pimples.