anything that you want to say about tattoos?



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have one that was done by my ex. I regret it a bit, and hope that one day I have money to get it covered with something better. It's inbetween my shoulderblades and no one can see it unless I wear a tanktop.
  • Omar_Apocrypha
    Omar_Apocrypha Posts: 794 Member
    edited June 2015
    I haven't but I thinking to have my 1st one
    I like it , I think it's sexy
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I personally don't have any, but I think if someone likes them they should be able to have as many as they want.
  • Northernlight03
    Northernlight03 Posts: 1,980 Member
    I love tattoos, I only have 1tho but love them on men
  • Lizrobin3108
    Lizrobin3108 Posts: 102 Member
    I have 9. They are a chronicle of my journey through life. I either drew them or helped design each. They represent parts of my life.
    I only regret one because its going to cost a hell of a lot to fix and it on both of my calfs. *sigh* I designed it myself, was very proud of it, let a dumba$$ wannabe try to tattoo it. Learned a valuable lesson.

    I don't really care what other people are going to think of my tattoos when I'm older. None of mine are offensive or vulgar, they are pieces of art.
  • SquatNSparkle
    SquatNSparkle Posts: 477 Member
    In my tattoo artists parlor is a quote " a cheap tattoo is not a good tattoo. And a good tattoo is not a cheap tattoo." maybe justification for charging a lot But I took that assurance.

    My first tat btw is a stargazer Lily. I grew it. I photographed it. And it's in a place that only shows in a bikini. Personally highly significant and highly personal. .
  • 460mustang
    460mustang Posts: 196 Member
    Stargazer Lily, Had to look that up, Nice!
    I afraid I'm not very sentimental and probably boring, like one person said. lol
    But I'm happy, and that to me is what matters.
  • mwall2
    mwall2 Posts: 28 Member
    edited June 2015

    This was the second part of my sleeve tattoo. I don't have a picture of the sleeve fully healed. I need to take one. I could care less of what people think of MY tattoo. If people judge me by what's on my arm or for that matter the rest of my body-- they don't need to be apart of my life anyway. They always say "don't judge a book by its cover".
    Why judge me for decorating my cover?
    I wish some could see past the tattoos but if they can't, I feel like that says more about that person than About me.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I see some that are awesome and others that are awful. At my age they were more associated with sailors that got drunk unlike they are today :)
  • GeekdGirl
    GeekdGirl Posts: 218 Member
    One should not desecrate their body.

    ^^ This! And only because I knew this comment would already be here <3
  • BenniBlanc0
    BenniBlanc0 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I might be wrong in my thinking BUT....

    Ive always loved art so Tattoos tell a story & providing they are done by a skilled artist will look great, but even if they don't look great it's about what it means to the individual. Mine are custom designed between me & my Tattooist, can't see me ever regretting them because so much time & effort went into them. I fear some of the younger people may regret them in the future if it's been done for reasons of fashion rather than meaning!

    That's just my humble opinion though!

    I personally think women look great with ink... (I'm a big fan of thigh pieces) ..but again it has to be done well, men can get away with bad tattoos a lot easier than women!

    "good work ain't cheap & cheap work ain't good" - Sailor Jerry
  • SummerLovin0x
    SummerLovin0x Posts: 481 Member
    <- My Recent Tattoo on my thigh ! <3 So in love with it .. I love tattoos, but i can hide mine. I have four, thigh, foot, ankle, ribs <3

    Although i'm very girly girl. But i want to be such a bada$$ and be covered in tattoos but i won't lol
  • paddles34
    paddles34 Posts: 789 Member
    Thinking of a tribal too
  • ljmorgi
    ljmorgi Posts: 264 Member
    Anyone who has one is braver than I am, because I hate needles with a fiery burning passion. I am also much too fickle to ever decide on something I'd want to have forever.
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    Here is my take on tatoos: Some people have them and others don't. I fall somewhere in-between. I do not have any tatoos, but I am not opposed to them. I respect the thought of them symbolizing an important event in someones life. Just do not call them 'skin art', then I have that whole Hanabal Lecter thing going on and visions of skin lamb shades (shudder).
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I had 7, now I have 5. I wish I had never put them on me. Here's the funny part of this, since I started getting them taken off I get a lot of people with tattoos, lecturing me......scratch that TRYING to lecture me. Its comical, one kid acted like I had betrayed some sort of brotherhood, ridiculous! If you want tats, get them, if you don't, then don't get them but if you make a mistake then pay to get them off or live with it.
  • jaxass
    jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
    No tats, but I why would people care what others are doing to their bodies? Some tats will take you out of some career positions and not others. It's a consequence of getting a visible tattoo. However, your body is YOUR as you wish!
  • s_y8s
    s_y8s Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm too wimpy to get one lol
  • GeekdGirl
    GeekdGirl Posts: 218 Member
    <- My Recent Tattoo on my thigh ! <3 So in love with it .. I love tattoos, but i can hide mine. I have four, thigh, foot, ankle, ribs <3

    Although i'm very girly girl. But i want to be such a bada$$ and be covered in tattoos but i won't lol

    Excellent! Love the tat :) I'm girly as well but want to be a badass... working on it though <3