
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Stomach is growling ... But as one of you has said, "hunger is not an emergency."

    Jules... I'm in a doctors waiting office ... Just read "fart and throat punch" ... I startled the woman next to me when I laughed out loud!

    Carey ... Food confusion. When I'm stuck, I try to confuse my body's defense mechanisms. Two days with very low carbs and the five with moderate carbs ... And carbs to me is mostly gluten as I eat some fruit. This is not a long term way to eat but does jump start weight loss.

    Sylvia ... I once read that children will badger forever if they think there is a chance you'll cave in. Similar behavior is seen at casinos... People spend hours at the slot machines feeding their coins in... No, no, no ... But they stay because every once in a while they get a payout. The point ... Never, ever give in if you once said "no."

    Gotta go ...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Pip - I was wondering how fast the bike would go compared to a 10 speed? Did it seem that the guy was riding just as fast as you were?

    yes, they can fly
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    cityjane - congrats on your anni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sisterpam
    sisterpam Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, there! Yea! I was just looking for support for us over 50ers. I have a looooooooooooooong way to go (looking to lose half my body weight), and am just getting started. With my body aches and such, some of the fitness routines are out for me, although I did just find videos on exercises for people with knee problems that I want to start doing. Anyone else identify?
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Carey-Edmonton: I wear the Alia shorts and pants with the elastic waist band. My waist is too large for button up jeans to fit correctly. Anyhow, Bealls in Florida sells Alia and you can find them on Amazon.

    Carey-Edmonton: My DH had a heart attack 2 yrs ago and had 4 stents. He also gets tired very easy so I am glad he's not the only one. He quit smoking and gained about 50 lbs. and I thought maybe it was the extra weight that made him so tired.

    Heather: Congrats on your 3rd yr anniversary. Kudos for all your hard work.

    Teri: I don't think the cabbage soup diet will work long term. You are right to take it a bit at a time. Eggs are pretty cheap here. We eat a lot of eggs.

  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    great group, morning ladies . Margaret , what you posted on think your having a bad day?? a few pages back made me laugh so hard!! I needed that !! Gotta kick myself in the pants and get goin here!!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Joyce, we don’t have Culvers, so that’s why I had no idea why you were eating a concrete mixer. Sounds yummy and wayyyy fattening. Thanks for the explanation. So sorry about your car. I just hate it when something like that happens. Will you get it fixed?

    Allison, glad work is going okay. Just FYI, there are companies that give you two weeks vacation after only 3 months. I got a short haircut yesterday too. Don’t you love the ease of care?

    , welcome back! Your DDIL sounds like a great mother. I wish she could teach “Mothering lessons” to a friend of mine. I fear her grandchildren will all end up in prison as adults because the mother and grandmother together can’t figure out how to be good parents. It’s so sad. I understand you being in awe of your DIL. Isn’t it absolutely amazing how wonderful life can be when we are able to do simple things again; like walk. What a great NSV!!!! Again, I’m getting excited for you with you trips you are planning. Give that DH of you’re a hug for me, just because. (((Hugs))) for you too, my friend.

    , welcome to our group of wonderful ladies. Please tell us a little more about yourself so we can get to know you. Here you will read about all kinds of exercise many of the ladies do, but know you aren’t alone in not getting motivated to exercise. I absolutely have to force myself to do it and often don’t.  The sad thing is, it helps not only with the weight loss but shaping up and feeling better. I don’t know about FB for this group but you can bookmark us by clicking on the gray star to the right of the group name, then it should turn yellow. When you want to find us again, go to Community, then at the top right you see the Bell, Star & Gear; just click the star and it will show you the room you can click on. The nice thing is, it takes you right back to where you left off the last time. If you would, please sign each post with the name you want to be called. Best of luck on your journey.

    Lenora, I’d love to be able to do that with my hair, but it is naturally curly and does what it wants. It is just way easier to keep it short so most of the curls are cut off. I agree that needing it cut so often (3 to 4 wks for me) is a hassle and expensive. That is why I started doing it myself. LOL It used to piss me off to pay the outrageous prices they charge when my hair is so easy to cut and takes less than 10 minutes. Sometime I do a better job than others, but I can say the same for hairdressers I used to pay.

    Toniwilson, welcome to this group of supportive women. I actually forgot that there was an upgrade. LOL I don’t have a problem with the way this works so won’t be paying for it. Please tell us a bit about yourself so we can get to know you. Come often and you’ll get lots of support. Please sign your posts with a name you want to be called. We are happy to have you.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It is getting hotter every day and the humidity is getting higher. The funny thing is that everywhere I went yesterday was freezing inside. I guess the ACs are working overtime on the humidity and making it extra cold. Today I will work to see if I can conquer my new pedometer and make myself do some exercising. I have to say I envy those of you that actually enjoy it.

    I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy day. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @sisterpam - I don't have as far to go as you do; but, I wish you well. I have had a knee injury myself and my PT gave me exercises I can do. Was discharged from PT and OrthoMD a few weeks back.

    @bwcetc - I agree, once you say 'no' that is the end of the discussion (or behavior). When I wanted to get my sons' attention when they were little and screaming - I'd get down on their eye level ('in their face') and whisper. Surprising, how quickly they stopped yelling - to listen to what I was going to say next. When they were fighting with one another, I'd put them in one of my kitchen floor squares and make them 'hug' one another. Within a few minutes they were laughing at one another. When they got older and the boys in the neighborhood were fighting we'd set up a rink and let them box it out. Boxing gloves were a Christmas present to them. I think they'd start a fight just to be able to 'box'. None of them ever got hurt (usually, I would check on them every 15 minutes or so); much better than one boy who was a brown belt in Karate and wore a signet ring. Sometimes he would 'fight' dirty. The rink and the boxing gloves gave all the others some relief from it. He only would fight dirty if someone provoked him - Karate is not for starting fights. My youngest son would also not fight unless someone got in 'his space'. He'd tell them 'back off - you're in my space' and if they 'ever' touched him - that was it. He'd throw one blow and knock them down. Not long ago he and his (at-the-time) fiancée (now his wife) were at a bar and playing pool. One of the guys at the next table was being abusive to the woman he was with. Will told him to 'stop' hitting her and when the guy turned on Will - he broke his pool stick over his shoulder knocking him down. They then left. That is the only thing I worry about him is that he isn't going to back down when someone else starts a fight.

    @pipd34 - about the 'only' thing I was happy about looking like my Mother was that she had 'flawless skin' until she was in her 80s. I rarely wear foundation (except to some event - like my son's wedding on 5/9. But, I do wear eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick and blush.

    I am now able to wear my Mother's rings that I inherited . . . now I won't have to have them resized.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well I picked 15 lbs of strawberries.. have 12 jars of jam.. had a ball at my friends house,she has it down pat.. she makes dozens of jars a year... she is a Dr, but a Doctorate Dr a professor of Nursing.. so this summer she is working from home teaching online courses, and has written a few books...
    picked wayyyy to many strawberries, so stopped at my dads which is right down the street from where I was and brought him a jar of jam... and some strawberries, and then went and picked Homer at the groomers and gave her a quart of strawberries..
    will bring some up to my DB and DSIL in the morning..
    second load of laundry in the dryer.. and burgers on the grill for din din tonight
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Janet in Myrtle Beach SC - "Janetr, just for the record, I have not had a gastric bypass. Somewhere there was a misunderstanding, but no harm. My weight is still going down, just ever, so s l o w l y."

    Sorry, I was confused . Lol. Nothing new. I read so many posts my head was spinning.

    Went to water aerobics class this morning. Tried to talk myself in to staying home, but finally did go. Yay me. :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Mary from Mn. that is a neet bike, how far can you ride that?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    avatar change (old one) ... hair is much longer now. Got a new one that has my son in it ... might change it again. Who knows.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allison - I just put it together last night and have not even had the time to try it. We live on gravel and it is more like a 10 speed with skinny tires. It will take a little getting use to because it does tilt in order to turn. So, I have to learn how to balance it like a regular bike. I will be practicing in my drive way. When we move to our new house in July on the bike trail I will be able to ride on mostly level tarred ground. I am hoping to ride to my DSIL's which would be 15 miles away. That is suppose to take a bike rider according to google maps 1 hour and 7 minutes. The first couple of times that I do it I plan on driving my Jeep down and riding back, then the next time I will ride there and take the Jeep back until I build up endurance and am able to do the round trip. My DSIL lives on the lake so it will be a fun place to go.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sisterpam – Welcome. Many ladies here have or had knee issues. I have both OA and RA, so I understand. I usually ride a bike without resistance and/or use a “handbike” at the Fitness Center at my work. I walk when I can, and as far as I can, but that’s not very much.

    Peach – Wisconsin got hit pretty hard with Bird Flu recently, so eggs are creeping up toward $2 a dozen (for “regular” not organic). I will keep buying them for DS, but look for ways to tweek my plan. But I have no intentions of doing anything unsafe. that particular co-worker just wants to win this contest, not actually get healthy, but I'm not going to tell her to quit doing what she wants like she keeps telling me. I would rather lose the contest and lose forever weight, than to be unhealthy. She also forgets that I am at least 25 years older, so my body reacts differently (she absolutely does NOT understand my hot flashes, and that's her biggest argument, that I should stay in bed during my hot flashes. Seriously, why does she even care?).

    Enough ranting about ignorance. "I can't fix stupid". It just gets so hard to listen and not defend my decisions. Thanks for listening to my rant.

    Allison - Congrats on the wonderful day with your friend and strawberries.

    I cooked 4 delicious burgers for DS to eat over the next few days, since Summer officially starts today for him (he only had 1 Final today, was exempt from the rest). If I don't help plan his meals, he will eat peanut butter sandwiches and 1 piece of fruit every day, or find some money and sneak off to McDonalds. I know he needs to pack in the protein before and after his basketball weight lifting, so a home made burger should do him good.

    Also, welcome to everyone new :)

    Anyway, Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    @DamitJanit anit - what update/upgrade are you talking about on this site? Am I missing something or are you just telling Toniwilson that this site changes at the end of each month? Like next month it will be WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JULY 2015?????

    My M-n-L (R.I.P.) had curly hair and wanted it short . . . only person who could cut it like she wanted it was up here (near Albany, GA) and she lived in Jacksonville, FL. Right before she died - my step-daughter had them to dye it 'old lady pink' and it was styled like she was 'lost' in the 60's. She looked awful in the casket . . . skin about the same color as hair and she was wearing 2 shades of purple. She had the pretties salt & pepper hair of anybody I had ever known, too. My step-daughter buried her in 'old' clothes that she had at the ALF she was living in (and then she went out and bought 2 brand new outfits, top-to-toe for herself - for the wake and funeral). I wanted to just 'scream'. She is so selfish that we haven't seen her in the 8 years since M-n-L died. Her loss, not ours; but, there is a granddaughter that will never have the chance to know her (real) Papa. She never returned any calls to her; and then she wrote a sticky note on a death certificate we had request . . . 'if you need anything else, contact the funeral home'. Why are some people like this? But, GOD will 'get' her and make her answer for all the things she has done to people.
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sylvia, an iron lung, wow. That’s something I’ve never seen. We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?
    YannieJannie, I hear you. I’ve often thought of changing careers but cannot bring myself to do it. Yep, I love it that much.
    Carey, I wish I could wear headphones. But my supervisor is such a control freak, she nixed the idea. It’s really just because I suggested it. Had she suggested it, it would’ve been fine. I really love my job, and my residents. It’s some of the people I work with and for that drive me nuts. Oh, and thanks for the recipe. Going to try it soon.
    Heather, ha-ha I forgot you were in UK and it took me a good 13 minutes to figure out why I couldn’t find the inserts on Amazon. I finally realized I had to change countries. I guess sometimes it’s true what they say about Americans; that we often take for granted there’s a whole world out there….
    Beth, enjoy the giggle and ignore the stares. I’m used to it, as I am at a physician’s office at least every three months with my husband and sometimes more often than that. I often take my iPad and put on headphones, and will laugh out loud at something, causing stares. But, hey, I’m wearing the headphones!! :sunglasses:
    Janet, I know how you feel about the humidity. Lived here in SC all my life and have never gotten used to it. I think I was born in the wrong state. :noway:
    Terri, I feel your pain involving co-workers. I have one that is quite annoying in a whole different way. :naughty:

    Well, I’m off to weigh and then climbing the elliptical. I’ve actually grown to like exercise once I do it; it’s the convincing myself to actually do it that I have trouble with. Netflix and an iPad makes it much easier. I’ve started following this show called “The Killing” and it’s entertaining and intriguing enough to keep me from thinking about how much my legs hurt, or my sweat running down into crevices I’m trying to get rid of, or that everyone else is in the living room eating ice cream, etc, etc. :cold_sweat:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    "Becca, does your TOPS group give the biggest loser a prize due to pounds lost or % lost? It could make a big difference." quote from @jmkmomm . respon: Well, its just straight most weight lost for the week. The fact that some are slow and steady losers, while others yo-yo, my suggestion kind of levels the playing field. They will still recognize the biggest loser for the week, but ALL losers (even KOPS that are maintaining their goal weight) will be put in an envelope to be able to have their name drawn. So really two winners each week, and they will share the fruit/veggie basket. I told them that the two winners can go in the corner and fight over the basket for 5 minutes.. lol
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @terri_mom Thanks for the positive words. With my increase in exercise, I feel like I have really turned over a new leaf and I am steadily losing each week!

    Great mental visual.... Ok call me a loon but this is what I do before I fall asleep and I am calming my brain down. I think in my minds eye my weight. Currently its at 245.6. I then say in my head 240, and think of this shirt or that shirt, and then think of 230...and I picture in my mind what I will look like, what things I wish to get into.... Its a nice way to fall asleep, plus I am retraining my brain! I usually fall asleep before I get to 180...but on the nights that I can't fall asleep its a really fun exercise.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member