Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • kim1546
    kim1546 Posts: 6 Member
    1. Stay away from sugar
    2. Start the routine of exercise that I have thinking about but never starting.
    3. Plan the menu thinking of healthy options only
  • honeybenn
    honeybenn Posts: 25 Member
    This is an awesome thread! All we have is today! So just for today I plan to actually pay attn to what I put in my mouth and not just eat mindlessly!
  • ThePoetsAura
    ThePoetsAura Posts: 2 Member
    Just for today:
    I will go to the gym after class :-)
  • ThePoetsAura
    ThePoetsAura Posts: 2 Member
    Just for today:
    I will go to the gym after class :-)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Read through some posts & just want to let everyone know how much I appreciate this thread. My thoughts & prayers go out to those of us who are struggling & gratefulness to MFPs who are willing to take the time lift others up.

    Yesterday I picked up a pedometer & waterproof hiking shoes. Today I break them in!

    Joan, I added 300lbs down to my reading list. She has a great sense of humour!

    10,000 on the new pedometer
    Track all food (seem fine for breakfast & lunch) but fall off the wagon after lunch
    Drink 9 cups of water
    Be grateful & journal

    Enjoy the day!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    I missed posting here yesterday I think. But did fine with food and got some exercise :):smile: . Have begun both of the last 2 days having coffee on the deck with my hubby--great way to start these busy last days of preparing for graduation party! So much to do...I am hoping with all the bustling on Saturday, that it will keep my mind off of wanting to graze endlessly on all of the goodies!

    JFT 11 June:
    1. Stay w/i cal. limits
    2. Drink my water! 3+ pints.
    3. Do some "real" exercise in addition to bustling.
    4. Get in some bible reading & prayer to maintain peace! :)

    I'm quite flighty right now, but I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!! :):)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member


    It's a little hard to set goals for today. I have a random day off, so I am driving to the coast (3.5 hours each way) to help my parents with some things. Not entirely sure how much exercise I will be able to work in or exactly what I will eat.

    I don't have children, but I have mild parent worries. I really hope that my parents move back to civilization (they are currently in a very isolated wild/scenic area) and downsize before they get into their 80s. My mom is a transplant recipient and has some mild mobility issues. Usually my dad picks up the slack, but he is recovering from surgery...

    1. 10,000 steps :smile: 13,145
    2. Walk on the beach and/or stop for Zumba on the way home :)
    3. Be carb-conscious (I know, not very concrete/measurable, but maybe the best I can do today) :neutral:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Lift heavy things
    3. Be strict about carbs, darnit!
  • LeafyT
    LeafyT Posts: 1 Member
    Friday: just for today I will-

    Replace tea/coffee with green tea
    Not eat birthday cake
    No snacks
    No dessert when eating out!

    Husband's birthday and we are going out in the evening. Don't want to be a killjoy but need to make sensible choices!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I found a new app mapmyfitness I am sure it has been around for awhile but it is new to me. It is so awesome, it is GPS that tracks your workout & is really motivating me. Rainy today so that wasn't so nice. I am hoping to go bike shopping this weekend to buy a cyclocross bike. I have some money saved and really need something new. I hope I can make it happen.

    Hope you all are doing well. Keep on climbing & eventually we will reach the top! I believe in every single one of us!!!!

    Goal today
    1.) Make tomorrow better...
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    J4T Thursday
    1. C25K, squats and calf raises :smile:
    2. Laundry and housework. Ha! I was too busy exercising to finish!
    3. Aqua-fit :smile:
    4. 1200-1500 calories :smile:
    5. Bible study :smile:

    J4T Friday
    1. Zumba
    2. 1200- 1500 calories
    3. Bible study
  • rositsky
    rositsky Posts: 25 Member
    New to this thread (but have been a MFP member for a while), and this seems like a great way to not feel overwhelmed.

    Just for Friday:
    - go to a new neighborhood fitness group that I joined
    - remember to take my vitamins
    - drinks lots of water
    - enjoy a "family movie night" with my kids and husband without snacking
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    JFT 11/06
    1. Staying under basic cals is hard. But I aim to eat back < 10% of my exercise calories today. :) finally managed this one (just. See no 2)
    2. Go to flower arranging :) This was the final meeting before summer break. Our leader had baked goodies. Arghhhhh! Will walk it off tonight.
    4. Do some Gardening/chores :) pruning, weeding, cleaning.
    5. Meet Writing deadlines :) got this out of the way early today. No late night. Yippee!

    I love coming on here and reading your comments. It's inspiring to see how well people are doing and how tenacious they are in adversity.

    JFT 12/06
    1. Keep steps up and calories in down.
    2. De clutter table in workroom.
    3. Prepare for camera group photo shoot in Bangor Abbey this afternoon. Pray that the good weather remains lol
    4. Enjoy Barn Dance this evening. Eat a light snack late afternoon. There is supper tonight. Arghhhh!

    So much temptation this evening. Will the dancing be enough to let me indulge?

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    68myra wrote: »
    JFT, June 11:
    Only mindful eating today.

    I love the idea of mindful eating. It fits in with my philosophy to live in the now and savour every single moment of life.
  • BellaPixieKitten
    BellaPixieKitten Posts: 4 Member
    Just for today I am not going to snack on carbs between meals
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    JFT - keep logging and walking. Been so successful at it. Don't want to backslide.

    Am at maintenance goal. Maybe want to lose a couple more lbs now that I am here. My strategy right now is to eat my 1,260 week days and have 100 or 200 more cals each weekend day. Maintenance is a little trial and error. We'll see how it goes.

    Delighted you're at maintenance. You thought the losing was hard. Maintenance is too. Complacency is the enemy here. May your resolve carry you through. :heart:
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    JFT - keep logging and walking. Been so successful at it. Don't want to backslide.

    Am at maintenance goal. Maybe want to lose a couple more lbs now that I am here. My strategy right now is to eat my 1,260 week days and have 100 or 200 more cals each weekend day. Maintenance is a little trial and error. We'll see how it goes.

    Delighted you're at maintenance. You thought the losing was hard. Maintenance is too. Complacency is the enemy here. May your resolve carry you through. :heart:

    So true. We can become complacent. Still need to be mindful and log everything I eat and keep up with my walking.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    I said I would come back later to post when I thought of a JFT, well that was two days ago. So JFT FRIDAY!!!, I will:
    - not eat the granola bar unless I go to the gym
    - walk in evening at minimum
    - brush/floss after dinner
    - eat real dinner not just munching
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I just found this thread and hopefully it is OK if I join. I am on the Paleo eating lifestyle so my calories & etc will be a little different.

    Just for today:
    1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    2. I will not eat any of the apple pie which I baked for our family coming tonight (this is going to be a real tough one for me as pie is my all time favorite)
    3. I will get the dining room "unstacked" :p
    4. I will start building my steps toward the 10,000 goal. Increase from yesterday

    This is a wonderful thread! Thank you! B)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Read through some posts & just want to let everyone know how much I appreciate this thread. My thoughts & prayers go out to those of us who are struggling & gratefulness to MFPs who are willing to take the time lift others up.

    Yesterday I picked up a pedometer & waterproof hiking shoes. Today I break them in!

    Joan, I added 300lbs down to my reading list. She has a great sense of humour!

    10,000 on the new pedometer
    Track all food (seem fine for breakfast & lunch) but fall off the wagon after lunch
    Drink 9 cups of water
    Be grateful & journal

    Enjoy the day!

    Yesterday was a good day. My biggest struggle is tracking in the afternoon so I will pretrack today.

    note to self...hiking shoes can be heavier than sneakers.
    Walk 45 mins in sneakers
    10,500 on the pedometer
    Water (added flavor water to change it up)
    Wash comforters at laundromat & do push ups/crunches when no one is watching!
    Keep tracking
    Focus on the positive & get inspired!

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member


    It's a little hard to set goals for today. I have a random day off, so I am driving to the coast (3.5 hours each way) to help my parents with some things. Not entirely sure how much exercise I will be able to work in or exactly what I will eat.

    I don't have children, but I have mild parent worries. I really hope that my parents move back to civilization (they are currently in a very isolated wild/scenic area) and downsize before they get into their 80s. My mom is a transplant recipient and has some mild mobility issues. Usually my dad picks up the slack, but he is recovering from surgery...

    1. 10,000 steps :smile: 13,145
    2. Walk on the beach and/or stop for Zumba on the way home :)
    3. Be carb-conscious (I know, not very concrete/measurable, but maybe the best I can do today) :neutral:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Lift heavy things
    3. Be strict about carbs, darnit!

    Hoping that you're able to get in some time for yourself. I know it can be a challenge looking after aging parents. Safe travels!