:-( Less calories, more exercise ≠loose weight!! :-(



  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Yeah, I think your exercise burn estimation is easily double and then some of what you are actually burning...if you are eating back those cals, that may be part of your issue. I'd also suggest mixing up your workouts a bit as well, after all that cycling on a stationary bike, your body has probably become very efficient (as in, burns fewer calories) riding that bike. Add some strength training and perhaps some other kinds of cardio...jogging or brisk walking, swimming, dancing like an idiot when you think nobody's looking (maybe that's just me....)

    Lol nope I so do that
  • onedayTHISYEAR
    onedayTHISYEAR Posts: 34 Member
    Again thank you for your feedback.

    Keeping calm... I am NOT eating LOTS and lying to myself... I have kept the food down. I know what I am and not eating, using scales and the calorie counts on packaging (keeping in mind they can be out by 40% according to one programme).

    According to the exercise bike I am burning 1100 x2 a day and cross ref with a computer programme that is +/_ 10%.
    (this week I doubled the bike from about 45 mins, 1000 calories claimed to x 2 a day) has made no difference to weight loss.)
    (a few weeks ago I doubled the level which was not as bad as I thought, but again have lost nothing in that time!)

    If I use up about 1000 a day in everyday living and then an additional 2000 (excluding the aledged after burn) and a few eggs, veg soup n salad is not 3000.

    Currently I, and now my other 1/2 is defying the laws of physics as they have not lost weight in many weeks either!
    I would imagine after all these weeks that the fat that was on my legs has hopefully turned to muscle and yes that will weigh more but again after all these weeks surely I must be loosing somewhere.

    It makes NO sense to weigh before sleep and then wake a few more lbs in the morning!! (same scales used on the same place on the floor)
    I have not gone down to eat in middle of the night and not known about it as the house alarm would be set off.
    (my weight goes up and down around 3 lbs but never below the plateau of the lowest.)

    mixing it up would be nice however there I little that can be done.
    jogging is out- various reasons
    anything with weight/stretching to the arms and torso is out
    swimming is out due to cost and time
    walking briskly is out as can only walk slowly with a little one and I don't have access to childcare to be able to go out on my own during the day.

    Thank you all for your guesses.... and feedback however now can I only have feedback from those that have been though this.... how long it took to get though a plateau, ideas to break the plateau and keeping sane in the mean time.

    In a few weeks I will not have access to the exercise bike and I am really really worried what weight I will put on as I have not lost it with using it!! :-(

    Speaking to others some people don't loose for a month!! (the last time I tried this it was one week loose one week not - regardless of what I did or did not do). That being born female its harder. ... taking advise I am now having breakfast. For one person they did not loose if they did not eat breakfast - made no difference to me :-(

    I can now see why people become obsessed when there is no logic to what is going on!
  • Jgasmic
    Jgasmic Posts: 219 Member
    edited May 2015
    Again thank you for your feedback.

    Currently I, and now my other 1/2 is defying the laws of physics as they have not lost weight in many weeks either!
    I would imagine after all these weeks that the fat that was on my legs has hopefully turned to muscle and yes that will weigh more but again after all these weeks surely I must be loosing somewhere.

    It makes NO sense to weigh before sleep and then wake a few more lbs in the morning!! (same scales used on the same place on the floor)
    I have not gone down to eat in middle of the night and not known about it as the house alarm would be set off.
    (my weight goes up and down around 3 lbs but never below the plateau of the lowest.)

    Could your scale need new batteries?

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I think a lot of us have been through the dreaded plataue at one time or another.

    The only suggestions i can give you is halve the burns your exercise bike is giving you, and meticulously weigh, measure and log EVERYTHING that passes your lips. Keep it simple and honest for now.

    If doing these 2 things don't start yielding weight loss for you, then a doctors appointment might be in order.

  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    See a Dr. It sounds like you may be suffering from Metabolic Syndrome and it isn't as simple as calories in vs calories out.

    You may be insulin resistant and eating a low fat higher carb diet that would make you gain weight.

    Something is amiss if long term calorie deficits do not yeold weight loss.

    Best wishes.

  • onedayTHISYEAR
    onedayTHISYEAR Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you to those that actually believe me.
    Another interesting turn.... I have been ill for about a week.

    Done NO exercise and my calories would have increased.... and my weight is roughly the same!!!
    (I have surprised myself with how quickly the calories increased with the bike. I started doing about 15 mins. After doubling the level I can now get though 1000 in about 40 mins to an hour, depends what I watch! I have been doing that first thing before breakfast etc and then again in the evening, and at least one jealous witness lol!)

    Batteries - yes have ordered more as they are running low, however a different scales say roughly the same (they only give st n lb with no extra oz)

    Bizarre and ANNOYING as holiday in a few days and I cant fit in last years clothes :'(
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    When going into starvation mode, your body signals that food is scarce and stores every piece of fat you eat, this is slow metabolism. When you eat healthy every three hours or so, the mind signals that food is in abundance and no need to store fat so you lose weight. This is a fast metabilism.

    This is really not how it works.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I burn 5 calories a minute on an exercise bike. So an hour...is 300 calories. And that's on high intensity the entire time, which is difficult for me to do.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    When going into starvation mode, your body signals that food is scarce and stores every piece of fat you eat, this is slow metabolism. When you eat healthy every three hours or so, the mind signals that food is in abundance and no need to store fat so you lose weight. This is a fast metabilism.
    complete *kitten*
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    1. Starvation mode is a myth.

    2. You say you're burning 1100 cals 2x day. Are you eating back these calories? There is no way you're burning that much, and if you're eating them back, there's your weight gain.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    There are lots of oddities apparent in your situation. Have you opened your diary so that the super knowledgeable here can take a look and give more specific feedback? Saying you are certain of your tracking, and not providing said tracking, are going to cause many to assume you are in error somewhere. Time to start removing variables, as it's truly unlikely that you are a biological anomaly.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member

    (I have surprised myself with how quickly the calories increased with the bike. I started doing about 15 mins. After doubling the level I can now get though 1000 in about 40 mins to an hour, depends what I watch! I have been doing that first thing before breakfast

    Bizarre and ANNOYING as holiday in a few days and I cant fit in last years clothes :'(

    I generally run about 10 miles per day. I run at roughly a 10 and a half mile pace and I barely burn 1000 calories in a full hour and a half of running. I don't think that your calorie burn of a thousand in 40 minutes 2 times a day is accurate. I do however believe that you feel that it's accurate, and that you're telling the truth when you say you burn this. I would definitely cut that exercise burn in at least half!
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    1000 calories burned in 45 minutes? Nah. I'm quite fit and can keep up a high heart rate for extended periods of time, and I burn about 300 cals for 40 minutes of cycling.

    Can you open your diary? It might help us pinpoint what's going on.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    Again thank you for your feedback.

    Keeping calm... I am NOT eating LOTS and lying to myself... I have kept the food down. I know what I am and not eating, using scales and the calorie counts on packaging (keeping in mind they can be out by 40% according to one programme).

    According to the exercise bike I am burning 1100 x2 a day and cross ref with a computer programme that is +/_ 10%.
    (this week I doubled the bike from about 45 mins, 1000 calories claimed to x 2 a day) has made no difference to weight loss.)
    (a few weeks ago I doubled the level which was not as bad as I thought, but again have lost nothing in that time!)

    If I use up about 1000 a day in everyday living and then an additional 2000 (excluding the aledged after burn) and a few eggs, veg soup n salad is not 3000.

    Currently I, and now my other 1/2 is defying the laws of physics as they have not lost weight in many weeks either!
    I would imagine after all these weeks that the fat that was on my legs has hopefully turned to muscle and yes that will weigh more but again after all these weeks surely I must be loosing somewhere.

    It makes NO sense to weigh before sleep and then wake a few more lbs in the morning!! (same scales used on the same place on the floor)
    I have not gone down to eat in middle of the night and not known about it as the house alarm would be set off.
    (my weight goes up and down around 3 lbs but never below the plateau of the lowest.)

    mixing it up would be nice however there I little that can be done.
    jogging is out- various reasons
    anything with weight/stretching to the arms and torso is out
    swimming is out due to cost and time
    walking briskly is out as can only walk slowly with a little one and I don't have access to childcare to be able to go out on my own during the day.

    Thank you all for your guesses.... and feedback however now can I only have feedback from those that have been though this.... how long it took to get though a plateau, ideas to break the plateau and keeping sane in the mean time.

    In a few weeks I will not have access to the exercise bike and I am really really worried what weight I will put on as I have not lost it with using it!! :-(

    Speaking to others some people don't loose for a month!! (the last time I tried this it was one week loose one week not - regardless of what I did or did not do). That being born female its harder. ... taking advise I am now having breakfast. For one person they did not loose if they did not eat breakfast - made no difference to me :-(

    I can now see why people become obsessed when there is no logic to what is going on!

    Have you talked with your doctor? Something is off, somewhere, and your doctor may be able to help you figure it out whether it is your exercise, diet, another medical condition, etc. Losing weight shouldn't be that hard.
  • ibnfaqir
    ibnfaqir Posts: 139 Member
    I will tell you what worked for me and it goes against all conventional advice:

    --For 4 days you eat at a deficit you pick the number 200, 500 or a 1000. Also go extremely low carb <50 grams.
    --For the 2 days you eat at/near maintenance. Carbs below <100 grams.
    --Last day you eat whatever you want preferably 500-1000 calories above maintenance. Really high carb.

    --Cut workouts to 3 days a week
    --For those 3 days you workout for 35-40 minutes max with high weights with 10-15 sec rests in between sets (keep lifting continuously for 30-35 mins do not stop even if your arms fall off)
    --If you do cardio keep resistance at highest level if doing long duration (elliptical I keep at level 12 for 30 mins) or you can do HIIT. I do 1 day a week cardio maybe 2. Dont need it if you are busting your *kitten* with weights trust me that is enough cardio.

    I was stuck at a weight for 3 weeks and this helped me lose 5 pounds in a week (last week) and overcome my plateau. I guess it was water weight but I will take whatever I can.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    If you could open your food diary it would be extremely helpful.

    Also, I highly HIGHLY doubt that you are burning that much on a bike. Do you have a heart rate monitor you can use while on the bike?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    1000 calories burned in 45 minutes? Nah. I'm quite fit and can keep up a high heart rate for extended periods of time, and I burn about 300 cals for 40 minutes of cycling.

    Yeah, this sounds right to me and is consistent with my experience.

    If you are eating calories back and estimating them based on those numbers, that's the explanation.