Food Shaming...............



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I'm still waiting for pictures of food with shame signs on it.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I get food shamed, in a weird way. "I could never eat like you!", "your pizza is basically a salad" ,"your sandwich is basically a salad", "your salad is basically a salad"...etc etc etc. I eat a lot of produce. I am part brontosaurus.

    I've been reverse diet shamed too, for eating "healthy" food.

    "Look at you, you're so good"

    That, yes, and shamed for not having the indulgent stuff. Sometimes, it was because... meh, didn't feel like it, and others it was because there was nothing on the menu I could eat.

    The worst was learning about a family discussion where my own mother, sister, aunt, and cousin (who was engaged at the time) were talking about the wedding. I was not asked to be in the wedding party, and they started trash talking me, saying how they'd have to have a special plate made up for me with broiled chicken and steamed vegetables since I like all that "healthy" stuff. Yes, I like vegetables. It's terrible.

    "Ohmygawd (terrible northern NJ accent of a woman at my work)!! You're having salad again? You're going to lose too much weight!!"
    1. Mind your f***ing business.
    2. Mind your f***ing business.
    3. If you saw the size of my ice cream bowl, you would understand.
    4. Mind your f***ing business.

    ETA: I think my reaction to her is more because of her wrong-Jerseyish accent than her comment about my lunch.

    At one point this week I finished off a jar of biscoff cookie spread to my damn self. On the couch, with a spoon and a stack of caramel rice cakes. (see i dont "just eat salad"). LOL
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    "I know how to portion-control, so I'm all good!"
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Actually, what most people say to me is that I'm "naturally skinny" so I can "eat whatever I want."

    Nooooo...I gained 30lbs eating what I want. Let's not do that again, mkay? Thanks.

    Also, this week is the first week that I'm below the high risk range in navel circumference. YEAH, I'm freaking over-fat.
  • kkarcher94511
    kkarcher94511 Posts: 196 Member
    uesd to get that sh**t all the time, i NEVER eat at work anymore. ever. i leave, mostly becuase i like the mental break but then i get to eat whatever the heck i want, be it FROYO, taco time or my ground turkey and apple from home, catch up on Youtube and go back to work happy
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Charlie003 wrote: »
    just to tell me, do you know how many calories are in that. You know there are better choices.....
    Wouldn't happen to me at my work, but I think I'd just feign the most ignorance possible and draw it out. Ask them how many calories they think it has. Ask them what that means, what's a calorie, do calories do something bad? See how long you can keep it run and how uncomfortable you can make them feel as they wander into uncertainty about what they're answering.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    That's the exact reason I didn't really tell anybody that I was trying to lose weight. I didn't want anyone to feel free to comment on what or how much I was eating. I figured the results would speak for themselves. And you know what? They have.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    People don't dare talk to me when I eat. I will bite their fingers.
    Do you spit the fingers out and weigh them before you swallow them, or do you grab the person, throw them on the scale, tare it, and then bite the fingers off?
    Is there a database entry fingers, human, raw, bone-in?
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    FoxyLifter wrote: »
    I was just "informed" today that protein shakes are unhealthy. This was coming from an MFP friend who eats everything "pure, pure, pure" yet has a closed diary and openly admits to taking glutamine (not sure what it is but it doesn't sound pure to me).

    People can have different opinions, but food is food. It fits my macro and calorie goals and it didn't kill me. Win-win!

    Again, anyone who has ever had protein shakes has died. So, that person may be on to something. ;)

    Well that's just not true. Almost everybody who had a protein shake today is still alive. Which clearly proves that they must have changed how they make them, because a much higher percentage of people who drank protein shakes 30 years ago have died, compared to the percentage of people who drank a protein shake today and died. ;)
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    FoxyLifter wrote: »
    I was just "informed" today that protein shakes are unhealthy. This was coming from an MFP friend who eats everything "pure, pure, pure" yet has a closed diary and openly admits to taking glutamine (not sure what it is but it doesn't sound pure to me).

    People can have different opinions, but food is food. It fits my macro and calorie goals and it didn't kill me. Win-win!

    Again, anyone who has ever had protein shakes has died. So, that person may be on to something. ;)

    Well that's just not true. Almost everybody who had a protein shake today is still alive. Which clearly proves that they must have changed how they make them, because a much higher percentage of people who drank protein shakes 30 years ago have died, compared to the percentage of people who drank a protein shake today and died. ;)

    These statistics are mind blowing.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    A well placed "piss off" and putting earbuds back in works.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    People don't dare talk to me when I eat. I will bite their fingers.
    Do you spit the fingers out and weigh them before you swallow them, or do you grab the person, throw them on the scale, tare it, and then bite the fingers off?
    Is there a database entry fingers, human, raw, bone-in?
    Long pork should cover it.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    There will always be people food shaming. There will be people who shame those who eat high calorie foods and then there will be those who shames people for eating vegetables instead of high calorie foods. I've experienced both from friends and coworkers. You can't win either way!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Charlie003 wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    You have a private room at work where you watch Netflix?

    This. This is what I want to know more about. Do you work for Netflix?

    No. We have our iPads and use company wifi. Shhhhhhhhh!

    Ok. Because I was about to pm you my resume.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    People don't dare talk to me when I eat. I will bite their fingers.
    Do you spit the fingers out and weigh them before you swallow them, or do you grab the person, throw them on the scale, tare it, and then bite the fingers off?
    Is there a database entry fingers, human, raw, bone-in?
    Long pork should cover it.

    Long pork gives me the heebie jeebies.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I get food shamed, in a weird way. "I could never eat like you!", "your pizza is basically a salad" ,"your sandwich is basically a salad", "your salad is basically a salad"...etc etc etc. I eat a lot of produce. I am part brontosaurus.

    I've been reverse diet shamed too, for eating "healthy" food.

    "Look at you, you're so good"

    That, yes, and shamed for not having the indulgent stuff. Sometimes, it was because... meh, didn't feel like it, and others it was because there was nothing on the menu I could eat.

    The worst was learning about a family discussion where my own mother, sister, aunt, and cousin (who was engaged at the time) were talking about the wedding. I was not asked to be in the wedding party, and they started trash talking me, saying how they'd have to have a special plate made up for me with broiled chicken and steamed vegetables since I like all that "healthy" stuff. Yes, I like vegetables. It's terrible.

    "Ohmygawd (terrible northern NJ accent of a woman at my work)!! You're having salad again? You're going to lose too much weight!!"
    1. Mind your f***ing business.
    2. Mind your f***ing business.
    3. If you saw the size of my ice cream bowl, you would understand.
    4. Mind your f***ing business.

    ETA: I think my reaction to her is more because of her wrong-Jerseyish accent than her comment about my lunch.

    You didn't have to call me out, gawwwd.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Charlie003 wrote: »
    Here at work we have a caff. On Wednesday's, it is pizza day. Free drink. I do 60 min cardio almost every morning. I am going to get my damn pizza. But, on cue, as I start to eat this pizza, people pop into my private room where I watch Netflix forcing me to pause the show, take off my earphones, just to tell me, do you know how many calories are in that. You know there are better choices.....

    Do they know not to bother a hungry individual holding a knife........playing with their lives they are.

    So, do any of you have to deal with morons who butt in on your food, to tell you the obvious just to make themselves feel superior?

    No issues recently. Once someone nastily asked if I was on a diet because I was only eating one taco.

    Don't take off the headphones and pause your show next time. Smile and eat your pizza.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Charlie003 wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    You have a private room at work where you watch Netflix?

    This. This is what I want to know more about. Do you work for Netflix?

    No. We have our iPads and use company wifi. Shhhhhhhhh!

    LOL. Is it possible that there's not really a "private Netflix viewing room" that employees are supposed to use for this purpose, and that's why your coworkers are being so passive aggressively hostile to you? :bigsmile: A Netflix viewing room at work, FML. :laugh: My work blocks Netflix and anything streaming from our network though. I suppose it's their fault if they haven't blocked it on yours!

  • sarabrunning
    sarabrunning Posts: 21 Member
    Opposite problem: I eat pescstarian/veg at work, clean and veg heavy at home so I'm not getting antibiotics/hormones from meat in the cafeteria, people always "complain" that I eat too healthy and "I'm thin why am I dieting?" Or I mention any kind of excercise and "you aren't fat why are you working out/running?" It's Almost like fitness shaming, super annoying because I never butt into people's meals and tell them how poorly they are eating even though I've watched people gain 10-20 lbs in a year eating at the work cafeteria.
  • Fabulousfoodiefun
    Fabulousfoodiefun Posts: 103 Member
    Charlie003 wrote: »
    Here at work we have a caff. On Wednesday's, it is pizza day. Free drink. I do 60 min cardio almost every morning. I am going to get my damn pizza. But, on cue, as I start to eat this pizza, people pop into my private room where I watch Netflix forcing me to pause the show, take off my earphones, just to tell me, do you know how many calories are in that. You know there are better choices.....

    Do they know not to bother a hungry individual holding a knife........playing with their lives they are.

    So, do any of you have to deal with morons who butt in on your food, to tell you the obvious just to make themselves feel superior? eat pizza with a knife? What kind of freak are you? Lol! Use your hands, man...unless that is your weapon to stab anyone who tries to steal a slice.....