Is it possible to 'become' a runner?



  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I love the couch to 5 k programs , I used it on my iPhone , I still never called my self a runner, but I do run regularly, still never had the runners high.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Running outside is where it's at. To those who only experienced running at a gym on a treadmill, you've missed out on the essential experience.

    And for some of us, the absolute best running experience is out on a trail somewhere.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I consider myself a C25K success story...I started it Jan 1 this year. The first 60 second run had me feeling like a giant failure. I wanted to quit so bad...and now I can run for 40 minutes straight :). At 40 minutes, my legs still feel great, but my lungs are just struggling to continue at a non-panic state lol. My pace is nothing spectacular between 11-12 minute miles, but I am a drenched sweaty mess after and that makes me feel like badass lol.

    Now I alternate long run days with sprint days and hill days. I'm still 205lbs, have one Ragnar Relay under my belt and definitely consider myself a runner now.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @Bukawww what a great story! It'll just get easier as you continue to lose weight, and long before you hit goal too you should find your cardiopulmonary system making even further advances. Somewhere around six months in I really felt a wave of improvement.
  • MeganKyGirl82
    MeganKyGirl82 Posts: 110 Member
    Every response is great! Thank you! You guys rock!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I used to say I would only run if I was being chased. Now ... I ... (gulp!) LIKE it! :smiley: I used all sorts of excuses like my knees and back, etc. Truth is, with proper shoes, a warm up, cool down and stretching after, I've had no issues.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    anything is possible woman!
  • TxRottie81
    TxRottie81 Posts: 45 Member
    C25K MFP group.. that would be fun and encouraging..

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    kygirl8282 wrote: »

    Everybody is a runner. If you don't believe me, visualize being alone in the woods and stumbling across a grizzly bear. I guarantee you will run, and run well.

    What you describe isn't an inability to run, it's being out of shape. And that, fortunately, is easy to fix! :drinker:
  • sierra7077
    sierra7077 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks kygirl8282! I had never heard of couch to 5k but your thread (all everyone else's suggestion) just got me to get it. I'm no runner either but I have had several dreams where I am running and I wake up feeling amazing. Hopefully this app will get me away from the elliptical and on a new path!
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    edited June 2015
    Previously I just did running 'just to get some exercise' - I mean, I wasn't too bad, I ran maybe 2-3 miles at a time, 3-4 times per week.

    Then I hit on the key to "becoming a runner." An ex-girlfriend of mine posted on Facebook she was selling her old treadmill for 200 bucks. I snapped it up. It now sits by my bed and for the last 4 months or so I've been running nearly every day. I can now run 5-6 miles per day, and would likely run more if I wasn't so time constrained (full time job, half-time single Dad).

    Competed in my first 10K a couple weeks ago, clocked it at 56 minutes. I've been practicing some hill running and I hope to beat that time next weekend when I do another one. I would say - I'm a runner now.
  • MeganKyGirl82
    MeganKyGirl82 Posts: 110 Member
    I am so pumped up about this now. First things first - SHOES! I received some excellent advice in a message on running shoes. The hunt is on! :)
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    Hi all. The only thing I used to run for was the bus, and even then only if there wasn't another one for at least 30 mins but tomorrow evening I am taking part in my third Race for Life 5 km run. Both my previous times were 43 mins 30 sec so not a fast run by any means. This year I've been making more effort (although I failed to restart running until the new year), doing one long run each week, one medium length, and one intervals sessions. Plus strength training to improve my core and leg strength. I'm hoping to finish in around the 38 minute mark tomorrow although anything sub-40 would be good. Then it's a few days off and back on it to start training for something else. Maybe a 10 km this time next year.
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    kygirl8282 wrote: »
    I am so pumped up about this now. First things first - SHOES! I received some excellent advice in a message on running shoes. The hunt is on! :)

    If you've got a shop nearby where they can analyse your running gait, they can recommend shoes specific to that style.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Yes, Yes, Yes, I've become a runner!! I used to consider it a "punishment" to run, as this is what we did in high school sports when we were being punished. Ever since I signed up for and competed in a sprint triathlon, I am now addicted to running. I've been doing it well over a year now and loving every second of it. I am officially a runner!!! Yeah!!!
  • CostaRica120
    CostaRica120 Posts: 274 Member
    For sure! I was never a runner and actually have a foot issue and was told I couldn't/shouldn't run by doctors my whole life. I did a program very much like C25K that I started late last summer. I ran 2 to 5 times per week and ran my first 10K last month. Running for 5 minutes straight for the first time was such a huge achievement, and I never thought I'd ever be able to run for an entire hour straight. Gradual progression to avoid injury and to build endurance was totally the key. You don't need to believe you'll ever become a runner. You just need to commit to being consistent and you'll eventually just become one!
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    kygirl8282 wrote: »
    I am so pumped up about this now. First things first - SHOES! I received some excellent advice in a message on running shoes. The hunt is on! :)

    The shoes should really come from a specialty running store. Just walk in, say you are looking to get fitted and they should be able to help you find the right shoes for you and your goals. Don't try to pick out shoes on your own, there are a lot of different factors that go into the right pair of shoes and trust me, you do not want to get the wrong ones! Trust a local running store staff to help you find the right ones. It will be well worth it!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    kygirl8282 wrote: »
    I am so pumped up about this now. First things first - SHOES! I received some excellent advice in a message on running shoes. The hunt is on! :)

    Excellent investment. remember they need to be the right shoe for you. What works for me or someone in the local running club might be garbage for you. The shoes you buy now - they will wear out. When they do get a new pair and do a complete new un-biased fitting at a store specific to runners. The reason is that as your technique and abilities improve the shoe "That is right for you" may change. Once you settle in to your technique and rhythm it will be pretty stable as to what shoe style you need. Happy Trails Girl!
  • MeganKyGirl82
    MeganKyGirl82 Posts: 110 Member
    I had to return to this thread to say thank you to all of you. I began C25K today. I plan on looking into the zombie app too because it just sounds awesome. The temp here reached 98 today, but I did it. I loved it! So yeah thanks to all of you for the advice and motivation! Much appreciated!! You guys are great! :)
  • faegirl22
    faegirl22 Posts: 60 Member
    markiend wrote: »
    Definitely can , there are loads of stories of people who did the couch 2 5k (c25k) and have moved on to half and full marathons

    Also, if you were being chased by zombies, you would kinda have to be a runner :P

    go for it

    You know there's an app for that right? xD It sounds kinda awesome, it's a program that trains you to run like the couch to 5k but it has audio about where zombies are chasing you and where supplies are and such, my friend loved it and can run a 10k now