
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Heather, I hate that writing your book is bringing you such pain, along with the future talk with your boys. I do hope you will be able to sleep better soon. You know we are all with you. ((Hugs))

    Terri, it is good that you can speak for your DH. Lol I’ll send you a hug any time. (((Hugs)))

    Kathy, welcome and good luck with your shred. I hope there is nice weather for the outdoor wedding.

    Beneita, welcome to you too. This is a great place for support so come often and join right in.

    Sassy, your picture looks like a postcard. Absolutely beautiful!!

    Chris, that weather you are having is making up for some of that terrible winter. Now we are housebound down south because of the heat. You enjoy it!!! Wow, congrats for signing up to get off the couch. To even think about running at that hour makes me want to go to bed right now. Good for you. Give that bra a work out!

    Elizabeth in CA, I like that! We are like the Hotel California, and of course I am now humming the tune.

    Nancy, that is one high tech scale. Might just be TMI for me. Lol Way to go on saying NO.

    Yannie, I don’t know how in the world I missed that from Lesley???? I remember her saying something about having a hard time getting her food to post, but totally missed that she was leaving. I hate that. smiley-sad056.gif

    Poop, so glad you had slowed down yesterday and weren’t involved in the wreck!

    Mia, interesting info on the hunger pains. Congrats on removing the chocolate from temptation!!!

    Carol, we will all come to the pity party. smiley-sad008.gif Then when it’s over, get over it. I’m so excited that you can get this taken care of. I know you don’t look forward to the recovery but try to be positive and believe that it will be worth it. It’s good that it’s only a week away so you don’t have time to fret about it. (((Huggss)))

    Terri, good for you on doing a good job at lunch.

    Allison, what does it indicate that you have elevated calcium? I hope it’s nothing serious. Your DH will just have to get over it. Your health is important. Take care and keep us posted. (((Hugs)))

    Jen, welcome to this group of very supportive ladies. Please tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you. Also we appreciate it if you sign each post with your name and a general idea of where you live. Many of us have become good friends on this thread but don’t really have friends on our list, so don’t be hurt if you don’t get lots of friend request, but come often and join right in.

    Katla, your friends could actually write a letter or flyer and mail it to each neighbor. They can get the names and addresses from the tax records. Or you could contact them. Or they could get a Realtor and the Realtor could contact them. The options are endless but unless someone is thinking about moving, it won’t matter. The problem with letting them know about a potential buyer is that they may ask a higher price than otherwise. Good luck.

    Jen, I always wondered about the “swallow” thing too. If you don’t swallow it, you won’t need to log it. LOL

    Have a wonderful night and a happy and healthy day tomorrow, my friends.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    [quote="miakoda40;32923803 Mom216 – I had white hair until I was 4. Then I became blonde. As I hit my 30’s light brown. I too, hit the age when I started finding black hairs in amongst the light brown. I fumed about that and at first would pull the black hairs, but they became too numerous. Sadly, before all of my hair could turn black, the black hairs started turning a hideous winter slush gray. I now dye my hair. Lately I have noticed some really pretty silver white before I am due for a dye job so I hold out hope that I will have an attractive gray one of these days. I may be growing older but some days I am getting there kicking and screaming all the way. Nothing graceful about it.[/quote]

    My oldest sister started turning white when she was only 28; she had 'prayed' for it after seeing a new neighbor with white hair. Mine is graying very fast; but, thankfully it is a nice shade, more silvery white. I don't think there is any dye that will turn your hair gray (I used to think that there was some but, for 'black' women; but, I'm not seen it in years. My DnL who is a cosmetologist says that you have to bleach you hair and then use a rinse on it. It'd been rough on your hair and the rinse would come out every time you washed it or got in a pool. Depending on the chlorine in the pool water . . . you might end up with 'green' hair. I'd just let it come in. Cutting you hair short will make the transition easier. Growing older sure beat the muddy side of the grass.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    Carol, best of luck with your surgery. I know you will be happy once it's done and you've had time to recover.

    Sassy, Thanks for the beautiful pictures of Austria! Makes me want to go on another trip - maybe next year. I'd like to see Switzerland too, since I have ancestors from there. And Paris. Heck, maybe just a European tour.

    Jennifer, welcome!! I'm always surprised when I get a friend request. This group of ladies are all my friends, although we haven't done the official friending thing. No need for it really, since we talk every day anyway. You will soon see what I mean. Did I miss a post where you told us all about yourself? Where are you from?

    I miss Leslie! No more word from Tasmania? That's just wrong. Maybe if we all sent her a message asking her to come back? But I guess if she quit MFP she might not get our messages either.

    Tonight I got a package of two turkey breast tenderloins on sale and some tiny red potatoes. I put them in foil packets with some olive oil and some Sylvia's Secret Seasoning, and baked for 2 hours. OMG!!! They were yummy. It was like thanksgiving dinner. I put salt on hubby's but none on mine. It was a really healthy meal too. (Shhh! Don't tell hubby!) Plus there's enough left for lunch tomorrow. Afterward we had red grapes that were also on sale. They were the sweetest I've had in years. Hubby doesn't normally eat grapes but he tasted a few and then wanted his own bowl. I'll convert that boy yet.

    By the way, I think that one of the biggest factors that helped me lose weight was cutting out salt. Those of you just starting might want to look at that. It also helped my blood pressure.

    It rained most of the day and we thought it was over but it started sprinkling again while we walked the dogs. My little granddaughter said, "Grandma, I wish it would stop raining on us and give some to California. They are in a great big drat." Cutie.

    Good night ladies! Take care of yourselves.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Found this quote in the July 2015 Prevention magazine I got in the mail today:

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill

    Cheri (in rainy NE Ohio)
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All:

    It sounds like you are all good friends and acquaintances, from what I've read. Janet, thanks for the welcome.
    You all can look on my page for info if you like; I tried to friend as many people as possible, because I don't mind people seeing my stats and such.

    But, I'd like to introduce myself. My name's Jen (Jennifer) and I am married with an adult son (23 yo) and a teen son (17 years). I teach high school English and enjoy riding my new bike (!) and reading. I've got different hobbies like sketching, music, planting in my garden, going to the YMCA, and attending my son's basketball games.

    One reason I am struggling with my weight is that we lost our daughter 4 years ago. This spring she would have turned 20.

    We have a nice house in Marin County CA. I can't think of anything else, except I'm glad to be on this forum :)

  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    "Grandma, I wish it would stop raining on us and give some to California. They are in a great big drat." Cutie.

    Maybe your granddaughter's wish will come true. I am planting drought-tolerant plants in my borders this week. No water. :(

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of deep water today. I tell ya, this instructor is SOOO slow. Fortunately, they have one lane reserved for laps so I went in there. Someone in the class said to me "hey, Michele, come on over" I just told them "I will when it goes faster. I need to keep moving". At one point she wanted us to do some jumping jacks and then a cross-country ski move. Well, by the time she was finished with the ski move, I was already on the second time doing it. I have a feeling that from now on I'll go when it's most convenient for me and do some laps on my own.

    Oh, before I went to the deep water class, I stopped at Bi-Lo to get the items on sale. I don't know what they'll do when the WalMart Grocery Store opens down the road from them. I did notice that a lot of things are on "close out". Don't know what that's all about. Then I went to Food Lion just to get potatoes since they were on sale. Watched and one type of potato didn't ring up at the sale price so she had to redo it. OK, it wasn't much, but it did save me 50 cents. After the deep water class stopped at the Salvation Army. The one shirt I sort-of liked I wasn't real crazy about how it fit so I didn't get anything.

    Tomorrow's plan is to do Jeannette Jenkins 21 Day Total Body DVD

    I was signed up to volunteer at the Green Room tomorrow but they called to say they don't have any tickets to sell. So I don't have to go. Well, I have those Hungry Girl "brownies" made with pumpkin. I was going to give them to Lynette but if Vince can't taste the pumpkin, maybe I'll give them to him. Update: he said he'd eat them.

    Yee gads - 70 new posts

    terri - how do you calves feel today after walking backwards? Mine are hurting a bit, so I was glad that I took the deep water class today. Good for you leaving those cookies alone! Great choices for lunch

    Sylvia - I can understand about how you feel about tofu. Try the skilken tofu. Honestly, you won't know you're eating tofu. I can even get that in Vince -- and you know how pickey HE is. To me, the firm/extra firm takes some getting used to. Many times I replace the oil in a recipe with the tofu and Vince has never once noticed. The only thing is that when you do that, the cake/cupcakes etc aren't greasy. I made the mistake once of making these key lime cupcakes. To me, it had a lot of oil in it. So I replaced the oil with the tofu. Since it was so low in fat, they stuck to the muffin liners. So I just remade them and sprayed the muffin tin. Then they were fine.

    - I agree with so many things you said. I can't wear short shorts -- I'm no longer 20. I'm having someone remake my elf costume because MIL made it for me when I was much younger and could wear clingy things. And that ring of fat...yuk. I've tried EVERYTHING, ab exercises, watching my diet, cardio, strength training, it's still there and probably will be until I die (which won't be until I'm 101). Rant away, we're all in the same boat. How cute that you called your mom to ask what other treats are coming your way. Wonder what your mom knows?????

    - prayers for your nephew. Did MFP up your calories because you added in your exercise? I love working out in the water. So much resistance. Especially if you wear webbed gloves and water shoes. I never realized how much resistance those shoes add until I started wearing them.

    Nancy - yea for the lost inches

    yanniejannie - that was so nice of you to help your friend in that heat! I was wondering where Lesley was! Thanks for telling us

    Vince just came in from the garage and said "I was wondering why you weren't in the pool, now I know why, you have something in the oven". Actually, I forgot to turn the oven off when I took the muffins out. So now I'll go out by the pool while the muffins cool

    - good luck in your class

    janetr - in place of the water aerobics, can you use a bike? How about the elliptical? both are fairly low impact.

    Joyce - good for you getting a BDS. It's really not much at all but tells you so much

    dreamwriter - good luck to you

    Alison - yea for you getting your ipadMini. Take care of yourself, please

    wenanghen - welcome!

    Gilly - congrats on becoming a grandmother again! Awesome

    Jules - dd = "dear husband/son/daughter/etc" Or the "d" could stand for something else, depending on how you're feeling towards that person. Loved the icon of the guy on a treadmill. Been having Vince do grilling at least once/week. Don't get to do it in winter so I'm taking advantage while I can

    Just made some blueberry muffins. I'll take them to the guy at the farmer's market who I bought the blueberries from and the rest I'll take to ceramics tonight since Vince won't eat them

    kathy - good luck and welcome!

    beneita - welcome! love your name. Also love your pic about the mountain

    - that pic reminds me of a jigsaw puzzle, it's so pretty

    Elizabeth - really liked your analogy of this place to a hotel in California.

    - ever so glad you weren't involved in that fender bender. We'd miss you too much.

    Mia - thanks for the info about how to control ghrelin. Very informative. Now, is there a way to control the need/desire to have something in your mouth?

    Lenora - so sorry that happened to you on the treadmill. I fell off once, was SOOO embarrassed

    Going to ceramics tonight. Will probably do the third coat of orange on the shell and the second on the small scales on the shell. Then, if I have time, I'll probably start with another color. I really prefer to do it this way, this way I leave it to air dry and I know that it's completely and totally dry. Update: I didn't realize there were more scales on the body so had to do those, got the first coat on those scales, three coats on the orange scales on the body.

    Jules - your mother had a wise saying, thanks for sharing.

    Jen - welcome! Pour yourself a glass of unsweetened tea, put your feet up, and join right in. Beautiful bike, you are one lucky gal

    Yvonne - I'm the same way, I just can't seem to say "no" to someone

    katla - I probably wouldn't say anything and see what happens. If someone isn't interested in selling, it won't make a difference you telling them. If someone is, then they just might raise their asking price.

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hi all! I am 10 days and over 1000 posts behind in this community. I'm home for a 'pit stop' between business trips. Tomorrow I will embark on the 3rd of 4 trips with barely 36 hours at home between trips. Miss you guys, and will catch up when I can. Right now, I've got to get to bed. Alarm going off at 3:00 in order to catch a flight at 6 AM. Next stop: Louisville, KY.

    Colorado Foothills

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Katla: These are great goals. Why might you specifically mention "swallow"? Is it because we are mindfully enjoying each bite-- or taking it slower, or what...? :)

    I'm talking about foods and beverages. Some things that we drink are free, such as water, but others are very high calorie. :drinker:
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Had to do a lot of math and fiddling with my calories and macronutrient %s. Hardly ate anything all day. Drank a small protein shake for breakfast. Only ate 1/2 protein bar for lunch. Haven't eaten since then. Headache is back and getting worse by the minute. The barometric pressure change with lots of rain, plus hardly eating anything all day have definitely contributed. Grrr! >:)

    After valiant efforts and recalculating everything B4 eating, I'm grabbing 2 small, low fat chicken soft tacos for dinner with fresh Pico. Will drink 1 more small protein shake plus the other 1/2 protein bar later. Trying to get up to 800 calories, but think I'll be about 750. Well, close is good enough for now.

    Spent a couple of hours totally revising my tracking spreadsheet by using the Edit feature on the calories and macronutrient % and grams. It worked great and will be easy next time. Ha ha. I'll outsmart my Health Coach and MFP yet! (evil laugh) B) - Nancy in Very Wet TX
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member

    Can you tell I'm a teacher in summer? I don't know what to do with myself, so I'm surfing smileys.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2015
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Hi all! I am 10 days and over 1000 posts behind in this community. I'm home for a 'pit stop' between business trips. Tomorrow I will embark on the 3rd of 4 trips with barely 36 hours at home between trips. Miss you guys, and will catch up when I can. Right now, I've got to get to bed. Alarm going off at 3:00 in order to catch a flight at 6 AM. Next stop: Louisville, KY.

    Colorado Foothills

    I'm glad you took a moment to stop in. Your travel schedule would utterly defeat me. I'll send good thoughts your way for easy flights, nice people, and some needed rest. :heart:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member

    Can you tell I'm a teacher in summer? I don't know what to do with myself, so I'm surfing smileys.

    Wow! I'm so impressed you can bring up those emoticons, I can't figure it out for the life of me, so I'll just enjoy them.
    Welcome Jen, you jumped right in which is awesome.

    Chris in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    SlenderClassyElegant - Welcome, I'm sure you'll find us supportive and caring. Many of us have the addiction to food. Never feel like you are in it alone. Give us a shout and will rally round. :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Jules - I like that :)

    Well one more day at the pool working hard. I'm really beginning to be able to feel a difference in my muscle tone. My DH told me how proud he is of me for getting up and going each day. He's always so supportive, although he did bring home a small apple pie yesterday. I'm just not giving it even a quick glance. He says have just a small slice. He just doesn't get it, one bite and I'm done for. I could sit down with a fork and devour it in one sitting, although I'd probably be sick :/

    you can lovingly thank him for it, he'll get it since he's supportive. it's like giving you chocolates on valentines day, REALLY??? lololol..

    Pip - EXACTLY, I do think he'll get it if I just say so. Maybe its me looking for a reason for having "one small slice". I didn't think about that last night. I am so good at finding reasons, I surprise myself!! lol
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    edited June 2015
    Carol I agree with Terri that in being in the best health you can be in before surgery will help with your recovery. I am sorry you have to go through it.

    Pip glad you avoided the accident.

    Rori safe travels.

    Found some clothes for my mom at a local thrift. Three tops and a pair of pants for $24 even with sending them to her is about what I spent on sale for one item. Yes and one of the was an Alfred Dunner. I smiled when I found it. Remember my mom is 96 years old and comfort and crew neck is key.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Myrtle Beach, SC - I'm just guessing but I assumed she meant log everything liquid you swallow, such as soda, alcohol, etc. We'll have to wait and see her response. :)
  • AgnesGrey
    AgnesGrey Posts: 7 Member
    Hope everyone had a good day today. I sat at my desk and worked most of the day but since I'm able to work from home 80% of the time I try to remember to get up and move about. I did get my vegetable garden weeded and planted some more flowers in the front yard. Took the dog (who also needs to lose some weight) for a short walk after dinner when it cooled off a bit. It was about 87 here today.

    Stayed under my calorie goal today but went over my carb limit a wee bit. Those darn carbs are in everything!!

    Have a good night all

    Agnes, NE Washington
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Jen - I can't imagine anything harder than losing a child. We're all here whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, to vent about whatever and to share in your achieving goals.