Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    I am taking an extended leave from the Sneakers thread. I am fine, still following my plan. Thank you for your support.

    Will you still be on facebook? I am going to miss you so much. First Gayla, now you!! :sad: :sad: :sad:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    I am taking an extended leave from the Sneakers thread. I am fine, still following my plan. Thank you for your support.

    Don't know what this is all about but will miss you dearly on your daily chats Just seeing your name bring a smile to my face. always have since the lightenup days. right now I have some tears falling. Love you. Marie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Deb sounds like a beautiful wedding! I’m the same way with crying.:cry: I was looking at my nephew Saturday before the wedding even started and had tears in my eyes! My daughter was amazed that I was getting mushy before it even started, but I was just remembering him when he was a little baby.:cry::love: So you’re not alone!!!:wink:

    Buzz, I like the picture too.:flowerforyou: But if you want to change it….do you want to change it to another picture that you already have in your profile? If so go to Home, Profile, Edit Photos, click on the picture you want and hit the button that says “Main Image”. Otherwise you need to upload a picture that’s stored on your computer from a digital camera or some other device.

    Dee, how are those cravings today???:tongue::tongue:

    Barbie, I have not seen Kirstie dance but others have mentioned how impressed they were. Is she going to be on again?

    Shirley sound like you had an eventful weekend! All the work you did on the boat(s) must have burned off some calories! It’s wonderful that you spent the day with your daughter on Saturday. Aren’t daughters special???? I have 3.:love:

    Marilyn, I know what you mean about being busy…:noway: too busy to post comments!:noway: During the Holiday Season and then Tax Season, I am MIA! :ohwell: It’s still nice to see your post no matter how short!:flowerforyou:

    Marie….CONGRATULATIONS!!!!:flowerforyou: YAY!!:flowerforyou: Woohoo!!!:flowerforyou: What an achievement! That program apparently is working very well for you!!!!

    Phoebe I’m sure you will be missed! Take care, and stay healthy!!:happy:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, I don't know why you are going but I'll miss you. I appreciate that you told us so we won't worry that you are angry or ill or something

    :bigsmile: Birdie, the final dancing on Dancing With the Stars will be tonight and Kirstie and the other finalists will dance and then they'll announce the winner. Her two competitors in the finals are a 22 year old actress and the Super Bowl MFP so she is up against some very fit and excellent competition. She has lost weight with all the dancing she's been doing:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, congratulations on your weight loss. Your new plan even with the heavy whipping cream seems to be working for "if it works, don't fix it" :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Sandy, your new profile picture is wonderful :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Shirley, you really know how to make the most of a holiday weekend even with some weather and border crossing challenges

    :noway: I read something in a book this morning that describes my poodles "Never was there enough of what we thought we wanted":laugh: I walked each one alone on the hill first thing in the morning. Then we walked and ran through the neighborhood for 45 minutes so they could bark at birds, cats, dogs, and people. Then we went to the dog park for over an hour so they could run off leash and go for a walk and bark at some more birds. I'm sure that when I put my coat on in a few minutes to go out and do my errands, they'll think they should be going.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    :flowerforyou: Marie, congratulations on your weight loss. Your new plan even with the heavy whipping cream seems to be working for "if it works, don't fix it" :bigsmil
    thanks Brrbie that means A lot to me. That heavy cream is keeping me out of the cookie jar and grains . I don't think dairy is in the diet. but another girl told me about whipping cream and she has lost 94 lbs. I really don't know to much about it. I think everyone has there own way of using it Thanks again
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Heavy heart about PHOEBE taking an "extended leave" but understand her time is very valuable when off the road, and like all of us, I will miss your bright spot, Phoebe!...:cry:

    Thanks for the positive remarks re: that photo. Not current , of course, and I seldom have pictures these days, so I thought I'd throw that one up until I get new ones! I must mentiona note of warning to all you side-sleepers! Even today, my right cheek is smooth, but the left side, where I slept for years, now shows the wrinkles formed from that position. Amazing how weight loss
    unexpectedly affects us, huh? :noway: ...:ohwell:

    MARIE, as long as you remain healthy, I will cheer your success with the scale! So many different approaches, we have a lot to learn yet! :flowerforyou:

    DEE, I discovered once we chang a photo, it changes EVERY ONE! I'll leave this a bit! Hoping Bandit stays just fine!

    SHIRLEY, fun reading your post with all your personal news, and when you mentioned readying the boat...oh my! Although we don't have a boat, my furniture is all teak, and the cleaning and oiling is a chore I can identify with! What a job!:ohwell:

    MARILYN, understand too well the time it takes...etc, etc, etc!!! Just stop by from time to time, and keep that pedometer busy!

    Gorgeous picture, SANDY! Both of you are lovely!

    You too, BIRDIE, you and the baby are both dolls!

    BARBIE, I think I've mentioned before, I envy you your poodles and your NRG!

    Be well everybody, as usual I'm running behind!

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Phoebe : Will miss you loads and will miss seeing your lovely face. I hope everything is alright with you.:heart:

    Buzz I love the new photo:bigsmile:
  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Just a quick note as it is way past my bedtime. Didn't feel too good this afternoon so just snacked on soups, puddings, etc. while dozing in my chair. Not very healthy...I know. Still managed to go over on calories and sodium even though I picked low sodium soups so will have to be more careful next time...the stupid puddings were more than the one Gotta watch those labels!!! Anyway...

    Phoebe...we will miss you and hope you come back when you're ready to :frown:

    Marie...congrats on the awesome weight loss and winning the challenge!!!!!!! good job!!! :drinker:

    Everyone sorry I've been out of it this week...I hope you're all safe from the crazy weather!!! :noway: Congrats to all those than stayed on plan!!! :drinker: and Best Wishes for a better day tomorrow for those that didn't :flowerforyou:

    Well better head to bed even though I slept half the :yawn:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just dropping in to say that my naughty weekend did not show up on the scale! :bigsmile: Thank God! I think it’s because I exercised for an hour each day, drank tons of water:drinker: :drinker: and tried to eat healthy foods in between!:happy:
    Last night watched DWTS to see Kirsten dance and fell asleep!!! :noway: :angry: Woke up for the results! Shoot!!! All that careful planning to make sure I watched it …..then miss it! :ohwell: She looks really good and I’m sure lost some weight during this competition.

    Donna, hope you’re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: Pouring all morning, finally looks like it stopping for a little while. Makes me sleepy. :yawn:

    I am feeling a little tension on this forum and wonder why things have changed. We used to be able to talk about anything and express our opinions to each other even if they were different. Not sure what has changed but I miss the people who have gone and wonder why they left. I welcome all the new people and look forward to their posts, but things have changed. As a support group we are here to support each other and give our opinions on what works for us, if we disagree with each other that is fine, after all it is just our opinions, there is no set rule for what works for all. Any way just voicing my "opinion" and even though I have made my goal weight, I will continue to post for the support I need to continue on my journey. For some myself included, posting on the home page seems easier some days when time is short, so will look for your comments there.

    Things are going well with Zack even though he is a little bored at times since the other kids are still all in school. Our home schooling is going well, I am learning "old" new things as I work with him with math. I might take him to see a movie today, depending how much energy I can muster up.

    Have a good day!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy ~ I agree with you totally. I've taken on board every piece of advice tossed in my direction and learned so much on MFP this past couple of months. If anyone feels I'm going about my food diary the wrong way I'd far rather be told because I'm here to lose weight in a healthy way as well as know all you lovely people so please everyone, continue your support without fear of offending. By the way, anyone looking at my diary and seeing rye bread with flora spread accompanying my cup of tea should know that I just chipped a tooth on the hard crust so serves me right!!:bigsmile: Luckily I have an NHS dentist since they are as rare as hen's teeth these days so a new filling should only cost me about £45. That's one expensive loaf of bread:sad: but it could have been worse!!

    Will try to get back later to catch up with everyone.

  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    thought this was nice...

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello all,

    We are finally home. I still have to face the scale, but let that be as it may. We had a great time and enjoyed our visit with my dh's Aunt Jean. As I mentioned earlier, she celebrated her 99th birthday. What an accomplishment. She is such a neat lady and although her health is not the best she doesn't complain at all. What a trooper.

    We enjoyed the Tulip Festival in Ottawa. The tulips were beautiful. I'll post a couple pictures later.

    We have to go out and get some groceries. I'm dragging my butt today as we had to get up early for our 4 hr flight back home. Tonight we will be very tired.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Sandy and Jackie: I agree with you too. I for once feel that this change of lifestyle/ eating is actually going to work for me this time. This is due to all you remarkable ladies on mfp sneakers. You have helped me immensly, and in the short time I have been on here, you have all inspired me and welcomed me into your group, for which I am eternally grateful. I look forward to reading all your posts, even if I don't have time to post myself. If I need advice you're here for me. I do hope you are all here to stay. :heart:
    I do think it hard sometimes when typing to convey feelings, as they can be easily misconstrued. I try to read mine before pressing reply, but because I have written it, in my head it sounds how I want it to lol. I would hope that if I have upset anyone that they would let me know and I sincerely hope that this has not been the case.:frown:

    Anyway enough! Sandy: did you get to see a film with Zack? Is he missing his parents yet or are you giving him such a good time that he has'nt noticed yet? lol:laugh:

    Jackie: Painful! No more crusts for you then:wink: Good luck with the filling. :flowerforyou:

    Donna: Hope you are feeling better and that you have had a good rest. I love your picture. :bigsmile:

    Jeri: It's lovely to have you back. 99 years young, wow. Over here when someone reaches 100 they get a letter from the queen (if you let her know that is). Do you have anything like that? The tulipmfestival sounds lovely. Look forward to the photos.
    Have a good rest once home.:flowerforyou:

    Marie: Have you heard from Alice yet? Glad to hear that you are ok after the tornado. It looks devastating on the tv. :flowerforyou:

    Birdie: Happy for you that the scales were kind to you:bigsmile: Sounds like you worked hard to keep them that way, well done:drinker:

    Not a lot gone on for me today. Busy at work, but looking forward to some time off next week. I have a few days holiday due.

    Have a happy day, wherever you are :heart:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    We're finally home, the wedding was beautiful, on Friday morning my brother rented a Yachet for the day, we had a great time, our family, his family and the wedding party, the weather was fantastic sunny, they provided all the food and drinks, we were all over the bay, returned by 2:00PM to get ready for the rehearsel dinner, they all need to be at the church by 5:30, I went to decorate the tables at the restaurant, everything turn out very nice. The whole evening was full of happiness and love. Was great sharing this time together. Now the wedding was awesome, she was a beautiful bride and walked down with her Mom and Dad, they have been divorced for a long time. The ceremony was so pretty. Then to reception drinks and food was served by the pool, beautiful setting.
    After to the revolving restaurant for the rest of the time, the bride had taking care every details you can think of, from the setup to the most beautiful center piece, was almost a feeling that we were at a Ball Room. They are a beautiful couple and now they are on their Honey Moon. We all love to dance in our family, I got to dance with my brother like old times, we all had a great time.
    My Mother was there for pictures at the church, went to the reception and by the end of the night she was very tired.
    Well everyone now I'm getting ready for Italy, hope to post again before I go.
    Take care everyone, so sorry to see Phoebe gone, I'll miss her.:cry::cry: :cry:

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    GIGI, the wedding sounds glorious. Of course I wished for the great weather for all of you, and was happy it turned out so well!
    Now, where are you headed in Italy? I adore visiting there, but I think our favorite trip was the one we and all my kids rented several Villas in Tuscany for a few weeks. On top of a mouuntain yet! Pure heaven!!! Where will you be?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I love it too, Donna! Remember doing cartwheels on the beach? So long ago...lovely pic!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, bless your heart, you put it so well. I miss all our former members, too, and I don't know half of them, as you do!

    JACKIE. the bread was probably fabulous...and maybe even worth it? American bakeries are SO different, nothing like European breads!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: the wifi in my house is being naughty so I have to catch a few minutes on the desktop computer when Jake is doing something else.

    :bigsmile: :cry: We've had rain here today so my friend from Seattle didn't come over to walk but I walked and ran with the frisky poodles first thing in the morning, then went to line dance and after lunch took the poodles to the dog park where there were birds and only one other small dog because of the rain. when the rain stopped it got so warm that i had to take off my coat and tie it around my waist.

    :sad: no one has looked at our house so far this week but we continue to feel hopeful and just keep busy. I have been working a bit on a beaded sun catcher. I finished making the wool blanket for a child in Afghanistan (I've been working on it all winter). My new knitting project is a wool hat for me to wear next winter. i have several knitted wool hats but this one will have ear flaps and tie under my chin to be especially warm.

    :flowerforyou: this thread has undergone many ups and down and changes in the more than two years I have been posting. I remember a time when there were only about five of us and others have come and gone. sometimes we have been a "chat" thread and other times we have shared serious exercise, eating, health, and fitness information. Every morning when I walk my dogs I think about what I'm going to tell you. Most of the time I forget what I was going to say :laugh: :laugh: but you are always with me.:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have been debating all day and have decided i am going to say good bye too. At least for now.