The biggest summer challenge! :]



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    sorry for what appears to be overexhuberance...but, it froze and I hit the post several times....oops
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    All right, guys! We've got everyone partnered up! Say hello to your new partner!

    Send them a friend request, get to know one another, and find out the best way to motivate one another so that your team can be the biggest losers of the month!

  • Jbugfit2011
    Jbugfit2011 Posts: 105
    Awesome...Pear team it to find my partner Ty2010
  • Jbugfit2011
    Jbugfit2011 Posts: 105
    Awesome...Pear team it to find my partner Ty2010
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    All right, guys! We've got everyone partnered up! Say hello to your new partner!

    Send them a friend request, get to know one another, and find out the best way to motivate one another so that your team can be the biggest losers of the month!


    Uh oh... I can't see the link you sent so I have no idea who my partner is:(

    Too funny - can see it now that I've quoted it - weird! Thank you!
  • esmestarz
    esmestarz Posts: 30
    im in!!!! are u gonna make charts??
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Very excited about this challenge! Now will send a shout-out to my partner.
  • ivorythorns
    ivorythorns Posts: 33
    Hilariously (?), I think my partner deleted her account!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    so come sunday we just post our individual weight loss? what do we post on sunday?
  • Angelamu7
    Angelamu7 Posts: 58
    All right, guys! We've got everyone partnered up! Say hello to your new partner!

    Send them a friend request, get to know one another, and find out the best way to motivate one another so that your team can be the biggest losers of the month!


    So excited... :-)
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Okay, time for a quick question and answer session. =D

    @EsmeraldaSanchez: One user deactivated their MFP account, so we're going to allow you to participate. Ivorythorns is your partner - we'll be keeping track of data via MS Excel spreadsheets that Andrea and I will be keeping.

    @ivorythorns: Well, that's odd. I guess we'll go ahead and partner you up with Esmeralda then, since that user is gone. Thank you for updating me on this - I'll go ahead and move her off the lists. =D

    @Healthyeater9: Yes, you post your individual stats in this thread - what Andrea and I will do is add your data to your teammate's and, after we do the calculations, we'll post the results for everyone to see.

    I hope that answered some questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me or Andrea. =D
  • realtreegirl
    realtreegirl Posts: 101
    Wow this sounds awesome!! Too bad I am late and you already have the teams made :( Would have loved to join!! Good luck!!
  • frankerzzzfit
    frankerzzzfit Posts: 81 Member
    awww i wish i could join in
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    @Realtreegirl & @fskoethe: You guys can add either Andrea or myself as a friend, and then you'll be updated about when the next challenge starts. =D
  • ivorythorns
    ivorythorns Posts: 33
    Woot woot! :) Thank you!!
  • nsp1981
    nsp1981 Posts: 10
    I'm in!:happy:
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    Looks like I'm a bit late. Just reading this now. Good luck everyone!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    @Nsp1981 & @poker82: Friend myself or Andrea to be updated on when the next challenge will start. =D
  • Angelamu7
    Angelamu7 Posts: 58
    So is the the thrend that we will post too? I am still trying to get use to the message board and just want to make sure I don't miss anything. :-)

    Thanks for getting me in there. I am so excited!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    question: do we post our starting weight in the thread or do we just message it? same question with weekly weigh ins, do we post them in the thread or message them.
