200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I have a new favorite recipe...Hungry Girl's Sloppy Janes. OMG SOOOOOO FREAKING GOOD!


  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    This is going to be a bit of a grumblegus update.

    Had my 4month endocrinologist checkup... Yes, I have PCOS, yes, I have hypothyroidism, yes, let's just stack on the disorders that make weight loss harder. On the upside, she was excited about my weightloss so far. Even went so far as to suggest I come off BC pills because with my metformin and lower weight, I should have normal periods. I'd like to test that theory, but I have a boyfriend and we do cardio, To steal from Kendal. (WOOHOO, KENDAL!)

    Downside, my B12 is low, which is another thing that could be slowing my metabolism, so I now have to get B12 shots once every two weeks. I guess that's really an upside as it should help. Megadownside, I have two large nodes on my left thyroid and they've been biopsied and they're benign, but I told my doctor that I have trouble swallowing sometimes, can feel food get stuck, indigestion, etc. She said I should probably have the left side of my thyroid removed. So now I have an appointment with an ENT tomorrow. LE SIGH!

    And I'm up in weight. wtf. I'm expecting TOM in a couple days, so that's probably it. It's so discouraging though nonetheless.

    Aren't I a depressing little effer this morning!

    Also, does anyone else watch Biggest Loser? Loved the outcome, but Anna Kournikova? Really? You're replacing Jillian with a mediocre tennis slut? What was the point of Brett and Cara?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Also, does anyone else watch Biggest Loser? Loved the outcome, but Anna Kournikova? Really? You're replacing Jillian with a mediocre tennis slut? What was the point of Brett and Cara?

    Jillian is leaving?? I started watching that show some, but it makes me feel guilty. I hate watching other people working out when I know I should be working out instead of sitting on my butt watching tv. I guess they needed a shake up cause the show has gotten kinda repetitive season after season, but replacing Jillian with Anna Kounikova will be bad. I don't think Anna will be as liked by viewers as Jillian for the exact reason you pointed out. And when has she ever been fat? How will she know how to relate to contestants? Sure, the guys will probably love it, but Jillian had something for everyone.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I don't watch much Biggest Loser, but isn't Jillian pretty much the one who "makes" the show? I can't see Anna K being that tough love kinda persona.

    Nava-hope things turn out OK for you . Will be keeping you in my prayers.

    Amy-I'm jealous of the castle! Sleeping Beauty is MY princess (and they need to leave her d**n dress BLUE)! Love it! I have been blessed enough to see Disney's version of the castle though! LOL! Once. And a friend's mom got me pics from when they specially decorated it for the 50th Anniv & I mean 8 x 10 cool pics!

    I have figured out my picture issues...it was my album names throwing it off! There were spaces messing up the coding...so....here's a picture! Yay!! It's an old one, but it inspires me....I was around 200 then...and 5mo pregnant with my Casey!

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I forgot to watch the last hour of BL...I just couldn't get into this season, but I did like Olivia, she was my fav...so glad she won. I like that the two sisters we SO close at the end and the fact that three girls were in the finale. That is a very odd choice in a PT...she is a "tennis player" so I don't get it either. Probably just for ratings. I woudln't want to be stuck with her on the show.

    Well I sat in the DR's office for my OB appt for 45 minutes as my doc walked out to delivery a baby. I am rescheduled, for the second time, 16 days from now. And she is leaving the practice. Grr. And I have to drive clear across town this next time to see her because she isn't at this closer location any more. Double grr. I asked the girl to just put me with one of the new ob's since I have to find a new one anways and she argued with me "wouldn't you like to see your doc one more time?" Well, yes, but no, why? I still have to get a new one! Triple Grrr..

    Nava - just ignore my doctor grumblings girl. Yeesh, that sucks. We are here for you, so any time you need to vent please do!! Let u sknow what happens with your ENT doc next week. We are all pulling for you here:heart:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kerry- Yay for thinking about a half! Detroit was Victoria's and my first half-marathon and it was a great experience. I'm tempted to do it again this year. Victoria, you potentially up for it? We could have a Michigan group run! Just think about it!

    Nava & Kendal - I am NOT down with Anna K being the new trainer. I figured they were putting Brett and Cara on this season to transition as trainers next season on the ranch with Bob when Jillian leaves. I still am not a huge fan of them, but much better than Anna K. Yes, she has an athletic background, but did you see her? She was looking VERY skinny, and has for several years now. When she was competing more, she had a much more athletic and healthy looking body. She just looks sickly now. Very happy with the outcome though. I was really glad that women won both the show and the at-home prize. Take that fellas! Go Team Purple! They had me laughing the entire season and I really appreciated the lovefest of the past several weeks. Everyone was so supportive of one another.

    So, an actual update from me would be nice, right? Back to the work grind, but not quite back on that wagon again. 1 1/2 weeks now until my half-marathon and I'm really not ready for it. It's been dumping here today, but if the weather clears up, my friend and I are going to run 9 miles today. If it's pouring outside, we'll hit up her gym and I need to do some mileage on the treadmill, which I HATE, but I need to move my booty. Will do at least 3-4 on the treadmill, but then continue to need to do cardio.

    Work has been really busy. We have several grants going in, which require a lot of work. Lots of meetings and conference calls as well. This is a bit of a down day for me, so I'm able to hop on here briefly. Food has still been a struggle. It's really hard for me to jump back on the wagon when I get back from trips. Luckily, I have another month before I plan on going anywhere again, so I have some time to get my butt back in gear.

    On the online dating front, I knew some of you were keeping tabs on me. The guy I went on one date with, we've kept in touch online, but hadn't been able to get together because I was out of town. We're planning on a second date for the next several days. He asked about Thursday, but Emma's got her dog training that night, so we'll see when it'll happen. I also heard back from older doctor who I hadn't heard from in a couple of weeks, and thought he might have forgotten about me. Says he was preparing and then presenting at a conference. Asked me out for coffee, which I think I'll say yes to. I don't feel a lot of lovey vibes, but it's worth a shot meeting in person, and I do appreciate a man settled into his career.

    Anyone have exciting Memorial Day plans? I just plan on enjoying the long weekend. I have a new fridge and dishwasher being delivered on Saturday, which I'm pretty stoked about. Will be pretty, and should help on my energy bills. I've been reading up a storm. I finished the newest Sookie Stackhouse novel while I was in CO. Like all the books, thoroughly enjoyed it while reading, but I already forgot what it was about. haha. Also read a fun book about scandals of British monarchs from Henry VIII through Elizabeth II. Fun! I've got about 30% left in Game of Thrones, and have a couple other books I'm trying to plow through.

    Hope all is well! Hugs and kisses to all!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OK...half of my picture issues. Still can't get the darn blog to work. *sigh* Was going to do a running one on my progress. Maybe take a pic same day every month from now on. Guess I'll just do in on FB & link it here! LOL!

    Kristina-yay for dating! Hope things turn out to at least be fun, if not Mr Right! Glad you got to enjoy your books! I have the opposite issue...I can't forget a book I've read...if I think I have...a paragraph, maybe a page at most, into it...and I have the whole story come back into my head. Re-reading books just doesn't happen for me...thus the need for inspiration & lovely friends like all of you to give me new authors to read from...which apparently I've been slacking on! LOL!

    And the storms are due to hit here within next 2 hours at earliest. Work is fueling up all of the patrol cars, putting bottled water in them, and setting up a mobile command post, just in case. I think Joplin has everyone a bit paranoid. Hubby & I are going to take the kids over to the church to hang out for the evening, as we rent a mobile home. We're thinking about staying at my mom's apt again, since a 2nd system is due in around midnight. Will keep you updated as I can!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ok, I guess it's time to post some progress pics (I HATE seeing myself in just a sports bra). The first pic was back in November, the second one was when I started P90X in January and the third one is today.

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy you're looking so fit and fab!! Nice work! It's always great to see progress pics!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Karen - you can TOTALLY get there again! YOu are on your way!

    Amy - YAY, can totally see the difference!

    I want a nice hot latte but am too lazy to go get one.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Amy- We just sold our Wii to upgrade to PS3 or XBox Kinect, leaning toward the XBox. I did workout with the Wii as it could be done at home, and NOT in public. Hopefully soon we will be moved into the 5th wheel and then can get that to be working out to. Your pictures LOOK AMAZING! Your change is so noticeable.

    Karen- We had the bad storms last night as well and we were without power for 15 hours. They delayed school for 2 hours today and I got ready for school in the dark, so fun!

    Kristina- No exciting Memorial Day plans here. Hubby and I are going to go over to my parents and I hope that I will be able to eat healthy and wise. They are supposed to be working towards being healthier as well but it has been lax over there lately. Need to get them back on the right track!

    Just found out today that I will be teaching summer school so although I am out next Friday, I have another 4 weeks after that of 4 day work weeks.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, you're looking awesome!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Hi, I would like to join! A new frind of mine mentioned this thread to me. I know ur 6 week challenge already started but I was hoping I can join anyways! Maybe someone can update me on the challenge because I cannot read thru the 17 pages on here! My name is Melissa and I'm also representin the D!! I am 30, soon to be 31. I am a single mom of 4. They are 11, 8.5, 7.5, and almost 4. I am a stay at home mom because my 8 yr old is sick and severely disabled. She needs me to do everything for her. I have always been fat, ever since I was about 9. The lowest ive ever been was probly 155 and that was when i was 17. I gained weight with all the kids but would lose some and Id always get to about 165 and i was pretty happy with that. I gained weight after I lost the baby weight with my last child. Ive been up and down since I had her. I gained 50 with her, lost 30 after her, then I gained about 50 over a cpl yrs and was at a high of 230 last Jan and I found this site, lost 30 and was down to 200. Oh, but then..... then I stopped and gained like 50 lbs :( So, I started back here this Jan at 254.4.... WOW!!! i have never been so fat ever! not even pregnant have i been so fat :( So far I have lost 25 lbs and ive been stuck at 229-230 for over a month now. I felt myself falling off the wagon, but ive managed to get a hold of myself, so i hope. Last week (i weigh on fri) I had managed to stay the same, surprisingly since it was an awful week of eating for me. This week has been good I guess. I am hoping to lose somehting friday, even if its a .2....lol!!! Ive just been havin a hard time. I think a group like this will be helpful for me. I have no support, and i really lack motivation. But, I am very proud of myself for not giving up this past month when i really wanted to. Last yr, I gave up in May, and I havnt this yr!!! yea!! Its been very slow for me, but its better then nothing. My goals are to 1st, get under 200. I was hoping to do that by Aug 1st, but i see now that its not gna happen. My ultimate goal is to get back to 160-170, and I dont really have a set date for that. I cant see that far ahead!! So, I think Im changing my 200 goal to be 215-220 by my birthday, which is July 12th. It is do-able, so lets hope i can do it!! I really dont exercise much, this is my downfall. It is hard to find time with my busy day, and when the kids are in bed im so exhausted and i just want to relax.....plus I have homework to do at night because Im in school. Well, I hope to make some new friends here!!! Melissa
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning all. Ate out twice yesterday - lovely italian at lunch and chips followed by banana split in the evening. I felt really poorly after - too much grease / too much food so my advice JUST DON'T DO IT......

    Katie: Yeah for a workout partner - I can't believe just how much difference it has made to me having someone to go with. Good news.

    Kendal: Well. Umm. Has no-one ever told you it is not healthy to miss dinner!!!!!!!!!! Long may he last!

    Karen: hope your night went well and you have stayed tornado free. On a more positive note - love your phot.

    Kerry: Congrats on nearly completing P90X and you already planning your next goals - very inspiring.

    Crystal: tattoo sounds fun - good luck with planning

    Jenn: co-ordinating am and pm workouts - I get tired just thinking of that (note to self - must try harder)

    Lacey: set your mind and you CAN do it in 90. Oh, and I think all partners should be obligated to try some of the stuff we do - tink they may have a different outlook then........

    Nava: Praying for you - hope your appointment goes well.

    Krisitina: have never read/heard of Sookie Stackhouse - what type of books? Hope your two 'dates' go well. As long as they are fun they will be worth it.

    Amy: look at you. You must be sooooo pleased with progress and lurve thaqt camera!!!

    Melissa: welcome. Goals for each thread are personal to each - yes we couple of weeks in but if you have your weight for two weeks ago (weigh ins fri - mon so you weighing on right day!!!) am sure you can just jump right in. Well done for pushing yourself through the 'wanting to give up'. The hardest part has been done and now you've found this wonderful group of ladies who are just soooo lovely and soooo motivating, you will never look back.......

    Got to go and do some gardening but not inspired as it looks like rain - not a tornado however, so will just get on with it and be thankful for what I have. Have followed instructions to have signatuer (thanks again Kendal) so am hoping it will show up when I hit post............
    .....................well, almost, got link info instead of ticker - what did I do wrong?????????
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    For all those wanting to try/check-out Zumba - One of the instructors at my gym does her own choreography (not sure if this is common or not), takes a video of the workout once we've "got it" and posts them on YouTube. Here is the link - http://www.youtube.com/user/CrystalizedZumba#p/u There are enough to get at least a full hour of workout. "Check It Out" is typically one of our warm-ups and "So Fly" is used as a cool-down. The rest are a good variety of faster/higher heart rate and a bit slower/rest songs.

    Kerry - I'm not coordinated at all. I nearly flunked the Square Dance section of PE in junior high. It takes me a little bit longer to get the moves, but I've noticed that others have problems so I don't worry about it. I just keep moving and eventually I USUALLY get it. There is this one move that the instructor does that I just can't, so I've made up my own modified move. It is definitely fun and much more exciting than the treadmill. BTW, I'm working on getting my mom to start working out with me now.

    Kendal - The new guy sounds really great! Enjoy. *wink*

    Nava - I'm sorry to hear about the medical problems and probable surgery. At least you seem to have a good MD and are working to stabilize your body. Don't worry about the grumbling, totally called for. We're still a few weeks behind on Biggest Loser since the wife and I never have the same nights off any more. But, Anna K!? REALLY?!

    Amy - Way to go! You look great!

    Melissa - Welcome! Congrats on the weight loss so far and for sticking with it through the tough times. I just recently joined this group and the ladies definitely made it easier to get through my stall.

    Wednesday check-in... 2577 cal burned / 1782 cal consumed / 795 cal deficit - Exercise an hour of Zumba
    I didn't seem to have as much energy for my Zumba class as I usually do, but I finished it. I then stayed for BodyFlow, but felt like I was going to pass out after only 10 minutes. I sat down for a few minutes, drank some water and then decided to go home. I've been feeling a little puny the past week or two. I'm trying to blame my TOM, but I'm just not 100% sure that's the problem. Gonna try spin class later today and see how that goes.

    No big plans for Memorial Weekend. I'm off Fri, Sat, and Sun nights, but the wife is scheduled for all three. I'll probably just stay in and maybe do some much needed massive, belated spring cleaning. We'll see.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Yay Melissa! You found us!! :o) I'm tellin ya, these ladies are awesome & they keep me going!!

    Jenn-sorry you lost power! Glad everything getting back to normal!

    Katie-I'm checking out the Zumba link! Variety is always fun! I'll probably end up subscribing to catch new ones as they come out! :o)

    Annette-sorry you feel badly, but gardening can be some awesome calorie burn!
    Esp doing it with my mom @ my grandma's house! It usually involves wheelbarrow of dirt/sand/potting soil being mixed & moved up & down hills! I like my own garden that's just weeding at this point! Well, my muddy hostas. Rain's not washing it off where it settled after flood water. Anybody have any ideas on that one?

    Amy-those picstures are awesome!! Again...my hero!

    I survived the storm! OK, so it wasn't that bad. Couple of funnel clouds sighted. Maybe a touchdown or two, but nothing more at our house than a tree in half at the neighbors & our swingset is on it's side. Glad it wasn't worse & I still feel I made the right choice having the kids go to my mom's apt. The hubby & I went next door during the worst part of it. No, there's no basement, but it's not a trailer, so I'll take it! LOL! Now, it's time to get some work done. One of the girls took 2 extra days to go to KY Lake to go fishing, so we're short handed. Next week...no boss! And then I get another 4 day weekend after this 3 day one b/c my Aaron will be 7, so we're taking him to the zoo the day before & I just want his b/day off! OK, REALLY, back to work!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    So guy that works with me had to go to a funeral today, so I'm all alone in the office again. Bummer for him and for me.

    Kendall, those sloppy joes look magnificent. I might have to give those a whirl.

    Nava, I'm so sorry to hear about all the s*it you are dealing with health-wise. Just know we are here for whatever you need, and vent all you want!

    Lacey, how was yoga? Sorry you had to reschedule the OB again - its getting a little ridiculous!

    Kristina, have you set up a second date yet with the one guy? Or anything with the Dr? Is it weird that I automatically assume the Dr. is going to look like McDreamy on Grey's Anatomy? lol. I think a Michigan group run at the marathon sounds kind of awesome... and kind of terrifying. Seriously, I just keep wavering back and forth on if I think I could actually be ready - the furthest I have gone currently is 3.5 miles, and I walked quite a bit in there. Plus I have issues with achilles tendonitis, yada yada yada... bla bla bla. I know they are all excuses and I should just say YES and do it. You and Victoria gotta back me up! :tongue:

    Karen, I'm super thrilled that you made it through the storms unscathed. Its getting kind of ridiculous, isn't it? Hopefully the weather calms down and you can have a sunny and relaxing summer!

    Amy, YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!!!! Seriously, major progress in those pics and that is freaking sweet. You are a total rockstar.

    Melissa, welcome! This is my 3rd challenge with this group and I LOVE them. Seriously, you will not find a more fun, outgoing, supportive and sweet group anywhere on the internet. And the internet is REALLY big. :laugh: As I'm sure you can see, we just talk about whatever is on our minds. We each set our own personal goals for each challenge, some weight related, some not. Kristina keeps track of all the numbers for us. I'm extremely impressed that you are making the changes needed for you while being a single mom of 4 - that sounds very very busy. Maybe there's a way to coordinate working out into an activity you do with your kids? I think all the girls on here would agree with me that if you really want to see results, you gotta do both - exercise and eat right. We're happy to have you!

    Annette, do you have a vegetable garden or flowers or both? Every year I talk about doing my own vegetable garden, and every year I don't. I think I need to start small so I'm not so overwhelmed by the idea.

    Katie, I'll have to check out those youtube Zumba vids - thanks for posting the link. Did you try spinning? How was it? I have a friend who goes twice a week and thinks its fantabulous. As far as feeling not 100% towards all of this, you gotta pull yourself out! Mind over matter! We're all here for you though!

    As for me, I'm just hoping it stops raining. Its been rainy all week, and I'm over it. I think no matter what the weather is doing, I will be running today after work. I need to get more consistent with that. This morning I did shoulders/arms/abs, which was fun because I haven't seen that workout since the first month. I like that I tell I've gotten so much stronger from it.

    One of my installers came in this morning to pick up merch for an install,and he said to me, "Have you been losing weight? You look skinny. Well, at least skinnier." Yeah. That's not a compliment, dude. I'm pretty sure he basically was saying "oh wow, you're less fat now!" lol. I mostly just thought it was funny.

    Ok, I'm going to attempt to focus on work now. I don't really want to.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Annette- try using the other link provided for the ticker. maybe that will work.

    Amy- FANTASTIC job! Love the pictures! Its so hard to post pictures like that of yourself so I'm giving you an internet High five for that!

    And now my mind has gone blank and I forget everything else I read, but I promise I read it all. I wish I had time to respond to everyone individually, but I need to get some work done today.

    Mr. Reunion came back over last night and gave me yet another cardio workout. :wink: That boy is incredibly talented. LOL However, I had to push my run back to today, so now I have that plus yogaX. :sick: I hate yoga. I also still haven't mowed the back yard. Maybe that will get done this weekend. I also still haven't made my breakfast foods yet. I'm hoping I can get that done tonight too. I think I can convince Mr. Reunion that I need a night off. Although I will also have tomorrow night off cause its another dance party.

    I haven't heard back from my latin teacher about that phrase. I'm starting to think I should just get the tattoo without getting his confirmation.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kerry - even if you have to walk part of the half, it would still be fun...and give you something to improve upon the next year! I like that shoulders/arms work out. Are you using weights or res bands for that one?

    Kendal - I used to hate yoga until I learned to quiet the mind....it took me about ten years to zone everything out. Even last night it was hard because I cuold hear Jeff and Gracie in the livingroom and I felt guilty. Maybe you could make yoga X into a game with Mr. Reunion? You know....it does get you all sweaty and could be a really good build up to some more cardio.

    Karen - some days I have SUCH a hard time working because of MFP lol. Glad you survived the storm in tact.

    Katie - listen to your body if you keep feeling puny...it could be any number of things which is a PIA...have you thought about increasing protein, or calories, or drinking some sort of protein/recovery drink after you work out? Maybe that would help?

    Annette - hearing a few of our thread members talk about tornados and storms and such, I am trying REALLY hard not to complain about the constant rain we get here in Oregon lol. Its hard isn't it?

    Kristina - let us know how coffee with the Dr goes!!!

    Melissa - welcome!! You can do this!

    Check in for yesterday: 2899burn/2262ate/637deficit. Yoga X is just tediously LONG. The crane move and the one right before it where you are on one leg and other leg and arm extended at various angles were the only ones I couldn't do. I'm sorry but I am NEVER trying the crane. Too much injury factor there. Maybe if I weighed 120 lbs. I was surprised at how much I was sweating!
    I turned off all the lights and that helped get through it. However whenever I do yoga my hands sweat. Its the only time they ever do that!! So I just did everything without the mat which was fine, I have plush carpet, but I gave my hands minor rug burn lol...and unless there is some "cardio" invloved that isn't fair. So gonna see if I can buy some yoga gloves or something.

    Tomorrow I am going to see Bridesmaids and out to dinner, so it will be my rest day and I will start next week with Kenpo X and keep it up. My body is past the sore point, though I am sure the legs and ab raper will fix that tonight, rather I am just physically tired. It is good to know its from a really good work out. I'm sleeping SO much better..but yesterday on the way home from work I was falling asleep.

    I drank my packet of pina colada flavored spiru-tein last night for my recovery drink after working out....with a bit of milk and water, I could "almost" pretend it had some rum in it. Very summery! I didn't add a banana, but boy it would have really made it tropically! If you add booze to your protein drink does it still count as a protein drink?? LOL.:drinker:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well. Ding ding ding ding! Light bulb!! Here I am talking about being tired....and telling Katie maybe she might want to check protein levels out. DUH. Why is it SO easy to give advice but not to absord it yourself...especially when you are "advising" other people to do the same.
    I've GOT to find a better way to get that protein level up to 150 a day. I needs to heads to the store and buy some protein powder and drink one in the morning I think.