

  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    It's weird, I know, but I sometimes add some peanut butter and a tablespoon of semi-sweet chocolate chips to my plain oatmeal when I'm craving chocolate. It tastes like a melted reeses....sooooooo good! :love: It's about the same amount of calories, but I get fiber, some protein, whole grains, way less sugar, and it's actually really filling.
  • mishkamichelle
    It's weird, I know, but I sometimes add some peanut butter and a tablespoon of semi-sweet chocolate chips to my plain oatmeal when I'm craving chocolate. It tastes like a melted reeses....sooooooo good! :love: It's about the same amount of calories, but I get fiber, some protein, whole grains, way less sugar, and it's actually really filling.

    You are my hero - that is an amazing idea!
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    To try and stop myself from going to the vending machine at work, I keep a bowl of sugar free candies on my desk. Werther's Original is my favorite and it doesn't taste sugar free IMO. Jolly ranchers are also great sugar free. Not to mention it helps keep those around me a little healthier when they are unknowingly eating sugar free candy!
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    I love any type of fruit when I am craving sugar.

    At my local store the fruit section and bakery are right beside each other so I'll take a trip to the bakery after I've grabbed all my fruits. I look at all of them and if I'm having a "I NEED A CAKE" craving I grab a few more fruits and head on my way. It has been a little while since I've had cake, which I'm trying to save for my wedding.

    Another tip that I have is drinking more water, anytime I have a sweet craving drinking more water seems to really help.
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I love using natural sugars like agave and stevia. They have a low glycimic (sp) index. I also add cinnimon to everything I can. I use herbal remidies to help me stay healthy. You guys should look up healthy natropathy ways to help you become healthier. Sometimes it takes longer to work but it deffinately has less side affects than chemicals. Try adding spices to your food. They are a low calorie way to flavor your food.
  • x_sotonguetied
    It's weird, I know, but I sometimes add some peanut butter and a tablespoon of semi-sweet chocolate chips to my plain oatmeal when I'm craving chocolate. It tastes like a melted reeses....sooooooo good! :love: It's about the same amount of calories, but I get fiber, some protein, whole grains, way less sugar, and it's actually really filling.

    this sounds so good!!
  • x_sotonguetied
    if i'm REALLY wanting something sweet i'll usualy let myself just a little sample of it. not enough to really do harm, but enough so i can taste it and be satisfied. for example, i might allow myself one or two bites of ice cream, or the other day i ate half of a chocolate donut hole lol. one or two bites of something can really be all i need :)

    and to sweeten things up that need sweetening, i love honey!! i use it to sweeten oatmeal or tea, or sometimes i'll drizzle some on peanut butter toast if i want the extra sweetness. it's got more calories than the low/no cal sweeteners, but it's all natural! and i would personally take a few more natural calories over no calorie, processed chemicals :)
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    Good afternoon everybody! Just wondering if anyone knows why you don't get any extra calories by lifting weights? I've lifted 4 days now (not in a row) and when I log them I don't get a calorie count and, therefore, no extra calories to eat back. It's not a real big deal, except I lifted this am, I'm hungry, and almost out of calories. I know I worked hard, I got my heart rate up and even sweat a little, so I feel like I earned them :smile:

  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    Good afternoon everybody! Just wondering if anyone knows why you don't get any extra calories by lifting weights? I've lifted 4 days now (not in a row) and when I log them I don't get a calorie count and, therefore, no extra calories to eat back. It's not a real big deal, except I lifted this am, I'm hungry, and almost out of calories. I know I worked hard, I got my heart rate up and even sweat a little, so I feel like I earned them :smile:


    For your calories to count, you have to add them into the cardio section of your workout :smile:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i missed out on last weigh in and am back n track day 1 yay
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I love any type of fruit when I am craving sugar.

    At my local store the fruit section and bakery are right beside each other so I'll take a trip to the bakery after I've grabbed all my fruits. I look at all of them and if I'm having a "I NEED A CAKE" craving I grab a few more fruits and head on my way. It has been a little while since I've had cake, which I'm trying to save for my wedding.

    Another tip that I have is drinking more water, anytime I have a sweet craving drinking more water seems to really help.

    I have noticed that if I am having a sweet crave...water works for me too. I toss in a flavor packet and my crave is satisfied.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    Some of us are stepping on the scale every day fretting over ever 10th of a lb gained…others just aren’t in the mood this week for workin out or eating right and feel bummed. I’ve noticed many of us have a lot going on in our worlds – from surgeries to injuried body parts to car accidents and family visiting! Well for those living in the US we are gearin up for a 3-day weekend and there’s no time like now to shape it up, get straight, pull forward, move ahead…it’s not too late! Today’s challenge is put all those worries and stresses aside for AT LEAST 30 minutes today and DO A STRENUOUS physical activity that keeps your heart rate going!

    WHIP IT! – Devo
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate :drinker:

    What is your favorite exercises to do when you’re stressed and dealing with a lot on your plate? (and I hope you don't ADD to your other in the food plate!)
    :huh: ----
    For me a good round of tae bo or kickboxing does the trick!! Or as always my wii just dance…get to dancing to some good songs and the stress melts away!

  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    my thing is the elliptical...i love it.....i can do 80 min. on it, but now that im doing strength training i do 60 on the elliptical and my strenght training takes about 20 min. i can work up a good sweat and "solve the world's problems" while im i love walking on the outside track that i is good to clear my mind and bond with nature...
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    It's evening here, I'm about to go to work. BUT I'll still find time to squeeze in that 30 mins of strenuous activity! I'll speed-walk home, and then past home to some point where I will have puffed and grunted for 30 mins, then return home and shower.

    Early morning and VERY busy weekend for me - working an industry event with lots of "lets get a drink" opportunities (very important for writers) - hopefully I can keep on track! At the moment I'm all geared up for an amazing weigh-in on Monday!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I think the chart should be arranged by % lost not number of lbs lost. It is of course a bigger deal if someone at 110lbs loses 2lb compared to someone at 300lb, and that is not recognised by the group standings. I am not belittling anyone losing 2lb per week at any weight but it makes sense.

    Obviously it would be very poor form for the group to suggest that lighter individuals need to be losing as much as 5+ lbs per week to be near the top of the chart, because that would be promoting dangerous weight loss... Just a thought...
  • frankerzzzfit
    frankerzzzfit Posts: 81 Member
    I wanna join!!! Initial-215 lets do it!!!
  • andtian
    andtian Posts: 47
    I feel bad.. Got the flu and my week started so good.. I just hope I am better by tomorrow or sunday and try and get as much exercise in as I can to make up for yesterday and today.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    When I am stressed I go for a long walk, or go visit some of my grandchildren. They always make me laugh and relax.
  • andtian
    andtian Posts: 47
    So, I'm sick and in bed, so you of course surf youtube and find some cool things.
    This is a video I came across and it made me think about things and inspired me
    to continue with this challenge even tho I feel horrible and stick to my goal of losing
    weight. Hope you find it a bit inspiring too.
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    I am finally up and moving I was sick with the flu for the last 2 days.

    What I do for my workout is a circuit for 30 mins and I feel the burn in that. I feel that I sweat way more than on any machine with my circuit I do. I taking before and after pics and measurements. I have to do this for 4wks 3-4 days a wk. I am on my wk one 2nd time doing it.

    I hope everyone has a really fun weekend and eats light.