Small But Super Helpful Habits



  • sarah2801
    sarah2801 Posts: 1 Member
    RaceB wrote: »
    Flavored seltzer water. Lime or lemon (obviously no sugar or fake sugar added). Zero calories... you quickly get used to it, and it's a lot better than plain old water. A 12 pack is about $4 bucks.

    I mention it specifically because you said you were a bit of a sodahead. I've seen this as a successful switch for a few different people (including me) and a soda-centric family of it does work!

    I find I can do soda water with lemon or lime slices and im usually happy I just have to make it. Sometimes I'm really looking for the cold caffeine hit of a Pepsi max or diet coke. But I really need to cut back on the bubbles
  • Eri0515
    Eri0515 Posts: 85 Member
    Don't leave the house without some type of healthy snack pre-portioned out. My favorites are string cheese, grapes or apples, greek yogurt, and nuts.

    It makes eating right a lot easier when you are ready for battle.[/quote]

    What a great idea!
  • jessiebethx
    jessiebethx Posts: 2 Member
    Make a distinction between foods you WANT to eat, and foods that you eat just because they're lying around. It's amazing how many calories I saved doing that.

    I'm not a big fan of doughnuts for example. I don't mind them but I don't crave them or think they're particularly tasty. In the past when someone would bring doughnuts I would take one (or two) just because it's right there sitting on the table and I happen to be passing by. Now I rarely, if ever, eat them. The other day I forgot, took a bite, and the taste instantly reminded me that I would much rather spend my calories on something else.

    What a fantastic idea!
  • jessiebethx
    jessiebethx Posts: 2 Member
    What a fantastic idea!
  • lisa_roberts
    lisa_roberts Posts: 176 Member
    no patatos/bread/pasta and rice

    So what did you eat for meals and stuff??
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    edited July 2015
    Flookbird wrote: »
    Since I got my fitbit I'm moving a lot more when I'm chilling out at home. Right now I'm on holiday from work so wrapped in a blanket watching TV and messing around on my iPad. Every time the adverts come on I get up and jog on the spot, do some star jumps or some dancing etc. I can get an extra couple of thousand steps in during an hour of watching TV.
    This is an excellent idea. :) Some of these commercial breaks go on forever, one after another after another after... ugh. Especially when watching things like cheesy sci fi movies on the SyFy channel. lol. I bet I could get in an entire workout during some of those commercials. I'm going to start doing this today.

    I'm only done reading up to page 3 so probably I'll be repeating what others have said...But my favorite little tips (which I used to do a lot when I was on WW and need to re-start now that I'm back on track again) are:
    -- park in the far corner of the parking lot. Added bonus from this is that everyone else is circling like vultures near the close-in spots so you'll just pull in casually, walk calmly to the entrance and not have to fight with anyone. (this is my Costco parking lot, omg...)
    -- stairs instead of elevator, if you can.
    -- weigh everything in grams, then set the serving size to 1 gram and you can enter your food absolutely accurately (just got this great tip from someone here a few days ago)
    -- if you're going out to eat look at the menu online before you go so you can look over everything ahead of time. That way you can choose something that fits into your calorie goal rather than choosing quickly because you don't want to keep everyone waiting while you try to decide.
    -- get some sort of step tracker that measures how far you are from whatever goal you set up. I'm using a Nike Fuelband at the moment, and it shows progress to goal by a series of dots along the side. They start red and gradually move in shade towards green at the end. When you push the button it shows you where you are toward the goal and it shows the green dot that represents the end goal. I find that if I'm pretty close to the goal I'll walk around the house or even go outside and around a few blocks just to get those last few dots. lol
    -- if you hate exercising (I do!) try to find someone to go with at least some of the time. I find that walking or that darned elliptical go SO MUCH faster if I have someone to talk to.
    -- eat protein for breakfast rather than cold cereal with skim milk. Okay, this one is *my* little tweak which may or may not work for you. But for me that cold cereal would wear off suddenly mid-morning, causing me to get that shaky must-eat-everything-in-sight low blood sugar hunger. But if I have protein for breakfast I can go till lunch, and at lunch I'm hungry but it's just an ordinary kind of hunger.

    Off now to keep reading from page 4. lol
  • courtney_brooke1989
    courtney_brooke1989 Posts: 1 Member
    I choose just one thing "unhealthy" to splurge on a day. Like usually my morning coffee, my coffee only has 5 calories but I use my sugar & sweet creamer. Oatmeal to fill me up in the morning, very light lunch, & mostly meats & veggies for dinner. I'm trying to watch my calories in my beverages though because I get a lot of empty calories from soda but I'm just starting out as well.
  • jeyamb
    jeyamb Posts: 1 Member
    Undertwo wrote: »
    I've taken to doing twelve bodyweight squats each time I use the bathroom at home. Two weeks ago I could barely keep my balance with arms extended now I do deep squats with arms folded against my chest.

    Small steps in a greater journey toward fitness.

    Thanks for the reminder, this might seem strange but it works.
  • kittywrangler
    kittywrangler Posts: 81 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Water only. Makes a huge difference!

    Park at the back of the lot at Publix.

    Wash my own car.

    Dance while rinsing dishes.

    Read more about nutrition (from a reliable book) to help with food choices (or at least know why I suck, lol)

    More planks, leg lifts, six inches

    What books do you suggest?
  • Stewnamie
    Stewnamie Posts: 17 Member
    I look for one healthy new recipe to try each week. I also am trying to do one new physical activity a week (or on really bad weather days break out the Just Dance 4 game on Play Station). Great thread!
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Keeping my water bottle next to my keyboard at my work desk. Every time I start feeling a little hungry, I take a swig, and eight times out of ten I was just thirsty. The other two times, the water takes the edge off the hunger.
  • kedronk
    kedronk Posts: 4 Member
    epf82061 wrote: »
    I have a problem with drive thrus, especially if I'm on a trip. Now, I put my purse in the trunk. Problem solved.

    Now that is a handy hint.

    Further to this, don't take money to work if you don't need it. Take your lunch from home and you can't buy anything else if you don't have money.
    Or if you need money,take only the largest note - that way it is there for emergencies but you won't want to break into it just to buy a chocolate bar.

    Love this idea! Thanks!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Bring lunch to work
  • victoriaamarie1330
    victoriaamarie1330 Posts: 39 Member
    When I start to feel hungry, I drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes to sees if I was actual hungry or just thirsty or bored.
    I always keep my water bottle next to me. You're more likely to drink it if it's there and you see it.
    Drink coffee and tea plain with nothing added.
    Meal prep or at least prep snacks and easy grab and go food for when you are in a rush.
    Don't keep food you can't control yourself around in the house.
    Just say no thank you. If someone asks you if you want something and you second guess yourself about it, say no thank you and the temptation is gone because the offer is gone.
    Eat looooooots of veggies: volume eating for the win, never hungry.
    Skip the salad dressing, my secret is mustard and some kind of hot sauce (hey don't knock it til you try it ;) )

    Every little decision you make every day counts and soon it will just become a habit and you won't even have to think about it.
  • Muzzoozal
    Muzzoozal Posts: 33 Member
    stop using artificial sweeteners. They are harmful to your body and cause cravings. Stevia is a natural 0 calorie sweetener. In things like potato salad, sandwiches use more mustard and less mayo as mustard has no calories. Use an exercise ball at your desk if you can.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    1. Take a couple of dumbells to work with you and leave them under your desk. When no one is looking do a couple of sets.
    2. I've been cutting back on the amount of TV I watch. If I'm watching TV I am now on the treadmill. It makes the time go much faster and I'm not sitting around snacking.
    3. After work when i get home at 5:30 I sit down to eat dinner at 6:00pm. I start my workout by 7:30 and done by 8:30pm. Then shower and go to bed. Keep your daily routine busy. No time for snacking.
  • simonelatoya
    simonelatoya Posts: 3 Member
    Eat quinoa instead of rice. Quinoa has about the same density as rice but has less calories, more protein, and tastes good. Add some chia seeds to it, if you'd like, to keep you fuller longer. You can eat it for breakfast with eggs, for lunch, and/or dinner.
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    I love this thread/topic!
    My biggest things have already been mentioned; water, bringing snacks with me, etc.
    But, when I was at my most successful, I found that adding an evening walk with my husband and the dog helped a lot. I would exercise some time during the day (unless it was a rest day) and then walk in the evening. I wasn't speed walking, my heart rate wasn't high, but just getting in that movement before bed helped with my digestion and ultimately weight loss. Plus, I just felt better, and it was quality family time.
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    Oh yeah, and green tea.
    Any herbal tea, really. But I am always really tempted to eat in the evenings, and what I got in the habit of doing was having a mug of hot tea before bed, and it not only helps me relax but it helps me stay satisfied.
    In my head, I feel like green tea made my metabolism quicker, but that's probably just me. lol.
  • Haleycz496
    Haleycz496 Posts: 26 Member
    A lot of water.... If you don't like the taste of water, try adding some fruits and herbs to it. My favorite is making an entire pitcher of water with sliced cucumbers (1 whole cucumber), sliced lemon (1 whole lemon), 1/3 of a ginger root shaved, and some mint leavs. Leave it in the fridge over night and by morning, the water is infused with a great taste!