anyone starting the shred 2morrow? 5/27

JIllian Michael's 30 day shred-that is!

Thought I would take a chance and see if anyone had the same start day, and wanted to give this everything they got! Would be great to motivate each other. I am also going to do 30-60 minutes of cardio 6 days/week. I want results! I know (by reading the boards) that several of you started a few days ago, but if anyone would like to start tomorrow, I think it would be particularly motivating to me to know that we are on the exact schedule and it would really keep us accountable!

Please just reply if you are starting tomorrow because I want to create a group for us to talk it out!! For example, I want us to stretch our butts off after the workout to decrease soreness the next day and not say "way too sore today" or "too out of shape". There are definitely modifications and everyone can do their own pace, but lets be consistent and do it! Who doesn't have 20 mins/day for 30 days!?

Even if just a couple people want to join, that would be wonderful! But the more the merrier!

Bought mine at Target today for ten bucks. U just need small hand weights and mat.


  • MLangseth
    MLangseth Posts: 11
    I just started (today was my day 3)
  • susang29
    susang29 Posts: 6 Member
    I am in!! I started it two months ago and then stopped because my 2 year old would not let me ever finish!
  • masonsmomma
    masonsmomma Posts: 184 Member
    I'm in:) I've been wanting to start up on the shred again (did it in December 2010 and got to day 18 or so and stopped :( ) I need the extra motivation and think it would help me to have friends to do it with :)
  • Andie122
    Andie122 Posts: 36 Member
    I'll start it with you tomorrow!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Are there diff dvds from her or just the one? I bought one a wk or so ago. Just wondering if we are all on the same page :) Ive done it twice and it rocks!
  • hrpro
    hrpro Posts: 3
    My friend just gave me a copy today so I am starting it tomorrow, I didn't even know that this was Jillian's until she gave it to me so I'm excited to see what it will be like. I'd be happy to do this with you.
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    i'm starting Jillian's Ripped in 30 tomorrow! not the shred, but it'll still kick my butt!
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    I'll try to start tomorrow (I've been meaning to start forever!) for sure. :) Someone harass me to start!
  • tillNEWYEARS
    Awesome! I am so happy to hear that you guys want to start tomorrow!
  • gregory05us
    gregory05us Posts: 18 Member
    I will start it with you all. I did it awhile back and completed it (only missed one day). I have totally slacked and need to get back in the swing of things here, eating right and exercising.
  • skeettafic
    skeettafic Posts: 2
    I'm new to MFP so just jumping in here. I've been running 3 days a week but I need to get toning. I'll start the shred tomorrow, too. I want to take some measurements and see how it goes.

    So, I guess I'm in.
  • tillNEWYEARS
    Wonderful to start with you guys today!!!!! It looks like we will have about 10 or so of us doing this which is great!
    So today's the day you signed up for! Make sure each day you come back to the board and list the following before telling us how it went and how you felt after, or whatever!!

    Day # of shred and Level: (e.g. D1,L1)
    #Breaks needed:

    Also feel free to list your measurements and/or your starting weight, if you would like to. As well as any other exercise you completed/plan to complete that day.

    Happy shredding guys!!
  • aaaaaamyyyyyyy
    I'm in NZ so my tomorrow is Saturday, but I'll definitely join you :) fingers crossed it isn't as killer as I hear it is!
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    I'm in starting today! I attempted one round previously and didn't make it very far, not because of the workout just lack of motivation. Dusting off the dvd for lunch break today.
  • kevandkeira
    kevandkeira Posts: 49 Member
    I'd love to join, although I started today.
  • melissadawn1990
    I will start today as well! I need motivation!
  • BeanieB21
    BeanieB21 Posts: 31
    count me in :)
  • emiskins
    emiskins Posts: 92 Member
    I will start today too! I have been putting this off for way too long! i've had the dvd for about 2 years and haven't made it past day 3 (pathetic, I know). I need the support and accountability! This weekend I will be out of town so I will have to write the circuits down and take them with me. I'm sure my nieces and son will be my "trainers". What a great idea to post your progress daily! I really like the idea of including starting weight and measurements.
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    I'm in.

    I signed up for the 5/29 group but got my dvd in the mail yesterday and don't wanna wait!

    however, I don't have light handweights (only 6 and 8lb ones) do I need to go buy some 2 or 3 lb weights?

    I'm 5'6" ish (maybe 5'7")
    current weight 137
    I did all my measurements, so I'll be able to see where I lose the most.

    my only worry is a bad ankle. I did some HIIT training last week and then ran a brutal race last saturday and it's been bothering me ever since, which is hugely depressing. i'm still running on it, but I have to take it slow, when I try to push the pace at all the ankle screams at me :(
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    I'm starting today so I'll join in :) Terrified ..... lol