200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Wednesday: 2840 calories burned/ 2188 calories consumed/ 652 calorie deficit

    Kendal: I LOVE your High-Five!!! Awesomeness! I would caution you to verify your Latin words before you get your tattoo. As someone who spent an extensive time around people learning foreign languages when I was in the Air Force, I can tell you that I witnessed more than one person get a tattoo it Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese or Japanese that ended up NOT saying what they thought it said. It's awesome that you & The Boy are enjoying each others company.

    Kerry: I end up getting unintentionally back-handed compliments from The Kid that are similar to the compliment you got from your coworker. I write it off as the male mind being slightly retarded.

    Karen: Your son's birthday is the weekend after my son's birthday. Gabe turns 8 on Monday. Wanna hear something else weird?? We took him to the zoo last year for his 7th birthday. This year he has requested bowling and seeing the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

    Katie: Is it possible that you're feeling so tired because you aren't eating enough calories?

    Annette: I really like having a garden but I HATE the actual process of taking care of it. I don't like pulling weeds and I am not fond of dirt or bugs.

    Melissa: Welcome to the thread, we're happy to have you. What D are you representing? (I feel kinda dumb asking that but I honestly don't know what the "D" means) What are you studying in school?

    Jenn: We have a Wii, 2 PS3's and an XBox Kinect. The Hubbs LOVES electronic gadgets. I don't particularly care for video games but I love the Kinect.

    Kristina: It sounds like your work is busy and you are getting out there and meeting people! That's awesome!!!

    Lacey: That sux about getting stiffed at the Dr's office.

    Nava: I am so sorry you are going through such stressful medical issues. I'm glad you have a thorough endocrinologist. I have no experience with your issues but I DID have a benign tumor removed in December of 2009 (if you look at my first picture I posted yesterday, you can still see part of my scar on my chest). My thymus gland had to be removed as it was growing out of control and was pressing on both my heart and lungs. I now sport a really awesome open-heart surgery scar that, even over a year later, is quite angry and red. I know this is a scary time for you. We're here for you.

    The Hubbs is buying a motorcycle. I don't really know how I feel about this. I guess it doesn't much matter as he's buying it. I AM happy to be getting my car back. I hate having no wheels (not that I go many places but...still... I'm a grown @ss woman who has always had her own car so being without one is...weird). Oh, he's also going away for a month starting early in June. Le Sigh...he's been gone more in the past year and a half than he has in all the 11 years before we moved here. Kinda lame.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: We posted at the same time again! Since I upped my protein intake, I have to have 2 protein shakes a day. I just can't get the protein up there enough any other way. I feel you on being scared of the crane pose in YogaX. I can only do it for, like, 10 seconds.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I found a nifty site!! http:// www. healthstatus.com/ calculators. html
    Even lets you calculate that "personal" cardio! ROFL! Which my BFF & I have decided we're going to label on MFP as "group cardio" since we both have family members as friends. Me being the hubby (who I am sure doesn't want me to share) and the other being my mom, who doesn't wanna know! ROFL!

    Kerry-sucks that you're all alone again! And men are dingbats! I guess at least give him credit for even noticing you're getting smaller in the first place?? ROFL!

    Kendall-def wait til you get an accurate translation. You would be SO peeved if it turned out to be wrong after the fact! Patience now would mean lots less frustration later!

    Amy-am I in your head or are you in mine or what? Seriously? Anything ELSE we have in common? ROFL! I have to do that fun summery type stuff for Aaron's b-day. June is just meant for outside! Casey, poor thing, is end of January, so unless I change hemispheres...he's stuck indoors! Mellie has a 50/50 shot being end of March! LOL! And YAY for car!! We're still down to one, and it's driving me batty! It's been since Dec & I'm ready to get another one. I can't afford a car payment, but I'm about to suck it up anyway!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    For all you pizza makers..I know Amy is one and I think there is one more in this thread...I think I've perfected the crust. YEAY! Its all thin and crusty and bubbly now. Woohoo!

    The crane pose and I can't mix. I have a sway back and that pose just puts my lower back at way too much risk of going out. I LOVE the plow poses though..its like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Amy have you tried your new Vega protein yet? What flavor did you get? Good high quality protein mix is freaking expensive. I need to go buy some more spirutein tomorrow.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The crane pose and I can't mix. I have a sway back and that pose just puts my lower back at way too much risk of going out. I LOVE the plow poses though..its like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    my boobies sufficate me when I'm in plow position

    I hope saying that doesn't get me flagged lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - I guess you could always put a snorkel in your mouth so you can breath lol.

    The plow position REALLY makes my stomach, gut, enormous gut, look HUGE. Its like a ****ing upside down basketball hanging on my boobs. Not. Pretty.
    Last night I was thinkinG JaySus!!!! Is my gut really that big??? Ugh. Yeah. Look up, not across lol.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Thanks everyone for the kind words; you ladies are awesome. Amy, I totally can't see the scar, but I wasn't looking for it when I originally looked at the pics. Sounds like that was a very necessary surgery though. As for the motorcycle, just make sure your hubby wears a helmet! I had a motorcycle for all of a year, then decided it wasn't really for me and just sold it off a couple months ago. But I feel like I have a badge of honor with that "M" code on my license!

    I'm feeling much better today. Yesterday was just one of those "EVERYTHING IS BAD!" kinda days. After that gripey post I stepped in some manner of sticky drink and made my favorite work heels gross, then didn't notice it till I got it all over the gas pedal and brake pedal of my car, realized I left my entire wallet in the BF's car... just one of those days! He brought it back to me last night (so now I can pay the doc today), then left again to have a me-time night. Which was fine by me. I sat on my couch with the dog and watched episodes of Doctor Who then went to bed at 10.

    Donated blood today, which apparently put me at "gallon donor" status, so I get a free mug. haha Will be off to the doctor in just a bit so I'll let everyone know how that goes. I have these phases where I'm like "man, is this even necessary?" But then I try to down my two pills with a swig of water and it gets stuck in my throat and I almost upchuck and then promptly burp for the following five minutes, and I realize "yes. Perhaps this is necessary." haha
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: Good luck at the doctor's!

    Lacey & Kendal: The Wheel is my FAVORITE!! I think it's because when I first started, I could only get up into bridge and now I can stay in wheel the whole time. It makes my stomach look flat and me feel strong too. I like plow too. It makes my back feel soooo happy.

    Lacey: I had to order the Vega protein on the Interwebz so I don't have it yet. I ordered Vanilla chai and chocolate (one can of each). I hope I like it. If not, I'm gonna be drinking it for a while anyway as it isn't cheap. Yum...bubbly, perfect pizza crust makes me happy. We have Pizza Friday tomorrow night. My current favorite pizza right now is a pesto sauce with feta, mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses. It's happiness in my mouth.

    Karen: I count that "group cardio" time as bonus calories in my head. I know there are some people on this site that actually log it but not me. (I totally do have an app on my iPhone where I keep track of things like that though)
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Has anyone ever wanted to punch someone in the face multiple times? Yep, that's how I'm feeling now!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Has anyone ever wanted to punch someone in the face multiple times? Yep, that's how I'm feeling now!

    Yes. Totally. 100%. I however have got to the completely irrational and immature level of wanting to nutpunch people. Even if they don't have nuts.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Has anyone ever wanted to punch someone in the face multiple times? Yep, that's how I'm feeling now!

    Yes. Totally. 100%. I however have got to the completely irrational and immature level of wanting to nutpunch people. Even if they don't have nuts.

    And people think the bullet proof glass at my window is for MY protection! :-) Is so I don't pop 'em up side the head & call them dumb a**!

    Nava-hope all gets better!

    Amy- I have an app for tracking too, but I was over 11 calories & that red # was just killin me! Lol!

    I've recommended this site to more people, let's see if any more join us! I love it! :-)
  • psychohope
    psychohope Posts: 92
    hey all, really not in a losing weight frame of mind at the mo, so taking the weekend to give myself a kick up the backside and start a fresh on monday, hope you all have a great weekend
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ugh. Its 9:30pm and I'm just about to START yoga.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    We are finally reaching the end of school here. Thank goodness because I'm nearing the end of my rope. I was so proud of myself today when a student gave me a cupcake and I ended up pawning it off on another teacher. She's thin and can deal with the extra calories. :bigsmile:

    Amy, Lacey and Kendal- I only wish I could do yoga. Body isn't that flexible yet.

    Hailie- Almost every day with someone I work with. LOL!

    Hope- We all need a kickstart at times. You can do this!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sorry I've been MIA... I promise to catch up with everyone this weekend!!! My check-in for yesterday 2512 burned, no cals logged, and no formal exercise. I burned 400 cals in the first hour and 20 min of moving tables and boxes for the garage sale. Totally forgot to check when we finished. Everything is now in the driveway. We are getting up early to finish and price things. Yep, tons more work. Hugs and enjoy your holiday.

    Welcome Mellisa!!!

    Amy - do you rub and stretch your scar? Make circular motions with your finger with enough pressure to blanch (turn white) the scar. The redness is from blood flowing and you need stop it then the scar turns white.

    Kendal - LOL on your extra cardio.

    I really will pull out the laptop and respond to everyone.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi Gals... just wanted to stop by & let you know that I am on my 5th day with fever & I am hoping to shake it off soon. In the meantime I am trying to get some work stuff done.. but after that have no energy left. I am still logging.. though not at my best, caz the urges for comfort food kicks in. But I am logging nonetheless... no exercise & poor water intake:(

    Just take care.. I am constantly inspired by your motivation & commitment.. so keep at it & I will keep you posted.

    Love ya all.. have a FABULOUS WEEKEND:)

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I did legs and back tonight. My muscles were definitely shaking at many points but I kind of wonder if I pulled out of each thing too soon? Were your guy's legs dying after each thing or just tired all around after the work out? I know I need to get deeper into the positions next week.
    Right now I feel like I will feel my muscles tomorrow but not be super sore or anything...time will tell right?
    As Tony says, I need to get out of my own head I think.

    I went to target yesterday to buy the second game of thrones book and they were gone. They'd been in stock last week. Grrrrr. So after work tomorrow I'm hitting up barnes and noble and buying the rest of them.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Hey all, thanks for the welcome!!! I know I need to increase my exercise, and Im working on it but its been hard for me! Oh, and I said representin the D, lol, I meant Im also from Michigan, Detroit area. I noticed a few ppl mentioned Mi, Detroit. I have to weigh tomorrow, I hope its not a gain...... Its be nice to see a loss finally!! Looks like u guys are all doing great!! keep up the good work!!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Welp, long doctor story short, he recommends surgery to remove the left side of my thyroid. Mostly because the nodes are too large to shrink with medicine and could continue to grow in size. He went through all the options used to treat this sort of thing and one by one, explained why surgery is the only option in my case.

    I asked him about cost and he said because my insurance is good, we're looking at the hundreds and not the thousands (thank god), and that I would need about 5 days off work, which isn't a problem as my company is very understanding of these things. I'd have about an inch scar at the base of my throat, which I'm not too keen on, but my wonderful BF said "eh, scars are sexy."

    I told him I wanted to take a bit to think it over, talked about it with my mom and my BF and they both think I should go ahead, especially since the situation can't get any better on its own and could potentially get worse. I'm inclined to agree.

    Blah, not the worst thing in the world!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning all.

    Katie: thanks for link - have been wondering what zumba is so will definitely have a peek.

    Kerry: I have a mixed garden which produces vaarying amounts of fruit and veg dependent on tha amount of organisation that i have put into it. Last year was good but am flunking a bit this. We also have chicken - one of which is broody for which Hubby thought it would be good to get some fertile eggs; coame back with eight (now down to seven) but about which I am slightly concerend as do not have space to house a further seven (and what if some are male.........)

    Kendal: thanks for advice. Sorry such a techno-idiot but I will give it a go. Mr Reunion is becoming a regular........

    Karen: glad worst of storm past you by. Please - what is ROFL?

    Lacey: with regard the alcohol laced drinks - surely they would still count as the protein would still be there!!! I really must not complain re rain as we are desparate for it and we only in May. Good thinking re need to up protein - it really is not advisable to sleep until you get home from work...

    Amy: major op at end of 2009 and look at you now? You are an absolute inspiration.....keep it up.

    Suzie: you must, must, keep up fluids and hope you feeling better soon.

    Nava: tough choice, which equates to no real choice. Sending love and prayers your way x

    Vicotria: hpe garage/yard sale goes well.

    General question: When I have eaten (in what I feel is a healthy way) for a couple of days I then get this almost obsessional need to eat (usually very unhealthily) everything in sight - or with the case of the scones - if it is not available I make it. I am aware if I skip a meal or fail to intake enough fluid, that I display very similar behaviour. Also same if I am feeling low. No matter how much I try to convince myself that I do not need to eat, that it is okay to eat healthier choices or to do somehing else, it is as if I am driven to ignore all that and carry on. Could it be that my ideas of eating healthily may be out and that I have missed some sort of food group which is now being craved? Is this just an excuse? Can anyone shed any light or ideas. I feel if I could gain control over this I would be making huge strides.....................

    Many thanks

    Annette x

    PS what is memorial day?

    PPS It worked....Hurrah. Thank you Kendal xx