VLDC and advice on how to go back to a 2700 calorie diet



  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    boy that seems high, my bmr is 3531. i thought it was 10x your weight?

    The 10x body weight is a rough approximation for minimum calorie requirements when dieting down and is supposedly meant to correlate to around BMR. However, it isn't normally applicable to people who's weight is on the higher end like yours. Given your higher starting weight your body can also handle more aggressive deficits than leaner folks.

    I would say you would be fine with something like 2200 - 2,500 calories (which takes into account moderate exercise so no need to eat them back) for the time being or you could go with the MFP recommendation which includes a bit more faffing around as you would need to add back your exercise calories.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    i ate 1518 calories so far today and i feel so full right now, holy crap

    Now i am going to say some very unpopular or to same rude and mean

    But how did you become overweight...what did you eat?
    How can you now be full on 1500 you had to eat a lot more as a man than 1500 to become overweight.

    and dont get me wrong i am not attacking you at all. I was overweight too ( still am but i lost 96 pounds) because i ate much more than i burned.

    If he's been on VLCD for four days or more, the mind down regulates appetite, similar to how you have smell habituation that kicks in when you're in a smelly environment.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    i cant believe that. But thats my humble opinion cant prove it is true or not.

    Still the fact remains that he dont need to eat that low as he does.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    i didn't say i didn't believe him. i was talking to senecarr

    You dont have to be snarky
    And if you read the whole thread than you would have read that i gave him a lot of advice and encouraged him in both threads he made.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    Running your numbers through Scooby's, IIFYM, and MFP, it looks like you have your pick of anywhere from 1900 to 2200 Cal a day as your eating target depending on how large of a deficit you want to create.

    If you continue being sedentary after you lose weight, at a "normal bmi" target weight of 175lbs your maintenance would be approximately 2,000 Cal a day. If you end up being active for more than 35 minutes a day, your available calories would increase--depending on your activity level, a lot!

    So, a good approximation would be to eat around 2,000 Cal a day, leaving you with some margin for error either way.

    Or just do it the MFP way: eat the 1900, plus 50% of any exercise calories. Re-evaluate the % of exercise calories you are eating back based on a periodic (monthly?) weight loss review.

    Your wife will just have to come on board and actually weight the items she uses when she cooks; or you will have to take over the cooking yourself :smiley:

    Don't become too obsessed with macros, but, yes, do try and aim for a "good" mix.
    100g to 150g protein (400 Cal to 600 Cal)
    70g of fat (630 Cal) (keeping saturated to 24g or less)
    190g or so of carbs (760 Cal or so)

    If you want to play with your fat vs carbs for satiety... go right ahead. You should probably try to avoid eating less than 60g of fat.

    Other than that... try to log accurately and double check even verified database entries for yourself. Thinking you're eating 2000 Cal and discovering you're eating 3000 (or 1500) because of measurement inaccuracies is NOT a good feeling!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    Never mind! I see that everything has already been addressed! Go with the MFP recommendation.
    Build up to where you should be over the next two or three days.
    Be aware of the need to count correctly and by weight.
    How many grams of canadian bacon were your 6 slices?
    Were your eggs 50g or 55g :smiley:
    (I admit that I do not count my egg grams!)
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    i cant believe that. But thats my humble opinion cant prove it is true or not.

    Still the fact remains that he dont need to eat that low as he does.

    Again, no need to believe, it is how it works: http://clinicalnutrition.ucla.edu/body.cfm?id=32
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited June 2015
    I really dont think that Op qualifies for this.

    this link you gave is for people people eating under 800 calories a day and very structured and guided by a medical team Also they all got described RFO ( a nutritional high quality protein)

    OP just started and starts to eating very low in calories.
    People dont suddenly after 3 days dont get hungry anymore...less hungry maybe yes ( more getting used to it maybe) And like the program says so they have less appetite
    the program doesn't say that they feel full and cant eat no more. And this is what OP stated he is "full"

    There is a huge difference between having less appetite like the program says or not being able to eat more because you are full.
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    edited June 2015
    senecarr wrote: »
    i cant believe that. But thats my humble opinion cant prove it is true or not.

    Still the fact remains that he dont need to eat that low as he does.

    Again, no need to believe, it is how it works: http://clinicalnutrition.ucla.edu/body.cfm?id=32

    Yeah, honestly, i thought the headaches were caused from the increase of protein. I didn't realize i was doing this at all. Another words, it wasn't a planned thing, it just happened. I did have 1 day the week before last where i was so weak i couldn't get out of bed and called in sick. I was completely drained and thought it was a 24hr bug or something.
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    no u dont

    No I don't what? Sorry I said a lot so i am not sure what you are disagreeing with me on.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    no u dont

    No I don't what? Sorry I said a lot so i am not sure what you are disagreeing with me on.

    Don't worry, just a troll.
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    wow that was a short stay, peterjones37 just disabled his account.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited June 2015
    ok i am outta here now that peterjones guy is back
    OP wish you luck i am sure you will find the right way to do this.

    Just dont want to go in a endless discussion ( not with you btw :) )

    you had a lot of good advice and saw what you were doing so i am sure with a good dose of determination that you will succeed
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    no u dont

    No I don't what? Sorry I said a lot so i am not sure what you are disagreeing with me on.

    Don't worry, just a troll.

    does that happen a lot? I never seen that before. someone reply then disable thier account.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    wow that was a short stay, peterjones37 just disabled his account.

    Unfortunately, he'll be back with another account.
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    ok i am outta here now that jones guy is back
    OP wish you luck i am sure you will find the right way to do this.

    Just dont want to go in a endless discussion ( not with you btw :) )

    you had a lot of good advice and saw what you were doing so i am sure with a good dose of determination that you will succeed

    Thanks for your input, i appreciate it, as far as the jones guy, i am not sure who you are referring to.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    ok i am outta here now that jones guy is back
    OP wish you luck i am sure you will find the right way to do this.

    Just dont want to go in a endless discussion ( not with you btw :) )

    you had a lot of good advice and saw what you were doing so i am sure with a good dose of determination that you will succeed

    Thanks for your input, i appreciate it, as far as the jones guy, i am not sure who you are referring to.

    He got banned and has found a way to troll.
  • d8106red
    d8106red Posts: 5 Member
    I just found out my offical BMR by the doctor you can actually get one done in the fitness center/nutritional center at your hospital. It has you use a breathing treatment, and shockingly the website put my BMR at 1961, and my actual BMR is low its 1920, so for a website that is not too bad almost on par, an average person burns 2200-2700 calories, doing nothing, so I'm working with the love of food and bad genes.
  • shawnmstout
    shawnmstout Posts: 131 Member
    i got a hyperthyroid, just found out last month. My thyroid was a .008. I have to go see an endocrinologist in august to see what they are going to do. I am hoping the thyroid pills don't cause me to gain weight.