

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Allison... Happy Birthday! I wish your lab reports had contained better news. I'll be praying for you. As for your husband's response ... I concur with the others.

    Terri ... Absolutely love the idea of going through the store with a tiara! Way to go!

    Margaret ... I don't think you meant to be humorous with your post on finding inner peace/place ... But I laughed out loud when you mentioned it wasn't appropriate when driving ... I would think not!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    I too need to clarify here, my ex never hit, shoved or in any way physically hurt me. The reason I made him move out was I had learned of him cheating on me for the second time. The first time our oldest had just turned a year old and I was three months pregnant for the second. I let him talk me into going to counseling with him and trying to work on saving the marriage. I told him, never again. So four years later when he did it again I was through. He got back into drugs and kept begging me to give him another chance, when I refused is when he decided, in a drug infused haze, to end all four of our lives because life was too ugly. It was due to the cheating that I came to feel unlovable, fat, ugly, etc.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Renny...Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful year of health and happiness!

    Allison...Happy Birthday! I also wish you a wonderful year! I sincerely hope that things improve dramatically for you in the health and happiness department. I am just speechless over what you DH said to you. I would not normally say this about someone I don't know, but, he is an *kitten*.

    Chris in MA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Going to be a HOT one today. I do not like the heat. I just got back from the funeral. They had areal nice service. I am alittle upset with her two children as my friend walked in by herself and out by herself. She was really upset and they just walked behind her. Thanks for listening. Our work at the firework stand went well and I am glad we are done as it is going to be alot hotter the rest of the week.
    weigh in this morning was good, down .9. I will take it.

    Grits--Sending HUGS!!

    Nancy--Good for you.

    Jane--Good news about your mom.

    Allison--Happy Birthday, My doctor told me not to read the internet about my lab results, that when I came in we would go over them. So please don't panic yet. DH seem his mouth works faster then his brain. Makes me wounder if he has any idea how he sounds. HUGS

    Katla--Hugs to your friend who lost her husband. Things can change in the blink of an eye.

    Time to get something done before I go home. I am really tired tonight so think it will be an early evening. But then everytime I think that when I leave work I get a second wind. Enjoy the rest of the day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Just a quick note before I have to bounce.
    Back from the monthly visit to my mother and best friend. It went very well with my mother this time and that made us both happy. Trying to arrange to bring my step-grandaughter (Trinity) down with me next time, she and my mother really hit it off and it think it would be nice for both of them. Trinity and I would then go to BFF's house at the beach for the remainder of the weekend. She loves the beach as much as I do.
    Unfortunately I gained about 3 1/2 lbs. from the weekend. I hae concluded that most of the weight was put on while driving...too many healthy snacks are not good. I will have to plan better next time, maybe a substantial sandwich. Back to the program today and hopefully I will have lost a fraction by Saturday.
    If you can throw a prayer my way it would be greatly appreciated. I will fill you in as to what is going on late next week.
    Chris in MA
    PS I live close enough to Alison that I can throw that frying pan at him!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Janetr - I get that. I caught my husband during the conversation leading up to the trist, and it is almost a daily internal battle for me, even though I KNOW I was under no circumstances to blame for any of his behavior. I also know that since it was a Facebook chat, "she" was probably catfishing him, but that doesn't make it less hurtful. Current DH knows the history of ex-H (we lived in a small town in Southeast Minnesota, so almost everyone knew almost everything, and "I'm not easy to forget"). Hugs and Hugs for everyone regardless of struggles. We are in this together, and it just doesn't matter how we got here - "I got your back" ! ! !

    Beth - I have also been known to wear a tiara to baseball games, basketball tournaments, bowling alley; wherever I need to go. I have also stopped in front of a closed door that they both walked through and didn't bother to hold open. I just stand there . . . waiting . . . regardless of the weather.

    Heather - Not a writer. Just love to tell stories, and the funnier the better. "He11 knows no fury like a woman scorned", and I can have fury with the best of them, just in a sickeningly sweet manner, that no one sees coming. When ex found out what I did, I said "you know the golden rule? Well my golden rule is 'she who has the gold makes the rules', so we will now do this MY way". If I could be onstage every day, I would. And I would wear my tiara with pride, too, right on stage.

    Now, my clinic has been closed for almost 15 minutes, and I still need to do the day-end. DH called and asked me to stop at Papa John's for pizza, I said no and hung up. I will text him soon that I am staying late here to work-out, then I will make a big yummy salad when I get home. He does not try to sabotage me; he just doesn't get it. It's okay, this is my battle, and if he doesn't like it, he can do his own thing.

    Later Lovelies ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    evening ladies~
    thank you for all the birthday wishes ~ love you all <3 , had a long long day at work.. very tiring...we take turns making cakes for each other's Birthday ,so everyone at work sang me Happy Birthday.. and we had spice cake, I had a very small sliver...
    DB and SIL gave me a card with money... and my dad just called me now.. but of course I didnt hear from either of my children~ Oh well..
    did send the bloodwork to my DSIL and she had the lead lab manager read it, not end stage renal, YET, but the nephrologist will im sure be sending me to a endocrinologist.
    got my cover the mini, and will take it to N.H. with me.. and have my DSIL help me navigate it lol...
    I sooooo look forward to getting some much needed relaxation.. and seeing my cousins together in the first time in about 43 years..
    DH is trying to suck up royally,, but I am just sort of just trucking along....
    will check in in the a.m,
    thanks for all the love!11 right back atcha :*
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    I'm going to take a leaf from Pip's book and mark my spot. Just back in town so have unpacking etc to do. I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Hopefully :smiley:

    Have a wonderful evening friends...
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    edited June 2015
    Terri ... You rock! I think my guys are in for a surprise!
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Terri, you made me teary. It DOES help to know others understand. I have 5 older sisters all been married from 47 to over 52 years. Then there is me. Always has made me feel lesser some how. Best of all is knowing you " got our backs". Big hug :)
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Whew! I have been reading for (literally) hours to get caught up.

    Beth (?) - So glad I am not the only one who reads Pom as Porn!

    I am doing well. The pain has been manageable. I'm so glad they're not stingy with the pain meds nowadays. For those of you who might be curious, they put a little catheter in my neck with a nerve blocker that took away a LOT of the pain. It was hooked up to a little ball that they called my "pain ball" which came with a little purse like pouch that I wore like a cross-body bag. When the ball was completely deflated, we pulled out the catheter! I also came out if surgery with a "cooler" that keeps my shoulder iced non-stop. One simply keeps the unit full of ice and water and the cold water is piped continuously around my shoulder. Awesome!! I have oxycodone, neurontin, morphine, aspirin, anti-nausea, and the all important stool softener. My biggest pain issue has been my butt and back hurting from this crappy recliner! I've had a shower--and didn't die. I've enjoyed sitting outside on my patio on the mornings--something I don't get to do when I'm working. Oh! Before I forget, we mustn't forget the little things that make us happy...When I took off the sling this morning to do a little no-resistance stretching, I was overjoyed to be able to scratch all of that wrinkly, flappy skin on my upper arm. Didn't realize how miserable I was until the scratching commenced! :smiley:

    My daughter has been taking pretty good care of me. She really doesn't like the every four hour schedule for meds! LOL I'm actually coherent enough to take my meds by myself now, but I can't refill my cooler. So sad. NOT! She has been amazed at the amount of food she can eat when she follows my instructions for cooking. Duh!

    Off for another trip to the bathroom and a short walk through the house before I get a dose of meds at 8 which begins bedtime for me.

    Thanks to all of you for your concern and support!

    Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi everyone! We got the estimate for the damage to the van, and it's a little less than $8,000. Not even close to totaled. It's amazing how much it costs to do that stuff. They have decided that the wheel is damaged, bent in slightly at the top, so it's not driveable. They have to replace the quarter panel and the whole door and part of the axle/wheel thingy, and do some repair the floor of the passenger compartment (it's bent) and the track that the door rides on. Of course, they can't get started on it till we get the ok from the other lady's insurance. We have not heard from them yet. We got the police report this morning and they said it was the other drivers fault but they didn't issue a citation. No idea why. She was speeding and ran a red light, according to the report.

    All these stories about abusive husbands hit close to home for me. There were guns, fists, and everything else he could find to hurt me, but the worst part were the words. Unlike Pip, I did believe when he told me I was worthless, but of course, I went into the marriage believing that anyway. I'm so glad those days are over.

    I've been having sharp pains in my tummy most of the day. If I'm sitting still it's not bad, but when I stand up it starts. I'm having flashbacks to my colon blockages and am hoping it's not that again. Of course, it's probably not, but I do worry.

    Time to go walk the dogs. Talk to you later.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Carol sending healing thoughts.

    Beth I got a good laugh to your comment about the making sure you're not driving when going to your healing place. I only mentioned it because so often on meditation tapes they will say that too. I have this sudden urge to say Ohmmmm!!!!LOL

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    all you ladies said it was hard to eat just one slice of pizza like I did...really easy when you cut it up all frozen and stick the pieces into zip-lock baggies. I just cooked the one piece in the oven in the HUGE pizza pan...it looked really lonely in da middle though.... Low-fat thin pizzas are sucky with the cheese, or is it even cheese. It doesn't melt really good, and NORMALLY I put on extra cheese, etc...but then what is the point of eating a low fat pizza? :-)

    Today I did fairly good with the swimming... question though: I have a friend on here that swam 45 mins swimming freestyle, fast, vigorously, and she burned 1,000 something calories. When I put in the time of 45 mins I get 830 something. How does that happen?

    Husband and I went to a food bank today, and I got a nice 5 seed bread, and some salmon patties. I have never cooked salmon patties so it should be interesting. The Oregon State Department of Fish and Wildlife donated the salmon so that is cool right? One burger is only 150 calories, 4g fat, 92mg sodium, and 29 protein. Is that a great protein or what? I also rec'd a bag of Smartfood white cheddar popcorn, which I have already inhaled. That was my dinner....aaaack... The whole bloomin bag was 380 calories!!!! Drinking water all afternoon because I scarfed it down at 2pm. If I had snacky foods in the house all the time, I wouldn't freak like this. I haven't had a candybar in about a year, so any chocolate in the house, (like the mega-chocolate chips) I have to mentally have a chat with my "evil self" all the time. Like snacks are my enemy and I have to constantly keep track of their existence so I can stay clear. Crazy me.

    Made myself feel better by lying in the sun for 45 minutes. And no I was not a nudist. I had my bra and panties on...hahahahaha! They were my best pair, so they LOOKED swim suitish. Thank goodness for the lattice work on the balcony right? I suppose if one were to stand and stare they could see me, but that would put them smack in the middle of the road. Plus I am on the second story, so they would have to be staring outta their sunroofs when they were driving. See I plan all senarios out. Except when bees come by, then I scream like a banshie and dash inside. As a child I remember going outside and screaming every couple of minutes during the summer, then I would dash back in the house. What a mental headcase eh? I have gotten better. I don't unload a whole can of frabreaze onto a spider like I used to (last year). I know, I know, they make bug spray, but it smells awful. You can kill things with "the scent of linen"...hahahaha!

    Hoping tomorrow will be a good weigh-in at TOPS.
    Your crazy one from Oregon.... Becca
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Carol - so glad you are home and doing well. Positive vibes for your quick recovery.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Becca - The amount of calories burned for any exercise is based on your personal BMI, so as you lose weight, the number of calories burned for the same type/time of exercise will decrease. It does not take as much exertion to move a lighter object.
  • loralou1571
    loralou1571 Posts: 11 Member
    So I've hit a platow! Haven't lost any weight in the last 2 weeks. My water consumption is to blame. I try to drink plenty of the stuff however I work in a Dr's office and don't have the time to drink the water I need to loose and go to the bathroom while seeing patients. So frustrated. So much water to drink so little bathroom time! Ugh!