

  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    @FluffySandwich welcome back! Sounds like a scratched cornea to me. Been there a few times and it sucks. I have recurrent corneal erosion in my left eye and actually have plugs in my tear ducts now. My eyes would dry out at night and the cornea would stick to the inside of my eyelid. And, well...this is probably not helping. LOL Anyway I feel for you!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    There was a McNugget shaped hole in my life, and I sure filled it last night. Probably overfilled it in fact. Mmmmmm terrible, terrible McNuggets. I regret nothing.

    HA! Nicely done.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Confession: I read MFP's newest blog post about hacks for healthier ice cream sandwiches, and I think my brain imploded and my IQ went down by at least 10 points...

    Is it just me, or have the blogs been getting more and more like those idiotic articles in "fitness" magazines ever since UnderArmor purchased MFP? O.o

    I never read any of the posts for the most part. Once in a while if something catches my eye. But I agree they are fairly shallow. I haven't found much value. I can't say if they are worse though as I kind of started right before Under Armour bought it.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I failed at the grocery store...I'm way over goal already and haven't had dinner yet. Oh well, whatever.
    But anyway, after I ordered our half pound of cheese at the deli, my son politely asked the woman working, "Can I get 3 pounds of kittens, please"??? OMG, everyone in line busted out laughing, including me! Where does he come up with this stuff?

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is AWESOME. He's hilarious!

    Thanks! :) And seriously I know that kids are funny...but I could never imagine that a 3 year old could be as sarcastic, creative, and hilarious as he is! Cracks me up all day, every day. He's my best little bud! I'm dreading this fall when he starts pre school...I'll be lost without my sidekick!
    Edited because HE'S starting pre school, not ME. Where's the coffee?

    And he looks super cute too!

    Thanks! I should post a picture where you an see his eyes. They are BEAUTIFUL! Big and super dark brown. Definitely what he get compliments on the most. When he was younger, strangers always thought he was a girl (no matter how he was dressed) and their excuse after I would correct them was always, "but those eyes are so beautiful" if boys can't have beautiful eyes???

    Awww! He does have beautiful eyes! What a cutie <3

    Thank you! And yes, @Susieq_1994, he has the same big, dark brown eyes and long lashes as my son! <3
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    There was a McNugget shaped hole in my life, and I sure filled it last night. Probably overfilled it in fact. Mmmmmm terrible, terrible McNuggets. I regret nothing.
    They aren't that terrible though, in terms of calories at least. (Although, exactly how large was the hole and how many did it take to fill it? ;) )

    I'm feeling like I'm getting back on track. Was under cals yesterday and did my 10,000 steps. Today I'm planning on running again - I haven't been out for over a week. That mental barrier that says 'You can't' is trying to trip me up again.

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks everyone for your advice regarding my dumb eyeball. I woke up today with it feeling a bit better and I'm hoping it continues to improve. Thinking I might look into getting one of those eye cup cleaner things and drops.

    I find it weird that being on vacation has reset my sleeping schedule into something much better than it was before. I woke up at 8 AM today, not tired. That was pretty much unheard of before.

    Now that the beachy vacation is out of the way, my boyfriend and I are thinking about saving up to go to Japan for a long while. Honestly, I've been wanting to go there since I was very, very young.... so that sounds incredibly amazing to me. Japanese food is just the best (sushi... fresh ramen... yum).

    While I haven't been to Japan, I went to South Korea and it was AWESOME. I loved it!
    South Korea looks like a ton of fun! I'm hoping to go there too one day.
    @FluffySandwich welcome back! Sounds like a scratched cornea to me. Been there a few times and it sucks. I have recurrent corneal erosion in my left eye and actually have plugs in my tear ducts now. My eyes would dry out at night and the cornea would stick to the inside of my eyelid. And, well...this is probably not helping. LOL Anyway I feel for you!
    Ohhhh man, the cornea sticking to the eyelid is sounding terrible. I'm sorry! Hope that doesn't end up happening to me :confounded:

    I read a book a while back about a parasitic worm that was created as a weapon of war. It would infest human (or animal) bodies and devour their nutrients and any food they ate until they were just a sack of bones eating anything they could get their hands on (paint off the walls, dirt, etc). At one point in the book a character had one of the worms crawling around in the jelly of his eye.... I unfortunately was reminded of this while I was trying to sleep :scream:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I failed at the grocery store...I'm way over goal already and haven't had dinner yet. Oh well, whatever.
    But anyway, after I ordered our half pound of cheese at the deli, my son politely asked the woman working, "Can I get 3 pounds of kittens, please"??? OMG, everyone in line busted out laughing, including me! Where does he come up with this stuff?

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is AWESOME. He's hilarious!

    Thanks! :) And seriously I know that kids are funny...but I could never imagine that a 3 year old could be as sarcastic, creative, and hilarious as he is! Cracks me up all day, every day. He's my best little bud! I'm dreading this fall when he starts pre school...I'll be lost without my sidekick!
    Edited because HE'S starting pre school, not ME. Where's the coffee?

    And he looks super cute too!

    Thanks! I should post a picture where you an see his eyes. They are BEAUTIFUL! Big and super dark brown. Definitely what he get compliments on the most. When he was younger, strangers always thought he was a girl (no matter how he was dressed) and their excuse after I would correct them was always, "but those eyes are so beautiful" if boys can't have beautiful eyes???

    Awww! He does have beautiful eyes! What a cutie <3

    He sure does! He reminds me of my little brother when he was a toddler. Enormous, chocolate brown eyes with the longest lashes you've ever seen! I wonder if I can find a picture... *going to look*


    ... Not the best or most cheerful picture in the world, but it's all I could find in my computer. ;)

    Oh my gosh he is so cute!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Well wishes for our little kitten Skye are welcomed today. She doesn't seem to be feeling well. Yesterday, she only ate a few bites of her dinner and definitely is wayyy more calm than her usual crazy self. This morning, she ate a teeny bit of food and then just slowly walked away...uninterested. I offered her some wet food and she ate a decent amount of it (at two separate points) a little later. She's just laying around out of character. I'll watch her the rest of the day and make sure she continues eating (even if just a little) but will definitely make a vet appointment if she doesn't improve. It's so weird seeing her like this. :(
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited July 2015
    Is it just me or do guys have the best eyelashes? My brother was also extremely pretty when he was little. I remember people coming up to tell my dad what a ''beautiful little girl'' he had (meaning my brother, not me). My dad was always extremely insulted (''THAT is my SON'' :lol: ). He has huge blue eyes, extremely long eyelashes and (when he grows it out) beautiful thick and curly hair... plus he had very pouty, red lips when he was a toddler. I was always jealous.

    I tend to notice that, for the most part, guys have longer and thicker lashes than girls (minus mascara). :confused:

    @kelly_c_77 Best wishes to your little kitty! I love cats and I know how much it hurts seeing them sick or in pain. :( I hope Skye gets better soon.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Here's a confession: My willpower is terrible lately! I pretty much eat all of everything. I've given up on even trying to log it all, I'm so embarassed. Today is weigh in day and I'm up over 4 pounds from 2 weeks ago. I'm so scared of gaining back the weight I lost, nevermind I never made it to my goal. I wonder if I just need to take a break and reset or something. My exercise has been pretty consistent but I think I'm getting bored with that too. I signed up for a 5K and the end of the month so I think I will keep with the exercise schedule I'm doing until then. After that I want to start Stronglifts.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here's a confession: My willpower is terrible lately! I pretty much eat all of everything. I've given up on even trying to log it all, I'm so embarassed. Today is weigh in day and I'm up over 4 pounds from 2 weeks ago. I'm so scared of gaining back the weight I lost, nevermind I never made it to my goal. I wonder if I just need to take a break and reset or something. My exercise has been pretty consistent but I think I'm getting bored with that too. I signed up for a 5K and the end of the month so I think I will keep with the exercise schedule I'm doing until then. After that I want to start Stronglifts.

    You can't go wrong by starting Stronglifts!!! I love it!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I tend to notice that, for the most part, guys have longer and thicker lashes than girls (minus mascara). :confused:
    Agreed. The kind of eyelashes my mum always says are "Wasted on a man!"
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Happy 4th of July to all the Americans here! I'm secretly cussing myself out because I didn't think to take Thursday and Friday off (making a mini vacation with the weekend off) oh well!
    Now I'm wondering what I am going to do today during work, since yall are off and partying :(
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    There was a McNugget shaped hole in my life, and I sure filled it last night. Probably overfilled it in fact. Mmmmmm terrible, terrible McNuggets. I regret nothing.

    That made me laugh!!!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Just to illustrate how weird I am, this morning on my run I had a stretch of 3 songs that went like this:

    Sold (Grundy County Auction) by John Michael Montgomery
    Still Not A Player by Big Punisher
    Thunder Kiss '65 by White Zombie

    I also think this dates me a little.

    Please don't judge that I haven't figured out how to use the shuffle on my iPhone
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Is it just me or do guys have the best eyelashes? My brother was also extremely pretty when he was little. I remember people coming up to tell my dad what a ''beautiful little girl'' he had (meaning my brother, not me). My dad was always extremely insulted (''THAT is my SON'' :lol: ). He has huge blue eyes, extremely long eyelashes and (when he grows it out) beautiful thick and curly hair... plus he had very pouty, red lips when he was a toddler. I was always jealous.

    I tend to notice that, for the most part, guys have longer and thicker lashes than girls (minus mascara). :confused:

    @kelly_c_77 Best wishes to your little kitty! I love cats and I know how much it hurts seeing them sick or in pain. :( I hope Skye gets better soon.

    Actually, my sister has the same eyes as my brother, with even longer lashes! Her eyelashes are just crazy long... When she wears mascara, they start to look false! Let's see if I can find a toddler picture of HER... ;)


    ... The baby would be... Me. :p
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here's a confession: My willpower is terrible lately! I pretty much eat all of everything. I've given up on even trying to log it all, I'm so embarassed. Today is weigh in day and I'm up over 4 pounds from 2 weeks ago. I'm so scared of gaining back the weight I lost, nevermind I never made it to my goal. I wonder if I just need to take a break and reset or something. My exercise has been pretty consistent but I think I'm getting bored with that too. I signed up for a 5K and the end of the month so I think I will keep with the exercise schedule I'm doing until then. After that I want to start Stronglifts.

    You can't go wrong by starting Stronglifts!!! I love it!

    Awesome! I may have some questions for you when I get going, if you don't mind.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here's a confession: My willpower is terrible lately! I pretty much eat all of everything. I've given up on even trying to log it all, I'm so embarassed. Today is weigh in day and I'm up over 4 pounds from 2 weeks ago. I'm so scared of gaining back the weight I lost, nevermind I never made it to my goal. I wonder if I just need to take a break and reset or something. My exercise has been pretty consistent but I think I'm getting bored with that too. I signed up for a 5K and the end of the month so I think I will keep with the exercise schedule I'm doing until then. After that I want to start Stronglifts.
    Oh, I feel you on the lack of motivation. This last week mine went missing, but I told myself to keep logging. Maybe close your diary to friends (if it's open), so you don't feel embarrassed - you're then more likely to be honest with yourself.

    Regarding that four pounds. Maybe it's 'real' but quite possibly you can shift it by having a couple of water-heavy, food-light days. Spending a lot of time on the toilet helps a lot!

    Good luck - hope you can find your mojo again.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Well wishes for our little kitten Skye are welcomed today. She doesn't seem to be feeling well. Yesterday, she only ate a few bites of her dinner and definitely is wayyy more calm than her usual crazy self. This morning, she ate a teeny bit of food and then just slowly walked away...uninterested. I offered her some wet food and she ate a decent amount of it (at two separate points) a little later. She's just laying around out of character. I'll watch her the rest of the day and make sure she continues eating (even if just a little) but will definitely make a vet appointment if she doesn't improve. It's so weird seeing her like this. :(

    I really hope she's okay! It always scares me to hear these stories because one of our cats, Jameel, had those symptoms and we waited too long to take him to the vet--he died right there on the vet's table before they could do anything at all. :( Please do take her to the vet if she doesn't seem to improve right away!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Well wishes for our little kitten Skye are welcomed today. She doesn't seem to be feeling well. Yesterday, she only ate a few bites of her dinner and definitely is wayyy more calm than her usual crazy self. This morning, she ate a teeny bit of food and then just slowly walked away...uninterested. I offered her some wet food and she ate a decent amount of it (at two separate points) a little later. She's just laying around out of character. I'll watch her the rest of the day and make sure she continues eating (even if just a little) but will definitely make a vet appointment if she doesn't improve. It's so weird seeing her like this. :(

    Positive vibes heading your way!

    I hate it when animals are under the weather... wish they could talk so you could figure out what is bothering them! You're pretty much reduced to monitoring intake and output.

    Hope Skye is back to her usual self soon!