Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    alise_lmx wrote: »
    I like this thread idea, it's something I kind of do in my head on my own so I think writing it down today would help!

    Just for today I will focus on how I feel. My overeating comes from not dealing with my emotions. So if I eat out of boredom, frustration, or sadness, I need to just let those feelings happen and wait for them to pass. Eating isn't going to help them go away, it just makes it worse.

    So true! That is what my goal for today will be as well. Thanks for sharing.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Feel myself slipping a bit off my plan. So grateful for this thread.

    Track all meals - make healthy choices.
    Take kids for swim & try to do resistance exercise in water.
    Preplan for weekend.
    9 cups of water - min.
    Be positive!!
    Compliment someone.
    Want to make good choices this weekend!!

    Stay strong!!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I am feeling really down today, so I will have to work extra hard at eating healthy. I think it was being with so many friends, and then you come back home to the quiet. Quiet is nice, but I miss so much the big family get togethers we always had at the holidays, and just having friends around. It is just my husband and our daughter will mental illness, who is still in bed. Her illness has cost us many friends, as we cannot have people over like we used to, and we don't want to leave her here alone.

    So just for today....

    1. Keep busy this entire weekend, and look at the positives in life. We have each other. Even though my siblings are all in heaven, they would not want me to be sad.
    2. Plan my meals so I eat healthy. It will be OK to grill a hamburger, just plan to have it.
    3. Try and get in a long bike ride my myself this afternoon.

    Joan you are in my thoughts! I know how hard it can be. You have a great attitude!!! I will keep you in my prayers.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 20,000 steps :( 16,829
    2. walk, enjoy art festival, dance Cuban salsa! :)
    3. make reasonable choices when eating out :)

    I'm really having trouble with the heat (near 100 degrees for 10+ days, no end in site, no air conditioning) and I seem to be having a bad fibro flare. I am active and take good care of myself, so I rarely have flares. So frustrating not to be able to do what I want to do.

    1. Rest and try not to worry about lack of steps
    2. Stay on track with diet
    3. Swim

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    JFT, Thursday 7/2
    1) Workout 6AM
    2) Avoid complaining
    3) Practice patience

    “What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Don’t complain.”
    – Maya Angelou-

    ^Did that^ Not so good at patience

    The rest of today 7/3
    1) pack up printer to sent back to mfgr
    2) don't spend evening finishing the ginger snaps
    3) wash dishes
  • Golda5775
    Golda5775 Posts: 27 Member
    Just for today: Drink 3 litres of water! 0.79 of a gallon.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited July 2015
    JFT 3/07
    1. Pre-plan menus; stick to the plan. Stay under basic cal goal. :) over basic, but still in the green as I had plenty of exercise cals.
    2. 10,000+ steps. :) 10,200 +
    3. 40 minutes T'ai Chi for Legs/Flexibility. :( I got stuck in to the de-clutter and time just disappeared.
    4. Finish de clutter in computer room. :neutral: This has snow-balled. It will take another few sessions to finish.
    5. Go to Parchment Craft Group meeting after lunch. :) This was our last meeting before summer break. I had one treat and logged it. I had left calories in my per-plan to allow for this.
    6. Organise photo albums. :neutral: didn't fit this in.

    Those midnight munchies are hard to fight.
    When tiredness comes in the dark of night.
    Resolve is weak
    Temptation at its peak,
    Luring you to take 'just one bite'.

    This is a difficult one to deal with at times, I find.


    To all the Americans on site - Happy Independence Day!

    I feel very humble after reading some of the posts here, today. I have had my share of trauma and grief in the past so I empathise with them. However, life in retirement is relatively stress-free at the moment, so I am grateful for that.

    @joan6630 Keep thinking those positive thoughts, and I hope you managed that bike ride. Private time to think is so important. Treasure your memories of the good times.

    @alise_lmx This kind of focus helps me to deal with emotions, too. Understanding why you do certain things is the first step to finding different ways of dealing with them.

    @47Jacqueline I love that Maya Angelou quote. I find her writing is a great inspiration.

    JFT 4/07
    1. Focus on being grateful!
    2. Practise mindfulness.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just for today

    I resolve to not eat mindlessly.

    My father is in the hospital and is very sick. We don't know if he is going to survive this illness.

    Yesterday was a stressful day and I wanted to eat for comfort. Eating that way does not help but is so hard to control. Dad is in Pallative Care and a volunteer brought around fresh warm chocolate chip cookies to all the rooms!!
    Needless to say my resolve was weak and I ate one. It did fit in my calories so I guess I shouldn't stress about one cookie.

    I just don't want to lose control of my eating during this difficult time.
    Just keep my dad and our family in your prayers. Thanks to all for your support.
  • hsk1990
    hsk1990 Posts: 20 Member
    Just for today I am going to;
    1. Plan my meals so I can enjoy drinks with friends tonight while staying within my kcals
    2. Be mindful and avoid snacking
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    Just for today

    I resolve to not eat mindlessly.

    My father is in the hospital and is very sick. We don't know if he is going to survive this illness.

    Yesterday was a stressful day and I wanted to eat for comfort. Eating that way does not help but is so hard to control. Dad is in Pallative Care and a volunteer brought around fresh warm chocolate chip cookies to all the rooms!!
    Needless to say my resolve was weak and I ate one. It did fit in my calories so I guess I shouldn't stress about one cookie.

    I just don't want to lose control of my eating during this difficult time.
    Just keep my dad and our family in your prayers. Thanks to all for your support.

    I will do that, Vicky. It would take a saint to resist a warm cookie at the best of times. I don't think I could have stopped at just the one, sweetie. I remember how difficult it was with my own dear father. You can do this. Try to keep strong. :heart: :)

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    The rest of today 7/3
    1) pack up printer to sent back to mfgr
    2) don't spend evening finishing the ginger snaps
    3) wash dishes

    Yay! didn't eat cookies! And did everything else.

    JFT Saturday, 7/4
    1) Work on website
    2) Practice mindfulness
    3) Eat breakfast now (bye)

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy July 4th!!
    Thank you to all that are or have served in the armed forces! <3

    Fri 7/3/15
    :) 1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    :s 2. Work on cleaning the dining room
    :'( 3. Swimming pool with Grands

    My leg was hurting worse yesterday. The Dr. office is closed so if I need it checked I will need to go to ER. I really do not want to do that - but we will see how today goes.

    I was so disappointed I did not get to see the Grands swim, but I know there will be other days this summer. Our two grands from another city ended up staying at our son & family's home. But we will have those two tonight. DH will be here all day tomorrow so will help.

    Sat 7/4/15
    1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    2. Work on cleaning the dining room
    3. Get rooms ready for Grandkids tonight

    @vicky1947mfp I am so very sorry about your Father. My prayers are with you. It is so tough.
    @TerriRichardson112 Did you write the poem? It speaks to me!!

    I hope each of you enjoy this very special week-end!!

  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just for today

    I resolve to not eat mindlessly.

    My father is in the hospital and is very sick. We don't know if he is going to survive this illness.

    Yesterday was a stressful day and I wanted to eat for comfort. Eating that way does not help but is so hard to control. Dad is in Pallative Care and a volunteer brought around fresh warm chocolate chip cookies to all the rooms!!
    Needless to say my resolve was weak and I ate one. It did fit in my calories so I guess I shouldn't stress about one cookie.

    I just don't want to lose control of my eating during this difficult time.
    Just keep my dad and our family in your prayers. Thanks to all for your support.

    I will do that, Vicky. It would take a saint to resist a warm cookie at the best of times. I don't think I could have stopped at just the one, sweetie. I remember how difficult it was with my own dear father. You can do this. Try to keep strong. :heart: :)

    Thank you Terri
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 20,000 steps :( 16,829
    2. walk, enjoy art festival, dance Cuban salsa! :)
    3. make reasonable choices when eating out :)

    I'm really having trouble with the heat (near 100 degrees for 10+ days, no end in site, no air conditioning) and I seem to be having a bad fibro flare. I am active and take good care of myself, so I rarely have flares. So frustrating not to be able to do what I want to do.

    1. Rest and try not to worry about lack of steps :)
    2. Stay on track with diet :)
    3. Swim :(

    Feeling a little better today. Forgot to wear my Fitbit all morning though...oops!

    1.10,000 steps
    2. Latin dancing and fireworks on a rooftop!
    3. Do not drink too much
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    So have been A.W.O.L. A couple of days. Been logging but missing target so not super keen to come on here and 'fess up.
    Bad side: Been over net calorie target every day this week, with a couple of really hideous overeat
    Good side: Did 90 mins gardening in yesterday's heat and was pouring with sweat from the effort.... and... Did a 3 hour walk today in the sunshine and although I am still a bit over calories (enjoyed ice cream X 2 in the sunshine) it was a bit better.
    New day tomorrow.
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Sunday's goals:
    - do some gardening for exercise
    - stay within net calorie goals for the day. No ifs, no buts
    - get a couple of house chores done that I've been putting off (ironing, washing kitchen floor)
    - do my meditation earlier in the day so I can stay more connected and at peace for the day
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    Rebamae wrote: »
    Happy July 4th!!
    Thank you to all that are or have served in the armed forces! <3

    Fri 7/3/15
    :) 1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    :s 2. Work on cleaning the dining room
    :'( 3. Swimming pool with Grands

    My leg was hurting worse yesterday. The Dr. office is closed so if I need it checked I will need to go to ER. I really do not want to do that - but we will see how today goes.

    I was so disappointed I did not get to see the Grands swim, but I know there will be other days this summer. Our two grands from another city ended up staying at our son & family's home. But we will have those two tonight. DH will be here all day tomorrow so will help.

    Sat 7/4/15
    1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    2. Work on cleaning the dining room
    3. Get rooms ready for Grandkids tonight

    @vicky1947mfp I am so very sorry about your Father. My prayers are with you. It is so tough.
    @TerriRichardson112 Did you write the poem? It speaks to me!!

    I hope each of you enjoy this very special week-end!!

    :)@Rebamae :) Yes! Poetry is my thing lol

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy Sunday B)

    One of the meds I am taking for the blood clot has cut my appetite to nothing. That is wonderful but what happens when I go off of it. That part has me concerned.

    We have two grandkids with us today so we will see how my leg handles that. DH is here so he will help if I have a lot of pain again.

    Sat 7/4/15
    :) 1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    :) 2. Work on cleaning the dining room
    :) 3. Get rooms ready for Grandkids tonight
    Yesterday was a great day - not as much pain!

    Sun 7/5/15
    1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    2. Finish the dining room
    3. Entertain the Grandkids

    I hope each of you have a blessed Sunday.

  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    just for today I will stay within 1200 cal and drink at least one cup of green tea
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    Feeling a little better today. Forgot to wear my Fitbit all morning though...oops!

    1.10,000 steps :) 13,449 (plus probably about 2000 more when I wasn't wearing Fitbit)
    2. Latin dancing and fireworks on a rooftop! :)
    3. Do not drink too much :neutral: er, well, um...didn't, at least not until I got home

    Not feeling great today--very upset about something non-diet-related. Need to force myself to get to the gym and do more than just stay in bed all day. So,

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. lift heavy things
    3. eat...food

    I guess my expectations are a bit low today.