July 2015 Running Challenge



  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    This is my first running challenge so I will start myself off with a gentle 25km.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @runningmischka we are big soccer fans and have been for years, Skip plays for her high school team. Very exciting time! I remember the '99 team winning.
    @shanaber it's been a treat so far. So my friend and I go to rent me a car and she says her drive mine back to the office I'm like what and she hands me the "key" to her new Mercedes are you nuts!? First I don't now where I am and second I don't know where I am LOL So she goes in the airport and I look at the gear shift and I'm like WTH you just push it certain ways for certain gears like turning on windshield wipers. I got back here and check 1,000 times to make sure it was actually in park! The gym is actually nice for a hotel gym except for the hot thing.
  • dbienz
    dbienz Posts: 188 Member
    100 miles! Gotta start that marathon training :sweat_smile:

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Hotter afternoon run with a friend. Still, figure I'd get in more miles up north before returning to the hot south next week.

    7/1 - 6 miles
    7/2 - 6 miles (w. 0.25-mile-0.25 ladder @ 1:45 pace)
    7/3 - 5 miles w. strides
    7/5 - 13 miles
    7/6 - 6.5 miles

    Total: 36.5 miles, 1 speedwork session
    Goal: 140 miles, 5 speedwork sessions
    Remaining: 103.5 miles, 4 speedwork sessions
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    2 mi. Total 3.25 towards 20.
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    Double post Monday! Had an unplanned long walk with both my babies :smiley:

    7/1 = 5 miles
    7/2 = 6 miles @ 6 weeks postpartum!
    7/3 = weight training in the morning, 4 miles stroller walk
    7/4 = Rest day, holiday dinner with the family and a very cranky baby. Add a dog terrified by the fireworks, shaking, panting and salivating on my bed, and you get the whole picture of my 4th of July night. Breath in…Breath out…
    7/5 = 4 miles, hot and humid, but I needed it for my sanity.
    7/6 = 3 miles run. Super hot, humid, yucky but an outside run it was!
    3 miles evening walk. Felt much better!

  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member
    July Goals:
    13 runs. (3)
    67km (15km)
    10 minute intervals (6.30)
    6km long run. (5km)
    5km under 40min (42.53)

    2 July.......5km.........5.30min int......42.53m
    4 July.......5km.........6min int...........43.23m
    6 July.......5km.........6.30min...........43.31m

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @Runningmischka - When you run, are you running with the baby and a stroller? Your 4th did sound very stressful. :scream:
    @skippygirlsmom - lol on driving the co-worker's car.
    @shanaber - oh gosh, SCARY on the knee. Glad it didn't hurt today. I agree on sidewalks. While I'm visiting my daughter up here in NY I have tried to be so cautious because the sidewalks are like an obstacle course in some areas.
    @toriraeh - This is an awesome group of people who have really inspired me! I know some people don't like running with music but I just have to have my music. I have several playlists and change them around. I'll get stuck on one playlist for a while and then when I go back to an older one, I feel so great.

  • Aresende90
    Aresende90 Posts: 70 Member
    Update: I was at my nieces birthday party yesterday and my sisters friend, an athletic trainer, did a little eval on my knee. She said it's definitely ITBS and to use a foam roller, rest and recommended a few stretches. Thank you all for the tips and encouragement. Hopefully I will be up and running by the end of the week!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    toriraeh wrote: »
    I want to thank everyone for their support so far! All the nice things you've had to say have been so helpful and seeing everyone's successes has been really inspiring. Keep up the awesome job, guys!!

    Week 4 Day 2 of C25K. Listened to some good music to get me through that last really rough five minutes, but I made it!

    @toriraeh, there are probably going to be times you hate running. Times you wonder why in the heck you're out there, why you're putting yourself through the pain, struggle and misery. I've found that those are the times that are key for me to take a step forward. If you can bear down and get through those struggles, you may surprise yourself with what you can do and what you can handle, and that will give you more strength and confidence, not just in running but in other aspects of life.

    I look forward to reading about more of your successes!

    @7lenny7 you couldn't have said it better. I've asked myself "why" so many times lately. But then I look at my metrics and see "why". And the couch is over rated any how. :wink:

    @skippygirlsmom I had the choice of a Mercedes or the BMW a few months ago. I can still feel that giddiness of standing next to it thinking about owning it. It was intoxicating. I had to walk away. I do regret not, at least, test driving it. But I thought I might spontaneous combust if I sat in that car (or pee myself or squeal all day and not be able to utter an intelligible word). My BMW has paddles too for things you don't on the American cars, but not the shifter. Swanky :wink:

    @toriraeh welcome. I love music runs. Remember being a young teen and hiding in your room with the headphones? Running with music is the adult way to do that.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @ddmom0811 and @toriraeh - I also have to have music when I run. I was talking with another runner friend and she doesn't like to listen to music when she runs because she sings out loud with the music and the lyrics may not be appropriate for the general public. I sing out loud and figure it warns them that I am coming and hopefully they can't understand the lyrics :laugh:
    @skippygirlsmom - love the new Mercedes! I would be terrified driving it too, though!
    @unrelentingminx - welcome to the group!
    @Runningmischka - The soccer game was awesome! My husband taped it and we even went back to the beginning to re-watch the initial goals! WOW!
  • ShortMrsN
    ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
    ShortMrsN wrote: »
    Going to stick to my 50km goal, but first 2 weeks of July is school holidays so not sure how I'll go (husband is away a lot in July too, so no evening runs.....) :/

    Add in a chest infection :(
    Had the exact same thing last year......I might end up taking the month off to make sure it is gone......I didn't realise it was a chest infection last year and ran a couple times and made myself worse!!

    Have a great running month everyone!!

  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    It was a lazy weekend. But after mowing the lawn today, at least I managed 2.75 miles. Total of 8 miles out of 35 so far.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    July goal 70 miles

    7/1 Snorkel 3 hours
    7/2 6.25
    7/3 horribly ill
    7/4 moderately ill
    7/5 well enough to do 2.55
    7/6 3.15

    Total 12.15

    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)


    @shanaber : thanks and I hope your knee tweak is just a twinge.....I love watching agility!
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member


    6.3 miles this morning

  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    @Runningmischka Congrats - what a cutie!
    @jayme03 @seomra Fab that you're both getting back out there!

    I'm putting myself down for 80 miles again this month.

  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    Off to a great start...

  • seomra
    seomra Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks Pandora, I just have to get out there! Good luck with the challenge
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    7/1: 6.5 miles
    7/2: 6.5 miles with the Thursday running crew
    7/3: Rest
    7/4: 3.1 miles (New 5k PR of 23:42!)
    7/5: 12 miles
    7/6: 4 miles eeeeeeasy recovery pace
    7/7: 5 miles of easy "I'm drowning in humidity" pace

    37.1/175 miles

  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Finally figured out a plan for this month and my goal is 75 miles. I'm about 90% sure I will be signing up for half marathons in September and October, so I started training again last week.

    7/1 - 2 miles
    7/2 - 3 miles
    7/4 - 4 miles
    7/5 - 6 miles
