I'm stuck



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    suger723 wrote: »
    With my size I get tired very quickly, I don't do exercise. I do walk alot daily and in the summer months I go swimming almost daily, and not just floating around in the water active swimming at least 30 mind after dinner lately

    Walking and swimming are GREAT exercises! There's a woman here who's lost over 100 pounds from walking alone. Check out this thread: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10182633/benefits-of-walking/p1
  • suger723
    suger723 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm sorry if I'm defensive, but I'm used to people looking down upon me my whole life. My father has gotten the lap band down and it's not a option for me due to lack of insurance. I work full time IVE never been a sit at home couch potato . I don't do exercise except walking and swimming because I physically can't do it. My knees kill me just walking around with the weight they have on top of them. I was able to loose weight before consuming phentermine but I don't know how much accurately because the Drs office in small towns don't go past 500lbs. And I was over that when I began trying to loose weight last May 2014 as off may this year I was down to 498, and now on phentermine I'm down to 459 as of this morning but the last two weeks I only lost 1 lb. My Dr office still can't weigh me, their scale only goes up to 400 I weigh myself twice a week at work on the scale we use to purchase Scrap as I work at a scrap yard. This last weeks logs I honestly went and ate more like I did in the past due to holidays and my daughters birthday
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    So you are losing weight. There could be other reasons other than inaccurate logging that will keep you from seeing a loss every week (sodium intake, hormones, stress, water intake). It's still better if you take a look at purchasing a food scale to start weighing things.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Being defensive is understandable. If you can get past that to listen to what people are telling you, you can get going in the right direction. No one here is telling you stuff to make you fail.

    It might be hard to hear and it will be hard to do, but it will work.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Suger, all you can do at this point is move forward. As I mentioned above (see here), walking and swimming can burn lots of calories. I walk up to 13 km per day (8 miles) and that gives me quite a few calories burned. (This is an actual walk, not just my daily steps around the house) The more you weigh, the more calories said walk will burn, too. Re-read my post above, and start making changes you can live with.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    Like said here before
    Start weighing your food on a food scale ( and i eat everything except salt for medical reasons)
    log it here eat around your calorie allowance and lose weight
    btw you dont even have to exercise ( like me in the beginning) to lose weight. It all starts in the kitchen.

    I couldn't walk when i started
    now i can walk 3.5 miles if i want to But i also swim and i like that more atm. ( hot Vegas weather)

    So i weighed my food on a food scale ( everything i dont use cups and spoons or serving sizes). I walked and swim
    And lost


    It is up to you what you do and how much you want this.
    The only magic there is is you have to eat less than you burn!
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    It's everyone's natural response to be defensive and we get that. With that said, when you post a question to a large community, we're going to dig in and try to help. It may sound like judgement but it comes from knowing what we've done in the past and what had worked. We want that for you!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    The good news is, you don't have to exercise to lose weight. Diet controls weight loss and as you lose weight, you can add whatever you can.

    Regarding accuracy, it's a proven fact humans tend to under report their calories in and over report calories out. And even highly trained individuals can understimate as much as 400 calories. So we aren't blaming you, we are just speaking from facts provided by studies.

    Second, since it's only two weeks, you probably have water retention issues, especially since you are on medications. That will tend to happen. Try to look at things over a 4-6 week trend.

    Third, try to log daily and pick up a food scale. Typically, when people aren't losing it's one of three things, 1. accuracy, 2. consistency, and 3. patience. All three should be there before you modify.

  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    walking is one of the best exercises you can do for weight loss. Even if you can just do it for 15 minutes at a time, try to do it. Before you know it, you'll be able to do it for 30 minutes, then 60 minutes, etc. Baby steps. Just do what you CAN do, then later on, add other things.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,786 Member
    edited July 2015
    I re-read the while thread because I honestly tried to see where someone had been mean.

    I saw a couple of clearly light hearted posts and a whole whack of seriously trying to be helpful posts.

    Red bulk + amphetamine = two simulants. Doesn't sound like a great idea.

    Food choices. Maybe I missed something in your diary and my random sample was not representative.

    The Twinkie or McDonald's diet to lose weight do exist. And you will lose weight regardless of what you eat if you eat less calories than you spend.

    That part is true.

    It is also true that one hot dog on a bun is more calories than an egg mcmuffin. It is also true that three hard boiled eggs, or a two egg spinach omelette is less calories than either.

    At some point you will have to actively involve your brain and your ability to choose the foods you eat if you want to achieve weight loss and a healthy family.

    If you don't know how to cook, or what foods to choose, this can be fixed with a little bit of effort.

    If you don't have the finances to make better choices, best alternatives can be found.

    But if you think that you will continue to live your life on automatic without actively engaging your brain, and energy, and effort in making continous and conscious food choices that will lead to better health outcomes.... sorry, you're heading back to where you started.

    What do you think will happen if i eat nothing all day and then walk into a KFC?

    Am I able to make rational choices at that time? I am flipping hungry and I'm in a high calorie food establishment!

    What would happen if i had prepared pre logged food that i had eaten when i was hungry (or at a pre-set time everyday)? I just would not be in the same position, would I?

    You are not a passenger in your life and you don't need drugs.

    You do need to put in the time and effort to make better choices that you pre plan and execute.

    If you want it enough.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,786 Member
    Dang. I see I flew off the handle and things changed while I was away.

    OP do not destroy your knees trying to exercise right now.

    You will need them later when you will be able to exercise much more effectively.

    Water based exercise is more than enough for you to lose weight on right now.
  • cath1965
    cath1965 Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2015
    I think your body is going into starvation mode because you are not fueling it. Exercise or no exercise your body needs nutrients. Maybe your doctor can refer you to a nutritionist. I think you may need some guidance on healthy food and meal ideas. I know it helped me to talk to someone. And I thought I knew it all! Read everything you can to educate yourself. Dr. Oz is great to refer to. I like the 21 day fix program. It gives you the right portion sizes and stresses the importance of eating real food. Meal prepping always helps me to stay on track. When I am not prepared with food, I grab whatever. If I skip meals it always backfires. You are better off drinking a healthy protein shake with good protein powder and unsweetened almond or cashew milk than skipping breakfast. Pack snack packs of veggies for the week and keep them in the fridge with snack packs of hummus ready to go. A big bowl of apples. (slice them with cinnamon!) Unsweetened greek yogurt with cinnamon and a drizzle of honey with fresh berries. I need to fuel my body every 2 - 3 hours. Not big meals but, real clean food. I always say eat as close to the ground as you can. As real as it can get. That is what has helped me. Hang in there, taking baby steps add up. Focus on one thing a week to improve...non of us are perfect. It all takes time.

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Walking and swimming are great exercise. I put on a lot of weight when I quit swimming, I had no idea just how many calories I was burning in that pool! If you feel a need to change it up, go on Youtube and search for "chair workout". You'll find a bunch of actual workouts, very good calorie burners/strength improvers, that you can do sitting down.

    You are where you are right now - no shame in owning your starting point. But that's all it is. One day you will reach your goal weight and that day will be awesome, but remember that you have to actually LIVE all of the days between now and then. The more extreme and desperate you go, the less you're going to enjoy your life. The more deliberate and thoughtful you go, the more you'll be able to appreciate and enjoy all of the gradual changes and small victories along the way.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Being as overweight as you are doesn't just put stress on your knees, it also puts stress on your heart. Be very careful about taking any over-the-counter pills. Not only are they a waste of money and unlikely to work, most of them contain stimulants. In your situation, that is an extremely risky proposition.

    Have you been evaluated by an endocrinologist at any point?
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    OP, don't skip meals. As someone above said, when you skip meals, you get famished and then you eat what is within sight. That's human nature.

    Spend some time planning your day's and week's meals. A little pre-planning goes a looong way, especially when you are busy. Keep healthy foods and snacks on hand so when you are hungry, you can eat something a little more nutritious than a gas station hot dog (not that those are necessarily bad when eaten in moderation, but they don't go very far in providing healthy nutrition and they are a huge amount of calories for not much food!). Pack your lunch to take to work. A sandwich with cheese, lean meat and some veggies, a microwave-cup of soup and a piece of fruit would go a long way in keeping you from getting so hungry that you wanted to eat anything you laid your eyes on for dinner. It would also provide some great nutrition to keep you going throughout the day. Plan your dinners so you have something ready to go when you get home. Crock pots are a great tool for having something ready without much work. Also, it's summer, take advantage of your grill if you have one. Everything tastes better on a grill!

    Seriously, you don't have to exercise to lose weight. You just need to get a serious handle on your food. You can eat a diet entirely of junk food and still lose weight - as long as you are eating at a caloric deficit - however, eating a well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, will make you feel a whole lot better, have more energy and be much more satisfying. Don't give up everything you love, just make sure you are eating it all in moderation.

    I will reiterate that meeting with a registered dietitian might be really beneficial to you. Your doctor could probably recommend someone.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    cath1965 wrote: »
    I think your body is going into starvation mode because you are not fueling it. Exercise or no exercise your body needs nutrients. Maybe your doctor can refer you to a nutritionist. I think you may need some guidance on healthy food and meal ideas. I know it helped me to talk to someone. And I thought I knew it all! Read everything you can to educate yourself. Dr. Oz is great to refer to. I like the 21 day fix program. It gives you the right portion sizes and stresses the importance of eating real food. Meal prepping always helps me to stay on track. When I am not prepared with food, I grab whatever. If I skip meals it always backfires. You are better off drinking a healthy protein shake with good protein powder and unsweetened almond or cashew milk than skipping breakfast. Pack snack packs of veggies for the week and keep them in the fridge with snack packs of hummus ready to go. A big bowl of apples. (slice them with cinnamon!) Unsweetened greek yogurt with cinnamon and a drizzle of honey with fresh berries. I need to fuel my body every 2 - 3 hours. Not big meals but, real clean food. I always say eat as close to the ground as you can. As real as it can get. That is what has helped me. Hang in there, taking baby steps add up. Focus on one thing a week to improve...non of us are perfect. It all takes time.

    So Much NO in this. This is not starvation mode ! Meal timing is irrelevant ! ugh NO DR oz ! All this food you tlak about is to big of a change for her.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    cath1965 wrote: »
    I think your body is going into starvation mode because you are not fueling it. Exercise or no exercise your body needs nutrients. Maybe your doctor can refer you to a nutritionist. I think you may need some guidance on healthy food and meal ideas. I know it helped me to talk to someone. And I thought I knew it all! Read everything you can to educate yourself. Dr. Oz is great to refer to. I like the 21 day fix program. It gives you the right portion sizes and stresses the importance of eating real food. Meal prepping always helps me to stay on track. When I am not prepared with food, I grab whatever. If I skip meals it always backfires. You are better off drinking a healthy protein shake with good protein powder and unsweetened almond or cashew milk than skipping breakfast. Pack snack packs of veggies for the week and keep them in the fridge with snack packs of hummus ready to go. A big bowl of apples. (slice them with cinnamon!) Unsweetened greek yogurt with cinnamon and a drizzle of honey with fresh berries. I need to fuel my body every 2 - 3 hours. Not big meals but, real clean food. I always say eat as close to the ground as you can. As real as it can get. That is what has helped me. Hang in there, taking baby steps add up. Focus on one thing a week to improve...non of us are perfect. It all takes time.

    @suger723 please ignore most of what is in this post. Dr Oz is the worst person you could ever listen to except for FoodBabe. Starvation mode only happens when you are literally starving for an extended period of time.

    Meal prep - yes
    Clean food - meaningless phrase
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    suger723 wrote: »
    I was doing good on this medicine phentermine and losing weight and now two weeks in a row I haven't lost anything. I'm still watching very closely what I eat, but it's not helping. Can anyone recommend a possible Carb burner or fat blocker that I could take along with my prescription medicine? I have so much weight to lose and it's hard not to get discouraged when I know IVE cut back Sooo much and the scale isn't moving!

    You're already going to get a lot of people saying "Don't take the pills!" So I'll just add my $0.02 in.

    Please let your doctor know before mixing ANY other meds (over the counter or otherwise) or supplements with Phentermine. Seriously, that could lead to health issues that you'll never be able to correct.

    This ^. and while on Phentermine practice better food choice and learn to count calories. Give it more time.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    cath1965 wrote: »
    I think your body is going into starvation mode because you are not fueling it. Exercise or no exercise your body needs nutrients. Maybe your doctor can refer you to a nutritionist. I think you may need some guidance on healthy food and meal ideas. I know it helped me to talk to someone. And I thought I knew it all! Read everything you can to educate yourself. Dr. Oz is great to refer to. I like the 21 day fix program. It gives you the right portion sizes and stresses the importance of eating real food. Meal prepping always helps me to stay on track. When I am not prepared with food, I grab whatever. If I skip meals it always backfires. You are better off drinking a healthy protein shake with good protein powder and unsweetened almond or cashew milk than skipping breakfast. Pack snack packs of veggies for the week and keep them in the fridge with snack packs of hummus ready to go. A big bowl of apples. (slice them with cinnamon!) Unsweetened greek yogurt with cinnamon and a drizzle of honey with fresh berries. I need to fuel my body every 2 - 3 hours. Not big meals but, real clean food. I always say eat as close to the ground as you can. As real as it can get. That is what has helped me. Hang in there, taking baby steps add up. Focus on one thing a week to improve...non of us are perfect. It all takes time.

    @suger723 please ignore most of what is in this post. Dr Oz is the worst person you could ever listen to except for FoodBabe. Starvation mode only happens when you are literally starving for an extended period of time.

    Meal prep - yes
    Clean food - meaningless phrase

    +1. Ugh. everything in this post is wrong. There is no starvation mode as explained here and Dr. Oz is a quack who should be stripped of his medical license!

    There is just SO much wrong with this post! Gah!
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    OP- weight will not disappear overnight. It was hard for me to hear as well. Then I realized, I spent over 3 years putting on 50lbs, why in the world would I think it would come off in 6 months? It will take time and there will be weeks that you don't lose, but honestly, you will lose more eating at least 1200 calories (albeit 1500-1800 calories) than you will eating nothing. I know it sounds crazy but sometimes you have to eat to lose.

    Also, I had to figure out that I can eat 2 big mac's for the entire day or I can eat 6 meals with nutrition dense foods for the same amount of calories. You can eat processed, fatty foods. But you will get to eat more food all day by eating healthier food, such as chicken and vegetables, whole grains, low calorie breads, lean hamburger, etc, etc. I have found I can still eat my favorite foods, but I just had to learn how to lighten them up. Sloppy Joe's? Heck yes! But I used turkey or 93/7 hamburger, and low sodium manwich, and low calorie whole breads or sandwich thins. And because of that I had the calories left to enjoy some baked French Fries and a dynamite salad and some steamed broccoli and.... you see what I mean?

    Also, I am the first to say--- the big mac sounded so much better. I can't say that now. After eating healthy, I crave healthy food. In fact if I ate a big mac now it would probably make me a little nauseous. I love that it's like that. It keeps me in check. I also crave sugar during TOM. I try little quips with myself such as "If you want that cake you can have it tomorrow" I make promises to myself and usually I have forgotten all about it by that time. Of I switch it out for a mini cup of birthday cake ice cream with 110 calories and a dollop of cool whip with 15 calories.

    Lastly, you have lost 39lbs!!!! That is amazing no matter how much you started at. You deserve to feel good about that! And when you really commit and log and try to walk for 15-30 minutes a day, you will see that trend continue. When I first started with a BMI of 40.5, the first thing my doc did was prescribe me Phentermine. I realized right away that it wasn't for me and that there was a healthier way to handle this. Plus, I have self esteem issues and no amount of medication would have made me stop eating when I was depressed or feeling lost. That had to be dealt with first.

    Good luck with your journey. I hope this helped even a little bit.